The Time Came

   The time came and she remembered that she once had had two events in her life that touched her heart. All the situations and circumstances that were related to the first event were well known to her whereas about the other one she didn’t know as much as about the first one. Some time she confidently thought that it was ok but later things little by little started to change. Somehow, her opinion was changed too and different thoughts unexpectedly came to her mind. Before these new thoughts, everything went as it went but then it didn’t work as usual. These changes began to annoy her. She realized that the reason of this irritation was completely in two previous events that right now bothered her so much. In any case, she thought that it was like this. Somewhere deep in her heart she knew that her problem was that she hadn’t changed anything before. She had left these things as they were once again and now she felt disappointment. Eventually this was her way. It was time for a change and it came. 

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