As-Safi Octalogy by Shukur Tebuev. Guide

Îêòàëîãèÿ "Àñ-Ñàôè" – ýïè÷åñêàÿ äðàìà ñ ýëåìåíòàìè ëèðèêè ôèëîñîôñêî-äèäàêòè÷åñêîãî ñîäåðæàíèÿ â 8 ÷àñòÿõ, 40 êíèãàõ, 124 òûñÿ÷àõ áåéòîâ – êðóïíåéøåå ïîýòè÷åñêîå ïðîèçâåäåíèå ìèðà îäíîãî àâòîðà (~346K/~920Ê, ìàòåðèàëû ãîòîâÿòñÿ ê ïóáëèêàöèè). Ëèòåðàòóðíûé êîëîññ êàðà÷àåâñêîãî ïèñàòåëÿ óæå îáîø¸ë ïî îáú¸ìàì ãðå÷åñêóþ "Èëèàäó-Îäèññåþ" Ãîìåðà (29Ê), èíäèéñêóþ "Ðàìàÿíó" Âàëüìèêè (48Ê), ïåðñèäñêîå "Øàõ-íàìý" Ôèðäîóñè (120Ê) è èíäèéñêóþ "Ìàõàáõàðàòó" Âüÿñû (180K), ïîêà óñòóïàÿ ëèøü êûðãûçñêîìó ýïîñó "Ìàíàñ" (396-416~500Ê). Îêòàëîãèÿ íè â ïå÷àòíîì âèäå, íè â ýëåêòðîííîì âàðèàíòå íå ïðîäàâàëàñü è íå ïðîäà¸òñÿ – íàõîäÿñü â ñâîáîäíîì äîñòóïå äëÿ âñåãî ÷åëîâå÷åñòâà.
Îêòàëîãèÿ "Àñ-Ñàôè" Øóêóðà Òåáóåâà íà îôèöèàëüíûõ ðåñóðñàõ ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ:

Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé ïðîôèëü ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ
ßíäåêñ Äçåí
Áèáëèîòåêà Ïîýçèè

As-Safi Octalogy. Detailed content of the work

  13/03/2020 AS-SAFI GUIDE

The largest poetry work of the world written by one person: As-Safi Octalogy (VIII Parts, 40 Books) and 186,000 lines of Shukur Tebuev, Karachai poet from Russia
Shukur Tebuev was born after the deportation of Karachai people from the North Caucasus to Central Asia (1943-1957) in 1944 in Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Shota Rustaveli state theatre Institute in Tbilisi in 1972. Tebuev worked on state television in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic as a Regisseur, editor, and journalist.
In October 2019, Karachai poet completed the first third of the work, beating Firdowsi’s Shah-nama (120,000) and India’s Mahabharata (180,000). The work tells the Story of the World from its creation to its intended end in the context of the history of the Prophets of all Abrahamic religions. Let’s hope that soon we will see a poetic battle between As-Safi and the Kyrgyz Manas, the largest poetic work in the world.

As-Safi Octalogy. Part I. Autad (Abyat 1 — 8,000)

As-Safi — means Clear. Autad — means Mainstays. The unusual nature of the genre and presentation of the material of the first four books of Octalogy will not leave indifferent philologists, historians, philosophers and will please connoisseurs of oriental poetry. Nearly 24 thousand lines — it’s Odin and his ancestors from Homer’s Troy, Jordan and the ancient Turkic runes, the shirt of the Prophet and the chain mail of ‘Ali, Caesar and the Trojan horse, episodes of biographies of Prophets and Saints, ancient Turkic kagans and eastern rulers, ghazals and rubye, hundreds-pyramids, thoughts about life and the fight against ego, the story of the creation of the world and its expected end, Gharib and his beloved Princess-Samurai…

As-Safi. Autad. Book 1. Visit

Chapter 1. Start
Chapter 2. Rulers in Earth History
Chapter 3. Alans — the beginning of the road
Chapter 4. Huns redraw the world
Chapter 5. Wave after wave
Chapter 6. Bulgarian-aces
Chapter 7. On the power of intention
Chapter 8. About the «eternal, infinite» universe
Chapter 9. Khazars
Chapter 10. The heyday of Alanya
Chapter 11. Mongols
Chapter 12. Samarkand arrow
Chapter 13. Until the twentieth century
Chapter 14. About the heathen fire-worshiper who went to Paradise
Chapter 15. «Younger Edda»: Odin and his aces — T;rks, immigrants from Troy
Chapter 16. «Elder Edda»: the alleged etymology of the names of the main characters
Chapter 17. Edda: conclusions and questions
Chapter 18. Karachay people’s heroic epic «Nartla»: roots
Chapter 19. Who are the saints?
Chapter 20. Drum
Chapter 21. Going against God — life lives alone
Chapter 22. Karachay in World War II
Chapter 23. Karachay’s unconquered poet (Azamat Suyunchev)
Chapter 24. Final

As-Safi. Autad. Book 2. Sultan

Diwan of Shakkur al-Haddadi

Ghazals 1-10
Ghazals 11-20
Ghazals 21-30
Ghazals 31-40
Ghazals 41-50
Ghazals 51-60
Ghazals 61-70
Ghazals 71-80
Ghazals 81-90
Ghazals 91-100
Ghazals 101-121


Rubye 1-23
Rubye 24. Train
Rubye 25. Trident
Rubye 26. Waterfall
Rubye 27-30
Rubye 31. Untitled
Rubye 32-40
Rubye 41-60
Rubye 61-100
Rubye 101-144

As-Safi. Autad. Book 3. Ahram

Pyramid 1. Caesar
Pyramid 2. Abu Jahl — Pharaoh of the Arabs
Pyramid 3. Sheikh Yusuf al-Hamadani and his three visitors
Pyramid 4. Trojan horse
Pyramid 5. Eureka!
Pyramid 6. 4 times
Pyramid 7. 2 stories
Pyramid 8. Why fight ego?
Pyramid 9. Jealous Beauty
Pyramid 10. About Eutibida with Enomai — we know
Pyramid 11. Honorary place of Abu Yusuf
Pyramid 12. Chainmail ‘Ali
Pyramid 13. Very rich
Pyramid 14. Definition of life?
Pyramid 15. Writing music has always been so amazing
Pyramid 16. Ball
Pyramid 17. Iron
Pyramid 18. Khatm

As-Safi. Autad. Book 4. Spring

First part
Second part

As-Safi Octalogy. Part II. Two Imams (Abyat 8,001 — 10,000)

Two Imams is the continuation of Autad. The reader will be surprised at the vicissitudes of the search for Gharib, the unusual structure of the universe, the infinite power of Eternal Love. Which, drowning itself and drowning devotees, gives hope to those who have made their choice. The beloved of oriental poetry is God. Gharib is a substance that is not connected with the material world, striving for the Absolute and finding peace only in Him. At the same time, Sakrademi (Princess-Samurai) — is a real image, now living among us, which has become a prototype and a tribute to the Masters of the word of the past. She shines brightly and rightfully bears her name Sakrademi — The Most Beautiful Girl of the World. Who is she? ..

As-Safi. Two Imams. Book 5. Sakrademi

Part 1. The Most (ghazals 126-144) Sa
Part 2. Beautiful (145-171) kra
Part 3. Girl (ghazal 172) de
Part 4. of the World (ghazal 173) mi

As-Safi. Two Imams. Book 6. Values

Ghazals 174-183
Ghazals 184. Haydar’s arrow
Ghazals 185-200
Ghazals 201-210
Ghazals 211-220
Ghazals 221-235

As-Safi Octalogy. Part III. Four Sultans (Abyat 10,001 — 16,000)

Four Sultans is the continuation of Autad and Two Imams from As-Safi Octalogy. The sun is there regardless of what others think of it. Hiding in the basement can be pulled out to the light, and he will see the sun. The blind can be restored to vision, like the Prophet ‘Isa, and the sighted one will see the sun. Only the one who looks at the sky in clear weather and does not want to see the sun will not see the sun. The mind, when it is, quickly and easily finds God. But the ego, which can be positioned by “god” only its self and nothing more, must recognize the searches and finds of the mind. In other words, there is only one barrier between man and Truth …

As-Safi. Four Sultans. Book 7. Beginning

Chapter 1. Nut in space
Chapter 2. Traveler
Chapter 3. Shore
Chapter 4. Trait

As-Safi. Four Sultans. Book 8. Sun

Chapter 1. Imam ‘Ali

Our Ummah a drawn sword
3 Silsila of Naqshbandi
First Silsila
Second Silsila
Third Silsila
Hidden and explicit zikr-remembrance of God
Born in the Kaaba and 3 Jewish scholars
1st Legion
Hadith about people before the End of the World
Hierarchy of Awliya-Saints
Veil of Awliya-Saints
Rabita — 3 God-pleasing deeds
Varieties of Rabita
About Sufism

Chapter 2. Imam Shamil

About pride and its companions
Obedience to Allah and the Prophet
About the Truth. Thrice
Ihia of Imam Ghazali. The rational proof of the existence of God
‘Ali on the Way to Truth

Chapter 3. In the shadow

As-Safi. Four Sultans. Book 9. Desert

For some reason
Not really
Next again?
Legion began glorious

As-Safi. Four Sultans. Book 10. Truth

11 questions of Caesar to Abu Sufyan
Most valuable creation
Genealogy of the Prophet
Love for the Prophet and the Benefit of Salawat
What is Salawat for?
Advantages of Salawat
Hadith about Salawat
Prophet Balukia and his love for the Prophet Muhammad
The story of how our Prophet was created, and then the whole universe was created from his Light
Want proof?..
Tabut — Adam’s Prophet’s Chest
Shafa’at — the Intercession of the Prophet
The first chapter of the Quran — Surat ul-Fatiha
‘Azym — Great
Prayers to God and their acceptance
Fattabi’uni — follow me
Continuing preparation
What is the most valuable act before God?
How the ego blocks the path to God
Steps on the Path to God
Knowledge, deed, sincerity
About Explicit and Hidden
To the Light

As-Safi. Four Sultans. Book 11. Light

God’s attributes
About the merits of zikr-remembering Allah in general
Zikr «Allah, Allah»
Tahlil — zikr «La ilaha illa Llah»
Collective zikr and its benefits
Surat ul-Ikhlas (chapter 112)
Four Sultans
Sixth Ten
1,200 left to the target
Fiqh — is it really necessary?

As-Safi Octalogy. Part IV. Fiqh (Abyat 16,001 — 28,495)

Fiqh (Understanding) is the continuation of As-Safi Octalogy. Algorithms for the development of events on Earth, and in the entire considerable Universe, are not so numerous. Divine Grace through the experience of the Prophets introduces the population of the universe with possible situations in which creations can fall. To successfully solve this problem, at one time one of the 124 thousand Prophets was in this position and received the right plan from the Creator, which will become the key for future generations. If a person fell into a society of people like Noah’s contemporaries, he and his life will become the basis of behavior in this situation. If a person encounters Nimrud, Ibrahim will help him. If with Pharaoh — then Musa. The essence of man will determine the vector of his movement. You cannot change something. You can wait until everyone becomes himself, no matter how long he runs away from his essence. At one time, the Shah of Persian poetry Hafez spoke about the drink of Love for God spilled on a person, which cannot be removed from the essence of the spiritual unit of the universe, even after boiling the robes in the seven cauldrons of hell of separation from the Creator. The Third Volume of Fiqh begins his story about the Prophet of Muslims, which will be continued in the First Volume of Sod (already written by this time).

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 12. Adam

Chapter 1. Ancestor of mankind

Not like we thought
What is Fiqh? 5 distorted concepts
Ihia. 1 out of 5 distorted concepts. Fiqh-understanding
What is an isotope?
‘Ali about the mind
Why do we need the stories of the Prophets? Battle of the Spirit
The battle with the ego and the complete destruction of nafs — the quintessence and main goal of As-Safi

Chapter 2. 92 days

Eight Days — for one Legion
Haybar lessons: Bashashat ul-Iman

Chapter 3. The background and creation of man

Angels are in Heaven, genies are on Earth
Jann and his offspring — the first 60,000 years before Adam
Allah decided to create a Caliph for the Earth
Who was Ghazazil who became the devil
Question of angels to God and their pride
God’s creation of the first man Adam
The bow of angels to Adam and the devil’s refusal to bow
Adam riding on Maimun flies all over Heaven and he is shown all the creations of God
Adam and Haua in Paradise
Family and its foundations
The tricks of the devil
Where the beginning of the Thracian Legion, there will be the end of the Italian Legion

Chapter 4. Adam arrives on Earth

Deviation from the rhythm?
Between India and the Red Sea
Adam and the rites of the Hajj
Three pearls
Tailed Star: Kabil kills Habil

Chapter 5. Prophet Shith, son of Adam

Tabut, scrolls, seal, sword and staff
Shith avenges his murdered brother Habil
First lost
50 scrolls sent to Shith
Birth of Anush, heir of Shith

Chapter 6. Prophet Idris

Nur of the Prophet Muhammad passed to Idris
Idris and the descendants of Kabil
30 scrolls sent to Idris
Idris and the angel Azrael
The story of Harut and Marut
The knowledge and skills of the Prophet Idris

Chapter 7. Why does As-Safi Octalogy have no respect for the «Aryan» theme?

But — we honor Ahl al-Bait
The story that happened in Samarkand

Chapter 8. Why can Muslims write poetry?

Muslim poets
100 bates from Umeyya ibn Abi s-Salt poetry
On the value of the works of Sheikh Ibn Arabi
Reasons for poetry
2,000 Stan Stanzas

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 13. Nuh

Chapter 1. Continuation of the battle

School of perseverance and patience
Ihia. 2 out of 5 distorted concepts. ‘Ilm-knowledge
Advantages of knowledge
What does Allah say about this in the Qur’an
What the Prophet in Hadith says about this
What is said in Athar
The virtue of acquiring knowledge
Following the knowledge that there was a matter
The virtue of learning
Knowledge: fard ‘ain and fard kifaya
The New Legion: Business Moves Successfully
About other knowledge
About sciences that are considered meritorious, but are not really so
First reason. Magic and witchcraft
The second reason. Astrology
The third reason. Philosophers and theologians of dogmatics

Chapter 2. Ark of Noah

How much time has passed?
‘Abdul-Ghaffar — Noah or Nuh
Noah is 500 years old
King Darmashil — the head of the descendants of Kabil
News from Allah — no one else will believe
Beginning of the Ark
Beginning of the Flood
Mount Judi
Following the Flood, Noah asked the devil who was in the Ark
On Earth, life begins anew
Son of Nuh — Sam
Son of Nuh — Ham
Son of Nuh — Yafith (Yafet)
Spring water source

Chapter 3. Prophet Hud and ‘Ad tribe

Chapter 4. Prophet Salih and Thamud tribe

Chapter 5. Thu-l-Qarnain — Lord of the world

Living at the same time as Ibrahim
One of 4 kings
Thu-l-Qarnain is Iskander, but not Alexander the Great
Golden egg
The fate of traitors
Again about the ruler of China from Autad
Campaign to the West and Yemen
Campaign to the East
Ya’juj-Gog and Ma’juj-Magog tribal lock
Faatba’a Sababa
Living Water Campaign
Meeting with the angel Israfil
Choosing zuhd — hermitage from the world
Lord of the whole world dies at 36

Chapter 6. Al-Khadir, immortal

Chapter 7. Timing

Names of 12 lunar months
Our countdown begins after the Hijra

Chapter 8. The foundations of this world

And again the book Ihia
Agriculture, weaving, construction and politics
What awaits us ahead …

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 14. Ibrahim

Chapter 1. Chosen clan

Khalil of Allah — Ibrahim
Ihia. 3 out of 5 distorted concepts. Tawhid-monotheism

Chapter 2. Kangan, son of Kush

How did the whole thing begin
Why are mules barren?
Marriage to Sarah and the death of Nimrud

Chapter 3. Prophet Lut — Ibrahim’s nephew

Special circumstances
Everybody dreams of being invincible

Chapter 4. Prophet Isma’il — Ibrahim’s firstborn

Ancestor of the Arabs
Fulfillment of the vow
Recovery of the Kaaba after the Flood

Chapter 5. Prophet Ishaq — second son of Ibrahim

Chapter 6. Prophet Ya’qub — grandson of Ibrahim

Chapter 7. Prophet Yusuf — great grandson of Ibrahim

He is Yusuf
In Misr (Egypt)
Zuleikha, choosing God
Meeting with brothers
First Prophet of Banu Israel

Chapter 8. Prophet Ayyub — angelic patience

‘Ais’s descendant
Al-mubtala as-Sabir — knowing grief and showing patience
Paradise quince and two sources of water

Chapter 9. Prophet Thu-l-Kifl — who is he?

