I am sorry

“We” it’s only for me and my entire family,
That wants to enjoy life and live happily.
And you, lay-people, do not complain,
I did not wish to inflict upon you my pain.

Although I work day and night so hard,
I don’t have money on my debit card.
My mom, believe me, lives like a tramp,
Who makes end meet on food stamp.

I said sorry to you three times before,
There is no sense to repeat it more.
You will vote for me if needed again,
I tried to help students, all in vain.
I know you are angry but I don’t care,
I did not do anything wrong, I swear.
Everyone has a chance to change,
There is no reason to express outrage.
Having said that I agree I told lies,
To violate code of ethics was not wise.
But politics you know is a dirty game,
And politicians put on others blame.
