Favorite republic!!!

Favorite republic!!!
Beloved country!!!
Of the pearls.
Russians live here,
Tatars and Bashkirs.
Udmurts and Chuvashs,
And our republic.
No, it's worse all over the world.
And every nation in it is like beads in a necklace,
Which everyone is happy to wear.
And glorify his republic,
And beloved country Russia.
And in the world declare itself,
What do you say about you?
And what is such a paradise place on earth,
Where the tale lives in Java, not in a dream.
I am so proud to live here,
And I give you my heart.
My republic is my planet,
After all, my dreams live here.
After all, you are the soul of a big country,
Whose name is Russia.
Where we live.
And give peace and peace to the planet of the whole,
After all, we are a rich and integral chest of ideas.
And peace as a whole on earth,
Thanks for the whole republic to you.
And I thank Russia wholeheartedly,
For being born here and living here.

Стих Любимая республика!!! На английском языке.
