The First Snowfall. Первый снегопад

Первый снегопад в Аппалачах Западной Вирджинии.

No one expects an early snowfall.
It might just start raining and that would be all
But chilly air gets colder and soon it seems
The first this year snow-fall begins...

Once being watched it has caught my eye
And does not allow looking aside.
It is fascinating! I am magnified
With snow dancing around and flying by.

The tiny dancers group in a curly ballet
Whirling and jumbling besides, ev'rywhere!
Some snowflakes go up, the others swirl down
Touching the puffed and well-whitened ground...

Being possessed by the snowfall delight
I could stay watching it for the whole day and night.
That glimmering dance of the cold coming winter!
The squeak of my shoes, open door and snow-glitter...

Ноябрь, 2005
