Mr.Fear is the chairman of the Good Liars Club.
As sinful as everyone, but his codex is sacred -
only cute masks, you can’t open your face,
because from the truth about him the whole world will be shattered
the whole system that feeds and protects,
mutual responsibility of debts and mutual benefits.
For the sake of this stability, Mr. beloved lies,
fear of unnecessary true cuts him with a knife
and from a feeling of guilt he still does not find a way out.
Mr.Freeman another - rake and races **** yay,
Don't get older by celebrating a birthday.
He flies, forgetting to ask why not,
and barely understands the value of things and money.
All that he desired is given to him by himself,
because he wants what he already has -
keep reveling in the cocktail of your freedoms
having fun
and saddle the wind direction with a kite.
Mr.Feeling is a burning bunch of different senses.
He is the melted thrill of the proximity of light auras.
He is painfully lustful and his "want"
incomparable like a gobbled up fire.
He keeps a kiss in his temple like a secret sign
involvement. In it, love takes on a rhyme.
At night, he dreams of hunger and silence.
His hunger is pleasant, his silence is gentle
and he is happy, perhaps, more than Mr. Freeman.
Arrange by color, do not mix, but shake,
going from fatal extremes to the middle.
Burning red, clear pearl white
and midnight black are one and indivisible.
Mr.Fear - predsedatel' kluba blagikh lzhetsov.
Stol' zhe greshen kak vse, no kodeks yego svyashchenen -
tol'ko milyye maski, nel'zya otkryvat' litso,
ved' ot pravdy o nem ves' mir razob'yetsya v shchepki,
vsya sistema, kotoraya kormit i berezhet,
krugovaya poruka dolgov i vzaimnykh vygod.
Radi etoy stabil'nosti mister lyubimym lzhet,
strakh nenuzhnosti istinnym rezhet yego nozhom
i iz chuvstva viny on vso ne nakhodit vykhod.
Mr.Freeman drugoy - povesa i ras****yay,
ne stanovitsya starshe, otprazdnovav den' rozhden'ya.
On letit, zabyvaya sprosit' pochemu nel'zya,
i yedva ponimayet tsennost' veshchey i deneg.
Vso, chto on pozhelal, dayetsya yemu samo,
potomu chto zhelayet to, chto uzhe imeyet -
prodolzhat' upivat'sya kokteylem svoikh svobod,
razvlekayas', sebya ispytyvat' na slabo
i sedlat' napravleniye vetra vozdushnym zmeyem.
Mr.Feeling - goryashchiy sgustok razlichnykh chuvstv.
On rastayavshiy trepet blizosti svetlykh aur.
On muchitel'no pokhotliv i yego "khochu"
bespodobno podobno sozhravshemu vso pozharu.
On khranit potseluy viskom slovno taynyy znak
soprichastnosti. V nem lyubov' obretayet rifmu.
Po nocham yemu snitsya golod i tishina.
Yego golod priyaten, yego tishina nezhna
i on schastliv, pozhaluy, bol'she, chem Mr.Freeman.
Razlozhit' po tsvetam, ne smeshivat', no vzboltat',
ukhodya ot gubitel'nykh kraynostey k seredine.
Polykhayushchiy red, prozrachno-zhemchuzhnyy white
i polunochnyy black yediny i nedelimy.
26 сентября 2012 в 22:28
знакомься, малыш)
это - мой новый, слегка философский стишок
я молчал вечером потому что писал его, не было инета на компе, он появился на телефоне, потом инет появился везде....когда я дописал и оформил его
как будто инет исчезал чтобы я писал стих и не отвлекался)
тебе нравится?
он не про любовь, он про меня
23:19 Prince
что ж.........мистер Мистер-и-я, будем знакомы........Вот ты какой ..... Разный и бесконечно мной любимый.......
Из мёртвой английской сказки о придворном Поэте и наивном Принце. Глава 507.
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