Salisbury and me connections, Солсбери и я
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
(Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
16.06.2020. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Salisbury and me connections, Солсбери и я
Two Russian men (Boshirov and Petrov)
visited UK
2-4 march 2018.
The Salisbury case was 4th March 2018.
17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round with a symbol
17th September 2018 i started to listen a telepathic voice.
Hinxton , Cambridge, England, UK
6 Ancient DNA, 2,300-1,300 years back at time
Balsham in a nearest village to Hinxton
Balsham, Cambridge, England, UK
12 century
Adam of Balsham was a Tutor-Teacher of
John of Salisbury
in the University of Paris
in Paris, France
I have 6 Ancient DNA of Hinxton, a family group, lived 2,300-1,300 years back at time
I have my genetic cousins Balsham, Salisbury, Kent, ...
I am a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic,
my native language is Russian, i had been born in Russia, Khabarovsk, in 1961.
Plenty people of Russian Ethnic and Russian Citizenship/Ukrainian Citizens may be a genetically mix or genetically removed decedents of their Scottish, Welsh, English, British, American, French, German, Italy, European ancestors, coming to Russian Impair to live, to work, to marry, to serve, to trade, to stay as a refugees of war zone conflicts in Europe, to organise some business, banks, Managements, to teach, to wide the Christianity ideas widely, - all their decedents may be Russian Ethnic , Russian Citizens.
Plenty Russian protected foreigners, helping them to survive in their country.
I know some woman came from Europe, from German-French family Balzin, worked as a Governess in Kazakhstan, another as Nanny, looked for children, she was a Scottish roots/British roots.
My mother's mother asked a British soap for her last bath in Tajikistan in February 1938, a Stalin regime cruel time. There was a miracle: nobody betray her, people helped, she survived, she was just 24 yo girl at that time. I knew this story from them both, from my mother and from my mother's mother, there was USSR time, so, i never asked more.
Much later my closed relative said me, the family of my mother kept a hidden paper of the connection to Swedish Royal Family, offered me to pick to keep this for my children, grandchildren, myself. I laughed as my low income was not suitable to wear such connections and i refused, as this was better. Just people having a good money and a social rank need this prove in their social class group to be recognised. Soon, you loos your financial luck, - you nothings, dropping down to a land as each ordinary people. Really, any The Queen or The King should be The One, and we have our The Queen and our British Royalty already, to pray for them and to support them and their duties to support to protect the country.
Plenty Nobles and Knights Families , The Houses, had a loss of their social ranks soon they had a financial loss.
Plenty ordinary people might be decedents of a good families, the houses, just their ancestors had a loss of their luck.
Some others are the unofficial decedents , especially as this The Right of The 1st Night was, making children.
So, as i have not any genealogy the family tree to be connected to families of some my genetic cousins, i support to think about unofficial children of romances love stories or a forced relation or a weakness of a night or as children of rules The Right of 1st Night for Nobles on theirs. Really, each child is a child of a love between a man and a woman.
I am glad that British Laws gave rights for biological fathers to be recognised fathers of their children, and so, to leave to keep their family name.
Russians from Russia may be genetically "British" by their genetic, and to travel to England to see places where their ancestors 's life was.
British people of UK will look for them all as on "Russian", "Foreigners", "Possibly Russian Spies in UK".
And this will be sore for you, proud to say to explain things.
I had a lot of discrimination cases of me in UK for my Russian Ethnic and Russian accent, making me so love the choice of my ancestors to leave Great Britain to stay in Russian Impair to be Russian Ethnic people and Russian as a choice of the love.
All USA near to collapse, shouting "Black lives matter"
All Russian Ethnic people, having a huge discrimination in UK, keeping a silence.
What to say here? we live in a modern society when just the top richest family lives matter to be well protected and happy and financial supported as the range.
If them 2 Russians from Russia, genetically connected to me (our faces have some proportions as genetically related people to each another), - Boshirov and Petrov, two Russians, might came in UK, having old British genetic connection to Salisbury, as decedents of Salisbury (John of Salisbury?), to visit a place where your ancestors lived, to walk on their land, closed to their old property house.
and all British news started to shout on them "Russians! Russian Spies! Murders, coming to kill Skripal family members, living in Salisbury!"
M? How about the Law rules? Just The Court has a right to name someone as a criminal? after a long juridical Court process, where the Solicitor help to defend to find if someone innocent?
I mean when The Court will declare this or that, - we will be able to take this , to repeat this.
Look, people go to be trained educated as a Military Officers as they planned to defend other people lives by sacrificing own lives.
The Police, The Army, had some range of wanted people: they do not want murders and criminals to give a modern weapons to some murders wrong hands.
Some dynasties of Medical Doctors, Paediatricians, Military Officers, as generations on some professions, educated by some specific way since their childhood.
I mean as you know there were being two men from a Military Officers, Military Medical Doctor background, you may value them as they are not a vulgar criminals or murders as their choice of the profession and values of profession.
I was thinking they came to help to someone unofficial and a private, as some private consultation work.
Military Doctors knew much more issues , including top range of technology, which is not in a civilian hospital yet, too.
Really, they needed in A&E Department , just the army picked the best specialists, best professionals.
if President of Russia Putin sent them to make a crime in UK land, - the use of a military war time chemical poison gas/liquid on the territory of another country is the declaration of war with this country.
By Russian/British Laws and Constitution, Russian President/British PM had no rights to declare a war on their own personnel decision, - they must to wait the vote of Russian Duma/British Parliament decision.
This is a long juridical process with discussion, political discussion.
We had not saw any vote of Russian Duma/British Parliament as the declaration of a war.
This mean Putin had not juridical right to declare a war to Great Britain and to use the war time chemical poison Novichok (Newman) against UK land.
If he did this, this issues of Russian Duma to see to investigate it, to sort out by Russian Laws.
Putin had been graduated as a Jurist , he knew Laws, juridical moments.
But Russian people worried a real Putin had been replaced.
American CIA genetic tests of DNA of Putin declared him as not a father of his daughters, - so, not that Putin.
and so, we all may worry here, not knowing whom rule in Russia now, what is a destiny of a real Putin?
is he living? or had he died? or had he had been kidnapped by a force, keeping somewhere?
some said he had been damaged badly in some attack on him, and he had replaced himself for another as trusted Trustee Re presenter of Putin on a public.
I mean a huge complicate issues of Salisbury investigation.
This is cost a lot of money, lots of staff to investigate all, a huge job for a British Police.
From News on Russian
I read news on Russian
15 июня 2020, 16:57
"Британия продолжила расследовать отравление Скрипалей спустя два года"
"Британия продолжила расследовать отравление Скрипалей спустя два года"
" Контртеррористическая полиция Великобритании
продолжила расследование отравления
бывшего полковника ГРУ Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери Юлии
спустя два года после произошедшего.
Соответствующее сообщение опубликовано в Twitter-аккаунте ведомства.
Полиция призвала всех,
кто владеет какой-либо информацией о подозреваемых, сообщить об этом.
Переведу оттуда с английского на русский:
on Russian
Британская полиция контрразведки Великобритании
* по делу о Солсбери - Скрипали Сергей и Юлия:
Телефон: 0800 789 321 в Великобритании
Телефон: +44 800 789 321 звонить в Великобританию из-за границы
Просьба сообщить информацию, о двух мужчинах на фотко (* Боширов и Петров * в новостях 2018-2020 года), в силу продолжения расследования случая в Солсбери.
Эти двое мужчины посещали Великобританию 2-4 марта 2018 года.
Оригинал Твиттера на английском:
Counter Terrorism Policing UK
"The #Salisbury investigation remains ongoing.
We continue to appeal
for any information
regarding these two men
(* "Boshirov" and "Petrov" *)
whilst they were in the UK
from 2-4 March 2018.
Anyone with information should
call police in confidence on
0800 789 321
(* +44 800 789 321 from abroad")
or email
Counter Terrorism Policing UK
Salisbury Investigation Remains Ongoing
again-from, continue
"Обращение опубликовано под фотографией Александра Петрова и Руслана Боширова, которых Великобритания называет предполагаемыми отравителями.
По данным британских властей, Скрипали были отравлены 4 марта 2018 года разработанным в СССР нервно-паралитическим веществом «Новичок» в результате операции с участием сотрудников ГРУ. В Лондоне полагают, что атака была санкционирована высшим руководством России. Москва отрицает причастность к случившемуся со Скрипалями.
Согласно расследованию Bellingcat и The Insider,
— на самом деле кадровый сотрудник российской военной разведки полковник
Анатолий Чепига,
а Петров
— военный врач, сотрудник ГРУ
Александр Мишкин."
