About friendship

I found u among dark faces,
And now ur always with me.
While others were telling me plenty of phrases,
U just gave me ur hand affectionately.

I can read everything in ur radiant eyes,
Understand, what ur soul sings.
If u notice, no one can sympathize,
Just remember our shared dreams.

U r ray of light
In this horrible hell,
Ur light comes from inside,
Ur  free, not in cell.

We go through this sinister gloom
To get outside…
We will change this frightening doom
Together, for whole life.

Sometimes one touch is more important than hundreds of words... Beautiful poem.

Ария Старк   08.09.2020 20:10     Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю за ваши отзывы!!!

Ева Васнецова   08.09.2020 21:23   Заявить о нарушении
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