The Sweet Home For The Willow

22.05.2020. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

The Sweet Home For The Willow

- Home, My Sweet Home, -
as a sound of a flute,
as a heron's hoarse voices,
with a high-pitched scream.

- Where will I find
A calmness,
Where is my place
and a peace?

Oh, I hope,
not in a cemetery,
a place just?
While I am still alive,
as a human being?

Why is all so expensive here?
Why are credit procents
So high?

Each dreams to be alive
And Happy,
Having their home
all times.

My sweet home
is just in my memory,
there were a laugh,
a love.

What were so wrong
to have these problems
and to loss all,
as a willow
always cry?

I was walking
The Willow,
Staying closely
To Lake,
so a beautiful,
and a green all,
moving slowly
her twigs.

Eve's the some,
as The Ive, Willow:
had her losses
after a break:
Happy life with love
with Adam,
Sweetest Home - Paradise,
The break of event:
They had moved
On The Earth.

Cain killed his brother Abel,
and his named a demon
by someone.

Plenty mothers
cried sadly:
as they victims of domestic violence
as they husbands, some as demons,
hating humans, and females.

Look, just a love is, mainly, as a  painting,
making home as a sweet and a bright.
Were each is happy, smiling, living,
having own space and a time.

By  Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"The Sweet Home For The Willow", poem on English