"Британия продолжила расследовать отравление Скрипалей спустя два года"
Counter Terrorism Policing UK
The #Salisbury investigation remains ongoing. We continue to appeal for any information regarding these two men whilst they were in the UK from 2-4 March 2018. Anyone with information should call police in confidence on 0800 789 321 or email
Salisbury and me connections, Солсбери и я
Two Russian men (Boshirov and Petrov)
visited UK
2-4 march 2018.
The Salisbury case was 4th March 2018.
17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round with a symbol
17th September 2018 i started to listen a thelepatic voice.
and more issues and point here.
So, again this case of March 2018.
I live in UK, I am a British Citizen of Russian Ethnic, I am a really emotionnaly touched by all this story in Sailsbury.
I was born in Russia, in 1961, I lived in Russia for 6 years , 6 yo - 12 yo girl of primary school age in Chita Province in Russia as my childhood memory,
I had been educated in Riga, Latvia,
a Russian speakers main educational language,
English as 2nd language or as a foriegn languge
as a schoolgirl of
Rigas 76 Secondary School,
as a student of
Latvian State University,
Applied Mathematics Speciality,
Full Time Education,
University Degree 1987 year.
My 1st job after i was a graduated specialist Mathematician was in
Rigas Scientific Research Institute of Radioisotop Devices,
all jobs were being on Russian language as a main working language on my working place,
some working on IMB computers and notebooks with some software programs
were being on a knowledge of English language
(Assembler, PL, Fortran machines languages).
I was 36 yo, coming to live in UK on 12th February 1998
as a fiancee-later as a wife of British Citizen,
I had my Latvian Alien passport as my Soviet Union passport had been taken from me by Latvian Officials in Latvia and they never return back me this.
* USSR collasped in 1992, Russian had not replaced or issued Soviet Union passport for a new Russian passport, some Latvia had not issued Latvian passport, named me as Alien, a person without any Citizenship.
I was this till I received British Citizenship and British passport in April 2002
as a wife of British Citizen UK, living in UK over 3 years.
I main this point to explain:
i do not know English well to be able to write all right , please take my apology
if i am talking or writing on English.
I was 36 yo, starting to use English.
My British husband named my "English" as "Innish" as my name "Inna"
I never used a verbal English be able to talk verbally on English.
I am living in UK since Feb 1998 till now.
I will try to say all i know knew about Salisbury case
as the emotionally touched person,
reading all about this during 2018 - 2020
from Internet
and my study
and some mystic cases too.
Two Russian men (Boshirov and Petrov)
visited UK
2-4 march 2018.
The Salisbury case was 4th March 2018.
17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round with a symbol
17th September 2018 i started to listen a thelepatic voice.
These two men on photo, and one face on the left may be known me
from my living time in Riga 1974-1978
just i do not remember name or surname or where this cross meeting was,
- a walking on street of Riga or in Jurmala or somewhere.
I do not remember. But i had been "touched" by this face as a feeling
"I might saw him somewhere just not remember where this was".
I can not say this was him or someone else just some shapes of body,
so i mistaken.
and all their faces proportions similar to proportion of my own face
making me to worry they might played my role
if having my documents and my passport.
May be we all are geneticly related
or more, related.
But i do know nothing about this point.
I doubted that any well-educated military Officer, coming on a special task with a chemical
(a war time chemical) and planed the operation would miss a point of utilisation of the dangerous chemical substance which able poisoned a whole town till a death in wrong hands.
This would be not professional for military Officers, to make a plan just till "to poison a hand of a door" and to stop this.
I would thinking ways of a possible utilisation from a possible military point of view and education as for example these^
a/ to dig a hole and to put inside a container and to cover all
b/to put inside a container and to throw down into a water inside a metal container.
c/ destroy by a fire
d/destroy by adding some another substance making the chemical process of making a a poison as no any poison at all. "anti-dot" destroying system.
e/other methods
* I do not know this area of a knowledge, but they did knew as a military professionals, planing things
so this looked a strange for me, as
the use of the military war time chemical gas or liquid in UK
by Russian Military Officers
would declared a WAR Russia to UK land, as the fact,
---- but by Russian Laws and Russian Constitution,
Russian President V. V. Putin
had NOT RIGHTS to declare a war with UK
on his own personnel decision just.
Some as Teresa May
had not rights to declare a war
without a vote in Parliament.
some situation.
There was NOT
any public discussion in Russian Parliament (Duma)
as the idea to attack UK land by Russian Military Army.
So, if Russian President V V Putin had ordered this all against UK land,
as the use of a dangerous war time military substance in UK,
- he had broke Russian Laws, Russian Constitution
- he had not rights to do this on own personnel decision
So, I doubted that Russian Military Spies might did this,
this looked as some mistake or odds.
Including I saw BBC film they both worked to area where
Skripal 's property
making a posion job here by BBC idea.
But Skripal both
had been founded both
far away from their property and their home,
- in some bench in a park.
This sounded as a full aliby cover for Boshirov and Petrov
as they had not been video traced as visitors of this park and a bench.
This looked as this poison was in this place (a park, a bench)
Skripals had been poisoned somewhere else and replaced to be sitten here.
Boshirov and Petrov had not a car by BBC film
Boshirov and Petrov had not visited this park and bench for a meeting with Skripal here by BBC film.
all we saw thei walk to a direction to a home of Skripal and back
some shopping curiosity
return back to London by a train.
if their bots, shoes, clothes, arms, hats, faces
had traced of Novichok poisoning substance, -
they had been died , probbaly themselves
or small animals around them, - dogs, cats, birds,
some people or children too.
If Boshirov and Petrob had been Operators whom opened the container with Novichock substace,-
they would be 1st in que row to be a died as poisoned themselves 1st.
But as my opinion is from unprofessional
this would be my unprofessional opinion
as the ordinary person, an ordinary woman, 55-60 years age group.
So, i was thinking here could be something else looking this way by odds and because something was missed and some point had been missed and not investigated.
I saw our British PM Teresa May looked as much too involved emotionally personnel in all this, making the political blame, which had stopped the police full independent investigation.
I was and is agree if someone would stopped the police investigation as this way to cover some criminals and some crimes or to name some innocent people as a criminals and the way some will go away free to make more worse crimes.
I sure, British Police need a time and a money and a support to do their work without any shouts or push on them, as the best result is a result.
If any politic names someone a crime politically-this way to closed a police investigation not starting.
We saw Bush named someone politically, with a full stop of a police investigation and consequences of this as wars, deaths, refugees, a humanitarian Catastrophe.
I do not wish some for us here In UK, i angry some British Politics named someone as criminals - Just British Judge and British Court have such rights as the end of a Court process, an juridical process.
if some started to name whom to name criminals here in UK, - we will be not needed any police work and Police Officers. as the crash of the juridical system.
so, i tried to make some my own investigations as a member of a public, using open Internet resources.
Results by me
Result 1.
Numerology. Mandala of Thinnest Body by a date of the birth
I used date of birth of Russian men to create Mandala by their birth, date changed as more coming, i calculated and recalculated.
Mandala of two had some ends of numbers as "connected in pair"
Mandala of one looked as with a hidden picture of a "Cubic of Rubik" = "Code-breaker" (or a hacker). By my association on this picture.
This looked as 2 Technics on some task, nothing as a some deaths, on the pictures in Mandala was.
I thought that they had came not to kill, but to do some type of another work or activity and came into a mess and a trouble to look as involved.
* I doubt any military Officer is a Murder, as Military Officer for a military tasks (to attack during a war, to defence during a war or a peace)
Result 1 - Mandala of one (Petrov) looked as a map of Salisbury
(circles 1-2-3 <=> 123 metres of Cathedral in Salisbury or 404 foots = these names 404 had been too.) if to see on Mandala of Pertov (Mishin) as on
a MAP of Salisbury with streets of Salisbury from Cathedral
we saw a map of some hidden underground part of Salisbury
The Centre - Salisbury Cathedral (123metres=404feet) under that down numbers 0 and after 404.
0=no exit,
"404 page not find" (Internet page look)
= some space nothings but deeply down to see, some hidden underground tunnels
Salisbury Cathedral, 123 metres or 404 feet //
in Mandala of Petrov (Mishin) on DOB date
The Life Road Map
if someone would had this, some, making search, we see a Salisbury Cathedral, and as the oldest and oldest clock , - TIME. TIME. TIME TRAVELLERS.
I sure any having some money to finance the trip to Salisbury would travel to here, having such map of Salisbury
if to see this as a map - the some connection exit door to underground Salisbury was not under this Cathedral, but on a side of street from this Cathedral.
But Boshirov and Petrov walked by this way.
as the way to underground Cathedral looked from the underground tunnel on a distance from the Cathedral.
and if to think TIME TIME TRAVELLERS - this would be a point to worry to be a nervous.
All Cathedral, churches had a huge collection of gold, silver, diamonds, etc, as a donation for centuries, keeping underground catacombs, usually.
and the protection system here may be some chemical gass. as the example.