Al-Yasa’ and three conditions
Bashir ibn Ayyub
Version of Ka’b al-Ahbar
‘Amalik — descendants of ‘Amlik, son of Sam and grandson of Noah

Chapter 10. Propet Shu’aib — Musa’s father-in-law

Yatrun (in the language of siryan) and his genealogy from Ibrahim
Madyan, son of Ibrahim
Allahumma barik li fi shu’aibi
The first ichtikar
Receiving orders to instruct people
Denial of Truth
Disaster onset
The destruction of wickedness

Chapter 11. Muttaqi — devout

Muttaqun — pious people
World divided into 2 parts. Part two: fajir-wicked

Chapter 12. Evil word

Worse than adultery
The truth about an unscrupulous person
Without distinguishing ‘Ain and Ghain
Even the Best Steel …
Ihia about philosophy
To complete the Legion
Faithful in faith, just faithful — coincidences in words?
The deal is done in 3 months
Simplifying the score, moving forward

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 15. Musa

Chapter 1. Magic staff

The special attraction
From book at-Tuhfatul-Mardya: text of the first scroll of Moses
Ka’b al-Ahbar: passage of the Torah with the words of the Almighty
Ka’b al-Ahbar: Caliph ‘Umar story
Ihia. 4 out of 5 distorted concepts. Zikr-remembrance
30 months ago we started writing Autad

Chapter 2. Mal’un — damned by Allah

Moses: «… and I have put love for you in the hearts of creations …»
2,500 years after Ibrahim
In Egypt after Yusuf
Mal’un — Pharaoh
5th day of the month Thu-l-Hijja — Musa’s birth
Musa in the palace of the Pharaoh
Chapter 3. Musa visiting Shu’aib
Walk to Madyan — saved
Explanation from Salm ibn Dinar
Musa’s marriage to Shu’aib’s daughter: the first of two women’s councils in world history that has benefited

Chapter 4. Return to Misr (Egypt)

Sacred Valley — Tua
Meeting brother Harun, also received the Prophecy
Mission start
70 of the best 70,000
The title of the largest poetic work of the world written by one person passes from the Persian Shah-name Firdousi to Russian poetry
3,000 Stans
Ruined tower and many signs

Chapter 5. Martyrdom deaths of Asiyah and Mashitah with her children

The atrocities of Pharaoh
The «tolerance» of paganism? People were killed only for faith in God

Chapter 6. Reckoning time

The signing of the death penalty
The story of the body of the Prophet Yusuf
Clay-filled mouth
Ali’s answer to a Jew after 25 years

Chapter 7. Way to Sham

40 years of wandering
The Jews angered Allah: God, until the Day of Judgment, dooms the Jews to constant humiliation, contempt, poverty and poverty (despite visible prosperity) — an increase in their wealth does not lead to the desired satiation
1,000 rows in 8 hours
There is no fear — fearless. And that courage was appreciated

Chapter 8. Tawrah — Torah of Moses

It is said that only 4 people knew the Torah by heart
Tur Saina — mount Sinai
Why did God choose Mount Zabir?
«… leave this world loving Muhammad»: «As I am great compared to My creations, so the Ummah of Muhammad is more dear to Me than all other communities of people in the world»
The story of the taurus
The Prophets Musa and Harun leave this world
1,000 rows in less than 10 hours

Chapter 9. Prophet Yusha’ — Jesus Naveen

Accompanied Musa, according to the Qur’an, to meet with Al-Khadir at the Two Seas
27 years of the reign of Prophet Yusha’ over the Israelites after the Prophet Musa

Chapter 10. Hezkil — 3d Prophet of Israels after Musa

Revived a whole nation
Descendants from the people of Hezkil have an unpleasant odor to this day
Along the way, we told
There was a rags of wool and I will set fire to it
Will it be as I wanted?

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 16. Daud

Chapter 1. Melting iron

What are we talking about
Ihia. 5 out of 5 distorted concepts. Hikma-wisdom

Chapter 2. Prophet Ilyas

Loud voice holder
The call of people to faith
Al-Yasa’ (Elisha) becomes an associate of Ilyas and his Caliph over the Israelites after him
The Prophet Ilyas lives by the will of God to this day
Ilyas and al-Khadir still hold a post in al-Quds (Jerusalem) and meet every year at the Hajj

Chapter 3. Prophet Shamuil (Sham’un) — Samuel

10 years after the death of al-Yasa’, Kahin ibn ‘Aila becomes the Caliph of the Israelites
Kahin ibn ‘Aila from the clan of the Prophet Harun rules 40 years, renewing the religion of Musa
Kahin dies about 500 years after the death of the Prophet Musa
Birth of the Prophets Daud and Shamuil in the era of the 40-year reign of Kahin ibn ‘Aila
Imam Shamil (Shamuil), who was named Ali at birth, was later named Shamuil because of his illness
Shamuil wants Tabut to return to the people of the Israelites from the hands of the ‘Amalik
Aquifer Talut becomes king of the Jews
Talut with an 80,000th army goes against Jalut (Goliath), without taking 4 types of people into the army
We talked about Tabut earlier
Of the huge army for the battle with Jalut, only 313 soldiers remain
The prophet Shamuil chooses for a full-time duel with Jalut Daud, the youngest of 13 sons of a warrior named Aisha
3 stones ask Daud to take them with him to the duel
Daud kills Jalut and brings his head to Talut
Forgotten Promises of Talut: the king decides to kill Daud, so as not to give him his daughter in wife and half the kingdom
A repentant Talut at the grave of the Prophet Shamuil asks him for advice on how to atone for sins before Daud

Chapter 4. Zabur of Daud — Psalter after David

Heavenly Book of 150 Chapters
It was said in Zabur-Psalter that the Prophet Muhammad is the last of all the Prophets, and his ummah will be the most revered of all communities of people in the world
Allah makes Daud a Prophet and king over the Israelites after the death of Talut
Daud conquers Sham, Palestine, Jordan, Oman and other lands, defeating Jabbarins
Meeting with angel Jabrail
The first blacksmith to whom Allah subjugated the iron
The story of a miracle chain and a scammer
Daud oversight history — not the sin of the Prophet, but the test of us sinners
Caliph Ali’s decision: 160 sticks for defaming the Prophet Daud that he allegedly sinned
Qadi ‘Iyyad forbade the use of stories of people of Scripture who are unworthy of the level of the Prophets and distort the essence
How father and son made a decision
Daud appoints son instead of himself king
Allah orders Daud to have his son answer 13 questions about how Suleiman will become Caliph
13 questions: who said the number 13 is bad?
Daud’s meeting with all the revered descendants of the Prophet Ya’qub: whose staff will turn green?
1,000 lines again
The instructions of the Prophet Daud to the son
Death of the Prophet Daud

Chapter 5. Prophet Suleiman ibn Daud and his power

Strengthening the Caliphate Suleiman: Prophet’s advancement to the West and East
The Prophet Suleiman in Medina and Mecca
Was the battle against nafs-ego tired?
Here is the Victory. And Allah will lead her after us
The Prophet Suleiman and the ant from the valley Wadi-n-Naml
10 animals that will go to Paradise
Hadith from Abu Hureira about the cause of the Suleiman trial
Suleiman’s ring begins to fall off his hand
The lies and slander of the Jews against Suleiman
Suleiman and Queen of Sheba Bilkis: we call her Balkyz
Construction of a mosque in Jerusalem by Daud and Suleiman
The death of the Prophet Suleiman
Chapter 6. Sage Luqman
Luqman abandoned the Caliphate, the Prophet Daud agreed to be a Caliph
Black slave wisdom
Truthfulness, justification of trust and swelling from excess
Ocean of wisdom

Chapter 7. Prophet Sha’ya’

The ruler of Babylon Sanjarib with a huge army surrounds Jerusalem
Allah destroys all this army except Sanjarib and 5 people, among whom was Bukhtanasar
The Israelites kill the Prophet Sha’ya’

Chapter 8. Prophet Armia’

Revelation of Bukhtanasar — israeli fighter
Bukhtanasar goes to war with the Jews
The promises of Allah and His rules
Angel demands from the Prophet Armia’ fatwa
Ruler of Babylon Bukhtanasar takes Jerusalem and destroys the Holy Mosque
Jews scattered around the world
The lost Torah and only one remaining instance found later
According to Ibn Kathir, Bukhtanasar allows Arabs to settle in the interfluve of Iraq
Caliph Umar rebuild Holy Mosque in Jerusalem

Chapter 9. Prophet Daniyal

Bukhtanasar and Daniyal
The death of Daniyal and his grave
Tamerlan will transport the sarcophagus with the body of the Prophet Daniyal in Samarkand

Chapter 10. Prophet ‘Uzeyir

Little ‘Uzeyir held captive by Bukhtanasar
‘Uzeyir’s 100-year-old dream
‘Uzeyir receives in his heart the text of the present Torah of the Prophet Musa
Jews deify ‘Uzeiyr to the «son» of God

Chapter 11. Prophet Balukia

Chapter 12. People of saturday which were turned into monkeys and pigs

Ailat on the Red Sea
By the command of God, the Prophet Daoud makes Friday a festive day for them — the Jews are unhappy
There are many fidelity to one
In the eternal darkness the face shines that eternity was
God makes things easier for us

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 17. ‘Isa

Chapter 1. Zahid

Chapter 2. Ruhu Llah

Chapter 3. Daughters of Fakuz — Aisha’ and Hanna

Chapter 4. Maryam and her son ‘Isa (Jesus)

Chapter 5. Two Prophets: Zakaria and his son Yahia

Chapter 6. Prophet Yunus ibn Matta

Chapter 7. Ashab al-Kahfi: teenagers and a dog in a cave

Chapter 8. Prophet Jarjis

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 18. Muhammad

Chapter 1. The Light of the Prophet

Chapter 2. Shu’aib-afandi. Mu’jizat-wonders of the Prophet

Chapter 3. Shu’aib-afandi. Description of the Prophet (beginning)

As-Safi. Fiqh. Book 19. Al-Khatm

Chapter 1. Everything went on in Al-Khatm

Description of the Prophet (end)

Chapter 2. Sheikh Kaftaru. List of 15

Chapter 3. … without long stories at night

As-Safi. Fiqh. Canvas

As-Safi Octalogy. Part V. Sod (Abyat 28,496 — 77,600)

Sod is the Decathlon. In modern terms, this is a meeting of masters for superiority in the absolute championship of athletes. Where all the components, striving to achieve only one goal and implying the necessary level in many disciplines, should be honed. The biography of the Prophet of Muslims is a kind of decathlon of the Spirit, where the final result, consisting of many aspects of the general mosaic, is taken into account. The different directions and the most important highways gathered together should create a single universal plan for achieving the main goal — the creation of the Perfect Man, capable of achieving maximum success-happiness anywhere in Space-Time and possessing all the necessary knowledge, wisdom and ability for this. Such was the Prophet Muhammad at one time. Sod is a kind of quintessence-squeeze of all achievements in all the most important areas of human knowledge. Any layer of society is able to find in it an answer to the current central question of the day at the level of understanding that it considers acceptable for itself in this. Panacea exists not only for those who believe in it. Although it is he who will ultimately receive the maximum benefit not from faith, but from its rational use. The success criterion is considered to be the level of influence of a person on the world around, taking into account the future transformation for the better. Unbiased researchers, like computer programs, put the Prophet Muhammad in first place on this list in the history of mankind. And, if Jesus revived people after death, then Muslims consider their nations to revive whole nations. In Sod, the emphasis is on the fact that the Master of the Universe, who did not know how to read and write, was the best healer of souls and hearts. He passed this baton to his heirs, the best of which were able to embody the explicit and secret knowledge that he brought from God.

As-Safi. Sod. Book 20. Detection

Tan Heavenly First. 17th Legion (stanzas 4,945 — 5,253). Completion

Prologue and al-Bab 1. Greeting

Prologue. 2 sheikhs and a crushed Scorpion
Continuation of the Prologue

Al-Bab 1. Greeting

Shamuili: Imam Shamil’s Man
The Light of the Prophet and the creation of the world

Al-Bab 2. Elephant Mahmud

Contemporaries of Abd al-Muttalib and their wars among themselves
The campaign of Abraha and his army to destroy the Kaaba

Snow. 18th Legion (stanzas 5,254 — 5,562)

Al-Bab 3. Birth of the Prophet

Parents of the Prophet. Abdullah’s marriage to Amina
Waiting for the Prophet — the world has quieted down
Miracles after birth

Al-Bab 4. Identification of the Essence

Missed excuses
Inheritance and heirs
In the world of transliterations and errors

Al-Bab 5. Childhood and early life

Who will become the dairy mother of the orphan?..
Al-Muhim 001. Important
Halimat, the Prophet’s Dairy Mother
Halimatu s-Sa’diyyah
Years in the Banu Sa’d tribe
Al-Muhim 002. Important
Return to Mecca
Under the tutelage of his uncle Abu Talib
1st trip to Sham. Bahira scientist
A trip to Yemen and a 2nd trip to Sham

Al-Bab 6. Marrying Khadija

3rd trip to Sham. Monk Nestor
Khadija, mother of the faithful

Al-Bab 7. Clan of the Prophet

Children of the Prophet
Love for the inhabitants of the House of the Prophet
Alu Muhammadin Kullu Taqi
He — and what his…

Al-Bab 8. Recovery of the Kaaba after mudflows

Al-Bab 9. Preparation for the Prophecy

They want to teach us …
Two types of knowledge
«Success» of modern civilization …

Al-Bab 10. School of Hira

The school we lost …
The mission of the Prophet is the production of the Perfect Man
From first grade to Academy
How to read Sira? Kaftaru’s approach
Years at Hira Cave

Al-Bab 11. Beginning of the Prophecy: 1st year

The first namaz after the Prophet — Khadija
Salam from Allah and from Jabrail to Khadija
Khadija — Vizier of the Prophet
Said: you are Rasulu Llah
Revelation — what and how?
Different types of wahi-revelation
True Islam is success always and in everything

Al-Bab 12. What is the Prophecy?

