Белла Ахмадулинa У тысячи мужчин... пер. ру-en
заботами или бездельем дня,
спросила я: - Скажите, нет ли брата,
меж всеми вами брата для меня?
- Нет брата, - отвечали, - не взыщите. -
Тот пил вино, тот даму провожал.
И каждый прибегал к моей защите
и моему прощенью подлежал.
Bella Akhmadulina
Of hundreds men, who swarmed the streets, and either
were idle or in businesses engaged,
I asked, if I can find myself a brother
to stand with me against the callous age?
-No brothers, - they replied, - among our faction. -
Some were with ladies, others were with wine.
And every one was seeking my protection
and subject was to clemency of mine.
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