Any way this looked as in books all and so British, charades.
Salisbury Cathedral in Mandala with birth 13th July 1979
Salisbury Cathedral in Mandala birth 13.07.1979
Salisbury Cathedral in Mandala with birth 13th July 1979
* mixed Russian/English: (unsorted look as had been written):
Солсберийский Собор у рождённых 13-07-1979
Salisbury Cathedral in Mandala with birth 13th July 1979
Salisbury Cathedral in Mandala birth 13.07.1979
Result 2
I had my genetic tests from 2009,
and i checked and looked and finded some my genetic cousins were Kent with Salisbury
and interesting in the genealogy
of whom genetically connected with me as this man too:
"Вильям Шекспир Солсбери . Родился 23 мая 1828 - умер 16 марта 1891"
Источник Генеология по фамилии Солсбери на английском см:
"William Shakespeare Salisbury
23 May 1828 Buffalo, Erie, NY - 16 Mar 1891
- my genetic cousin - some men Sailisbury -
- I am geneticly connected to Sailisbury! --
" SALISBURY Genealogy
Still more connections: my father's surname Balzin,
My genetic cousins are Balsham, Baldwin, ...
My genetic cousins 6 people, living in Hinxton 2,300 - 1,300 years
back in time as a family group.
Hinxton, a village , 14 km from Cambridge in England
Balsham, a village closed to Hinxton, located in Cambridge,
Historical links
12 century:
Adam of Balsham - and
John of Salisbury , one of pupil of Adam of Balsham
in Paris, The University. 12 th century
From Wikipadia
Adam of Balsham
Adam Balsamiensis or
Adam Parvipontanus
Adam of Balsham
(c. 1100/1102 – c. 1157/1169)
was an Anglo-Norman scholastic and churchman
Adam was born in Balsham, near Cambridge, England.
He studied with Peter Lombard at the University of Paris.
;* Balsham is my genetic cousins surname, my father's surname Balzin
* Hinxton village, closed to Balsham village and 14 km from Cambridge, England, - i have 6 my genetic cousins, having the ancient DNA as a froup of family members, living in Hinxton 2,300 years back in time - 1,300 years back in time, the name of a nearest village Balsham as name of some my genetic cousin Balsham, and looked closed to my father's surname Alexander Balzin, our twig in Russian Impair was from a German-French old family Balzin's woman, coming to serve as a Governess.
One of Balsham from Balsham village
near Cambridge, England
had his study in Paris, France:
Adam of Balsham
Adam of Balsham
(c. 1100/1102 – c. 1157/1169) - 12th century
was born in Balsham, near Cambridge, England.
He studied with Peter Lombard at the University of Paris.
He later taught at Paris;
among his pupils
John of Salisbury (!!)
William of Tyre
and might have been a contemporary there of
Rainald of Dassel (c. 1120 – 14 August 1167).
Adam of Balsham
(1100/1102 - 1157/1169)
from Balsham, Cambridge, England
was the Tutor Teacher of The University of Paris
for John of Salisbury
12th century
I have my genetic cousins Balsham and Salisbury
making think some had or sisters or cousins or daughters, living and sharing a life
My Balzin'father's line come as German-French old Balzin family,
as a female ancestor, coming from Europe
to work as a Gouverness in Russian Impair,
and her children making Russian Ethnic line of Balzin in Russia.
* some French actress in Paris mixed with some Russian from Russian Impair
or with some Polish man living in Russian Impair
but he had been forced to move to live in Siberia in Russia
and this French woman moved after him to stay
as they loved each another, making children.
He had received a right to stay a free man after and to return to live back to Poland,
but his closed relatives would never accept his wife and children as he would wanted this,
still his uncly was a priest in Odessa, his return back would ruined his career
by memorising old history as one brother killed another brother
for a blaming to loss everything via the play in cards.
Much later, my own brother had loss everything, playing in a casino, - he was not able to stop his addiction not to play in a casino. My father and my brother had a loss of all their savings for a lives and all profits. The history had returned back. Some people as some genes.
I show this as my curiosity to Salisbury case had some solid deep roots of mystery connection
while all looked as just as a chance and not especially.
"Город Золотой", заметки
Result 3
really, when i picked to search
British PM Teresa May genealogy, and my genealogy,
we had some genetic connections as genetic cousins
of people with some similar surnames
including Sailisbury, Kent, ...,
* I never knew this, just saw as a surprise for me.
Teresa May had connection to Kent, Salisbury (surname)
But this means:
Teresa May was much too emotionally involved.
Plenty people and women may act a wrong way as emotionally involved.
Nobody of medics treated own closed relatives.
Including a case Teresa may had been involved and touched to cover someone living in Salisbury as her relatives, a closed relatives, known, friends.
Result 4 = the example of one of possibility, the idea
I may give you the example of a possible events as, for example, this:
Cats of Skripal in Sailisbury case 2018
Skripals had their cats, cats might used gardens of nearest neighbours, leaving cats poo here. Some Old Lady, making her gardening job, - she might mess her hands with cats's poor. and She may decided to mark a door hands of Skripal by a strong old perfume, making a smell to notice: to show she had some in her garden from Skripal cats and fed down.
So, no crimes, just a making "small needle of similar some" to your neighbour.
This old Lady could used the old perfume from a safe of someone died.
she could put her gloves, put perfumes, thinking Skripals will realise this as a smelly poor of their cats in other people gardens.
But this old perfume had Novichock which had been stealed (by our British spy, By American Spy, by German spy) somewhere and kept in safe, just the death of the owner put his-her heritage to others whom had not knew what they owed.
This just the example of a possible crime story on Skripal case as some additional idea of possibility.
Teresa May look likes here as having the odd what was this Old Lady, and stopped a police investigation to defend This Old Lady, her known or her relative from the publicity and a worse.
so, she blamed Russian Military Officers as they put UK and not able to say a word to defend themselves already.
This my idea is a natural idea as plenty British people do the some to each another, - to scratch cars, as the example, and so and here, having a cats poo smelly things in a garden -to react to make a some smelly mess but by a perfume.
or Julia used much too strong perfume, this may be a charade to her to lean to realise.
I did a great thing: i had not travelled to Salisbury to ask. I leaved all rights for the investigation on British Police shoulders, trying to have a patient to wait the final result of their team work.
Result 5
I wrote my works on Russian and published them on Russian web side, nobody wrote to me to pass the information.
No results here
Result 6
if British Police versa blame was right^
the 1st Operator
whom used to open a package with a Novichock chemical liquid
had been 1st person
on a row under a chemical attack of Novichok poison substance.
But this mean, the possibility, someone had been on a critical ill condition of life or a dead in UK area closed to Salisbury. as the ability or a possibility
We saw photos of Two Russian men travelled from Salisbury to London to Moscow after, - they had not looked having troubles with their health? as someone or two had been poisoned (as the operator?)
Another possibility: one of them had been replaced for a new fresh copy.
While some had been left in UK, - ill, poisoned, or a dead.
This is not a pleasant situation for us, living in UK, if we have something as this.
Result 7.00. Mystics
But i had some unusual experience as a type of Medium or a Sense-personality
I will share with you
this all may be as a doubted, but may be some information will be useful
Result 7. 17th March 2018, some events.
It was 17th March 2018.
I was one at my home, i came to a living room,
it was a loud sound "Dzink!"
and i saw as
a thick glass round stand for candle,
staying without candles,
started to be a broken
as someone Unseen
had used some technology
to cut this glass ,
a symbol.
This symbol was looking similar to
(1) Anhenerbe symbol
which had been created by Himmler in 1934 year
for German Special Force "Anhenerbe" organisation,
searching occult folklore mystic artefacts UFO,
tried to find The Sward of King Arthur, the Graal,,
so, a huge theoretical and practical field investigations of a huge team
of German Special Elita Force agents.
*and a terrible connection to a concentration camps
and to experiences on humans during WWII time, too.
This symbol looked some as
(2) the symbol Pacific (1960)
(No Nuclear Weapons!)
This symbol ;looked some as
(3) the symbol of Russian Criminal Buro of Investigation
(= a police) (on a medal to celebrate 50 years-100 years of service)
(making about years 1917-1918 as a start of this symbol.
People on Internet said me, some symbol was
(4) on some UFO
(5) Chernobog, The Black God symbol of German and Latvian pagans tribes
prior the Christianity time.
(6) the cut of a thick glass round on 17.03.2018 by Unseen in a room of my flat.
So, 5 similar looking symbols
(1) Anhenerbe (1934), the symbol of German Organisation (The Heritage of Ancestors)
(2) Pacific (1960) (No Nuclear Weapons!)
