Memo to the pontifex
translated by I. Pertsovskaya
To Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City,
Francis I
October 5, 2015,
Your Holiness,
We have entered, sorry for using this clich;, apocalyptic time when the world is perilously close to the abyss and already one foot over the precipice [óæå êîëåáëåòñÿ íàä íåþ], and we although reluctant and horrified are looking over its edge feeling a geometrically growing need for mutual understanding and unity. This awareness and the desire to speak out prompted me, a simple man of letters from Russia, to seek the attention of a person who would share with me the suffering in the same space and time and at the same time holds a prominent position in the world's social hierarchy. In terms of the traditional Christian myth, the throne of the Pontifex paradoxically combines the hopes of the kindoms of the Heaven and Earth visibly merging the power of God and the power of Caesar inevitably attracting the spiritual sight of everyone who painfully reflects on the fate of the highest values.
I'm writing to you from the remote "depth of Siberian mines" as our poet once put it (if we look at the world map, we can see that for Russia Siberia from where I write is about the same as Patagonia for Argentine, or, to be more precise, with the similarity of latitudes, Tierra del Fuego, but much more spacious; further we will see that Argentina, and taking broader view, the South America and Russia are two Wings of the West, which could embrace the entire humanity. It's symbolically important for my addressing you that both you and I were born in these wings, which I believe could add some similarity to our world outlooks) – from the north-east of the planet to the south-west, as if a mental arrow tying together the both hemispheres creating the unified raison d'etre. This unified raison d'etre of the Earth, the World, and the Universe, which we grasp with an amazing lightning speed, refers us to the person as such, to his glowing heart of hearts, reasonable and conscious Spirit, which Jesus Nazarene once called the "Son of Man". And so one day, thinking about the triumph of reason in the universe, He said to his disciples, "For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other" (Lk 17: 24). The duty of every thinking man, that is, the duty of the man as he is, the man at most, Homo who is predominantly sapie, is to bring the Day of Christ's Lightning closer by his own small fire. After all, if you remember and understand His words " The kingdom of God cometh not with observation," at any moment of our life, despite of the horror of the surrounding political, that is, biosocial, being overwhelming us, we can unknowingly be already illuminated by this Lightning whose particles we are, and xubconsciously imbibing its presence and fruit,
We are entangled in the horns of Shaitan. They grow out of humanity, they twist it around like lianas, and choke it. I believe there are at least four of the largest horns, currently generating the legion of demons that ancient books told us about. These horns, these sources of the Legion are Americanism (A), Anti-Americanism (AA), Islamism (I), and Clericalism (C).
All of them are rooted in ethnicity as in our original biopsychic platform, from which in the course of evolution we have been growing, separating from it and turning into a suprabiological universe. The overwhelming crisis that has hit the globe today is actually a decisive clash between a person liberating himself for human life with the forces of nature opposing him, which are expressed on the social surface by in the language of myth what I call the Satan's horns.
Thus, we have to face two modern horns, A and AA, one ancient, C, and one modern-ancient, I. The simplest horn, AA, is based on sheer response, it is an ethnic modification of the class instinct, reflectory resentment against a strong and merciless predator A. Fundamentally, the anti-American horn can involve any part of the world's population being a potential victim of the interests of this global gendarme.
Americanism (A), itself, that is, the moral dictatorship of American democracy propagated over the entire humanity is more complicated, here we are witnessing the revival of the ethnic spirit at the top of scientific, technical, and social progress and the formation of an aggressive super-ethnos based on the latest technologies: all the all the intellectual accomplishments are hurled into the reproduction of the fateful forces of history, the new ethnic ministration to which devalues all democratic and especially liberal meanings that are further and further removed from their humanistic origins.
Islamism (I) originates from Clericalism (C) feeding on the anti-Americanism (AA), naturally generated by it and combining the political fanaticism of the modern party spirit with the ancient fanaticism of the church-religious tradition and striving to create a planetary theocracy of the spiritually totalitarian super-ethnos. The danger of islamism despite the simplicity of its sources and structure, consists in that it, as the old-time proletariat, has nothing to lose as it has no civilizational foundation.
