
Yoruldum bu dunyanin ikiyuzlulugunden,
Y;z;me g;l;p, arkamdan konu;anlardan,
Beni oldu;um gibi de;il, g;rmek istedikleri gibi g;renlerden,
B;t;n iyi niyyetlerimi k;t; ama;lara harcayanlardan.

Yalanlardan, dolanlardan, sahte dostluklardan,
Bo; s;zlerden yoruldum, yalan sevdalardan,
;nsana insan laz;m, do;ru, ama insan olmu; daha k;t; hayvandan,
Hayvan alemine hakaret ederim bunu s;ylersem, ne yalan?

;nsan ya;lan;nca yorulurmu; hayattan,
Ya;lanmadan yoruldum ben daha...
G;rd;;;m kadar, hep ayn;, hi; de;i;mez bu d;nyan;n d;zeni, bo;u bo;una benim isyan,
Ne g;ky;z;, ne yerlere s;;ar bu h;sran!

Annie Moonlight

I am tired (rough translation)

I am tired of the hypocrisy of this world,
From those who smile at my face and talk behind my back,
From those who see me as I am, not as I am,
From those who spend all my good intentions on bad intentions.

From lies, filled, fake friendships,
I'm tired of empty words, fake love,
Human needs human, right, but human is worse than animal,
I would insult animal world if I say this, what a lie?

People get tired of life when they get older,
I am tired before getting old...
As I see, it's always the same, the order of this world never changes, my rebellion is in vain,
This disappointment fits neither the sky nor the ground!

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