Altered states of mind.
A drop of acid on a sugar cube. 
Cannabis or Himalayan honey on the tip of tongue
to spread it slowly on the palate.

Running in the morning barefoot.
Inhaling the tenderness of flowers of robinia and cattails.
Exhaling bitterness of life in self imposed prison.

Let me a piece of practice:
Jump from the cliff into the river.
Pull your waist out of the water.
Shout with all your might:
"That's the essence of Eternal life!!!"
and then listen to the echoes from distant stars.
Swim downstream with a pentagonal star on your back. 
Meet the gaze of an angel and ask her:
"Whose are you?"
Let you feel to the bottom of your psych
the absurdity of human life and your omnipotence. 
Do not be afraid to continue living.
Don't be afraid to rejoice.
Dive into endless current of love.
Those who were before you are within you
and those who will be after you are also within you.
You're the kids of the Great Father.
The Universe belongs to you.
 © Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2020