And, finally, Clericalism (C), by which I mean socially organized religiosity, religion as a social institution, and the resulting confessional fragmentation of humanity, is the last of the four horns, the most silent and almost invisible, the least political outwardly and internally the most significant, in terms of universalism, in the breadth and depth of its influence comparable to ethnicity and, in fact, being its reverse side. That is why, transcending his ethnic content, a person must first overcome the church shell, i.e. the archaic social content that still holds the consciousness in the biological framework, subordinating the individual to the collective psyche of the herdlike flock.
Still, it would be natural to ask: why do I treat the ecclesiastic system, quite decent even though obsolete, almost synonymous with culture, as the Satan's horn and equate it with terrorist Islamism? Am I too harsh?
I don't think so. The matter is that throughout history, along with direct political factors, the very confessional and institutional fragmentation of humankind has been a source of enmity/hostility between nations. Through the institution of the church, religion became a source of war both directly, helping the Caesar, and indirectly, suppressing dissent. In the days of the current crisis, when, before the final unification of mankind into a people of earthlings, the ethnic shell of our spirit, protecting its ancient cave right of diversity of "religions, cultures, and kingdoms" and trying to preserve the primitive forever the sovereignty of collective ethnic churches, is ready for the ultimate battle against the humen essence in us, ecclesiastic system as a religious institution of Clericalism, that is, external, social and political shell of the human spirit, inevitably takes the side of nature against the man. And somewhat similar to that, which is openly expressed in the monstrously aggressive tug of Islamism, is surreptitiously ripening and turning over, whether consciously, unconsciously, in any ecclesiastic form, under the guise of any, “peace-loving and unworldly” creed or denomination.. Frantically ingenuous political Islam in its na;ve simplicity and openness is implementing that which for centuries had been the main dream and secret goal of any religious assembly, union, or sect: dissociate from fallen humanity, defeat the filth of the world, punish the infidels, become the chosen vessel, to get saved. Today, you and I with the majority of mankind are branded as infidels and filth and sentenced to destruction..
A vicious circle - everything starts from ethnicity and returns to it – the circle closes. This is the satanic circle of the four horns, which has now trapped the humanity, narrowing the possibility of free breathing. Neo-anti-humanism is on the rise.
It would be a great mistake to imagine that by highlighting the four horns, I “cleanse” myself and my Russian tribe/ethnos and make a collective claim for righteousness and holiness. It is precisely to abandon such an ethnic position promising the glory of the nation, the greatness of the state, and blind arrogance to the people as a whole, is precisely that I decided to write these lines. Any inspired and passionary/passionate rise of ethnic spirit and patriotic hopes in any corner of the globe today is just one more step towards a world catastrophe, towards the triumph of the abyss. The ethnic spirit has ceased to be creative, - or rather, it has maximally revealed its “creativity” in world wars and revolutions of the twentieth century - it can still be outraged by injustice, but it cannot be fair. He has nothing to offer to the forces of good, and only Satan-Shaitan continues to draw strength therefrom adorning the brow of peoples, each of which could taking a close look discern some combination of the horns on its collective forehead.
By the Shaitan's horns, which I had intended to use in the title of my letter to Your Holiness I understand this that is natural in us, which is not only failed to be overcome by our highest, proper human, essence, but which also actively opposes its complete victory over us. Shaitan, as I understand it, is not a classic Satan with all his human complexity, not one that Baudelaire sang in litanies, but a simplified and roughened copy of him, a brutish head of a pack of beasts, the chieftain of devils. The horns are about the primal and most primitive in the human nature bringing us closer to the bull's pride, and rooting in our ethnicity, the most ancient biosocial platform, on which, interacting with it and at the same time confronting it, the whole human culture grew, which nurtured all the fruits of historical development. As you can see, the roots of the horns and their carrier, Shaitan, are deep, and this is the great problem of humanity.
Jesus tempted in the desert had to face the same problem. This was a turning point in His fate when He had to make his uktimate choice. Was he to make a deal/compromise/ make a bargain with nature and society, with those lower physical conditions of human existence, which are referred to as social determinism (bread, gravity, mortality, power, etc.), forcing Himself to serve this part of a human that does not go beyond the earthly circle and is rhythmically absorbed by nature, that is, does not release man from the kingdom of Satan-Shaitan, who in total personifies the social top of biology? Or should werisk everything in a bet on the inner person, on his potential higher content and meaning, rising above the nature and briefly and symbolically expressed by the word "God"?