What is the Nubuwwa-Prophecy?
Iqra’ — Nubuwwa (Nabi)
Nabi is the Prophet
Al-Bab 13. The Messenger of Allah
Ya aiyyahal Muddaththir — Risala (Rasul)
Rasul is the Messenger
Flawless Perfection
Do not want to believe the Prophet? ..
About ideals
About the «finder» errors

Al-Bab 14. The first Muslims

Khadija, Abu Bakr, ‘Ali
First 20
21st — Abu Dhar
Uweisiyya — Uweis (Wais) al-Qarani

Al-Bab 15. First three years

Reflected Light

Ice. 19th Legion (stanzas 5,563 — 5,871)

Tasbih — two prayers of 2 raka’at (morning and evening)
Two sheikhs
Allah and the Prophet
Abu Bakr and ‘Ali
Al-Muhim 003. Important
Uthman strangled with smoke
Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas and his brother ‘Amir
Talha — qarin of Abu Bakr
Cohort first
20th — Abdullah ibn Mas’ud
Al-Muhim 004. Important
Angel Israfil comes to the Prophet
Assemblies at Arqam’s House

Al-Bab 16. The fighter of the spirit. Combat techniques

One Enemy — One Direction of Impact
Nafs and the devil — two ways to fight
Pros — no strangers …
Features of the attitude to the pagans of Mecca
Features of the attitude to the hypocrites of Medina
Features of the attitude towards the Jews of Medina
Wrestling techniques — Mecca pagans
Percussion techniques — the hypocrites of Medina
Battle conditions
Octagon enclosed space
Open platform at high altitude
Who are the Jews of Medina then? ..
Combining Opposite Conditions
Double M — al-Mustahlak al-Mutlaq
Absolute Battle with the ego — the main task of Sira (Prophet Muhammad Story)
The Ultimate Spirit Fighter

Al-Bab 17. 4th year: open call

The time of Sod has come, Fiqh while we have put off …
Knowledge of the path to God and knowledge of God
The order to call relatives
Prophet gathers his clan
The Prophet collects Mecca Quraysh
Family tree of the Prophet Muhammad
Threats of the Qurayshites
; and 1st Gazelle of Hafez
1st Gazelle
My ;
Four causes of disbelief-denial
1st reason. Power
2nd reason. Money
3rd reason. Position in society
4th reason. Envy
Trick of the Qurayshites — ‘Imara ibn al-Waleed

Al-Bab 18. 13 years of torture in Mecca

From verbal skirmishes to physical extermination
Reasons for gentile discontent
Story of ‘Abbas
Abu Lahab and his wife Umm Jamil
The marriage of Abul-‘As to Zaynab
Termination of the engagement of two sons of Abu Lahab with the daughters of the Prophet. ‘Uteiba curse and his death
Punishment: Mecca Seven and Quraysh
«I was sent to destroy you …»
The first open call after the Prophet — Abu Bakr
First reading of the Koran to the infidel after the Prophet — Abdullah ibn Mas’ud
Tricks of the Quraysh
Trades of Quraysh with the Prophet: money, power and reign
Questions for the Supporters and Opponents of the Prophet
Four levels of incarnation of Sira from Kaftaru
Quraysh: continued trading. Sending Al-Kafirun Surah (Unfaithful)
Questions and claims of the gentiles to the Prophet and the Qur’an. Divine Glossary of Terms
Why do unbelievers demand miracles from the Prophets all the time?
‘Uqba and Ubay
Waleed’s trick in the Hajj season. «Sadaqal Waleed»
Abu Lahab and the Sunnah of Saints after the Prophet
5 + 1: Angel Jabrail will kill five and blind one of the torturers
Abu Jahl, Waleed, and the Banu Makhzum clan are about to kill the Prophet
«Ma» and «man»
Habbab Question
Asiya and Iskandra
Why all this suffering?
The invincibility of the Ashab in the transfer of suffering

Al-Bab 19. 5th year: 1st migration to Abyssinia

Al-Bab 20. 6th year: Hamza and ‘Umar accept Islam
Arrow in Abu Jahl
Al-Muhim 005. Important
And from this Quraysh runs a cruel run?..
How ‘Umar resolved issues
‘Umar al-Faruq — distinguishing between truth and falsehood

Equatorial. 20th Legion (stanzas 5,872 — 6,180)

Al-Bab 21. 7th year: trial of people of the Abu Talib clan

Tolerance of paganism?..
Banu Muttalib and Banu Hashim
Reasons for escalation
Covered gorge
Withered hand
2nd Hijra to Ethiopia
Complete blockade of the gorge

Al-Bab 22. 8th year: Ansar from Medina

First seven years
Quraysh and their Light
1st meeting of the Prophet with the Ansar: 8th Year
2nd meeting of the Prophet with the Ansar: 9th Year
Mus’ab and Ibn Umm Maktum sent by the Prophet to Medina
3rd meeting of the Prophet with the Ansar: 10th Year
20 Christians from Najran accept Islam

Al-Bab 23. 10th year: Year of Sorrow

Abu Talib…

Al-Bab 24. Visiting Taif

Leaders of the Thaqif Tribe in Taif
‘Addas is a Christian from Nineveh
Angel of mountains
Du’a-prayer to God

Al-Bab 25. The first muslim genies from Qamishli

Al-Bab 26. Return to Mecca

Difficulties in entering Mecca and the customs of the Arabs
Abdullah ibn Ureyqidh
First. Al-Akhnas
Second. Suhayl ibn ‘Amr
Third. Mut’im ibn ‘Adi
Fiqh-understanding of the story of Mut’im
Closed-up ears: Tufayl ibn ‘Amir at-Tawsi — Thu-n-Nur
Marriage of the Prophet to Sauda bint Zum’a and engagement to ‘Aisha

Al-Bab 27. 11th year: Mi’raj-Ascension

Isra’-Moving the Prophet from Mecca to Jerusalem at night
Mi’raj-Ascension of the Prophet from Jerusalem beyond the entire universe to God Himself, where no one has ever been
Quraysh reaction
Lion and bone taken from a dog
I take from Hafez

Al-Bab 28. 13th year: Hijra-emigration

Brotherhood in Mecca
The First Muhajir — Abu Salama
The first Muhajirs
Suhayl al-Rumi
The meeting of the «parliament» of the devil
Prophet, Abu Bakr and ‘Ali
In the oasis at Umm Mi’bad
Miracle Tree: Prophet, Ali and al-Husain
Suraqa ibn Malik al-Mudliji
Burayda ibn Aslam of the Sahm tribe
The Prophet begins to build the mosque in Quba
Ali with weak Muslims performs Hijra
Friday prayer of the Prophet in the mosque of Salim ibn ‘Auf
House of Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari
King of Yemen Tubba’ I, his gifts and message to the Prophet Muhammad
How the Aus and Khazraj tribes settled around the Medina
In a new place
Hijra calculus
In the world — everything turned upside down

Swift. 21st Legion (stanzas 6,181 — 6,489)

He swiftly took
Way Direction

Al-Bab 29. 1st year after the Hijra of the Prophet (AH 1). Step one: construction of the Mosque of the Prophet

Construction start
‘Ali and Mu’awiya at Siffin
Qibla Mosque of the Prophet — still to Jerusalem

Al-Bab 30. Step 2: Fatima, Umm Kulthum, Usama ibn Zaid, Umm Aiman and Sauda come to Medina

Al-Bab 31. Step 3: brotherhood between Muhajirun and Ansar

Al-Bab 32. Step 4: Jewish call and contract with them

Al-Bab 33. Azan

Al-Bab 34. Abdullah ibn Salam accept Islam

How the Jews appeared around the Medina
Question of Abdullah ibn Salam to the Prophet
Malik ibn Sold
89th Ayat of the 2nd Chapter of the Quran
Fitna of Shas ibn Qays
Jewish questions to the Prophet
Two great Jewish scholars accept Islam
Another definition of wisdom
Speculation on the wives of the Prophet. Answer
Hulagu in Baghdad
In twelve hours

Al-Bab 35. Munafiqun-hypocrites

Al-Bab 36. Ghazawat and Saroya. Economic war

Al-Bab 37. AH 2. Qibla change: facing Mecca rather than Jerusalem during prayer

Al-Bab 38. The Prophet’s marriage to ‘Aisha

Al-Bab 39. Prescription of Saum-abstinence in Ramadan month

Al-Bab 40. Battle of Badr

Three permissions
Reasons for the battles of the Prophets
50,000 dinars in gold
Domdom al-Ghifari
The dream of ‘Atika, aunt of the Prophet
Camping Meccans
Or this caravan — or Victory
Alignment of forces
Habbab ibn Mundhir council
We lost the fight for the wells
Intelligence of Qurayshites
‘Utba and Abu Jahl
Tent for the Prophet and his protection
Mub;raza — a duel before the battle
Abbas, uncle of the Prophet
Captured of Badr
1st council: Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Ali
2nd council: general opinion of the Ashab
God’s decision
The son-in-law of the Prophet — Abul-‘As
Mecca orator — Suhayl ibn ‘Amr
Good attitude towards prisoners
Jubayr ibn Mut’im ibn ‘Adi
‘Umayr ibn Wahb accepts Islam
Abul-‘Azza al-Sha’ir
Qubab and other
The answer to the Orientalists
«… do what you want, you are in Paradise …»

Al-Bab 41. Wars against Banu Sulaima and Banu Qaynuqa

Al-Bab 42. ‘Ali’s marriage to Fatima

Why? The heterosis power of first-generation hybrids
Council of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar
Batul, like Maryam

Al-Bab 43. AH 3. Between Badr and Uhud

Fitna of Ka’b ibn Ashraf
Ghazawat against the Ghatafan tribe
Ghazawat against Banu Salim
‘Uthman’s marriage to the daughter of the Prophet Umm Kulthum
The marriage of the Prophet to Hafsa, daughter of ‘Umar
Sariya-campaign of Zayd to take the caravan of Abu Sufyan

Al-Bab 44. Battle of Uhud

Quraysh meeting in Daru n-Nadua
Notice from ‘Abbas
Leader of the hypocrites Abdullah ibn Ubay ibn Abi Salul
Council with Ashab
Prophet’s dream on that Friday morning
The worst moment of Islam
The Most Important Battle
Abdurrahman on Poitiers in France — a century after Uhud
Forge of the Spirit
Seventy helmet hits
Ali: obedience to Allah and His Messenger and their contentment
Return to Friday day
Conversion of Sa’d ibn Mu’adh, Ansar’s leader
The Prophet puts on chain mail
Before the battle
Army of Mecca
Muslims’ preparation
Saber of Abu Dujana
The departure of the hypocrites before the battle
60 Ayat from Ali ‘Imran
The abandoned banner of the meccans
The advance of the Ashab
The hardest moment of History
Mockery of pagans over dead Muslims
Safiyya, sister of Hamza
The execution of Abu al-‘Azza al-Sha’ir
The story of the Prophet Yahya, uncle Jesus
Hamra ul-Asad — continuation of Uhud
Defeat or not?
Three times a Thousand a Week

Al-Bab 45. Prohibition of alcohol. Saria of Abu Salama

Al-Bab 46. Stick of the Prophet

Al-Bab 47. AH 4. The story of ar-Rajia

Al-Bab 48. Bi’ru Ma’una and 70 killed Muslims

Al-Bab 49. War against Banu Nadir

Al-Bab 50. War Dhati-r-Riqa’
As-Samh al-Shaybani — to Lyon, Abdurrahman — to Poitiers

Al-Bab 51. Battle of Badr Small

The trick of Abu Sufyan
Prophet’s decision

Al-Bab 52. AH 5. Prophet campaign towards Damascus

Al-Bab 53. War against Banu Mustaliq (al-Muraysi’)

Jiwayriyya’s dream
Ayat’s message about Tayammum
Troubles of the leader of the hypocrites
Dig a moat — we are ready

Tan Heavenly Second. 22nd Legion (stanzas 6,490 — 6,798)

Thank God — it turned out
From Shah-Nama to the Fifth Veda

Al-Bab 54. Battle of Khandaq (Moat)

Who is right?
Ahzab — tribal coalition against Medina
Salman al-Farisi council
Salman minna, Ahlul-Bayt
Keys from Sham, Persia, Yemen
Treats of Jabir and Bishr
The moat is dug up
Vise: Quraysh, Ghatafan and Banu Qurayza
Bishara — the promise of victory, entry into Mecca and the capture of Byzantium with Persia
Arrows — a means of battle
An attempt to split the coalition. Sa’d’s decision
Duel ‘Ali and ‘Amr
Zubayr and Naufal
Wound Sa’d ibn Mu’adh
4 missed prayers
20 camels
Du’a of the Prophet
Al-Harbu — khud’atun / khad’atun
Wind, cold, darkness

Al-Bab 55. War against Banu Qurayza

Al-Bab 56. AH 6. Saroya

Samama ibn Usal
Ghazawat against Banu Lihyan
Abu Dhar
200 camels of ‘Ukasha and the killed Ashabs of ibn Maslama
Abul-‘As is captured and accepts Islam
Sariya of Abdurrahman ibn ‘Auf to Dumatul-Jandal near Damascus
Sariya of ‘Ali to Banu Bakr and Banu Sa’d
Umm Qirfa
Abu Rafiq Sallam ibn Huqayq
Usayr ibn Rizam
‘Uqal and ‘Urayna
Abu Sufyan and ‘Amr ubn Umaiyya

Al-Bab 57. As-Sulh — Truce of Hudaybiyya

The Prophet’s dream
Forbidden months
The miracle of water: arrow and arm
Burayd ibn Warqa, leader of Banu Khuza’a
‘Urwa ibn Mas’ud Thaqafi, leader of Taif-city
‘Urwa’s story to the Meccans
Khulays ibn ‘Alqama, leader of the Ahabish tribe
Mikras ibn Hafs, the first negotiator
Suhayl ibn ‘Amr, speaker and poet of Mecca
The Prophet sends Uthman to Mecca
Bay’atu r-Ridwan — the oath of death
Abdullah ibn Ubay, leader of the hypocrites of Medina, receives permission from the Meccans for ‘Umra
Armistice takes effect
‘Ali writes the text of the contract
Great victory not immediately understood
Council of Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet
Badr and Hudaybiyya
Umm Kulthum, daughter of ‘Uqba
Abu Busoyr

Al-Bab 58. AH 7. Battle of Haybar

Betrayal of Ibn Ubay
Poems of Salm ibn Akwa’
Before Haybar
Habbab ibn Mundhir
7 days of battles
Man — loving Allah and the Prophet and loved by them
‘Ali takes Haybar
Treasure of the leader Banu Nadir ibn Akhtab and his daughter Safiyya
Poisoned food for the Prophet
Arrival of Ja’far, brother Ali, from Ethiopia
Merchant Hajjaj ibn ‘Ilad

Al-Bab 59. Refund of a missed ‘Umra

Military expeditions (Saroya) before and after ‘Umra
‘Umra (Small Hajj) of the Prophet
Khalid, ‘Amr and Uthman

Al-Bab 60. AH 8. Battle of Mu’ta

Al-Bab 61. Conquest of Mecca

Three Sariya — until
Banu Bakr (allies of the Quraysh) violate the truce
Banu Khuza’a by the Prophet in Medina
Abu Sufyan in Medina
Camping preparations
Army exit from Medina
Before Mecca
Abu Sufyan at the Prophet’s camp
The return of Abu Sufyan to Mecca
The entry of the Prophet’s troops into Mecca
Idols of the Kaaba
Prophet and ‘Ali
Abu Quhafa, father of Abu Bakr
List of 15
18 days in Mecca

Al-Bab 62. Battle of Hunayn

Malik ibn ‘Auf, leader of the Khawazin tribe
On the courage of the Prophet and the Arabs in general

