Борис Слуцкий Уменья нет сослаться на болезнь. Пер

Борис Слуцкий
Уменья нет сослаться на болезнь,
таланту нет не оказаться дома.
Приходится, перекрестившись, лезть
в такую грязь, где не бывать другому.

Как ни посмотришь, сказано умно —
ошибок мало, а достоинств много.
А с точки зренья господа-то бога?

Господь, он скажет: «Все равно говно!»

Господь не любит умных и ученых,
предпочитает тихих дураков,
не уважает новообращенных
и с любопытством чтит еретиков.

Boris Slutski. (Slutski was ordered by the Party authorities to chair the infamous meeting of the Soviet Writers' Union where Pasternak was expelled. Slutski obeyed, and this fact was haunting his conscience for the rest of his live)

I've no skill to call in sick in time,
I've no gift to be away on travel,
As a result, I dive in stinking slime
That would disgust the most, most seasoned devil.

My diplomatic wording was okay,
I worked on it, and the result was worth it,
But what about the Lord, our God, what is his take?

The Lord, he'll smile and say "it still is horseshit!" 

Smart-asses and street-wise He does not need,
Prefers the simple-minded to professors,
Does not respect the converts to the Creed,
But still regards with interest the transgressors.


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