Where does ethical relativism come from? Or, which is the same thing, what's the origin of the powerlessness and impossibility to operate the concepts of good and evil, which lose their basic/pure meaning and clarity in any practical action of nations? The answer is: it comes from the ethical morality, which does not coincide with the moral ethics of human and individual. If there are several hundreds or thousands of ethnic groups on the planet, which firmly adhere/stick to the pagan-ethnic principle “my home is my fortress”, putting into/ focusing onto this clan-family-nation all their ideas about the highest values and all their hopes for the sense of humanity, then we eventually get thousands of closed fortresses with their own “truth ready at hand/in my pocket,” for each of which the rest of the world is a wild battlefield for resources. “Good” and “evil” only exist inside the fortress as intra-national “bonds/ties”; they are not outside where there are only the same double and triple political standards.
Therefore, no matter how tempting it would seem to reduce the number of horns to two of them — Islamism and Americanism — conspicuous in ordinary life, aggressive and sending global shockwaves, just for political reasons, the horns, between which humanity are now trapped — for complete understanding it is necessary to keep in mind ethnic Anti-Americanism and, of course, world clericalism, not only openly and most aggressively concentrated in political Islam, but also implicitly generating on-going Anti-Americanism reflecting the inertial reaction of the religious tradition of mankind to the "godless" modernity.over the entire planet.
But maybe Americanism would be better called “political Americanism,”, by analogy with the expression “political Islam,” to avoid identifying the outrages of American politics with the innocent American population as a whole? After all, relatively peaceful Muslims, which,as hypocritical political tolerance assures us, we have nothing to worry about, because the good Muslimes here are peaceful, and the bad terrorists are somewhere far, and you can continue to drink tea calmly, in the firm conviction that the world police will keep us safe and resolve the matters where necessary.
However, we should raise now a hot-button question: are people really innocent as such — the very people from whose depths, generally speaking, all political mess used to spring?? Certainly, they are not obliged to bear absolute responsibility for the atrocities of their political leaders - not because as common folk they are inherently irresponsible, but because, putting aside the issue of responsibility, they must have a future (as the poet said, it's not we who brought them to the earth and their extinction is not our business".) Otherwise, for example, since 1945, Germany whould have disappeared from the world maps: the winners' physical strength was sufficient for the “final solution” of the “German question” (Today, by the way, the German supreme authorities deny their country its future, because they stubbornly refuse to see the terrible present, flippantly translating the need for deep strategic political decisions to short-term social problems, to put it simply, still trying to flirt with the plague of Islamism, hiding from it behind a fig leaf if politicized "tolerance"). We remember that throughout the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, Europeans forebodingly watched the rising Germanism, the fruits of which the world reaped in two world wars. And the Germans received penalty for their Germanism, harsh, even though not absolutewere punished, not absolute. Peoples who do not temper the singing of their nationalistic sirens are deservedly and justly humiliated by history. Nowadays, our global home has become particularly cramped, complex and fragile — in the Internet age, the simple even though repeatedly chanted by heads of different states phrase “our national interests” is already gaining the impact and significance of such a nationalistic sirens' song.
Of course, the present-day situation of the 21st century appears historically unique. Islamic religious imperialism has taken on the features of an international, or rather supernational, religious-racial expansion, and while the top of the iceberg is expressed in war and terror, its submerged invisible part consists in micro-penetration into civilization yaking the form of an unprecedented "nano-social" technology of capture, regeneracy and destruction of the very fabric of society is not a plague, it is a super-ethnic and super-religious cancer that has befallen us, the unconscious agent of which can be any innocent hijabbed schoolgirl.
