Птахи сiдають на гiлля дерева -Денис Майданюк - En

Birds sit down on branches of a tree
They don’t know who planted it
They sit down because it is
And it doesn’t belong to anyone.
Under a tree Eve walks,
She wears a fern-colour dress,
She gathers yellowish apples to bring them for Adam to taste.
Adam doesn’t know anything yet, he’s a complete tabula rasa.
Eve carries to him apples wrapped in fresh laundry,
He takes a bite from each of them,
From an apple of shame and offence,
From an apple of truth and memory.
Birds sit down on branches of a tree
That grows behind my window
Near the portraits of mother and father, grandma and granddad, great-grandma and great-grandad.
Birds bite the apples,
A raven cleans his feathers,
A cuckoo counts years.
Birds sit down on branches of a tree
That grows behind my window,
They don’t know who planted it
They sit down because it is
And it doesn’t belong to anyone.
