No Return

Irritating rain
On my windowpane –
Sick of it!
The unbroken chain…
Whiskey numbs the pain…
Now, I quit…

Life becomes (a) nightmare
Who will even care?  –
Live your life…
That is so unfair
(to) cut my soul bare
with a knife!

If your thoughts deceive
What does heart receive?
No one told…
What is to forgive?
Ruin Ur belief...
Soul is sold…

Light a cigarette
Nothing to regret
All in vain…
Now I can bet –
Sky is turning red…
Making me insane…

I do not want to seek the truth…
Who’s right and who is wrong…
And not to grieve what I do lose
‘Coz here I don’t belong!
Everything has turned to dust…
Compassion’s left to me…
Tell me, dear, “How can I trust?!”
Now you’ve become my enemy…

Like a hungry beast
Through an icy mist
Chasing you
Bracelet on my wrist
Burns my memories
Burns them through

Wanna be with him,
But the hope grows dim…
No return…
Which’s the greater sin?
Is to let him in
Or let him burn…