If Trump, who evidently is can hardly be blamed for Anti-Americanism, says that America, through its democratic leaders, is guilty of raising ISIS, then this truth about Islamism and America helping it lies under our feet as clear evidence, which can only be denied by a brazenly impudent insanity. But bothing less than that was shining and being violently pumped out onto the world through the glass eyes of a lady who had stubbornly climbed recently to top of the global power? Looking at it, you clearly see the highest achievement of democracy in two hundred years: with the help of a vote, the cook even if educated (which, by the way, raises th issue of the value of modern “education”), climbs up the society, to finally satisfy all seventy years of her insatiable appetite. [*Allision to Lenin's "Any cook should be able to run the country"]. But if this can be a person running the life of a large highly developed state, central to the global power of the planet, in the twenty-first century, then what remains from the general election with its all-embracing mandate, which had been this bright dream of the world's best thinkers a hundred and fifty years ago in the times of Bakunin and Garibaldi? This dream clearly contained a Christian humanistic belief in a person who, alas, was indistinguishable from the "folk", that is, the masses, which had been largely presumed to be endowed with humanism; otherwise all the revolutions and overthrows of monarchies would have reasonably appear a useless even-Steven fuss. Monarchs, same as cooks, also did not come out of a clear blue sky despite the high priests' lies, they were not heirs to the gods, but resulted from the same survival of the fittest with its inevitable brutal fights. The selection of the political elite of mankind has always been in favor of those who are closer to the family of the sanguinivorous. The wave of revolutions of the XVIII - XX centuries merely changed the facade of this elite, having clad the natural political selection in clothes of other colors. However, the proverbial survival of the fittest, wrapped up in the voting procedures, still remains the same rigid biological mechanism in which there is still no humanity, and probably will never be at least as long as there are coercive ways to socialize people, such as and the church, where the unifying vector is directed from society to an individual rather than vice versa.
Generally speaking, the election of the Worls's King, which recently took place across the ocean, is an instructive spectacle. For example, you, Your Holiness, quite rightly noticed regarding Trump's intention to close the Mexican border, that this was not Christian. Yes, I sarcastically thought then, it would be a much more Christian is “tolerant” to bow before the crowds of Huns, as Germany and France are doing now. However, I immediately have to correct myself – oh, no! What Europe does and what the Pope wants is perhaps proper to Roman Catholic, but hardly Christian. Should I remind the Pontiff that individuals and not nations turn the other cheek and are crucified? As a rule it's a Man who is crucified and the People who is the crucifier rejoicing at auto-da-fe, gallows, and guillotine…
True, there are exceptions - for example, the history of the Jews under Hitler, but this should also be called a man-made catastrophe, and not a sacrifice of burnt offering, despite the literal . meaning of the word "holocaust". Otherwise, there would appear and there are already signs of theor emergence! - superethnic Hitler-Napoleons, who will understand the Jewish metaphor literally and find therein a hint and inspiration for themselves and believe that the time is coming to glorify the truth and unity of the planet by a worldwide burnt offering - not just a specific disagreeable tribe but also a whole group of undesirable peoples and civilizations. Why not? .. The recent epic Norwegian hero Breivik, temporarily locked in a three-room "state apartment," in his dreams, must have seen himself as such a Super-Savior… However, the “Arab-Muslim project”, which already burns a half-earth globe, is such a voracious anonymous collective Superman, compared to which Austrian painter Adolf is just a miserable anemic chronic patient who lives on pills.
Or another exception: Russia is a country historically and geographically crucified on a Eurasian continental cross: the steppe is on the left, the west is on the right o the left is the steppe, to the right is the West, and Islam is breathing in her face. Like the Jews, we, Russians, have nothing to be proud of, Prince Vladimir’s choice of our civilizational fate in the tenth century was, at that time, perhaps, optimal, although hardly the most successful in the general historical perspective. The history is tough and neither Israel nor Russia can afford to be too tolerant, but this drawback seems to be offset by their craving for/obsession with justice. Therefore, I would not be surprised if Russia and not overseas cronies from the Atlantic alliance, will have to free the Western European brothers from the intolerant Huns, as it had a little earlier freed them from the intolerant Ataulf.