(3) Russian Criminal Buro of Investigation (= a police)
(4) on UFO, the symbol of UFO, the symbol on UFO
(5) The BlackGod (Chernobog) (German, Latvian old pagans symbol)
(6) the symbol whom did by someone unseen on 17th March 2018 in my private rented flat in England, Great Britain, UK
Links By me, on Russian
Links / Ссылки
"Михаил Ефремов и символ Ананербе на шапке?", мини рассказ
"Символ разбитого стекла похож и на символ Аненербе"
Дзиньк. Привидение/домовой/невидимый разбил стекло.
Dzinjk, - a Ghost broke a glass 17.03.2018
Странно. Необычно. Strange, Unusual.
"Дзиньк. Привидение домовой разбил стекло"
""Дзиньк. Привидение, домовой, невидимый мне, разбил стекло"
"Дзиньк. Привидение домовой разбил стекло"
"Dzinjk. The Unseen Ghost Broken a glass candle stand"
"Dzink. The Ghost Broken a glass candle stand"
"Символ разбитого стекла похож и на символ Аненербе"
17th March 2018 the glass broken with a the symbol of similar to symbol from a range of list: (Anhenerbe (1934), Russian Buro of Investigation (1918, about), The Black God (Pagan God of Germans-Latvian tribes of Europe), Pacific (1960), UFO symbol, The Clock/Watch/Time symbol, or some else symbol) by someone Unseen on the living room of my flat in England, Great Britain, UK). I was alone, one, nobody was here. I was on the room when this happened suddenly loudly.
Sometimes ghosts as they can not talk may try to show how they died and what was with them, i do not know if this was this case or not.
17th September 2018 - 6 months after this
17th September 2018 - 6 months after this
I started to hear some male voice, sounding for me as a some slim not tall man
- "Help! Please Help me! Where am I? I am not able to see here!"
I asked
- "Whom are you? What the last moment you remember you saw? where you was?"
He kept a silence, not replying me, and he started to shout again
- "Help me, people, please help me! "
much later he shouted
- "Russia, help me!"
- "Where am I? I am not able to see here!?"
- I am ... in a Hiena? ... Hiena! a hell!
This man had not answered me on my questions.
I checked the flat area and outside, - nobody nothing all some.
All was a calm and a peacefully around, as usually.
Later he said me, he had not trust me or any,
so he avoid to reply me.
This started since 17th September 2018,
6 months after 17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round
and this symbol look as a result
a symbol similar to symbols of
Russian Criminal Burou of Investigation,
Chernog or The Black God
or some UFO symbol
This started since 17th September 2018,
6 months after 17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round
Two Russian men (Boshirov and Petrov)
visited UK
2-4 march 2018.
The Salisbury case was 4th March 2018.
17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round with a symbol
17th September 2018 i started to listen a thelepatic voice.
As this would be a long story to say all, i wrote all on my stories on Russians as this was. When i saw Russians on news, a tember of this man, as his voice would be some as Petrov (Mishin) (slim, stylish, not tall, not fat)., and a little bit "French" style nose sounding" as i picked my association (or people having some cold as a cold nose). Before this, i "saw" this man as a similar to Petrov look, but slimmer as worried a lot or having a hungry time of life.
I had the idea, so, Russians left someone theirs somewhere here in UK and i had a telepathy message from him, as i am in UK too.
Much later in 2020, not him already but someone whom could be a link between Worlds, said me as people whom died already, decided to open this to me (sorry not all as a protection point) 1. they had not tried to kill Skripals, they had been Lingers, to make a link (To transfer them-him back to Russia?) and not them did this, as someone played their games)
I do not know a truth or not, as i would not believe 100% to this as he-they kept some their characters, as they had been alive, as their individuality.
They said me they could said me whom they were and other things as someone might killed me or theirs.
Some another or not, passed that someone (him ?( had been killed badly in UK by a train in London). I checked, - it was such case, three young males, men, the artists, killed by London train in London.
This man said me he was one of them, traumatised a lot, flied away from this place, Later he forgot all. and suddenly he memorised.
he said me he disliked the idea to travel to this place to put a flowers
he said me not to pray for him
he said me his name-surname Pavel Zmej from Tver from Russia
he said it was sore for him to die so young age.
This case, i checked by news: yes, 3 young men had been killed by London train, a news article in UK and on Russian in Ukrainian web side Internet.
I had not knew this.
We founded Zmej social account.
we saw photos, he show me himself, on a middle on the picture of three young men sitting closely to a table.
Another photo, he was with some woman, on this photo.
I asked him: Whom is this woman near you?
He replied me: - Valya (Valia)
I looked photos on web-side to find this woman name was Valentina, shortly, Valya, Valia
I listen his voice telepathically.
I replied or by my voice or telepathically, more easy was to talk for me as usually by my voice sounds openly.
I had not knew nothing about people with surname Zmej from Tver and i had not knew this woman Valentina.
All he wanted just to look their all photos and all.
He asked me still to pray for Valentina, Valia.
This was a strange to talk with someone died as to any alive living person, he had some his own personality, individuality, values, he was not any my slave, or me too, some as in a life. Just i had not saw him.
Much later. He changed his indetification, him or not him, another, he named himself as a Manager of Land and property of someone in Kazahstan in Russian Impair time, a German spy in Russian Impair, under name Pavel Konstantinovich (or Kirillovich?) Vereneev.
My genetic cousins Werner, Vern. My father's mother name is Vera.
Pavel Konstantinovich Vereneev said me sad things, as UFO and aliens attacked suddenly all, taking all to some "snakes" (UFO? a row into a ground?). People could not protest, started to be a weak with a loss of ability to move to walk to run to fight. Some aliens took him as all others and their put him inside "s long snake" and they left to pick to find more. He felt as he had a loss of ability to control his body more and more, he was a well trained German Spy, he used his skills here 1st to pretend he was a died and 2nd to run from this place. There were being 1905. He was just the one survivor.
Later he run and was in another place, making him as Russian. here he said me he served for new Russia, worked on (VChK, KGB , in a good good career)
Vereneev said me he fight in WWII, he had been burned badly in his tank, he asked me to go in Internet to find this archive story with him, burning in a tank, - oh, I came to Internet, searching for Vereneev, and i find a story about Vereneev, the young boy, a man, coming to fight with Germans in WWII, as he had been badly damaged , burned in a tank, his clothers, his shoues , his boot, his face, all was burned in a fire.. The sadly hard story.
His Commander left him to go to find a some help to return back, as he said this.
Vereneev said as his memory he had lied down on a field and suddenly he started to listen some telepathic voice inside his head: - Let, stand up and run away from here, if you wish to stay a live to live! if not , if you will continue to lied down here, - you will died shortly.
Vereneev moved away, he had his luck to find a help later
He returned back to his village after, all with his burned skin of face.
This story is recorded written in the archive of WWII from words of Vereneev.
Just the name and surname of Vereneev was not Pavel Konstantinovich.
And some telepathic voice, saving a life, talking.
From archive of WWII, on Russian
Vereneev, Ivan Savaljevich
Веренеев, Иван Савальевич
"Веренеев Иван Савальевич"
Сайт "Живая Памать"
"Веренеев Иван Савальевич"
"В ту пору, когда началась война, мне было 16 лет. Конечно же, я очень рвался на фронт, обивал пороги военкоматов. Но везде слышал только одно: «Подрасти, парень, повоевать еще успеешь».
И вот, наконец, в 1943 году, когда мне исполнилось 18, меня призвали на фронт.
Я попал в запасной 138-й стрелковый полк в Монголии. Там нас учили обращаться с оружием. После двух месяцев учебы отправили в Киров, в танковую школу. Окончил ее и попал на фронт. Первый бой принял под Ворошиловградом.
Война – страшное дело. Я стараюсь и не вспоминать, и не думать о ней. А вот о самом тяжелом ранении расскажу.
Значит, было это в марте 1945 года. Пехоты с нами не было, только танки. Мы отступали. Вскоре потеряли уже почти все свои позиции. В ствол нашего танка попал снаряд, и кабина моментально наполнилась дымом.
Мы стали вылезать, а было нас четверо.
Люк заклинило (обычно я всегда оставлял люк открытым, а на этот раз закрыл) и пришлось вылезать в «окно».
Сначала полез наш заряжающий, Николай. Танк был под обстрелом, и его сразу убили. Наводчик выбрался вторым. Сейчас уже и не знаю, от ужаса или от чего-то другого он бросился на немцев. И его тоже расстреляли.
Мы с командиром были еще в танке, когда загорелась кабина. Командиру, когда он вылезал, прострелили ногу.
Я выбрался последним, и так как одежда на мне горела, стал кататься по траве и обсыпать себя землей. Потом, значит, командир мне и говорит:
«Ты лежи, а я пойду за помощью. Ты сильно обгорел и идти не сможешь. Я приведу помощь, и мы заберем тебя».