Al-Bab 63. Campaign against Taif

Al-Bab 64. AH 9. Prophet’s campaign against Byzantium (Battle of Tabuk)

80 days
The Byzantine Emperor comes out against the Prophet
Muslim army preparations
Al-tabur al-khamis
Way to Tabuk
20 days in Tabuk
The conspiracy of hypocrites
Return to Medina
The Prophet sends Abu Bakr at the head of the pilgrims to the Hajj
Prophet sends Mu’adh and Abu Musa to Yemen

Al-Bab 65. Masjid al-Dirar

The death of the head of the hypocrites

Al-Bab 66. Tribal delegations to the Prophet

Al-Bab 67. Ambassadors of the Prophet to the Heads of State

Al-Bab 68. AH 10. Farewell Hajj of the Prophet

Ramadan month: Ali goes to Yemen
End of the 11th month: the Prophet goes to Hajj from Medina and performs all its rites with about 200 thousand pilgrims from all over ‘Arabia
Huma place: the Prophet bequeaths to Ashab to hold on to the Quran and his Ahlul-Bayt

Al-Bab 69. Campaign of Usama ibn Zaid against Byzantium in Syria

Al-Bab 70. Return…

As-Safi. Sod. Book 21. Rose at the head

Chapter 1. Start
Tigggrachyq-Sakrademi (what the Pearl was)
Ghazals 236-250
Ghazals 251-265
Ghazals 266-280
Ghazals 281-293
Chapter 2. Waterfall of Love
Ghazals 294-310
Ghazals 311-325
Ghazals 326-340
Ghazals 341-355
Ghazals 356-370
Ghazals 371-385
Ghazals 386-398
Ghazal 399. So that the whole Truth can be reflected through the eyes of the heart into the world
Ghazal 400. The final Najeeb of Sod

As-Safi. Sod. Book 22. Clearing

Al-Bab 72. Geopolitics of the world — Arabs dominate …

87 days
The basic «claim» of the Octalogy: As-Safi is the light from the Light of the Prophet …
The 11th year after the Hijra, the 3rd Month — the end of the Diamond Age in the history of the world
The middle of the 2nd century after the Hijra — the end of the Golden Age in the history of the world?
Is the Ijtihad Locked Door the end of the Silver Age in world history?
How to recalculate the years of the Hijra on the solar cycle? 100 solar years — 103 lunar years: 622 + year of Hijra = year of solar reckoning
6 world empires: colonies from West to East
Rome and its remnants
Empire of the Huns and its remnants
What is the approximate territory of the state and religious influence of the Arabs?
Dynamic displacement of boundaries up to temporary absorption

Final. 23rd Legion (stanzas 6,799 — 7,107)

Legion Completions
The 7th Dominant Appears
The global alignment of forces before the unconditionally inevitable global expansion of the Arabs
The dilemma of ascetics and laity: choose Paradise or Dunya?
Muslim Arabs who have chosen God …
The desire of the Oriental-Mustashriqs to distort the history based on the “second-rate” Arabs?
Ashab and Tabi’in: people — not afraid of anything, not reckoning with anything, forcing the whole world to respect themselves, not seeking respect
God-selected caste of Light
Mission?.. To lead the world out of worship of creation so that it worships only the Creator
What other conquerors carried and what the Arabs gave to the whole world
If the world took faith from the Jewish Prophet Jesus through the Greeks or Romans — then why can’t I take faith from the Prophet-Arab Muhammad through Arabs or Turks?..
Great asceticism and detachment from the world of the first 4 Righteous-Rashidun Caliphs of the Prophet
While the Arabs were fair — the conquered had nothing to fear …
World colonies replaced suzerain?
Carrying the «light» to please your pocket or narcissistic ego paranoia?
Why did the Prophet at one time refuse to be a King-Prophet by choosing the degree of a Prophet-slave? ..
Talkhis of Hasan-afandi: just one du’a of the Prophet, not accepted by God. Why?..
Is the choice between accepting Islam, tax, or death not cruel?
The historians who defended the colonialists would just as easily sell them — if the vector of power and money changes
Why the same cities were not lamented, but were taken by the Arabs many times — the policy of the Prophet
The conquests of the Prophet and his Righteous-Rashidun Caliphs from the 1st to the 40th year after the Hijra
Sham, Tabaristan, Maverannahr-Sogdiana, Bactria, Sidzhistan, Khorasan, Balochistan, Sind and others — where is all this and why? ..
Arabs and Rome
(7,000 stanzas)
Sham: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine
North Africa, Spain, Portugal, Southern France and Italy, Sicily and Cyprus
Arabs and Persia
Derbent, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan
The vast expanses of Central Asia embrace Islam
Arabs and Turks
Khazaria — the western fragment of the Kaganat
The eastern part of the Tyurkyuts’ Kaganat
Huns and Turkic-Mongols of Genghis Khan — conquering crushers of the world
North Caucasus
Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Arabs and India
Kerala: 7th year after the Hijra mosque built by Malik Dinar
Hadith from Abu Hurayra
Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Timurids on the Subcontinent
Arabs and China
Arabs in Kashgar and Kahistan. End of Tang expansion
The results of the global expansion of the Arabs by the end of the 1st Century after the Hijra
Our basic primary sources are ibn Kathir, ibn Jarir, ibn Ishaq

Fulminant. 24th Legion (stanzas 7,108 — 7,416)

Did lightning bring him?

Al-Bab 73. 11th year after the Hijra (AH) of the Prophet. Caliph Abu Bakr

2 Years, 3 Months and 10 Days
12th day of the month Rabi’ul-Awwal
Prophet, Siddiq and martyrs
Khassiyats of Abu Bakr
First affairs of the Viceroy of the earth
Usama’s strike on Byzantium in Sham
The guarantor of centripetalism: again to the question of «fingers not clenched»
Tulayha, Qurra and ‘Uyayna
Musaylima the liar — damned-mal’un
Khalid ibn al-Waleed — Mushir-Marshal of the combined group of Arab forces Abu Bakr against Byzantium and Persia

Al-Bab 74. AH 12. Caliph Abu Bakr

Khalid’s invasion of Persia: the modern interfluve of Iraq
Capture of the city of Anbar — Ghazawat Zatil-‘Uyun
The Battle of ‘Ainu-t-Tamr
News from Dumatul-Jandal
The Battle of Firad

Al-Bab 75. 13th year after the Hijra of the Prophet. Caliph ‘Umar

Relocation of the theater of major hostilities from Iraq to Sham: Syria and Palestine
The capture of the 1st city in Sham — Busra (by the sulh-peace, not by force)
Battles: Yarmuk — a geopolitical battle for the right to exist of the state of the Arabs
Events in Iraq
Longing for the Prophet — the death of Abu Bakr
22nd day of the month Jumadal-Akhir (the last 8 days of the month remained)
10 Years, 10 Months without One Day
«Lock of the Troubles»: the life of ‘Umar is a guarantee against troubles
Khassiyats of ‘Umar
Caliph’s all-devastating justice: the story of the son of Umar named Abu Shahma
“… take care of the lives of soldiers” — 100,000 gold dinars
Capture of Damascus: half power, half peace
Battles: Fihl — Shurahbil conquers Jordan by force
The resumption of military activity in Iraq, using the additional reserves of the Arabs of Medina and the tribes of Arabia
Battles: al-Namariq
Battles: al-Jisr (Bridge)
Battles: al-Buwayt — analogue of Yarmuk in Sham
The union of the Persians around Yazdajird

Al-Bab 76. AH 14. Caliph ‘Umar

‘Umar wants to personally lead the campaign in Persia
Sa’d ibn Malik (Abi Waqqas) az-Zuhri — commander of the group of forces in the Persian direction
The remark of the military leader Rustum: Arabs are not afraid of the huge armies of the enemy …
Rustum’s questions and his surprise
Battles: Qadisiyya — the largest battle in Iraq
The verses read about this victory by the genies in San’a and Yamama are heard throughout Arabia …
‘Umar’s response to the claims of India in the Iraqi Basra — ‘Utba ibn Ghuzwan: Caliph’s ‘Amil in the Indian direction
Naval expedition to India of the governor of Bahrain Uthman ibn Abil-‘As: Sind (Debal), Gujarat (Bharukh) and Mumbai (Tanah) on the Malabar coast
‘Umar orders all Muslim cities to gather for tarawih in Ramadan month
The Caliphate is expanding: Abu ‘Ubayda in Sham, Sa’d in Iraq, Uthman in Bahrain, Huzayfa in Oman

Al-Bab 77. AH 15. Caliph ‘Umar

The capture of Homs, the residence of Heraclius in Sham, by the peace
Battles: Qinnasrayn
Heraclius moves his residence to Byzantium Rum: Constantinople
Description of the Arabs by the Byzantine Heraclius and his prediction of the fall of Constantinople
The Capture of Qaysariyya
Battles: Ajnadayn — Artabun Romanian and Artabun Arabic
The difference in the spelling of the names ‘Amr and ‘Umar: 4 letters and 3 letters
Al-Quds: the capture of Jerusalem
‘Umar sends Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas to take the Iraqi city of Madain, the capital of the Persian state
Battles: Babylon — the remnants of the Persian army after Qadisiyya
Kawsi — the place of imprisonment of the Prophet Ibrahim
Hadith from ‘Amr ibn Yazid ibn ‘Auf al-Ansari al-Mazini — evidence of the existence of the complete scroll of the Quran in the era of the Prophet

Al-Bab 78. AH 16. Caliph ‘Umar

Strengthening Global Expansion
The capture of Nahr-Shir
The capture of Madain — promised by Allah to the Prophet
The flight of the Persians, surrendered without a fight to the city and the miracle of crossing the Tiger during the spill
Over 1.5 Billion Gold Dinars and other untold treasures of Madain
Battles: Jalula — huge trophies of Muslims, the same as in Madain
Capture of Halwan
Iraq: the capture of Tikrit and Mosul
Iraq: the capture of Masbazan
Capture of Qarqysiyya and Hayt
Introduction of a record of the history and chronology of Muslims, beginning after the Hijra of the Prophet

Al-Bab 79. AH 17. Caliph ‘Umar

Sa’d moves from Madain and founds the new city of Kufa
Abu ‘Ubayda and Byzantium
The entire Interfluve of Iraq (Jazeera) to Nasybin on the border of Syria and Turkey passes under the control of the Arabs
Uthman ibn Abil-‘As: first battles and victories in Armenia
The marriage of ‘Umar to the granddaughter of the Prophet
The capture of Ahuaz, Manazir and Nahr-Tir
Capture Tastur without a fight
Capture Tastur for the 2nd time
The council of al-Ahnaf ibn Qays  and the beginning of strategic advancement eastward into Persia down to India, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, starting from the 18th year after the Hijra
The capture of Sus, supposedly the oldest city in the world
The grave of Daniel and Umar’s orders on this subject
The 300 closest associates of Yazdajird, led by Siyah, accept Islam, their firmness in faith and gifts of ‘Umar

Al-Bab 80. AH 18. Caliph ‘Umar

The plague epidemic in Sham and Iraq
‘Amu r-Ramada — 9 months of famine in Medina
25 thousand Muslims died of the plague only in Ghamuas — between al-Quds and Ramla

Al-Bab 81. AH 19. Caliph ‘Umar

Muslim losses
Features of al-Bidaya wa n-Nihaya
Possible discrepancies in the dating of events and their interpretation by different Arab authors

Abu Bakr. 25th Legion (stanzas 7,417 — 7,725)

The Legion of Abu Bakr …

Al-Bab 82. AH 20. Caliph ‘Umar

The capture of Misr (Egypt)
Advancing to Nubia — taking Sudan
Egyptian Nile — ending a wild custom
Abdullah ibn Qays al-‘Abdi — invasion of Byzantium-Rum and the first battles
New appointments in the Caliphate
Eviction of Jews from Haybar and Najran
‘Alqama al-Mudliji: an unsuccessful naval expedition to Ethiopia

Al-Bab 83. AH 21. Caliph ‘Umar

Yazdajird gathers a large army for a decisive battle with Muslims
Messenger Qarib ibn Zafar — zafarun qarib
Tips of the great Ashab to ‘Umar: Uthman, Talha, Zubayr, Abdurrahman
Opinion of Ali-Haydar
The last admonition of ‘Abbas, whom ‘Umar revered in the rank of the father of the Prophet and could not make decisions without his advice
An-Nu’man ibn Muqrin — Commander-in-Chief of the United Group of Muslim Forces in the Persian Direction
Battles: Nahawand — Victory of all Victories and a new countdown
Persia strategically broken — final countdown of an ancient Empire
Umar is a genius of politics and military affairs
The capture of Hamadan, Isfahan and Kerman — northern, central and southern provinces
The invasion of Libya: the capture of Barqa-Tarabuls
Hike deep into Libya: ‘Uqba ibn Nafi’ al-Fahri — taking the city of Zuila

Al-Bab 84. AH 22. Caliph ‘Umar

Battles: Waju r-Ruz — the combined forces of Byzantium Rum, Daylem, Ray and Azerbaijan. Invasion of Na’im ibn Muqrin
Capture Ray. Trophies — as in Madain …
Capture the Qums
The invasion of Tabaristan and the capture of Dzhurdzhan
‘Utba ibn Farqad: governor of all Azerbaijan
Suraqa ibn ‘Amr: Arabs invade Dagestan and capture Babul-Abuab — Derbent
The invasion of Bakir ibn Abdullah, Habib ibn Maslama and Huzayfa ibn Usayd to the mountains of Al-Lan (Alanya), Tiflis and Muqan
Abdurrahman ibn Rabi’a: invasion of Khazaria and the first battles with the Turks — advance in the direction of Belenjer into the depths of the Kaganat by 200 farsakhs (about 600 — 1,100 km)
As-Sad of Thu-l-Qarnayan: the legendary Quranic barrier separating the world from Yajuj-Majuj (Gog-Magog)
Mu’awiya campaign in Saifa up to ‘Umuriyya in Rum-Byzantium
The dream of Yazdajird, son of Shahriyar
Al-Ahnaf ibn Qays in Khorasan: capture of Herat, Merv, Nisabur, Balkh and other cities to the Amu Darya river — invasion of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan

Al-Bab 85. AH 23. Caliph ‘Umar

The capture of Fas; and Darul-Abjard: y; Sariya — al-Jabal …
Suhayl ibn ‘Adi conquers Kerman
‘Asym ibn ‘Amr conquers Sijistan from Sind in the south to the Balkh river in the north — the battle for Kandahar in Afghanistan
On the threshold of India: al-Haqam ibn ‘Amr invades Sindh (now Pakistan) and conquers Mekran to the Indus River
The message of the Prophet torn by ibn Hurmuz to shreds — after 15 years, the power of the Persians was erased from the world map by the prayer of the Messenger of Allah

Al-Bab 86. 24th year after the Hijra of the Prophet. Caliph ‘Uthman

Murder of ‘Umar by alone killer is yet another true prediction of the Prophet Muhammad
Twelve Years Without One Day
Fighting on the seas …
Khassiyats of ‘Uthman
Uthman’s military policy: entrenched in the East — strikes in the North and West
Wars in Azerbaijan and Armenia
Campaign to Byzantium. Question to the Orientalists: if the Arabs are still “wilder” than the Turks, then why did the Turks resist their onslaught? And if not, then why did the Turks fail to conquer Persia, swept away by the Arabs?..