Everyrhing is extremely obvious on the life's surface, the ugly blatantly cynical naked reality convulses before us in all its anatomical shamelessness and horror. The Shaitan's horn of the surface is the most visible and immediately dangerous, openly proclaiming as its holy task the conversion of the world's population to Islam and the physical extermination of those who do not accept Islam; and since modern civilization is mainly secular in nature and consists of non-ecclesiastical people, the overwhelming majority of the population of the Earth appears sentenced to extinction. This is Islamism, or - as some of its ideologues call it, weakly trying to separate its apparent practical inhumanity from the “innocence” of a religious idea that shines in the life of good, peaceful, not yet directly involved in the funnel of death Mohammedans - political Islam- for almost twenty years, not to offend the Muslim neighbors, cowardly and falsely disguised by the world community with abstract labels “extremism” and “terrorism”. According to them, there have always been ruffians, the society has developed the appropriate punitive bodies against them, nothing new that we were not able to handle.
What is really new, however, is the unprecedented planetary scale of unfolding merciless anti-humanism, before which even the monstrous world war of the twentieth century looks “provincial” from a “moral” point of view, and Hitlerism, which in 2014 seemed to be the absolute evil, against the Islamist globalization that cropped out in 2015 and is modestly referred to as the "ISIS group", seemingly shows even human (!) traits. That's relativity for you! The scale of jihad is universal, yet, thank God, not so much by the number of militants and weapons, as by the fact that it, nevertheless, is potentially no less dangerous, by the breadth of involvement in the beastly simple zombification based on moral and intellectual primitiveness, emptiness of consciousness, and ugly hole instead of human soul opening up in the eyes of the young and externally civilized bipeds looking for quick satisfaction of their instincts and finding it in shooting and dollars, if it is he, and serving the chosen male, if it is she; all this is masterfully garnished by recruiters and ideologists and sold to humanity as a romantic impulse of the idealism of the young generation of earthlings who allegedly vividly responded to the call to cleanse the planet of rotten Christian bourgeois civilization. All this resembles the realization of Hollywood fantasies about the alien seizure of the Earth, as if the threats of H. Wells were to come true in a hundred years. The planetary scale of this new military-political pandemic is also due to the Internet, which is rapidly propagating everything worldwide. As always happened in history, the world “evil”, keeping up with time, quickly, and even more successfully than “good” (doing good is more difficult for “good” than for “evil” to do evil), weaponizes new technologies. Shaitan's green horn vigorously implements its version of a global project.
What else does the world community confident in its power say and think? They are confident in their ability to do away with extremism and terrorism.
Suppose that we can win this battle, but how? What will the price be? Will it be paid by the death of Russia, which itself has been put on the front line of this eschatological slaughter by its very history?
(People Russia, especially ethnic Russian and pro-Russian, politicians like to boast that multicultural dangers are not about us, we have, they say, an innate, almost God-in-God harmony, coexistence of a hundred languages, cultures and religions. Of course, this is a headless, frivolous and cowardly lie, hiding, as always, the unflattering truth of history. If you take a closer look at such harmony, you will find much of it in Western Europe, where, however, all Gascons, Gaelians, Bretons, Romans and other "peoples" are long-time Christians, and the Roman patriarch does not need to waste time and gasoline to baptize their villages, as his Moscow colleague traveled to baptize a few Chukchas near the Bering Strait the other day, probably in order to protect them from the evil influence of the godless descendants of Jack London residing on the other side of the strait … And the unflattering truth of the Russian history lies in the fact that that ship has sailed, that the time for missionary outreach is over since the period when the Russian empire was taking shape naturally, historically, organically but not a hundred years after its death in February 1917 ... At one time, the Russiab Orthodox kingdom saved itself from two crafty Western Abrahamic brothers, a Jew and a Jesuit, but it did not gain immunity from the third, ingenuous Ismaili who had grown up side by side with it, or it overestimated his own strength, or underestimated the strength of the sleeping mind of the Muslim, whose speech resembled the simple paganism of many other small neighboring indigenous ethnic groups. Having annexed Kazan and Astrakhan, Russia should not have built mosques but should have converted the conquered to Christianity. Our Russian ancestors, unwilling or unable to do this in the 16th century, had implanted in the body of their state an incurable chronic disease, which was then aggravated by the non-missionary accession of Crimea and the North Caucasus. The progress of the disease was accelerated and aggravated by the Bolshevists who awarded administrative