Я не знаю, сколько я так пролежал. Очнусь, погляжу вокруг и снова отключаюсь. И вот, значит, слышу я голос:
«Уходи отсюда». А вокруг никого. Ну, думаю, чудится мне. И вдруг опять:
«Уходи отсюда, а то убьют».
Ну что тут было делать? Поднялся и пошел. Ничего не вижу, не слышу, даже боли не чувствую. Один Бог знает, куда я шел, дошел до какой-то деревни. Очень пить хотелось. Стал искать колодец. Нашел, кое-как набрал воды и пил. Никогда я так сильно пить нет хотел. Напился и смотрю, а у меня сапоги горят.
Сорвал одежду и стал тушить. Потушил и дальше пошел. Ничего не чувствую, тело будто не мое. Даже не знаю, куда и зачем иду. Просто иду и все. А в голове одна мысль:
«Лишь бы к своим попасть, только бы своих найти».
Не знаю, сколько времени прошло. Вышел я прямо к какой-то части. Меня увидели, кинулись ко мне да говорят:
«Господи, что же нам с тобой делать? Тебе бы в госпиталь надо, а немцы все дороги перекрыли».
Какое-то время находился я в этой части, ухаживали за мной как только могли. А там и подкрепление пришло, и меня, наконец-то, отправили в Москву, в госпиталь. И об окончании войны я узнал там.
Два года после войны по госпиталям мотался. Был во Львове, в Польше. У меня же все тело обгорело, особенно лицо. Пришлось восстанавливать и нос, и губы, на веки «латки» наложили, а уши вообще заново пришивали. Остальное со временем само срослось.
Домой попал в феврале 1947 года.
Сначала приехал в Святославку, а потом на лошадях добирался до Полоцкого. В санях со мной ехала сельская секретарша Полина, которая всю дорогу прикрывала меня тулупом. Жалко, наверное, было.
Воспоминания записаны в 2010 году
Скрынниковой Татьяной, ученицей школы №1 р.п. Самойловка Саратовской области."
"Живая Память"
"Веренеев Иван Савальевич"
Vereneev, Ivan Savaljevich
Веренеев, Иван Савальевич (1935 год рождения) (16 лет на июнь 1941).
The telepathic voice said me to find this story about him to read to memorise him.
Please, find me this, - Vereenev, an young man, badly burned in a tank in WWII, - this would be about me!
I find, here not Pavel Konstantinovich Vereneev, but Ivan Savaljevich Vereneev
Still a recorded telepathic voice of someone Unseen, saved a life.
This was some story Unseen said me telepathically.
And i managed to find this story on the archive as the truth.
He said me he might change his indication.
He said nothing his 1st surname for me, when he lived in Germany and was a German during Russian Impair time prior he settled as a Manager in Kazakhstan.
He said me he was a German spy in Russia, later probably some connected but Soviet-Russian.
Some moments had been flashed away , he had a periods of a loss his knowledge of his name-surname, named himself "Died" "Gill" "Death" "Smertj" "Zmej" "Borg" "Borh"
Some moment he was much wide as each whom died on some date on 17th, he was connected and was more that one, he picked some Georgian border quad man from Georgia, I do not remember this name already now, - i had checked, - this was on Internet.
I do not remember details to find all again here. just - I checked, this case was, he said me how to find where.
I was not able to hear voices of others, all unseen for me.
He was as a translator, repeated my telepathic or voice messages to him or through him, and to me from others.
Some experience was a really sensible and touching, as people having their individuality, and me.
This was not soft, he explained me much too naive to believe to all each everything, he tried to make me to fight with him and to any.
He said me he is not a human, he was in Andromeda, seeing as M310, Andromeda, had the huge explosion, .... , all died here.
He flied from this place to here.
I checked in Wikipedia, - yes, the truth, there were being a huge explosion in 100 times brighter that the ordinary on 6th January 2006 as a light of this explosion came to us, and what he said me: the huge object M310 moved to an unbelievable speed as 300km/? to our side.
The huge light explosion of Hirosima making the full understanding what came if a light of Andromeda, M310 started to be brighter in 300 time.
Yes, this sounded, all died here in Andromeda.
I had not knew about this all before he said me by his telepathic voice.
But what he said me as anew for me, this was known written in Wikipedia.
So, i could check this as the truth, a true information.
He said me he is from the future, a time traveller, having a curiosity to look on us all, and to me too, - they look likes another look righter we all , but they had a curiosity as this time pattern had the telepathy some as they have all in his time.
He said me he was curious about me as having some as he and other have in a future.
We played a little bit. He looked and trained me to talk not by my voice but by telepathic way, - i tired a lot, this was another way, to talk by a voice was much easy.
He changed whom he was all times, he was he and he was she and he was they.
Not always was nice and positive
He scolded me a murder as he dislike me, killing smallest flies or insects
He said me he able to see by his vision and by my vision, this is interesting as we see all so different
He said me he is able to see any place if someone died here, a small or a big, as any small incest or animals or a human, and he able to see where this now and where this will be soon (but not whom died, just a place where this will be).
He said me he able to see each whom died here, so he may say if someone died.
But he was not able, he lied here.
I checked here - he lied me.
He said me as someone died, killed - i called: a person was an alive.
I blamed me to lie so badly for me, - he replied he just trained me not be naive to listen someone as just own heart and own feelings and not trust to no one to be able survive
i replied i can not. Homo Sapience tribes survived all together, women trusted males whom gave a food and defended them. This is an evolutionary.
Sometimes he was not nice, at all, shouting he will kill all us (humans). I never knew he joked or trained me.
Sometimes he sounded as an young man, 20+, no more, by his reaction. He enjoyed to be in MacDonald to see all, saying me they have not all this what we have.
He liked to have something as his own.
We like to eat a food - he like to have a food
We liked to drink a drink - he liked to have his drink
He cried mooning me as this hard to died forever on your 20th.
I had replied to him: - You do not died, you are alive and living, - you are talking with me, you are alive.
He said me he had not a death as we have and we had not a death, as not able to noticed sometimes we died.
he said me you will die and i will remember you forever in my life as i will not die as you will die. we had not a death.
But some another moment this looked by some another way, he afraid to died and to stop to exist.
He wrote his poems, making him still more alive, an individual and i felt as i loved him suddenly and strong some moments
and all stopped he played he a small girl about 5-6-9 yo, liking childish girls games, tales, childish things. and he played and played in a death, in a funeral,
he worried i have not any decent clothes dresses to be well-presented on my death day, he worried i have not a coffin here on my flat, saying as each much to have a coffin
and he wrote poems, childish poems, played in the death,
or as he will attack to eat me, as he was a hungry as i never cocked a meat, while he liked a chicken soup and a soft bread.
Later he left me, saying here nothing to eat.
Still one man, Vedeneev, too a Hero of War,
Веденеев, М. И.,
старший лейтенант, 5-я танковая дивизия,
Список танкистов-асов Второй мировой войны
Later he returned back, was a multi faces of some different age, or as an he, or as she, or as a small child, playing in all rituals of a death,-he knew all a lot.
He had some inner changes, sounded different and some.
He left
He return back
He said me he started to be a brave or ready to say me more whom was him or his life experience
He said me he is sitting in a prison in Russia, said a new name , surname, a town, he said he would like a make a complain here as conditions of living in this his prison cell in this prison are really bad as a torture. - Look! They put me into a prison for a sense to make a better man! So, why they tortured me here in this Russian prison instead? I doubt i will be able to be a better life, seeing all this and having their tortures of my personality and Independence of choices.
I had not checked if some man as he said me his name-surname in that prison as a prisoner, in Russia.
He played plenty histories, imagined plenty histories and played them.
I never knew there was a truth and where was a fantasy.
He tried to round me not know whom he was, to know nothing about him.
I enjoyed to sit to write our conversation, his poems, his replies.
He said me before he died, as this was this group of Russians (group or someone)
He said me (he himself or whom died here in England, and had been connected to these group "of Russian (spies???) as spies or whom saw them somewhere.
That he tried to investigate somethings unusual
something as a space-time travel equipment machine, hidden from eyes to be seen left on the south of England.
i open the google map, he looked via my eyes, replied telepathically
he said me a place with some graves, on a map not far from Stonehenge, asking to pass that nobody must to open these stone tombs.
We talked, i asked where they were being in England.
1st he memorised the South of England - Stonehenge as the orientation.
and some place were they were being was not far from this, really
some forest , he remember too.
before this or after this, he remember they had their food in Jamaika food restaurant, Jamaican kitchen (in Birmingham or near) and walked to the club for adults, for male adults.
I took a google map, google search, started to try to check to find what he said me telepathically.
I find this place, and 20 minutes to walk of 8 minutes by a taxi was the club for adults, some was for males adults (gays ? probably?)
he was a shame to say me this all first, as a club adults males with males
He said me he looked HERE when he was here, someone of this Russian (in Skripal case as news Heroes), he said me he looked them here, or one of them.