Al-Bab 87. AH 25. Caliph ‘Uthman

Egyptian Alexandria, instigated by the Byzantine emperor, violates the treaty. Muslim retaliation
Beginning of the West Offensive in Africa
The onset of Muslims in Byzantium

Al-Bab 88. AH 26. Caliph ‘Uthman

Capture Sabur

Al-Bab 89. AH 27. Caliph ‘Uthman

Wars in North Africa
Invasion of Spain from the sea: Abdullah ibn Nafi’ ibn ‘Abdi Qays and Abdullah ibn Nafi’ ibn al-Husoyn
Tunisia: the battle with the Berbers in 2 days from Qayrawan — the defeat of the army of Jardir in Sabitl
Istahar and Qinnasrayn

Al-Bab 90. AH 28. Caliph ‘Uthman

Qubrus: the capture of Cyprus — a prophecy of the Prophet
Wars in Suriyya, on the territory of Byzantium

Al-Bab 91. AH 29. Caliph ‘Uthman

Extension of the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina

Al-Bab 92. AH 30. Caliph ‘Uthman

Wars in Tabaristan on the southern coast of the Caspian
Uthman drops the Signet of the Prophet into the well
Dispute of Abu Dhar with Mu’awiya. Where do the hermits live? .. The righteous Caliphs ate bread, vinegar and olives — following them, desiring death, they did not want life. The emperors of antiquity drowned in luxury — following them, not afraid of death, they wanted life
Adding 3rd call for Friday Prayer (2nd azan)

Al-Bab 93. AH 31. Caliph ‘Uthman

Saifa — annual summer wars with Byzantium
The Byzantine fleet of 500 ships goes to the rescue against Muslims fighting in Spain with the Franks and North Africa with the Berbers
The death of Yazdajird

Al-Bab 94. AH 32. Caliph ‘Uthman

Fear of the Turks before the “immortal” Arabs: the death of Abdurrahman, Caliph’s ‘Amil in the Caucasus
Muslims reach the Bosphorus
The capture of Tokharistan — the land between Samarkand and Kabul

Al-Bab 95. AH 33. Caliph ‘Uthman

Second phase of the war in the West: North Africa breaks the treaty

Al-Bab 96. AH 34. Caliph ‘Uthman

Discontent of people with Uthman’s appointments

Al-Bab 97. AH 35. Caliph ‘Uthman

On the eve of the storm: the beginning of unrest before Judgment Day
Offensive on the Berbers in Africa and increased military activity in Andalusia
Allah drowns 1,000 ships of the flotilla of Emperor Constantine, son of Heraclius

Al-Bab 98. 36th year after the Hijra of the Prophet. Caliph ‘Ali

‘Uthman’s assassination by hypocrites during the time of troubles — a come true prediction of the Prophet Muhammad
The sword carried over our Ummah after the treacherous assassination of Caliph Uthman
A Quarter Century after the Prophet: Haydar Ali’s response to a Jewish comment
The remaining Four of the Ten: ‘Ali, Sa’d, Talha, Zubayr
Most of the Guard of the Prophet has already left this mortal world …
Generational change and the beginning of unrest before Judgment Day
Why? .. Because most are already different …
Oath to Caliph ‘Ali
The returned sun …
Khassiyats of ‘Ali
The beginning of the rebellion and disobedience of the governors of Caliph ‘Ali
Ali is going to war in Sham against the rebellious governor of Mu’awiya
The background of the battle of al-Jamal — the army of ‘Ali and ‘Aisha with the army
The dogs of al-Hawab — a warning from the Prophet himself
The first false oath in Islam
Reader, beware of condemning and criticizing the Companions of the Prophet for their oversights
Fight and huge losses
Talha ibn ‘Ubaydullah
Az-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awwam
Background to the Battle of Siffin — Caliph ‘Ali and Viceroy of Sham Mu’awiya
The Story of a Monk and Predictions from a Book Written by Companions of Jesus

Al-Bab 99. AH 37. Caliph ‘Ali

Battle of Siffin: a year of battles and negotiations
Prediction of the Prophet: ‘Ammar ibn Yasir in the army of ‘Ali
A Quarter of a Million Muslims in internecine confrontation — the strongest army in the world at that time in history
The incredible physical strength of Haydar-‘Ali even in old age
Ali’s victory in the battle and the scrolls of the Quran raised above their heads

‘Umar. 26th Legion (stanzas 7,726 — 8,034)

He is what — and such a system
Unexpected outcome of the final negotiations
‘Ali gathered in the war in Sham, rejecting the decisions of Abu Musa and ‘Amr
‘Ali breaks up the kharijits and finds evidence that they are astray — a man with female breast

Al-Bab 100. AH 38. Caliph ‘Ali

Hadith from the Sira of the Prophet from Sheikh Kaftaru about the peculiarities of the attitude of people to Haidar-Ali, as in his time to the Prophet Jesus …

Al-Bab 101. AH 39. Caliph ‘Ali

Continuation of the dispute between Mu’awiya and ‘Ali

Al-Bab 102. 40th year after the Hijra of the Prophet: end of the Rashidun Caliphate on Earth

The killing of ‘Ali by kharijit is yet another true prediction of the Prophet Muhammad
For six months, power passes to Hasan, the grandson of the Prophet, so that, exactly thirty years later, at the end of the Righteous Caliphate, he will be transferred to the Banu Umayya family …

Al-Bab 103. Grandchildren of the Prophet al-Hasan and al-Husain. Imam Mahdi

Al-Hasan — Saeed, Amin, Mediator
Al-Husain — a handful of land from Jabrail
Husain’s journey to Kufa
How was Husain killed
The death of Yazid and ‘Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad
Lost hope in His mercy
Imam al-Mahdi and his appearance before Judgment Day

As-Safi. Sod. Book 23. Statement

Al-Bab 104. When we reach the Face of the Creator we begin with His Name

When we reach the Face of the Creator we begin with His Name
… And I a f f i r m by taking up the Verve of Divine Assistance:
Mountains of Southern Pakistan
The secret of the highlanders. Pride of the highlanders
Reflections before a difficult road

Penetration of Islam in the Caucasus

Turkic people from the North, Persians and Romans from the South: centuries-old political picture — vector sum in the Caucasus before the arrival of the Arabs
Arabs erase Persia from the world map and pinch Byzantium between Saifa and Shatyia until the era of Harun Rashid and after it
Caliphate and Kaganat: Arabs and Turks — the battle for the Caucasus
300 years of war — the complete destruction of the Kaganat
Babul-Abuab (Door of Doors) — the Dagestan city of Derbent, built by Thu-l-Qarnayan more than 5,000 years ago
22nd year after the Hijra: Suraqa peacefully takes the Bab from Shahrubaraz
Abdurrahman — Caliph’s ‘Amil in the Caucasus and a decade of wars against Khazaria until his death in AH 32
Wars for Derbent
Arab Khazar Wars — 1st Century after the Hijra
Arab Khazar Wars — 2nd Century after the Hijra
Arab Khazar Wars — 3d Century after the Hijra
Islam is entrenched in Dagestan and, as a result of wars and trade, penetrates far to the North right up to the Aces-Bulgars of Karachai in Kuban-river and the Aces-Bulgars of Tatarstan in Volga-river
Between centuries
The end of the 8th Century after the Hijra: the Empire of Turan of Iron Timur in the Caucasus is fighting with Genghisids
The 9th Century after the Hijra: the dominant of the Ottoman Turks and the 2nd wave of Islam in the Caucasus, which is finally fixed as the main religion of almost the entire indigenous population of the North Caucasus — from Karachai in the North to Derbent in Dagestan in the South
Sunni madhhabs: Hanafi and Shafi’i law schools
External and internal / Shari’a and Tariqa: Hanafi-Shafi’i — Naqshbandi-Qadiri-Shazili
AH 1225: a supernova outbreak — Khalid-shah returns the Naqshbandi Tariqat from India to Damascus and receives the exclusive right (idhn khass) to the 3d rabita for the last 500 years from the AH 8th Century
Naqshbandi in the Caucasus
World Geography: Tariqat Naqshbandi from the Prophet through the Arabs Caliphs ‘Ali and Abu Bakr, through the sheikhs of the Arabs and Persians of the former Persia, through the sheikhs of Samarkand-Bukhara of Asia, through the sheikhs of the Mughal Empire of India, through the sheikhs of the Ottoman Empire, the sheikhs of this Spiritual Path to the Caucasus

AH 1180 — last cutoff of time

What year is the solar calendar? — 1778 year. Why is As-Safi based on this date? ..
The Last Cutoff of Time — Before What? ..
After the departure of our Prophet to God, the affairs of this world again went downhill — as was originally conceived by Allah
Entropy in the world
The purpose of this God-damned world for testing people with its regime of absolute self-destruction to the End of the World
Countdown in the last Three Centuries before the arrival of Imam Mahdi, a descendant of the Prophet, and the return from heaven of the living Prophet Jesus — to destroy Dajjal-Antichrist
Change in the vector sum in the Caucasus — the emergence of the Russian Empire, a powerful superpower towards the End of the World
Ruriks and Romanovs: more than a thousand years of history and the beginning of the expansion and conquest of the new geopolitical dominant of the world
The battle of Russians and Ottoman Turks for complete hegemony throughout the Caucasus
Why is Ulyanov-Lenin in his telegram to the Caucasus dated April 20, 1920, at the height of the civil war, being the head of the USSR and the assignee of Russia, “once again asks to act carefully and be sure to show maximum goodwill towards Muslims, especially when entering Dagestan … About the case report more accurately and more often» ?
Why do Muslims throughout the Caucasus need to stay with Russia?
But: the history of the war of Imam Shamil with Russia — you need to know, and not be afraid — so that there are no speculation

World resonance of the Imam’s 25 year war

Freedom-loving Europe, tired of the oppression of monarchies and fragmentation, incredibly revered the Caucasian hero Shamil
The unfulfilled hopes of Europe, collapsed with the dictates of Napoleon
The Arab world and the remnants of its commitment to Islam are very respectful of Imam Shamil
Ottoman Turks bowed before the Imam of the Caucasus
Muslims all over the world remember and honor Sheikh Shamil
The Romanov dynasty was subsequently loyal to the participants in that brutal bloody war
The hatred of Soviet atheism for any mention of Imam Shamil
Photo by Imam Shamil with my sons at my father-in-law, Qadi of Stavropol Territory, at the very height of the era of stagnation in the USSR
The end of the power of the CPSU general secretaries and the beginning of transformations in the world superpower at the end of the 20th century

Where was Karachay in that war of the Imam?

Thermopylaids of the Caucasus: the conquest of Karachai by Russia in 1828 after the battle of Hasauka and the defeat of the Karachai militia from the forces of Emmanuel
Jamaluddin, the son of Imam, taken as a hostage by a child, after his return by adults from Russian captivity, was in Karachai and was buried in the Malokarachaevsky district, where the murids came to visit his grave even during the years of the totalitarian regime of the USSR

Evil spirits need a guide to Hell

Attacks on Imam Shamil, Sufism and more

Russia in the Caucasus

Russia: the rise and rise of an empire
Caucasus — the door to the Iranian and Arabic-speaking worlds of the East
1814: the world recognized the Russian state as a geopolitically dominant force after the defeat of Napoleon’s army and the capture of Paris by the Russian capital of France
At the time of the beginning of the war against Imam Shamil in 1834, the Russian Empire was at the zenith of military-political power in the world


The past
There are a lot of judgments about the era of Sheikh Shamil and about himself. What is As-Safi based on? ..
Muhammad Tahir al-Karakhi — secretary of Sheikh Shamil, Mufti Imamat and his book “Bariqatu s-suyufil jabaliyya fi ba’dil ghazawati sh-Shamiliyya”, written under the dictation of the Imam himself and translated by the author into Arabic
About the name of the Imam — Sh;mil, Sham;l, Shamuil
The words of the great sheikh Sayfulla-Qadi that, if not for the two Imams of Ghazi-Muhammad and Shamil — Dagestan would not even have felt the smell of Shari’a and Tariqa — are more than sufficient in determining the role of these giants in history
Dagestan — as a pillar of Islam in the Caucasus
Sheikh Shamil: for all of Russia, the entire Caucasus, the entire Islamic world and the world as a whole
“If the one who knows about Me forgets Me — I will put on him the one who does not know Me”
The true reason for the defeat and conquest of the Caucasus by tsarist Russia, and later the country of Soviet atheism, is the Muslims abandoning their religion
An example of Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad’s exceptional commitment to the cause for which he sacrificed his life without hesitation
The Prophet Muhammad and his Four Righteous-Rashidun Caliphs appeared in the Dagestan village of Gimri to Ghazi-Muhammad, Hamza-bek and Shamil to conclude an agreement with them and appoint Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad Imam — an amazing story known to the whole world to this day. Clarifications of the Naqshbandi Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaraghy on this subject

Year 1242 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The beginning of the Ghazawats of a part of the highlanders of Dagestan against the Russian Empire led by the 1st Imam — Ghazi-Muhammad
The Risala-message of Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad, known among scholars as the “Explanatory Composition on the Apostasy of the Elders of Dagestan”

Year 1243 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Ghazi-Muhammad goes to Chirkey, urging all its inhabitants to accept the Shari’a

Year 1244 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Ghazi-Muhammad visits the Tarki ruler Mahdi-Shamhal II, demanding that the Shari’a be established in his wilayat
Strengthening the distribution of the Naqshbandi Tariqat by Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaragy and the descendant of our Prophet Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Kazikumukhy
The new message of Imam Ghazi-Muhammad in all directions and districts

Year 1245 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Ghazi-Muhammad gathers troops
The first battle in Hunzah — the birthplace of the worst enemies and the most loyal murids of the Imams
Due to the insidiousness of khana Bahu-bike, the actual ruler of the accident, on the night of Qurban Bayram of the month of Thu-l-Hijja, Russian troops oppose the Imam
The adoption by Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad of the decision to build the Agach fortress near the village of Kazanishche

Year 1246 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Hamza’s fall offensive in Jar-Tal;
The construction of the Agach fortress began this spring and the first battle there
Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad defeats the Russians in Atlybuyun, near Makhachkala, and takes away the treasures of shamkhal and nobility in the village of Paraul
Battle of Tarki

Year 1247 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Birth of Jamaluddin — the son of Imam Shamil

8,000 stanzas

A L F   IX

‘Uthman. 27th Legion (stanzas 8,035 — 8,343)

This is a special story. Legion of the Twenty-Seventh …
The siege of Endirey and his fortress
Russians take Ahdash-auh and burn it
The retreat of the Russian troops under the onslaught of the mountaineers to Endirey and the gun they lost in the retreat
Imam Ghazi-Muhammad besieges Derbent
Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad takes Kizlyar
Offensive of the Chief of Staff of the Caucasian Corps Pankratiev on Chirkey
The offensive of Imam Ghazi-Muhammad on the Burav fortress — modern Vladikavkaz
Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad advances in Chechnya and reaches Gudermes

Year 1248 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The second battle for the fortress of Agach
3rd day of the month Jumadal-Ukhra — the martyrdom of Imam Ghazi-Muhammad
Hassiyats of Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad
The heroic salvation of Shamil in that battle
At the beginning of the month, Ramadan Shamil goes to the village of Gimri
Birth in the month of Thu-l-Qi’da Ghazi-Muhammad — the son of Imam Shamil
The election of Hamza as the 2nd Imam after Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad and one and a half years of his reign
Imam Hamza settles in the village of Riguni, before that having killed all the hypocrites who lived there
Imam Hamza and Shamil go to Untsukul

