Vlaste with grandfathers from army of Napoleon

Vlaste with grandfathers from army of Napoleon
Vlaste with great-great-grandfathers from Napoleon's army
(Birthday on August 22)

To be stronger than beauty,
She should be You.
So that the path leads You up
I need to be in it.

Such a simple cycle
can be done in a year.
But it's better if in two,
so as not to get dizzy.

Comrade Stalin wrote about this *,
who knew how to put life.
Not on the palm - in the head.
Not that you and I ... Actually!

Happy birthday again!
Like twenty-five again.
Not like it was at thirty-seven.
Without casting a shadow over the fence.

Friend, believe, she will ascend -
on Vera the same Price!
And in every life a new year
will give us, like everyone else, a litter.

Work, Faith and Love
in our dreams they bring new
and in the zodiac every Leo,
Believe me, it gives both shelter and a stable.

It remains only to want
so that our great-grandfather rejoices,
maybe all great-great ... with great-grandmothers,
to become us above the baobabs ** all.

With Work Believe in Love. It
obedient will be like a string.
Not only, as in the hands of violinists.
You feel? - Open the door for them!


* “Dizziness with success. On the issues of the collective farm movement ”- article by I.V. Stalin in the newspaper "Pravda" in No. 60 of March 2, 1930

** The baobab is one of the thickest trees - the trunk diameter reaches 8 m, the height is 18-25 m. The baobab has no annual rings, therefore, it is not possible to reliably determine the age of old plants. According to the most conservative estimates, the baobab lives for a maximum of about one thousand years; at the same time, there is evidence that the age of a tree with a diameter of 4.5 m, determined by radiocarbon analysis (according to C14), is more than 4500 years. The fresh pulp of the fruit tastes like ginger and is rich in vitamins C and B, and its nutritional value is equal to that of veal. It is quickly absorbed and relieves fatigue.

Background information and photos from Wikipedia.

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Everything will change one day. We didn't create this world. It was, it is, it will be. Like humankind. Your saying is beautiful and honest. Good luck.

Марина Зеболова 5   01.09.2020 21:20     Заявить о нарушении
Oh, your answer is beautiful as nature that created us! Striving to live in harmony with her is our goal. While humanity is enslaved by other interests. Thank you for the insight into our way out of our delusions. God bless us.
Best regards, I.S.

Игвас Савельев   03.09.2020 16:23   Заявить о нарушении