Here - You are

Shut up!
Don't talk about your travels.
About contacts of the third and thirty-third levels.
About the languages ;;you spoke to them.
About their customs, exteriors and interiors.
About the ways they meditate.
About their believes and their knowledge.
About their falling into a sweet coma.
Everything existed, exists and will be exist forever.
And the Buddha,
who ones upon a time used to be Prince Gautama,
did not dissolve in Nirvana,
did not jump out of this world.
Therefore, you'd better read more carefully the myths,
fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world.
Immerse yourself in satya all the time,
like in a bath with cinnamon and thyme.
You will see a lot then, you will probably hear even more.
And you will gradually become a Warrior of Light,
or maybe a Brahmin,
who wanders barefoot through the meadows
at dawn, bathing in the fog, in the dew,
in the old bed of the river that flows from the bowels:
from circle to circle, in eternal motion.
Close your eyes,
breathe regularly,
count to twelve.
Here - You are.

© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2015