He asked me to pass this this message to British Police
and that he had been strangling here suddenly by somethings looked as a snake
and a died.
This was a passed message from someone, whom was a died already.
I asked about all company if they went to have a rest to some hotel room, nearest or some where?
He started sounded as a shamed man, replying softly to me they had not a lot of money to spend
so, they picked to stay in the adult club for all night.
later he said me a lot about some snakes
he said you and all do not see them (snakes) while alive
but when he died he had a horror to open eyes to see plenty snakes ate humans.
he said me he wanted to pass this his message to each all whom knew him
that as he saw all power here for snakes, using to eat humans
and whom died, - no a big difference, - they are everywhere.
он говорил много разного. порой она. Меняя всё время всё.
И меняясь.
он. она. ребёнок. группа. опять один
Порой просил меня пойти куда нибудь - говоря, он прийдёт и я увижу его, просил пойти в Макдональд. Я сидела и ждала. Телепатически я его слышала. Но никто не подходил ко мне. Он не приходил.
Потом он извинялся: думал, что сможет и получится. А это иное пространство и сюда с его пространства хода нет.
Порой трусил. Говоря что боится меня, что за все мученья, что я от него натерпелась, приколочу грубо. И потому и не смог.
И вот то смерть. то умер. то инопланетяне. то с России. то 20+ то бессмертный старик, то женщина, то мужчина, то ребёнок и девочка маленькая, менялся всё время.
Одно время он был ещё и с школы британской разведки тоже. Или контрразведки-поди разбери.
То говорил, он тут вахтово. До зимы. вахта и к себе назад. "А куда назад к себе?" - " В центр земли, там наша база и там мы живём и я живу. тут только на вахту и нахад"
Сказал мне, у него его девушки никогда ещё не было. и я была первая, кого он встретил и потому его женщина: и он Веренеев и я тогда Лариса Веренеева. его жена. Он так назвал меня. Фамилия по мужу.
Имя Лариса он сам мне дал как мой муж.
Лариса. La Risa - La Riga - Latvia Riga - La Riga - La Risa - Larisa Vereneeva
Это он мне не сказал. Совсем.
Это когда он уже ушёл: его увели. Сполохи электричества (он попросил перед тем меня из дома выйти. Я вышла и в окошко в дом смотрела). Мелькали сполохи огня. По кухне. Потом вспышка. Потом над домом в небе огни и огонь и НЛО улетел.
Вошла на кухню. Никого.
Ничего не повредили.
Хлеб накусали внутри буханки кто-то и много.
И это всё.
Телепатические голоса прекратились.
Потом опять возник телепатический голос: уже другой. Не его тембр и не его голос. Совсем ктото мне незнакомый.
Просто сказал мне: что он мне имя дал, "Лариса Веренеева". В подарок.
И я как услышала - сразу раскрутила поняла, почему Лариса:
Он сказал мне, когда человеком мужчиной был,
Он меня в Риге в Латвии увидел и запомнил.
Я была там женой тогда другого мужчины. Моего 1го мужа.
И он и его и меня, знал и видел.
Потому и назвал Лариса Веренеева.
Сразу поймут: где он меня нашёл и увидел первый раз:
в Риге в Латвии, в Латвии в Риге
Я бы не поняла - почему "Лариса"?
Но потом вспомнила его рассказ, в Риге давно меня видел.
Больше не приходил.
Телепатически не общаемся.
Дочь как то заехала, мои рассказы читает, и спросила меня:
"А он ещё когда-нибудь к тебе вернётся?"
Я сказала: "Не знаю".
Родной язык матери есть родной язык матери. Родное есть родное. Начала писать по английски. А закончила по русски: мозг всё же устала на иностаранном языке говорить так много.
I had saw a light inside of the kitchen, he asked me prior this to leave the home to stay outside.
I saw plenty lightnings inside, sparks of lights.
Later i saw a bight light spot of UFO or something about the roof started to move out and far away
I had returned back to a home, no damages, just a loss of some soft bread inside of a bread, fully packed in a plastic thick cover.
No damages, just some pillows and bedding dissapared too.
But i do not sure at that night or after.
No any telepathic voices and talks any more after this too.
I leaved such along for a while
Later it was a shortest telepathic conversation as his voice.
I was thinking he returned back, i was busy doing something, could not broke a work. I finished - nobody, again nobody.
Later it was some telepathic voice, not his voice, someone else and unknown, he said me just these words
"He named you to be Larisa Vereneeva"
Vereneeva as he named me his wife to owe to have own wife, own woman.
So, he Vereneev - me Vereneeva.
But why he named me "Larisa" ? I have my own name "Inna" "Irina" "Eanna"?
And i had "openned the pack"
He said me he saw me he was a living living in Riga, Latvia
He said me he saw me as a wife of another man i was here.
He saw me here 1st time, he memorised me.
Latvia Riga = La Riga = La Risa = Larisa
Larisa = La risa = La riga = La Riga = Latvia Riga = Larisa
La Russo is name of my genetic cousin's ancestry
La Russo from Sicily
Russo from Switceland
La Russo
La Rиsso
* Russian letter И и [e / i ] is written as English letter "u" look.
Larusso = Larisso - Larisa
I may forget this, i have a sort type of memory
this way to memorise this for him, for me, and to understand where we met each another 1st time and why he was near me after.
He tried came from his dimension to this dimension for me to see him
I had not saw him.
I tried to see him - i could not
This is because i am inside of your head.
some equipment as a chip
we installed this a lot of time below
just never used to talk with you to test
Yes, and so i saw as some type of white-unseen-foggy energy moved around of a cup of tea, or swam in bubbles.
He said me if i would saw and started to saw what as unseen for me, - they would killed me straight. as they disliked to be seen.
But he said me he fed up to be unseen.
to have a wife whom is not able to see you as she is a blind to see?
I mean does not what to say if a time to run away
if a time to say good by would be right to smile? to cry?
The night. I lie down to sleep and i listen a telepathic voice of someone " Open the door! Open a door! I lived in this house you are now before for 15th years! open the door, i would like to come inside now!
I standed up, looked via a glass window: a big fox stayed closed to by flat exit door, waiting, as, and he-she had run away, staying closed to another door to a garden on a house which opposite my flat.
Another night. another night. all some
I am sleeping and i listened the telepathic voice, blaming me, asking to open the exit door, as someone wanted to come inside during a night time.
I came to look via a glass windows, - again the some this fox.
Another night: some fox talked on Russian telepathically.
I had not opened the exit door, and nobody, the fox checked all doors, gates, moved around.
But i may listen her just if i am lie down on a living room on a sofa, relaxing, - she may waked up me to hear her telepathic voice.
But if i am lie down on my bed in my bedroom or on the kitchen or on the utility room, or in a garden area, - i do not able to listen her telepathic voice is not going for a long distance.
And the fox asked just to open gate-to put her into a garden, into a home.
But i do remember this Russian tale "The Rabbit's House", as the fox came, asking to open a door, a kind Rabbit had opened a door, The Fox came inside and said to The Rabbit: - Let's go away from here immediately now this is MY house property". The Rabbit had left, crying in tears.
The fox never wait for a long, she busy, she sated, asked, nobody opened to a fox to come inside and the fox moved to another house and gates and property to ask to open.
On Russian, Fox = Lisa, L USA , play of words too.
Summary. 1. I have not the information or the knowledge about the facts of lives of these Russians (Petrov-Boshirov), their activities, their destinies, where they are now, if they alive or not. I never was in Salisbury. 2. Their faces and my faces had a cross of some proportions. 3. Salisbury Cathedral in the middle of Mandala of Petrov (dob in his passport with a British visa). 4. unseen telepathic voices said me 1) they had not killed - they had been some type of couriers trying to make a contact (with someone may be Skripal, may the UFO, underground or just a personnel). 5. unseen telepathic voices said me whom died saw them or one of them in the adult males club , which not far from Jamaica restaurant (with Jamaican food) , Birmingham area. I had not know whom from all of them was here during some night when someone had been killed here (strangling by some snake). (I do not know if this to understand as a straight strangling killing or as a strangling words. he said me when talked here was a death of someone whom said this). 5. Balsham and Salisbury surnames connected by 11-12 century: Salisbury was a student scholar of Balsham in The University of Paris in France. 6/ Balsham and Balzin are genetically connected by genetic tests 7/ Salisbury and Balzina genetically connected by tests 8/ Russian faces of Russian men and my face by some proportions, - may be all genetically connected, if so, Russians might came to Salisbury, having this genetic marks.9) But really, all summery just that Mandala Petrov DOB had The Salisbury Cathedral in a middle and as a map of a town.