semi-independence and tempting freedom of identity to immature potential sovereigns - "subrepublics" of different caliber ... After such a half-imperial policy of the past, it is more than strange today to expect loyalty to the Orthodox Kremlin from peoples who historically did not know another cult and rite, except that they were bequeathed by their ancestors, that is, for example, same old Islam. What Ivan IV, Catherine II and Nicholas I failed to do, is all the more so impossible for Putin and his team. The ship has sailed. And the dialectic says that generously pouring imperial gold and benefits –simultaneously threatening with tanks — into the capitals and temples of historical foreigners-aliens, supporting them financially, we strengthen them morally, that is, breed anger against the system of golden cage luring them but refusing the desired freedom of identity, the passion for which is inevitable among peoples who have reached a certain evolutionary milestone. When this passion is impeded for a long time, we are in for Maidan or Maknovist Gulyai-Pole. Altogether, the ship has sailed off so far that the territorial heritage of the Russian tsars, on which we live here in northern Eurasia, is unlikely to be permanently preserved in this suspiciously smoldering "peaceful unity" surrounded by bayonets of one army.) …
And what fo I see? Has the tragic dreamy image of the poet, who cried a hundred years ago, “perish, Russia, the scribal master of the Third Testament!”, come true? Or the blood-spitting of the most authoritative - blind ethnic! - Her Majesty of World History, who sent Russia today to the cross - not for the fragrant church-mythical, gilded to awoon over the memory of God's execution - but to the vile, smelly, disgraceful real cross of the black work where convicts are sent, under the hoots of the Western multicultural mob, in the greenhouse postmodern conditions turned into a white-handed tolerant infirmity/feebleness, fearing to offend the kins of the plague and, as always, anxiously loyal to influential executioners?..
Or maybe the masters of the world, together with Russia, are also ready to surrender Europe to the dark forces? So what? The planet is already overpopulated. Why not to reduce Gorbachev's "European home", EuroRus, so to speak? All the more so as this implies , the net benefit for the economy: only about 10% of the world's population is removed, and the full resources, with ready-made infrastructure, are acquired, hungry for working hands, from Lisbon to Alaska! Not to mention the fertile Afrasia, it will not fail, the world will not remain without slaves.
Jesus, too, when he surrendered into the hands of gardians of order, did not at all strive to die beautifully and nobly amid mockery and shame, along with social trash on neighboring crosses. But the mob inciting Him to lead the army of Peters, Barabbases and Judes and move to Rome was more disgusting than physical death, and therefore he chose the line of behavior most incomprehensible for the old mankind – utter rejection of ethno-tribal hopes and ways of self-affirmation, focusing on the inner person. The more internal self-content a person has, the more he is a person, a human man, and not an ethnic atom. Neither before Christ, nor after him there was in the history a more powerful approach to the meaning of "man", then there was an enormous power of the new, not physical, order and quality, a man with his consciousness expanding beyond the limits of matter, leaving its womb, breaking away from it for independent life, becoming the Infant of a different evolutionary level ... We already know what befell the Infant of this level. Interpreted in terms of Judo-pagan archaics the Infant has turned to the neat Messiah and the other level has become "the other world"… Nevertheless, we, though not the entire human race, albeit, alas, only a few chosen ones of the evolution, but have become different. Nature has ceased to be everything for us, ceased to be the ceiling and the pinnacle of dreams and efforts. That is why the pagan pantheon, which turned into toys by inertia continuing to entertain the infantile part of our psyche, has faded. The invasion of a new stage of spiritual evolution, albeit in a mutilated, chilled, truncated, inhibited form, did take place. We see its sparks and lights, glitters and omens, hints and signs in artists and poets, holy fools and hermits, in dreamers and idiots, in princes Myshkins of all stripes, all unadapted to the cold world of narrow practicality and machine-like circulation of social life, copying and continuing the dialectic of nature. Starting with Jesus (partly earlier), all these renegades of the human population sparkled in history as the message of humanism. However, for to break through the armor of church ritual mythology and to penetrate deeper into humanity, ancient harbingers and premonitions had to be inoculated to Christian message called historical humanism of the XV - XVI centuries. The enormous, I repeat, force of the nonphysical order, once revealed by Jesus, became the condition for the further evolution of Man. On the traditional biological background, this force seemed to many and still seems to be a weakness. Well, against the background of nature, in the "eyes" of nature humanism is a weakness, a mistake of creation. But only the understanding and acceptance of this “weakness” allows us to move from the “war of everybody against everybody” to a common cause æçãèäøñ affair?] on Earth.
