He s here, he s there. he s everywhere

He’s here, he’s there, he’s almost everywhere;
if you want to see him well, just turn around,
and you’ll meet his shining eyes, and I swear, and I swear,
they, no ever on the Earth, have been found.

He’s near at your side, and to many coloures tied, -
blue divine, as your day, green, and grey,
anchored to the clouds tight, failing to escape when tried, 
but he never comes into the cruel fray.

Count up to ten or more, go directly to the store,
there buy the second-hand Chinese sun-glasses
to protect wide-opened eyes, brain, skin, and more
when you see how at the dawn he passes.       

If you ever disagree through the door’s chink to pee,
not to catch by sudden look his eye-beam stare,
climb the highest of the trees, look at him – he’s so sweet:
smiling broadly here, there, and everywhere.

Superstition comes to mind, like a tidal wave to bind
fast the scattered shore with the dropping sky,
when he comes through heavy clouds in a sorcery to find
his beloved and fairy place in a glamour shy.            
10.07.2020 г.