Year 1249 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Hamza restores order in Muschuli, Orota, Hindalal region, Gherghebil, Koroda, Gogotl, Teletl
Residents of Karakh, Kulla, Batsada and Keleb themselves come with obedience to Imam Hamza
Strengthening the power of murids
The capture of Ruguj, the pacification of the ghydatlins and bagvalals
By order of the Imam, Shamil collects a militia among the hindalals and speaks on the Hunzah with the requirement to comply with the Shari’a and fulfill his instructions
Reconciliation with Bahu-bike with an obligation to promote compliance with Shari’a standards in her wilayat
The conversation of the elder Akhberdi and Shamil
The treachery of the hunzahites and the attempt to kill the Imam
The execution of Bahu-bike and the leaders of Hunzah is the end of the whole family of oppressive khans

AH 1250 — Shamil becomes Imam

Imam Hamza through Salty, and Shamil through Kuppa advance to Tsudahar
Murids retreat from Salty, having suffered a partial defeat
Imam Hamza chose to be treacherously killed …
Sheikh Shamil: 3rd Imam after the great predecessors — Ghazi-Muhammad and Hamza
Sheikh Shamil speaks on the Hunzah, the Russians at this time take Gimri, the Imam returns and puts them to flight
Another betrayal of untsukulites
Lieutenant General of the russian army Kluki von Klugenau calls for qadi from Gimri

Year 1251 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Tricks of the Mahdi-Shamhal
General Kluki demands from the gimrints to send him vines
Three times burnt Gimri — and the Imam’s never burned house …

Year 1252 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Sheikh Shamil with his family moves to Ashilta — the mother’s native village
Untsukulites gather troops three times and go out a war against Imam Shamil
The pacification of the Imam of the Chirkata, Inho, Orota, Harahi and the first capture of Untsukul
The battle of the murids in Gotsatl with the andalals and the hunzahites (Avars)
The response of Imam Shamil to the letter of General Kluki during the battle
The hunzahites are asking the Russian command in the Caucasus to appoint Ahmad-khan Mehtulinsky to them as ruler
Ahmad-khan, with the consent of the Avars themselves, asks to send Russian troops in the Hunzah

Year 1253 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The Imam gathers an army to forestall the entry of the Russians into the Hunsah on tight roads until they rise to the Hunzah Plateau, but the inhabitants of Assab defeat the murids
The recent request of Ahmad-khan and the Avars is being fulfilled — General Feze takes Hunsah and builds a citadel for the garrison
The environment of the Imam’s troops in Teletl, the conclusion of a ceasefire with the issuance of hostages
Russian troops enter Ashilta and burn the entire village, except for the house of the Imam — who could not be set on fire
The Russians rise to Ahulgo and burn all the houses there, except for the house of the Imam — who again failed to set fire
Sheikh Shamil in the village of Chirkata
This fall, Russian Emperor Nicholas I, through General Kluki von Klugenau, tries to meet with the Imam, promising to show mercy and exalt him by appointing the ruler of all Muslims in Dagestan
The refusal of Imam Shamil to meet with the emperor of Russia because “he has repeatedly seen from the Russians treasons”
But only 7 years have passed since Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad started the war and all the incredible power of Imam Shamil with his military-theocratic state in front of the whole world is just ahead …
The Russians are gaining a foothold on the Hunzah plateau, strategically controlling the entire Sulak basin by building fortresses in Akhalchi, Moksoh, Tsatanih, Gotsatl, Zirani, Gherghebil, Balakhani and Gimri
Imam offered to leave Avaristan and move to Chechnya — but he refuses

Year 1254 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Murids begin to strengthen Ahulgo to continue fighting in their homeland
Imam’s ñampaign in Igali
Sheikh Shamil defeats the Russians in Tarada-Inhelo and stops wearing his saber on his right side, being a left-handed person — the participation of the Angels of God in this and other battles of the Imam
How to read and what the names of people mean in Avar language for ease of presentation
The death of Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaragy

AH 1255 — Battle of Ahulgo

For 3 months of fighting on Ahulgo, not a single resident of Dagestan came to the aid of the Imam. No one.
Murids defeat in Argwani, on the outskirts of Ahulgo fortress
The dream of General Panteleev from Temir-Khan-Shura
Uhud of Dagestan — a legendary battle in world history
More than 100-fold superiority in the manpower of the besieged Russian troops over 500 murids, not counting the elderly, women and children
The Battle of Ahulgo: 4 months of fighting is one of the most important and most brutal battles in the entire long history of Imamat Sheikh Shamil
Armistice and extradition of 8-year-old Jamaluddin, son of Imam, as a Russian hostage
The meeting of Sheikh Shamil with Major General Pullo, besieging Ahulgo, with the prospect of a possible meeting already with Count Grabbe for a report to the Russian Tsar
Yunus from Chirkey — escort of the son of Imam captured by Chalandar, who is authorized over all Russian diplomatic affairs
Meeting of Yunus with Count Grabbe, lieutenant general of the Russian army, who commanded the siege of Ahulgo
Grabbe breaks all 3 promises given to them
Yunus’s response on behalf of the Imam to the Russian proposal to Sheikh Shamil to go to them: “… we no longer believe you. You are treacherous, deceitful and treacherous people. ”
The order of the Russian emperor: at all costs to capture the Imam
The incredible respect of ordinary Russian soldiers to Yunus and their sincere joy of a truce, along with gloomy faces and tears from the tightened hearts of the hypocrites of Dagestanis
Chalandar’s diplomatic trick to lure all murids from Ahulgo, promising all of them great salaries and endless benefits from the Russian Tsar — so that Sheikh Shamil would remain in the fortress alone
Yunus leaves little Jamaluddin in the care of Murtazali, a Russian captive, and returns to the Imam for the last battle
After completing 3-day negotiations, the Russians break the truce by starting a battle
The betrayal of the hypocrites of Dagestanis, who came from General Grabbe under the guise of peace mediators and informed the Russians about weak spots in the defense and the large number of wounded and sick
The fiercest battles during the week and the competition of murids with each other in the pursuit of death

‘Ali. 28th [Last] Legion (stanzas 8,344 — 10,000)

Amazing stories about the miracles of the Ahulgo martyrs and the heroism and steadfastness of the Imam’s murids who died there
The monstrous losses of the Russian army near Khulgo — 33,001 soldiers killed: 5 thousand were killed in one day, General Pullo returned with only two soldiers
Over 300 murids killed and about 700 men, women and children captured — losses of Ahulgo defenders
An incredible increase in respect and respect for the Imam after this battle and the prayers of the Muslim world for Sheikh Shamil and his murids — from Balkh in Afghanistan, Bukhara in Central Asia and to Mecca with Medina in Arabia
Beginning of the month Rajab — Sheikh Shamil and three dozen murids break out of the Ahulgo
The 21st day of the month of Rajab is the birth of Muhammad-Shafi’, the son of Imam
In extreme old age, Imam Shamil was asked what he cannot forget about. “He could not forget his murids, who remained in the mountains of Dagestan, each of which could fight alone with an army …”
The last third of the month of Ramadan is the beginning of the revival of the former power of the Imam …

Year 1256 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Sheikh Shamil begins to gather troops in Shatoy on the territory of Chechnya
Residents of Chirkey showed humility and obedience to Imam Shamil
The power of Sheikh Shamil extends throughout the country from the Argun gorge to Alkhan-yurt in Malaya Chechnya and to all the villages of Bolshoi Chechnya to the auhovites and kachkadikites — General Pullo’s complaints about the inability to resist the Imam
The military-administrative structure of the Imamat: mudir is the head of the idara-administration, which included from 4 to 8 qura-districts led by naibs-governors
Akhberdil Muhammad al-Hunzahy — naib Gekhi-qura, Shu’aib Tsentoroy — naib Michik-qura, Javadhan Dargo — naib Shali-Kirmichik-qura, Tashav Endirey — naib Auh-qura
Imam Shamil drives away tindins and bagvalals, as well as residents of Vedeno
The Murids advance towards Ossetia to the village of Chuwumiikli
The wounded Sheikh Shamil at the insistence of the Chirkey murids goes on a campaign and takes Zubutl and Chirkey
The Imam takes strategically important points — the villages of Ishkarty, Erpeli and Karanay, having defeated and fled the Russian troops of General Kluki von Klugenau, Shamhal Abu Muslim-khan and Ahmad-khan
Sheikh Shamil subordinates the cheberloites, destroys the crops of Ahmad-khan in the village of Tlayluh in Hunzah and takes Igali
The murids take Ghelbah and Yangi-yurt and burn both villages
Imam Shamil takes the villages of Gimri, Muhita and Upper Ashilta
Russians enter Said-yurt, the murids go there and defeat the enemy
The daughter of the Armenian Christian merchant Anna Ullukhanova is captured, accepts Islam and becomes the wife of Imam Shamil named Shuanat
Imam Shamil makes a roundabout tour of all lands, introducing control among people, and returns to his family in Old Dargo
Murids take Ghelbah for the 3rd time
Imam’s troops go to Nasirin (Nazran)
Russians enter Chirkey and build a fortress there
Unsuccessful attack of Russian troops on Auh
Murids under the command of Qadi Abu Bakr Argwani take Untsukul, Balahani and Gimri

Year 1257 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Javadhan conquers Kuyad

Year 1258 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Sheikh Shamil smashes the Russians near the village of Choh and takes Sogratl
Imam takes Kazikumukh for the 1st time
Murids beat Russians in the village of Golotl
The second battle in Kazikumukh
Russian troops are advancing on Dargo in order to capture the family of Sheikh Shamil
Naib Shu’aib secretly sends the Imam’s family to Andi and meets enemies
The murids defeat and take to flight 12 infantry battalions and 350 cossacks with the support of 24 guns and a company of sappers of Lieutenant General Grabbe at the villages of Belgatoy and Gordali, and then surround them
The answer of Naib Shu’aib to the stinging message of Count Grabbe
Warriors of the Imam again defeat and put to flight General Grabbe, who attacked Igali

Year 1259 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Shamil sends the messenger Amirhan from Chirkey to the Turks
The prediction of the former Russian captive, taken from their books during their 10-year captivity, that a state will be created in 7 months that will crush Russian power
In the Imamate, guns begin to pour …
Residents of Cheberloy, following the residents of Kazikumukh and Untsukul, refuse Shari’a — the answer of the murids
The conquest of Untsukul for the 3rd time, as predicted by Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad
Tradition of Sultan Mahmud and his capture of Afghan Ghazna
Warriors of the Imam take Russian fortresses in the villages of Balahani, Moksoh, Tsatanih, Ahalchi and Gotsatl
The tomb dome of Abu Muslim is the only remaining building in Hunzah
Argut (Lieutenant General Argutinsky-Dolgorukov) with the troops goes to the aid of the Hunzah citadel
The advice of one of the Hunzah leaders of Tin-Muhammad Gatsaluhi to Imam is — to destroy all homes in Hunzah and resettle all people until the Russians are expelled from this land
Shu’aib campaign against the inhabitants of the plain
Murids stormed the fortress in Gherghebil and kill all its defenders
Imam Shamil besieges Temir-Khan-Shura
Russians leave the Hunzah
Murids besiege Zirani fortress
The inhabitants of the plain up to Tarki are submissive to the Imam
Imam Shamil sends murids to Tarki to transfer the body of Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad to Gimri and rebury there
Warriors of the Imam take the fortresses of Yangi-yurt, Zubutl, Miatly and Ghelbah

Year 1260 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Murids subjugate Kaitag and Tabasaran
By the order of Sheikh Shamil, Amirhan from Chirkei subordinates Erpely and Karanai
General Kluki von Klugenau captures the Chirkey and burns it
The Imam defeats Russian troops and puts them to flight in the village of Koroda

AH 1261 — the defeat of Field Marshal Vorontsov, Viceroy of the Caucasus

By the order of Sheikh Shamil, the Daniyal-sultan takes Choh and burns it
The 19th year of the draft, the 16th year of the war — the Russian emperor is going to take and destroy Andy and Dargo (the capital of Imamat)
Field Marshal Prince Vorontsov, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, governor of the Caucasus and former commander of the Russian occupation corps in France, is going to quickly conquer Dagestan and Chechnya
Warriors of the Imam attack Vorontsov’s army, forcing them to retreat towards Dargo
The battle in Belgatoy
The 43-thousand-strong group of Russian troops is defeated and flees from Dargo — Ilya Georgian carries an iron chest with Vorontsov on his back, saving the prince
Murids surround Russians in Shamhal-Berdi
13 thousand killed Russian soldiers and officers — the loss of Field Marshal Vorontsov
The story of 5 misfortunes brought to people by Vorontsov
Argut (Lieutenant General Argutinsky-Dolgorukov) also retreats after learning about the failure of Prince Vorontsov’s mission
Imam settles in New Dargo
The marriage of Imam Shamil to Zahida, the daughter of Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Kazikumukhi, in the month of Thu-l-Hijja

Year 1262 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Campaign of Sheikh Shamil to Circassia
The battle in Kutisha during a trip to the wilayats of Daniyal-sultan

Year 1263 after the Hijra of the Prophet

3-month siege of Salty fortress — 16 assaults and 17 thousand killed Russian soldiers from the besieging army of Prince Vorontsov

Year 1264 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The battle in the fortress of Gherghebil
Murids retreat from Akhty under the onslaught of troops of General Argut

Year 1265 after the Hijra of the Prophet

20 years have passed since Sheikh Ghazi-Muhammad started the war …
Unsuccessful 2-month siege by Russian troops of General Argut of the Choh fortress

Year 1266 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Russian troops, suffering huge losses, cut logs in Shali
Murids build gunpowder plant
The author of the book, Muhammad Tahir, settles to live with the Imam in Dargo
The 18-year-old Ghazi-Muhammad, the son of Sheikh Shamil, binds the yellow turban of Naib in Karata and is remarkable for its amazing gentleness to people

Year 1267 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The Russians continue to cut glades in Shali, suffering huge losses in a very cold winter
Murid campaign in Kaitag and Tabasaran
The amazing courage of Naib Ghazi-Muhammad, the son of Imam Shamil
Sheikh Shamil punishes Haji-Murad for arbitrariness and arbitrariness
Former naib Haji-Murad incites the residents of Hunzah to disobey Imam Shamil and goes over to the Russian side

Year 1268 after the Hijra of the Prophet

New battles with Russians in Shali during logging
The campaign of Naib Sheikh Shamil Buk-Muhammad Kazikumukhi to Kaitag and Tabasaran — the capture and death of all members of the expedition

Year 1269 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Continuation of battles with Russians in Shali during felling of new forest clearings
Imam Shamil advocates war on Azerbaijan
The battle with the Russians in Zakataly and their retreat under the onslaught of the murids
Local nobility takes the side of Russian

Year 1270 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Imam Shamil advocates war against Georgia
Russians return to Sheikh Shamil his son Jamaluddin
Here the story is interrupted, recorded by Muhammad Tahir dictated by Imam Shamil
The Russians are returning Hamza, the son of the sister of Sheikh Shamil, taken hostage after the Battle of Teletl
The death of Jamaluddin and Hamza from a temporary poison given to them by the Russians