What is a common cause? Res publica? Ancient Latin refers us to the elementary political needs of the assembled crowd. But this is only the external part of the question. And the internal, that is, not situational, but semantic, part of it tells us that it is the Man who is the commonest of all common, causes, that is, the construction of the Man based on the desire to understand the meaning of what man really is.
Everyday narrow pragmatic practicality tends to deny these internal needs of our consciousness, being locked in the solution of thousands of useful trifles, every second tipped to it by the immediate surrounding environment. His consciousness, built on the perception of only external things, is a monad forced to live in a circle of empirical necessity, the boundary of which is war, that is, an inevitable according to the law of nature collision with another such monad. Therefore, no matter how good his intentions are, no matter how hotly he swears to his humanity, he will never enter humanism, that is, the idea of a human being that cannot be reduced to biology. For the horizon of his consciousness, as before, as in the whole human race in the pre-Christian era, is closed/limited by nature.
That is why I started talking about everyday practicalism-pragmatism, - because I see in it a dangerous modern modification of crude materialism, overwhelming the globe of a-ihumanism [??]. It is not “anti”, but exactly “a” showing that the individual is not against humanity, he is beyond humanity, because the essence of humanity is closed for him, inaccessible, he does not have a corresponding internal organ for its perception. Alas, this seems to be a mass civilized, tolerant, scientifically educated pro of the modern middle class. Since a thousand trifles, in which he is immersed, is ultimately a manifestation of the external world, or socio-nature, this massive educated contemporary worships the total deity of nature, with his very way of life being making a choice between a human and Nature in favor of the latter. This strange religion makes its bearer thinking about current crises on the planet, draw a surprising conclusion, to put it mildly: “Nature will do without us.” For me, this unique phrase is an ultimate dead end cutting any conversation about a person, a kind of death penalty to an individual.
And I xannot help asking the reader "Aren't you afraid? Look what a crazy world we live in! After all, these were not the words of an Islamist militant but more of his potential victim. It looks as if the executioner and the victim are drawn towards each other. Hatered and indifference are seeking to merge and to erase us.
The word "genocide", with its strong biological connotations, no longer works. No matter how many of us, earthlings, are destroyed, there will still be a lot of us, and any there will always be a wealth of hunting grounds for any gourmand chasing for human blood. Besides, this kind of gourmand cannot be scared off by the punitive counter-genocide as he is only too well adapted to the language and reality of mutual boodslaughter. Everything happens according to the laws of nature, like in the life of mosquitoes. But here os the real issue: how to prevent the emergence of such a gourmand? That is, how to curb the omnipotence of nature? Her omnipotence in ourselves? What is happening is the NOOCIDE – that, which philosophers called the noosphere a hundred years ago is itself largely annihilating Nous today; in other words, the mind, socially transformed into civilization, destroys itself and its individual origin.. Thus, the modern society of the Earth commits the smoldering suicide of the social mind and is killing the individual mind, i.e. attempts a double noosuicide. The noosphere, on which the humanity pinned so many hopes as on a step of the evolution following the biosphere, proved to be much closer to biology than we used to believe. Now it has been self-tattered as a curtain in the Nature's temple because, as everything that is social it is subject to the law of secondary ethnosimilarity, i.e. inevitably returns to the primitive manifestation of the human nature.
Ethnicity as a tribal stage of humanity generates hierocracy, it is ecclesiastical, that is, practically that very Clericalism, by which I understand the tragic separation of humanity into religious and cultural groups. It is customary to admire the “diversity of religious and cultural” experience but, in my opinion, this proverbial diversity deserves as much admiration as the Tower of Babel turned into a smoking pile of ruins, where small scared and numb men no longer understanding each other are futzing around. Yes, actually, the religious “zoning” of the globe is parallel and almost inseparable from the second, no less sad, language zoning. Both of them, in essence, are two components in one natural process of the ethnic origin of culture as a continuation of the organic evolution of the material world.