Links / Ссылки
"Город Золотой", заметки
"Вильям Шекспир Солсбери . Родился 23 мая 1828 - умер 16 марта 1891"
Источник Генеология по фамилии Солсбери на английском см:
"William Shakespeare Salisbury 23 May 1828 Buffalo, Erie, NY - 16 Mar 1891 "
"Домик в ночи зимы", стихи
"ЕМУ - от 2 марта 2020, Англия", рассказ
"ЕМУ от Невидимого", записи
ЕМУ - от 2 марта 2020, Англия
"12 июня 2019, 5 утра - 6 утра, сон", рассказ
"Ему от Невидимого 22 11 2019 7 утра Англия"
"ЕМУ от 17-11-2019", рассказ, фантастика, мемуары, стенография
"Ему , от 7-8 ноября 2019, от Невидимого", рассказ
"Замеры веса", рассказ
"ЕМУ от Невидимого, утро 5 ноября 2019", записи, рассказ
"Джеймс Жилл жил здесь- James Gill lived here", рассказ
"Развратные стихи от Невидимого", стихи
"Стихи в ночи от Невидимого", стихи
"ЕМУ, Разговоры с Невидимыми и Чепыга, 15 октября 2019", рассказ
"ЕМУ, Разговоры с Невидимыми и Чепыга, 15-10-2019", рассказ
"Разговор с Невидимым 8 октября 2019", рассказ
"ЕМУ от Невидимого, 27-09-2019".
"Змею от Невидимого, 27-09-2019", рассказ
"Змея и Витя", записки
"Веренеев", стихи, рассказ
"Веренеев Павел Константинович", стихи, рассказ
"Стихи от Невидимого", стихи
"Стихи от Невидимого 15 сентября 2019"
"Стихи от Невидимого Я буду ждать тебя"
"Стихи в память убитого Змея
От Невидимого
Ибу Ва", стихи
"Веренеев", стихи, рассказ
"Веренеев Павел Константинович", стихи, рассказ
"На Зелёном Лугу надежды", стихи
"На Зелёном Лугу Надежды", рассказ и стихи, фантастика, мистика, история, политика, шпионское и про любовь
Ты жди меня!, стихи, песня
Ты жди меня!
Ты жди меня!, стихи, песня цикл Вернусь
"ЕМУ и Змею и Тебе", запись 30-31.08.2019, рассказ, мистика, фантастика
Запись разговора с Невидимым - 10, 28.08.2019
Запись разговора с Невидимым - 10, 28.08.2019 января
Невидимый - 10, 28.08.2019
"Невидимый - 9, 28.08.2019 января"
"К теме Армаггедон Столкновение"
"Столкновение, The Collision, The bump", рассказ, астрономия, фантастика, мистика, наука
"Разговор с невидимым -5", рассказ-мемуары
Разговор с невидимым - 8, запись 19-07-2019
Разговор с невидимым - 8, слайд 35, 19 июля 2019
Разговор с невидимым - 8, слайд 36, 19 июля 2019
Разговор с невидимым - 8, слайд 33, 19 июля 2019
Разговор с невидимым - 8
"Столкновение, The Collision, The bump", рассказ, астрономия, фантастика, мистика, наука
"К теме Армаггедон Столкновение"
"Встреча двоих", стихи, песня
"Ему от Невидимого Змея Ибу Ва", рассказ, мистика, фантастика, мемуары
"Стихи в память убитого Змея
От Невидимого
Ибу Ва", стихи
"Стихи от Невидимого", стихи
"Стихи от Невидимого 15 сентября 2019"
"Стихи от Невидимого Я буду ждать тебя"
"Стихи Невидимого Голоса", стихи, комментарии, справочная информация в том числе
"Змею", рассказ, мистика, привидения
Запись 27 июля 2019
"Разговор с невидимым -5", рассказ-мемуары
Разговор с невидимым - 8, запись 19-07-2019
Разговор с невидимым - 7. Эули
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"Разговор с невидимым -5", рассказ-мемуары
""Разговор с Духом у левого уха. Запись." , 1-3, 20-23 июня 2019
"Разговор с Духом у левого уха, 1-3, 20-23 июня 2019"
"Разговор с Духом у левого уха. Запись." Часть 1, 20-21 июня 2019
"Разговор с Духом у левого уха. Запись." Часть 2, 22 июня 2019
"Разговор с Духом у левого уха Часть 2, 22 июня 2019"
"Разговор с Духом у левого уха. Запись." Часть 3, 23 июня 2019
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"Странное облако, утро 23 июня 2019 - 1"
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The Telepathic message on 10th Sept 2001 from 11th Sept 2001 USA
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* фото 2, фильтр контраст-яркость, фото 2, 7:47 утра в Англии 10.01.2019
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* фото 3, оригинал, небо, облака, 7:47 утра в Англии 10.01.2019
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Уточка, фото 4, оригинал, 10-01-2019 в 7-47 утра
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* "голова"
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В небе, облака, фото 7, оригинал,10-01-2019,7-51 утра по Англии
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Чудом выжила, 4-5 утра по Англии, 15 января 2019
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"Опять две в пяти, но уже попроще, 12-9-2018 и 25-12-2018", миниатюра
"В красном фильтре, фотко 12-09-2018, 20-03 по Англии", миниатюра
"Голубое, фильтр наоборот, руки, селфи 12-9-2018, 20-03 вечера", миниатюра
"Красное, фильтр наоборот, руки, селфи 12-9-2018, 20-03 вечера", миниатюра
"V. Shainsky ::: Владимир Яковлевич Шаинский ", рассказ
Привидения. Невидимые. Странное. На фото
Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка
Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка, лёгкий фильтр
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Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка3
Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка3, лёгкий фильтр
Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка4, лёгкий фильтр
Я на кухне, 12-09-2018, фото, срезка4
Технологии или Привидения
"Смерть говорит Смерть, привидение, технология,..." - рассказы, 10.09.2018 21:11
"What is happen when we are sleeping?" - проза на других языках, 03.09.2018 19:07
"Что происходит, когда мы спим" - рассказы, 03.09.2018 19:05
Видико на ночь - миниатюры, 03.09.2018 04:40
Ушедшие туда и живые тут - стихи, 30.08.2018 19:58
"Мистика. Голос приведения ночью" - миниатюры, 24.08.2018 23:14
Голоса Привидений. Телепатия. Поиски по информации сна и телепатии
"Поиск Санта-Мария, Скумбрия, Кумбрия, К, Парагвай" - рассказы, 31.07.2018 10:36
"Поиск: Санта-Мария, Скумбрия, Кумбрия, К, Парагвай", рассказ, эзотерика
"Белые Покровы Церкви", стихи
"27 июня 2018, Встречи и разное", рассказ
"27 июня 2018, Встречи и разное" - рассказы, 01.07.2018 06:44
* (фото) (пальцы) (иная раса?)(инопланетяне?)
"27 июня 2018 Встречи и разное - 3" - рассказы, 01.07.2018 05:23
* (фото) (пальцы) (иная раса?) (синий фильтр) (инопланетяне?)
"27 июня 2018 Встречи и разное - 2" - рассказы, 01.07.2018 05:21
* (фото) (пальцы) (иная раса?) (инопланетяне?)
"27 июня 2018 Встречи и разное - 1" - рассказы, 01.07.2018 05:17
* (фото)(я в тот же день, селфи)
НЛО в Англии 1 - 17 августа 2003
Домовой . Привидения
Story on Russian / Рассказ
"Рождество с Домовым в Англии 25.12.2017"
Story on English / Рассказ на английском
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoj, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoj or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost"
Story on Russian / Рассказ
"Домовой в Англии в 7 утра 24. 01. 2018"
Poem on Russian /стихи
"Домовой" , стихи. Запись 25.01.2018
Story on English / Рассказ на английском
"Homewail, Homehowl, Domovoy, Ghost 24.01.2018"
"Что-то странное в питьевой воде в Англии"
"Что-то в питьевой воде в Англии 23.01.2018", рассказ с стихами
А любовь не ушла - стихи, 02.02.2018 21:53
"А любовь не ушла ...", стихи
"Британский флаг", стихи
Homewail, Homehowl, Domovoy, Ghost 24. 01. 2018 - рассказы, 27.01.2018 21:42
Домовой, стихи - стихи, 25.01.2018 18:31
Домовой в Англии в 7 утра 24. 01. 2018 - рассказы, 25.01.2018 09:55
Что-то в питьевой воде в Англии 23. 01. 2018 - рассказы, 24.01.2018 08:23
Сон 23. 01. 2018 - рассказы, 23.01.2018 16:06
Летающий Червячок The Green Flying Worm, Screw - рассказы, 22.01.2018 20:26
Запись голоса привидения Я люблю в комнате - мистика, 17.01.2018 06:50
"Запись голоса привидения Я люблю в комнате"
Трамп как Трубецкой - история и политика, 12.01.2018 19:35
Trump as Trubetskoy - история и политика, 12.01.2018 19:06
Вопросы к передаче Давай Поженимся - рассказы, 03.01.2018 09:22
Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost - рассказы, 27.12.2017 00:49
Рождество сеошгодня в Англии и Домовой - рассказы, 26.12.2017 02:17
Tiger, Old Poem of Childhood - стихи, 23.12.2017 15:05
Creavia - рассказы, 22.12.2017 22:31
Муха и Ангел, стихи - стихи, 20.12.2017 00:52
Муха и Ангел - рассказы, 19.12.2017 22:05
Прямоугольник на Солнце. 16. 10. 2017 - естествознание, 16.10.2017 22:24
The Rectangle on The Sun 16. 10. 2017 - естествознание, 16.10.2017 22:23
Осенний луч заката - стихи, 12.10.2017 00:00
Привидение. Страшное.