AH 1271-1273 — sunset of the Imamate

Rich trophies in Georgia awakened the greed of people …
The increase of oppression by the Mudirs and Naibs, their departure from obedience to the Imam
As a result: “… Allah Almighty did not add to the troops of the Imam after this battle [in Georgia], no matter where they went, nothing but humiliation and defeat, leaving without support and retreat …”
“… the Mudirs and Naibs had nothing but a removal [from justice and observance of Shari’a] and pride …”
“… [there was nothing] with the Imam — except for omitting the reins of government and recognition”
Again about the Mecca’s Forge of the Spirit and reaching the point of Bashashat ul-Iman …
The words of the author of the book that the Imam himself, during his stay in Ichichali, interpreted this battle as ill-fated …
Not all the murids that inhabited the Imamat and were considered as such by virtue of the terminology of the book of Muhammad Tahir were wars of the battle against nafs (salik)
The words of the treasurer Sheikh Shamil Hajiyav Orotinsky about the instructions of the Imam to all his household and to him personally
«… [there was] the common people [nothing] — except for discontent with the rulers and disapproval of all this …»
Highlanders lost the war not to the Russian army, with all its unimaginable power, but to secular gold
«… And this is because Allah does any work that must be done …»
Only the Thoughts of God are embodied
The peoples of the Caucasus were destined to live with Russia according to the Divine Plan
But — despite the fact that Russia was destined for many centuries to be under the Tatar-Mongol yoke — the war against the invaders went …

Year 1274 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Russians and their Dagestan assistants rise to Burtunai and build a fortress there
Destruction of wilayat Nahbak (Salatavia) — residents go to the plain, their Naib goes to the side of the Russians
Life of wilayat Batlulal (Gumbet) is in a mess
Wilayat Gekhi departs to the Russians, and their Naib Sa’adullah Gekhinsky, Naib Gekhi-qura and the Mudir of Small Chechnya, moves to Imam Shamil
The Shatoi are leaving for the Russians — their Naib, Batuka Shatoisky, under the onslaught of the troops of General Evdokimov, and due to the massive transfer of chechens to the enemy’s side, surrenders as a wounded
Warriors of the Imam make efforts to strengthen the wilderness of Ramadan Andi
Great hunger in all the wilayats of the Imam

Year 1275 after the Hijra of the Prophet

The Battle of New Dargo
All wilayats in Chechnya go to the Russians
Russian troops begin to move towards Maaruh in Avaria

AH 1276 — Battle of Gunib

Russians descend from the Andi mountains to the Tando plain
“… Each Russian boss came out of his land with his followers. And there were loads of “red and white” with them, that is, gold and silver, which captured the hearts of the masses of the people and made slaves free … ”
Gumbet and Andi men deliver Imam Shamil and his people to Karata
Former naibs and Imam’s entourage rush to the Russians with obedience and obedience
Way to Gunib …
Imam Shamil’s come true prediction to his treasurer is not to hold these treasures
Daniyal-sultan surrenders the fortress Irib to Russians
«… And there was no fortress left, except for those that surrendered to the Russians, and not a single naib, except for those who bowed their heads and bowed to the Russians …»
Russians surround Mount Gunib — the last stronghold of Imam Shamil …
The words of the scientist Galbats al-Karati: “Our fathers said: verily, you Russians are pleasant with speeches, rich in money, easy at first, hard after and we do not want peace with you”
The Three Imams fought for the Muslims of the Caucasus to live according to God’s instructions, which turned out to be unnecessary for people who would soon have to taste the power of atheism and all its torment …
Gunib, 2nd month Safar AH 1276 — a point in the fierce and fantastic 25-year war of Imam Dagestan and Chechnya Sheikh Shamil against the greatest empire of that era in the world
«… their [Russian] regular army was in all wilayats …»
«… Most ordinary people began to dance to their tune …»
“… and noble people began to look Russian in their mouths when carrying out and fulfilling the rules of Islam and crouch in front of the Russians in order to be made heads and for the sake of gifts …”
“… And the Russians until these days rule in this country with a policy that does not offend the feelings of Muslims, giving them the opportunity to profess Islam and make decisions in accordance with their religion …”
«… They also govern, treating gently and expanding on what was painful and cramped for them …»
«… Almighty Allah improves the present and future»
Words of Prince Chavchavadze to Muhammad from Endirei: “Now in Russia there is a widespread opinion about the perfection of Shamil’s mind and his courage. And how could it be otherwise, because he suffered the struggle against tsarism for 25 years, and the Russian tsar did not tolerate this for such a time and went to the world ”
About the conversation of Emperor Nicholas I with the son of a shi’a Shah in AH 1253
About the conversation of Sheikh Shamil with the bishop

AH 1277-1285 — 10 years in captivity

Fragments of the book “Khulasat ut-tafsyl ‘an ahuali Imam Shamuil”, written by the son of Sheikh Jamaluddin Abdurrahman during his stay with the Imam in Kaluga
In captivity by the Russian emperor
Abdurrahman says, “that the envious of Shamil, when they saw the honor shown to Shamil, were filled with anger from the anger that lurked in their souls from the power of hostility towards him”
Gifts of the Emperor Sheikh Shamil and his family
The Russian emperor personally gives the Imam a golden saber from hand to hand
The meeting of the Imam with the Russian Tsar in the city of Chuguev, near Kharkov
The meeting of the Imam with the empress, the mother of the Russian emperor
The settlement of Imam Shamil in Kaluga
20,000 rubles for the maintenance of all who are with Sheikh Shamil annually — an astronomical amount for those times
The Imam refuses the silverware donated by the tsar, but takes an expensive stroller and horses
The words of the guests sent by the tsar to the Imam: “We love you for the good qualities of character and your meritorious qualities with which you became famous among the human race and in the countries of the world among all the sons of the people”
The trip of Imam Shamil to St. Petersburg to the Russian emperor (AH 1277)
Meeting with Baryatinsky and visiting Peterhof
The second meeting of Sheikh Shamil with the emperor
Healing Imam’s daughter Najaba from illness
Letter from Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Kazikumukhi to Imam Shamil (AH 1278)
Sheikh Jamaluddin al-Kazikumukhi, who, by order of the tsar, lived in high esteem, moves with his family to Istanbul and returns to Allah in AH 1283

Year 1286 after the Hijra of the Prophet

Safar month, exactly 10 years after Gunib — Sheikh Shamil with his family goes to Hajj
On a ship from Anapa, the Imam reaches Istanbul
Sheikh Shamil visits the Sultan ‘Abdul-‘Aziz
Holy Caucasian elder reconciles Turkish Sultan and rebel ruler of Egypt
The Egyptian ruler leaves his throne and places Sheikh Shamil on him
Stopped storm in the sea …
May we not count all the wonders of the Imam …
The Turkish sultan kisses the hand of the Imam — as the Russian told us to know that such a thing has not happened before and will not happen in the future

AH 1287 — Imam returns to Allah

The Russian emperor, who left with him the son of Sheikh Shamil Ghazi-Muhammad because of doubts about his loyalty, allows the mountaineer to visit his father during Hajj
The Russian emperor gives Ghazi-Muhammad to serve 4 young men and 4 girls to serve his wife, and also gives him 300,000 as a gift and 300,000 to his father, Imam Shamil
Ghazi-Muhammad, the son of the Imam, will leave this world in Medina in AH 1321
Imam Shamil in Radiant Medina
Temporary permission: after Hajj, Imam Shamil was to return to the Russian tsar
Allah left the Imam in Medina forever …
The Prophet Muhammad from the grave holds out his hand to the Imam as a sign of contentment with the fulfillment by the Sheikh of the vow made in Gimri in AH 1242 …
The night of the 10th day of Thu-l-Hijja — Allah returns His slave to Him …
He was buried next to the Prophet himself in the Baqi’ Ashab cemetery in Medina (near the grave of uncle Prophet ‘Abbas, whom Caliph ‘Umar revered in the rank of father Rasulullah) by personal order of the Messenger of Allah after 12 centuries — the main miracle of the Imam …
The inhabitants of Medina lie down under the feet of the body of Sheikh Shamil, to at least touch him …


Murids and naibs, who came to the Imam because of power and money, switched to the Russian side because of power and money, when the wind of worldly luck changed
Murids and Naibs, standing next to him for the sake of Allah and the Prophet — remained with the Imam in both worlds
Allah the Great bowed the whole world to the Imam: the Russian emperor personally gives him a golden saber, the Egyptian ruler places him on his throne, the Turkish sultan kisses his blessed hand, Mecca’s sharif lifts him up to the minbar so that all people can see the great Sheikh Shamil …
The story of Sheikh Salahuddin al-Ayyubi, who recaptured al-Quds (Jerusalem) from the crusaders, and about his conversation with the old Christian …
The words of Imam Shafi’i: “For one who studies History, the mind increases and errors decrease”

As-Safi. Sod. Book 24. Opening

Al-Bab 105. Awliya-Saints of Naqshbandi

1st «Gold» Silsila of Naqshbandi

1. Prophet Muhammad (died at AH 11)
2. Caliph ‘Ali (died at AH 40)
3. Al-Husain ibn ‘Ali (died at AH 61)
4. ‘Ali-Asgar Zayn al-‘Abidin (died at AH 94)
5. Muhammad al-Baqir (died at AH 117)
6. Ja’far al-Sadiq (died at AH 148)
7. Musa al-Kadhim (died at AH 183)
8. ‘Ali al-Rida (died at AH 202)
9. Ma’ruf al-Karkhi (died at AH 201)
One Hundred Seventy Thousand Lines. Increasing All Turbulence …
10. Sari al-Saqati (died at AH 251)
10 maqam-degrees of murid
2 khysol-qualities that have completely departed from God and 4 khysol-qualities that have reached Allah
Claiming to hidden knowledge and violating explicit regulations — wrong
11. Al-Junayd (died at AH 298)
Sheikh Junayd’s admonition on tawhid and yaqin
Sheikh Junayd: all paths are closed to the created, except following the Prophet and his Sunna. About ma’rifa
Sheikh Junayd: Allah has slaves abiding in the mortal world by bodies and internally removed from him by faith
Sheikh Junayd about the advantage of the hidden zikr-remembrance of God over the external 70 times
Sheikh Junayd about the three estates of an intelligent man
Conversation of Sheikh Junid with his teacher Sheikh Sari al-Saqati about the meaning, condition, essence of repentance and the acceptance of man by God
Who can be considered a reasonable person? The answer of Sheikh Junayd
12. Abu ‘Ali al-Ruzbari (died at AH ?)
13. Abu ‘Ali al-Katib (died at AH 342)
14. Abu ‘Uthman al-Maghribi (died at AH ?)
15. Abu al-Qasim al-Gurgani (died at AH 450)
16. Abu ‘Ali al-Farmadi (died at AH 477)
In Sheikh Abu ‘Ali al-Farmadi, all the succession lines of the Naqshbandi Tariqat — the First, Second and Third Silsilas — then having a common continuation for all, were united
A meeting with Sheikh Abu al-Qasim al-Gurgani and uweisiyya from Sheikh Abu al-Hasan al-Kharkani
Imam Ghazali about his personal meeting with Sheikh Farmadi and about the utterance of Sheikh Abu al-Qasim al-Gurgani about Usul heard from him

2nd Silsila of Naqshbandi

1. Prophet Muhammad
2. Caliph ‘Ali
3. Al-Hasan al-Basri (died at AH 111)
The luminary of the Ummah in tafsir and hadith, as in any other religious knowledge, at the end of the 1st Century after the Hijra is the light of the Path of attaining God and His knowledge
The meeting of Sheikh al-Hasan with Caliph ‘Ali, when he put things in order in Basra. Transfer of the 2nd Silsila of the Naqshbandi Tariqat to Sheikh al-Hasan al-Basri
We are conducting a simplified, abridged account of the saints
Again about the stress in words. And about «al». And again about «Gain / ‘Ain» and «Ghoin»
One of the last 8 Zahids of the Tabi’un era …
For — Four Lunar Years — we were able to get here …
Drowned in sorrow. Dream about Ibn Sirin
Sheikh al-Hassan about the real faqihs — true connoisseurs of the Islamic religion and its essence
4 things to protect from Hell
Sheikh al-Hassan about iman-faith
Sheikh al-Hasan: the Jews worshiped idols after they worship Allah — because of their love for the worldly
4. Habib al-‘Ajami (died at AH ?)
Returned to God with the speeches of Sheikh al-Hasan
Redeemed his soul from Allah for 40,000 — 4 times 10
5. Daud al-Tai (died at AH 166)
Sheikh Daud, who was previously talkative, treated the nafs through samt-silence: for a whole year of visiting the lessons of Imam Abu Hanifa, he did not say a word
A breathtaking ascetic in an era of unheard-of luxury of rulers and wealth of a people: live your life as one day of fasting — breaking the fast with death
Sheikh Daud: zahid — who can, but left
6. Ma’ruf al-Karkhi (died at AH 201)

3d Silsila of Naqshbandi

1. Prophet Muhammad
2. Caliph Abu Bakr (died at AH 13)
About the sources of the book Tabaqat of Sheikh Shamuli
The spiritual initiation of Caliph Abu Bakr in the cave of Sawr at the beginning of the 1st Year after the Hijra
2 Hadith of the Prophet: «Close all the doors of my mosque, except the door of Abu Bakr» and «Close all the doors of my mosque, except the door of Ali». Is this news of their Caliphate in the real world? Or — about their hidden Caliphate in Tariqat? ..
3. Salman al-Farisi (died at AH 33)
«Salman minna, Ahlul-Bayt»
4. Qasim (died at AH 106)
Seven faqihs of Medina
“It is better to live in ignorance after you have learned the Truth of Allah, than to say something you don’t know.”
5. Ja’far al-Sadiq (died at AH 148)
6. Abu Yazid al-Bastami (died at AH 261)
The story of the adoption of Islam by 500 Christian clergy and monks in the Samighan monastery after a dispute with Sheikh Abu Yazid al-Bastami
4 errors in the beginning
Sheikh Abu Yazid about Khawas — the chosen slaves of Allah
From tawhid to tafrid — what is it?
The three heaviest curtains from Allah: the curtain of the ‘abid-pilgrim, the curtain of the zahid-hermit and the curtain of the ‘alim-scientist
He who knows Allah becomes a hermit of all that distracts from God
Sheikh Abu Yazid about mablaghu-r-rijal (spiritual maturation)
The main benefit of ‘Arif is the very existence of his Lord
Sheikh Abu Yazid: “I have known Allah through Allah Himself and have known everything else through the Light of Allah”
Sheikh Abu Yazid: “The knowledge of God was achieved by leaving what was with them and stopping on what was with Him”
Sheikh Abdurrahman al-Jami about the level of Sheikh Abu Yazid — Wasyl Waqif (attained and remaining). Its difference from the level of those who have reached and returned
7. Abu al-Hasan al-Kharqani (died at AH 425)

Common to all Three Silsilas continuation of Naqshbandi.

