Marina Tsvetaeva - It breathed of England -

                «now – in spite of everything – England…»

It breathed of England -  and the Sea –
And courage - stern and stiff –
-I laugh at  newly  coming grief,
A  cadet on a ship.

Amid the craziness of  storm,
In private with  the God,
I’m overwhelmed with monkey waves,
I dance upon the foam.

These hands are  stubborn as a rope -
Got used to a salty span;
This heart is beating with a grit  -
Not all end up in bed.

And thus,  inhaling all the cold
And  starless  murkiness  -
O’er yawning  fathomless abyss
I laugh ! –  my lashes press.

27 April  1920


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Пахнуло Англией - и морем...