Привидение 25. 08. 2017 - рассказы, 05.09.2017 19:31
(фото. мотылёк транслировал изображение привидения -женщина тёмнокожая, рана на голове)
Ghost Привидение 25 08 2017 - рассказы, 05.09.2017 19:19
(фото. мотылёк транслировал изображение привидения -женщина тёмнокожая, рана на голове)
Zmey Tvey Mej May v kruzhke s chaem 03-07-2019 -z - 1
Zmey Tvey Mej May v kruzhke s chaem 03-07-2019 -z - 2
Zmey Tvey Mej May v kruzhke s chaem 03-07-2019 -z - 3
The Snake in a cup. Part 2. Food and Drink
Zmey v kruzhke
Змей в кружке :: Snake in a cup
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 1
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 2
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 3
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 4
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 5
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 6
Змей в кружке. Часть 2 . Еда и питьё - 7
"А любовь не ушла", стихи, 19.08.2017
"Город Золотой", заметки
"Вильям Шекспир Солсбери . Родился 23 мая 1828 - умер 16 марта 1891"
Источник Генеология по фамилии Солсбери на английском см:
"William Shakespeare Salisbury 23 May 1828 Buffalo, Erie, NY - 16 Mar 1891 "
"Домик в ночи зимы", стихи
"ЕМУ - от 2 марта 2020, Англия", рассказ
Ему, 11-12,4, 2020, - продолжение серии рассказов
Ему, 12-04-2020, продолжение серии рассказов
Ему, 11-04-2020, продолжение серии рассказов
Ему, 12-04-2020, продолжение серии рассказов
ФОТКИ, совпали так, к теме:
Фотограф: Я, Инна Бальзина. Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
11-04-2020, фото 1 и фото 2. 20:29 на фотках время
Но я думая я сняла
Ну, в вобщем, или 11-го вечером или 12-того утро-день.
12-04-2020, фото 1
12-04-2020, фото 2
12-04-2020, две фотографии
* фотоколлаж из фото 1 и фото 2
Ей и ему, ссылки к теме
* опыт, как человек сталкивается с чем то необычным, впервые в своей жизни, и далее реакции этого человека в виде дневниковых записей или стенографий как опыта
* ссылки на подборки рассказов
* опыт, как человек сталкивается с чем то необычным, впервые в своей жизни, и далее реакции этого человека в виде дневниковых записей или стенографий как опыта
* ссылки на подборки рассказов
* Подборка ссылок на мои рассказы и стихи к теме
"Ему", "Змей",
"Привидение", "Невидимые голоса", "Странное", "Мистика",
"Бытиё", "Реал", "Тонкий Мир", "Духи", "Мемуары", "жизнь в Англии",
"Быт", "праздники", "исследования реала"
* ссылки охватывают некий период времени от до, неполны, вероятно
* сюда можно отнести и темы
" телекинез", "перемещения",
" телепатия"
* можно ставить и вопрос об описании болезни "шизофрения" у пациентов или "дисфузия иллюзий"
* просто опыт как человек сталкивается с чем то необычным, впервые в своей жизни, и далее реакции этого человека в виде дневниковых записей или стенографий как опыта
* ссылки на подборки рассказов
Стихи Невидимого, 6 мая 2020, 18+
Ей и ему, ссылки к теме
* опыт, как человек сталкивается с чем то необычным, впервые в своей жизни, и далее реакции этого человека в виде дневниковых записей или стенографий как опыта
* ссылки на подборки рассказов
"Невидимое, ссылки, обзор, часть 1"
I am glad to be a bilingual able to read on two languages.
I doubt whom does not know Russian with me able to feel texts or poems
But i do not know English well to be able to translate all, so i am sharing just what i have here
I would said i thought all some as a possible or fantasies or schizophrenia mental illness, - but i had chances to check the information of unseen telepathic voice as a true information.
I noticed, unseen telepathic voice had not gave me the information which I could not find it on Internet.
I had not knew this information.
But this was the open public information already in Internet.
Some points just as
1st) a mention not open the stone tombs in area closed to Stonehenge not so far, as this may gave some not right consequences.
2nd point someone of Russians in Salisbury case had been in some adult night club for males in Birmingham 20 minutes to walk from Jamaica restaraunt with jamaican food, or about 8 minutes by a taxi.
3rd point someone had been killed here at night Russian/some of them wee on this club, by someone "a snake" strangle.
* or this was in a town when someone travel from Stonehedge to some direction, 100-200 km on the North
or Birmingham
* i do not remember details now, but i recorded out thelepatic conversation and my search of a place in some story on Russian by me,
one story with a link here:
Ей и ему, ссылки к теме
I do not remember details and the name of that adult night club now
but i would be able to find this on Google map
as not far away from a place, selling Jamaician food,
about 20 minutes to walk
about 8 minutes by a taxi
They had not money for a hotel, used this option to stay at night here,
to have an adult fan and a place to stay at night.
He had been killed here suddenly, strangling by some snake.
And whom had been killed, said he saw here a Russian (one or two)
at that day, - whom he saw as Russians group involved to Sailisbury case.
I do not know this is a truth or a fantasy.
I can not check this.
He said me he did not knew where was his body after, what was with his body.
He had not said me reasons why
he said me he had been shocked by snakes look as eating humans.
I do not know he said a truth or he played his game fantasy.
He saw Russians on aplace for meetings gays, in this night club in Birmingham, which not so far away from a place, selling Jamaician food restaurant.
I decided to pass all information for you
I do not know here was the truth or not as the information coming by telepathic method from someone died.
Soon, they returned back too Russia, they had the TV interview with Margarita Simonyan, - she marked open publicly, two Russians, Petrov and Boshirov, looked as they had a fear of somethings-someone-somewhat.
this may be connected to 444 = someone had been killed here at night Russian/some of them wee on this club, by someone "a snake" strangle.
Margarita Simonyan said really strange words on Russian somethings as "Whom are you two, really? Whom will believe to you too, really?"
This was a tember of voice.
a really strange moment.
Really, they replied a reason WHY what reasons they travelled to Salisbury?
Margarita Simonyan said really strange words on Russian somethings as "Whom are you two, really? Whom will believe to you too, really?"
I mean if i would be a police officer, i would mark this strange reply with my question.
I mean two Russian men passed some information for a Top Professionals here. as i felt this moment and play of intonations timbres words.
Black lives matter
White lives matter
Every life matter
a life matter
People, living in UK, we have just out country
I disagree Russians came to Great Britain to play their games.
Here is our home to live safe and a comfortable.
a point someone not a type of a person you like or dislike not a point to be a judges if not any criminal aspects, of course.
I worry as some people said before, these two Russians had been killed
If Putin said the truth - they may do a private tasks for money, as a hided professionals
But the use of a poison Novichok - whom had this in a home or on kitchen and for waht what reasons to use?
I wrote my thoughts, some wrong, probably. may be somethings will be useful.
Two Russian men (Boshirov and Petrov)
visited UK
2-4 march 2018.
The Sailisbury case was 4th March 2018.
17th March 2018: the Unseen broke cut a thick glass round with a symbol
17th September 2018 i started to listen a telepathic voice.
The Salisbury is genetically connected to me by my genetic cousins.
Salisbury and Balsham connected as a student = student's Tutor, 12 century
Balsham and Salisbury is my genetic cousins.
Teresa May connected to Salisbury and Kent.
so about me and me too.
Please, excuse my English, this is not my native language.
Really, i do not know English at all, be honest.
I was 36 yo, starting to use this, to listen and to reply.
But I tried as i could to express my knowledge and my personnel investigation regarding Salisbury case.
I had not travelled to Salisbury
I used just open public information from Internet
and some my own conclusion on a Numerology, genetic tests results, archives and the historical study. A small drop of everything and somethings more as a type of Medium.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
"Salisbury and me connections, Солсбери и я"
By Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
(Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
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