8. Abu ‘Ali al-Farmadi (died at AH 477)
9. Yusuf al-Hamadani (died at AH 535)
Sheikh Yusuf al-Hamadani and 3 of his visitors from Autad. Hundred-Pyramid 3, Bayts 4,470 — 4,569
Sheikh Ibn ‘Arabi: real murud is able to attract her sheikh — thanks to sincerity
At; — “father”, the title of great saints among the Turkic peoples. And about the name Said
The four caliph-heir to Sheikh Yusuf Al-Hamadani
1st caliph — Sheikh Abdullah al-Barraqi
2nd caliph — Sheikh Hasan al-Indaqi
3rd caliph — At;-Yasawi (Sheikh Ahmad al-Yasawi): the head of most of the Sheikh Turks of Central Asia
Mansur-at;, Sa’id-at;, Sulayman-at; and Hakim-at; — 4 caliphs of Sheikh Ahmad al-Yasawi
Zinji-at; (great-grandson of Mansur-at;) — the main caliph of Hakim-at;
Uzun Hasan-at;, Said-at;, Sadr-at; and Badr-at; — 4 caliphs of Sheikh Zinji-at;
10. ‘Abd al-Khaliq al-Guzhduwani (died at AH 575)
Farsakh and its 3 varieties. Central Asian farsakh about 8.5 km
4th caliph of Sheikh Yusuf al-Hamadani — Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq al-Guzhduwani: a descendant of Imam Malik and Byzantine kings
Khizir (al-Khadir) — became his sheikh in talqin, Yusuf al-Hamadani — his sheikh in suhba (companionship)
Excerpts from the testament of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq
8 and 3, total 11. The basic rules of the Naqshbandi fraternity: Khush dar-dam, Nazar dar-qadam, Safar dar-watan, Khalwa dar-anjaman, Yad-card, Baz-gasht, Nigah-dasht, Yad-dasht and al-Wuquf al-zamani, al-Wuquf al-‘adadi, al-Wuquf al-qalbi
Warning to all who wish to engage in this [and any other] spiritual practice without spiritual initiation and without the supervision of a Perfect Mentor (Murshid Kamil)
The difference between knowledge of yaqin and knowledge of ladunni
1st caliph of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq — Sheikh Ahmad as-Siddiqi
2nd caliph of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq — Sheikh Awliya Kabir
3rd caliph of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq — Sheikh Sulayman al-Karmini
11. ‘Arif al-Rawgari (died at AH 616)
The 4th caliph of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq al-Guzhduwani will bring Tariqat to Shah Naqshband
12. Mahmud Injir al-Faghnawi (died at AH 717)
The introduction of a clear zikr just before the death of Sheikh ‘Arif ar-Rawgari and the continuation of this practice after
13. ‘Ali al-Ramitani (died at AH 715)
3 questions of Sheikh al-Simnani to Sheikh ‘Azizan ‘Ali al-Ramitani
Sheikh Sayfuddin’s question about an explicit zikr
The question of Sheikh al-Midani is what is “remember Allah much”?
Sheikh ‘Azizan on the completion of the missed and on repentance
Why didn’t Khizir eat a cake from Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq?
Murshid Kamil must educate the murids — like birds
Sheikh ‘Azizan about the rank of spiritual children of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq in the issue of Husein ibn Mansur al-Khallaj and his execution
Either a good character or a khidma to sheikh — 2 of the surest and fastest ways to achieve success on the Path
Sheikh ‘Azizan: for ‘ashiq-lover, not two holidays, but three
Question of Sheikh Nuruddin al-Nuri
The story of Sheikh Said-at; and his son
The story of a devoted murud Sheikh ‘Azizan
Sheikh ‘Azizan in Khorezm: the ruler and the majority of the inhabitants become murids and companions of the great saint
Having lived 130 years and left behind 6 caliphs
1st caliph — the eldest son of Sheikh ‘Azizan Muhammad Khurd
2nd caliph — the youngest son of Sheikh ‘Azizan Ibrahim
3rd caliph — Sheikh Muhammad Kalazur
4th caliph — Sheikh Muhammad Khallaj al-Balkhi
5th caliph — Sheikh Muhammad al-Bawardi
14. Muhammad Baba al-Sammasi (died at AH 755)
6th caliph of Sheikh ‘Azizan ‘Ali al-Ramitani — Sheikh Muhammad-Bab; al-Sammasi
Hinduvan fortress will become ‘Arifan fortress — Knowers of God
Waiting for Shah Naqshband …
Testament to his successor Sheikh Said Amur Kulal to educate Shah Naqshband in the best way
Garden of Sheikh Muhammad-Bab; al-Sammasi and his caliphs
1st caliph — Sheikh Sufi al-Sukhari
2nd caliph — the son of Sheikh Muhammad-Bab; al-Samm;si Muhammad
3rd caliph — Sheikh Danshamdir ‘Ali
15. Said Amir Kulal (died at AH 772)
4th caliph of Sheikh Muhammad-Bab; al-Samm;si — Sheikh Said Amur Kulal
Wrestler and strongman, despite his noble origin
A dream that looked outward
Each of the 4 caliphs of Sheikh was engaged in the education of one of the 4 sons of Sheikh Said Amir Kulal
16. Shah Naqshband (died at AH 791)
Subtotals: Naqshbandi in Asia and the world
The spiritual son of Sheikh Abdul-Khaliq Al-Guzhduwani
The turbulence of the Fifth Veda here we are apparently leaving / One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Lines /
Admission to the “absolute weights of the poetic octagon” received — 04/27/2019
For the final battle with Manas As-Safi, we will have to double the fee to 360 Thousand Lines …
The last Centuria of Tumen …
Everything comes from Allah … 10,000 Stanzas — 28th Legion is completed
A L F   XI
As-Safi or — Bustan …

As-Safi. Sod. Book 25. City and night

Overclocking a little, gaining momentum
Metaphysics seems to be different
Material is being prepared for publication

17. ‘Alauddin al-‘Attar (died at AH 795)
18. Ya’qub al-Charkhi (died at AH 851)
19. ‘Ubaydullah al-Ahrar (died at AH 895)
20. Muhammad Zahid (died at AH 936)
21. Darwish Muhammad (died at AH 970)
22. Hawajak al-Imkanaki (died at AH 1010)
23. Muhammad al-Baqi (died at AH 1022)
24. Ahmad al-Faruq (died at AH 1034)
25. Muhammad Ma’sum (died at AH 1079)
26. Saifuddin (died at AH 1095)
27. Nur Muhammad (died at AH 1135)
28. Habibullah (died at AH 1195)
29. ‘Abdullah al-Dahlawi (died at AH 1240)
30. Khalid-shah al-Baghdadi (died at AH 1242)
31. Isma’il al-Kurdumeri (died at AH ?)
32. Khas-Muhammad al-Shirwani (died at AH 1260)
33. Muhammad al-Yaraghi (died at AH 1254)
34. Jamaluddin al-Kazikumuhi (died at AH 1283)
35. Imam Shamil (died at AH 1287)

As-Safi. Sod. Book 26. Answer

Ya Saiyydi, ya Rasula Llah
A little reviving
Material is being prepared for publication

P.S. The completion of the Way to Truth with the words of the song «Good night» by Tsoi as the quintessence of Sufism

As-Safi. Sod. Book 27. Way to Manas

I did not expect this and I can safely admit it
Where Mukhammasa and Takhmis
Juz 1. Signs (Shamils 1-30)
Shamil 1. Inspiration from the East
Shamil 2. Signs in general
Material is being prepared for publication

Juz 2. Reaching Spring (Shamils 31-60)
Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Sod. Book 28. Intermission

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Sod. Book 29. A new beginning

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi Octalogy. Part VI. Apology (Abyat 77 601 — 100,500)

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Apology. Book 30. Appearance

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Apology. Book 31. Dawn

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Apology. Book 32. Fog

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Apology. Book 33. Suspense

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi Octalogy. Part VII. Function (Abyat 100,501 — 112,750)

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Function. Book 34. Generation

Before the Prologue
May 1945: 8 Fronts advance …
12 marshals of the USSR and 17 marshals of the armed forces
3 thrice of the Hero of the USSR (during the war)
104 twice Hero of the USSR (during the war)
Lyrical digression 1. A quarter of a Million Lines behind us to write
The Russians won the war — the dominant ethnic group of the Soviet people
The title of Hero of the USSR, as the highest distinction, and its features
12 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union (during the war)
Leafing through the old Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary of my father-in-law: before the finale — Ten Beats of the Soviet Army in 1944
The last 4 months of the war. Fronts movement
Chronology of the most important events of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941-45 (from the old Dictionary)
The Great Patriotic War in the context of the Second World War and the events preceding it in the confrontation between the JGI-USGBF and the USSR (from the old Dictionary)
The total number of the Soviet army in the last 3 years of the war is about 11 million people
Underestimated pre-war power of the Soviet army — 12 million reservists and 17 thousand units of armored vehicles according to intelligence by General Guderian
The total strength of the Wehrmacht on the eastern front before the invasion of the USSR
The maximum number of troops of Germany and its allies on the eastern front
3 to 5 at the beginning of the war: Wehrmacht army groups “Center” (Field Marshal Bock), “North” (Field Marshal Leeb) and “South” (Colonel General Rundstedt) against the forces of the West (Army General Pavlov), North-Western (Colonel-General Kuznetsov), South-Western (Colonel-General Kirponos), Northern (Lieutenant-General Popov) and Southern (Army General Tyulenev) Fronts of the Red Army
Chapter 1. Plan Barbarossa
Hitler’s original plan
OKW plan — a project of the General Staff of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces of Germany (Wehrmacht)
OKH plan — a project of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht
Joint project — Barbarossa plan
303 divisions of the Red Army (4/5 of which in the West) before the war and 3 Strategic Echelons in the Moscow direction
What happened near Smolensk in July-September 1941? Disaster: in the first 25 days of the war, the Germans, having traveled 600 km, reach Smolensk — 370 km to Moscow …
Won — God granted victory to us, not to Germans. That’s all
Communist tales about the «inevitability» of defeating the Germans: order No. 227 of July 28, 1942 — a year after Smolensk (the text was published in the media only in 1988)
Chapter 2. Wehrmacht: the armed forces of the Reich. Their device and power
Why do we need a Wehrmacht device? From the border to the Dnieper, the Germans reached a month through the territory that we had been strengthening for 20 years. We went the same way in a year through the territory that they strengthened for 2 years
What is the Wehrmacht?
Before and during Hitler
The Supreme Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW) and its 3 components: the command of the Ground Forces (OKH), the Air Force (OKL) and the Navy (OKM)
Ranks of the Wehrmacht
Wehrmacht awards
The military units of the Wehrmacht and its strength
Wehrmacht strategy and tactics
Chapter 3. Giler versus Stalin
Two tyrants. Two totalitarian regimes. Two peoples in captivity
People who believed Hitler and Stalin
Our claims for the entire war — not even to the highest command staff of the Red Army, and especially to the soldiers — but personally to the head of the country Stalin and who is with him
Chapter 4. 37 aviation corps of the Soviet Air Force at the end of the war
12 fighter air corps (FAC)
1st Guards Minsky FAC: 3rd Guards Bryansky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov and 4th Guards Orshansky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov fighter air divisions
3rd Guards Yassky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov FAC: 13th Guards Poltavsko-Alexandrisky orders of Red Banner and Kutuzov and 14th Guards Kirovogradsko-Budapestsky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov fighter air divisions
6th Guards Lvovsky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov FAC: 9th Guards Mariupol-Berlinsky order of Lenin, Red Banner and Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 22nd Guards Kirovogradsky orders of Lenin, Red Banner and Kutuzov and 23rd Guards Cherkassky orders of Red Banner and Bogdan Khmelnitsky fighter air division
2nd Orshansky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov FAC: 7th Guards Rzhevsky orders of Red Banner, Suvorov and Kutuzov and 322nd Minsky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov fighter air divisions
3rd Nikopolsky orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov FAC: 265th Melitopolsky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov and 278th Siberian-Stalinsky orders of Red Banner and Suvorov fighter air divisions
5th Lvovsky orders of Red Banner and Bogdan Khmelnitsky FAC: 8th Guards Kievsky orders of Red Banner, Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky and 256th Kievsky orders of Red Banner, Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky fighter air divisions
6th Baranovichsky order of Suvorov FAC: 234th Mozyrsky order of Suvorov and 273th Gomelsky order of Suvorov fighter air divisions
8th Bobruisky order of Red Banner FAC: 215th Tannenbergsky order of Red Banner and 323th Baranovichsky order of Red Banner fighter air division
10th Stalingradsky order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky FAC: 10th Guards Stalingradsky order of Red Banner and Suvorov and 15th Guards Stalingradsky order of Red Banner and Bogdan Khmelnitsky fighter aircraft divisions
11th Kenigsbergsky FAC: 5th Guards Valdaisky order of Red Banner and Kutuzov and 190th Polotsky order of Red Banner and Kutuzov fighter air divisions
13th Sedletsky order of Red Banner FAC: 193rd Demblinsky order of Suvorov and 283th Kamyshinsky order of Red Banner and Suvorov fighter air divisions
14th Rijsky FAC: 185th and 315th fighter air divisions
Material is being prepared for publication

Chapter 5. 24 tank corps of the Soviet army at the end of the war
Chapter 6. 14 mechanized corps of the Soviet army at the end of the war
Chapter 7. 7 guards cavalry corps of the Soviet army at the end of the war
Chapter 8. As-Safi rules

As-Safi. Function. Book 35. War has begun

Material is being prepared for publication

1941 year. Catastrophe
Chapter 9. 970 km from the border to Moscow. Wehrmacht against the Red Army: alignment of forces at the beginning of the war
Chapter 10. Did Stalin sweep tracks? Everyman’s Notes
Chapter 11. The first 25 days of the war: Germans travel 600 km, reaching Smolensk. Bialystok (300 km) — Minsk (300 km) — Smolensk
Chapter 12. Last 370 km: Smolensk — Moscow
Chapter 13. Counterattack

As-Safi. Function. Book 36. Apogee

Material is being prepared for publication

1942 year. Crash
Chapter 14. The results of the battle of Moscow
Chapter 15. Order No. 227
Chapter 16. Stalingrad
Snipers of the Arctic. Karachays Osman Gochiyaev and Magomet Mutchaev

As-Safi. Function. Book 37. Inertia of Victory

Material is being prepared for publication

1943 year. Change

As-Safi. Function. Book 38. 1600

Material is being prepared for publication

1944-45 years. Victory
Intelligence service. The assault on Berlin. Karachai Murat Marshankulov

As-Safi Octalogy. Part VIII. Induction (Abyat 112,751 — 124 000)

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Induction. Book 39. Day and night

Material is being prepared for publication

As-Safi. Induction. Book 40. Rose Garden

Material is being prepared for publication


… In addition to ordinary readers who may be interested in the work and do not yet know about its existence, there is a layer of specialists in charge of this sphere of cultural life — both in Russia and in the world. Literary community — able to anathematize, rank as saints or simply ignore. “The night is pregnant with the dawn, I count the stars in the sky,” said Hafez. And perhaps I would say it now. What awaits there ahead?..

As-Safi is a very pragmatic work, despite all his cramming with transcendental romantic trends and images. He is unlikely to go about it. Like a leopard lying on a prey trail while resting and hunting. Octalogy has its own behavior algorithm, which is difficult to guess in advance. At one time, from a large, but rather ordinary work with a regional theme, “Clear” turned into a leader in contemporary world poetry. Both in the number of lines and topics covered, and in the abundance of poetic sizes. He even created his own — Shamil, which more evokes memories of a table of integrals and logarithms with an eye on tensor equations than it looks like an ordinary free verse …


… Do Octalogy need recognition? Both critics and ordinary readers? Both historians and philosophers, and religious figures (many of whom have already disowned the work, even formally being representatives of visible holiness)? The pie of world attention has long been divided. Why do they all need such a promising player?

… It seems that As-Safi does not need the Nobel Prize. But this award, perhaps with time, will feel this need. The work has its own reader. Thoughtful, seeking, aware. They are few. Let be. Diamonds are always scarce in the breed. Knowing this, the work is unlikely to chase after millions of visits to sites. As well as for favorable reviews of authoritative critics.

And what if As-Safi goes with a bang all over the world, what then? ..

necto Donatello
