108 -transition-
Equilibrium. Balance. Yoga.
The point of neither good no evil.
Only harmony and peace.
Listen to your heart beat.
Make you deep breathing slows down.
Perceive your consciousness pulsating:
first it expands to the Universal level,
then it narrows to the poppy seeds.
Meditate on the deepest joy filling your body.
Your Universe pulsates like the Ocean.
Its primary music roars.
The planetary blood murmurs.
The Earth sings Gregorian chorals.
The transition moment of Eternity into timelessness.
Happiness does not know the past and the future.
Samadhi means you're neither "here" nor "now".
Your essential being is here within your spine at two reference points:
blue and red - above and below.
It rolls to and fro, pulsating from one dimension to another.
Finally you'll stick out somewhere between water lilies on a tranquil lake.
There are pink and white lilies, so similar to lotuses,
Nymphaea alba, drenched in silver light.
There's the green eyed nymph with a white sweet body smiling to you on the shore.
Are you still on a balance, equilibrium, joga?
Pears this year are January, ripe.
Taste them, interstellar traveler.
© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2020
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