Therefore, churches, as social instruments that continue today proclaiming their necessity for us, are almost literally transformed before our eyes into nature-like mechanisms that hinder human development. Thae, which a thousand years ago was the triumph of the man and his relative exit from the power of nature into his own human world, now predominantly favors the power of nature, which makes church-confessional structures part of its aggressive landscape. Nature invariably prevails in the absence of human opposition.
When the masses stand up for freedom, freedom dies. Freedom isabout an individual; Jesus of Nazareth has proved it with his life and death.
European humanism, this exquisite flower synthesizing antiquity and Christianity, gave rise to the noble values of freedom — both as a person’s freedom, as announced by the Renaissance, and as a people’s freedom, democracy, which later emerged from the first — that are unknown, alien, and uninteresting to the overwhelming part of the Islamic world. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in Islam, according to modern Islamic scholars, for the last seven hundred years, there has been no Kalam, that is, Islamic Logos. When I learnt about this, I wondered if it also could be Genghis Khan's doing. It seems consistent with regard to the time. However, there were no Mongols either in the Maghreb or in Spain, and nothing prevented Kalam from blossoming there and further on ... When, finally, the earth became cramped, Islam timed its proper arrival to use these noble values by the hands of the West against the West, to make the thing that signified the creative perspects of humanity, an instrument of its destruction. For the more primitive the religion, the more it represents the voice of nature, indifferent to civilization and the idea of Man.
Humanism once opened the historical doors of Homo Sapiens, Islamism - wants to close them, literally returning the remnants of humanity to the barracks of God's slaves. Humanism is a separation from biological roots for the sake of a human being. A feature of our days is a return to the roots in a religious form of ethnic reaction against humanism. Essentially, all the world's religions today oppose the idea of Man, and in this opposition they are headed by the simplest of them, Islam.
The dehumanized world —where we actually live — that is, the world, in which the simplest ethnic values (faith, family, etc. “ties”) or their quasi-forms (moral code of the builder of communism, datsuba, etc.) also generates the proper fighters "for ideals and morality." In China, these were the recent Red Guard, in Islam at all times they are jihadists who understand jihad not as the perfection of consciousness and ascension to a deity but as a massacre in glory of Allah according to the models of the successors of Mahomet, for instance, Caliph Omar, on whose orders the library of Alexandria was burnt. By the way, if, by his feat, he deprived us even only of a smaller part of the ancient heritage, then it is difficult to overestimate his “contribution” to our development; here it is appropriate to note in a kind of “justification” of the Palmyra destroyers that it was not an act of some special malicious feeling towards the West, to the roots of its culture — exactly the same thing their colleagues did a little earlier in Bamiyan, and there, as we know, the sign was given to the entire Indo-Chinese hemisphere. This is not “terrorism-extremism”; it is ordinary religious fundamentalism as a pronounced biological phenomenon); here, in Russia, these are politically aggressive post-Soviet religious neophytes (among whom es[ecia;;y active are some the so-called "neo-Cossacks" proclaiming themselves descendants democratic, self-governing, semi-military communities protecting Russia's boreders but actually representing some mix of Russian orthodox - jihad-sharia ), obscurantists) attacking art museums, exhibitions, theaters, who got the authorities to adopt in 2013 a strange law “on the protection of the feelings of believers”, which opens the way for modern church-religious savages to revolt against society. In fundamentalism, culture becomes synonymous to wildness, the difference between them disappears.
Religious fundamentalism, Jewish, Arabic, Russian, any, is inevitably tinged with a specific tribal color - this ethno-historical memory restores in the self consciousness of a group willing to return to its original cultural condition, “to the ancestors”, the everyday situation of the “holy primeval days”, where the faith and appearance of the ethnos are inseparable, the collective memory searches for the literal “primitive”. And, therefore, this memory assumes that the true Jew is not atheist Marx or agnostic Einstein, but only a Jew in a shtreimel because the shtreimel, in all likelihood, used to be worn in the time of Moses, if not Abraham. The significance of the shtreimel, therefore, may be greater than that of circumcision, and, like it, is is the oldest sign of tribal affiliation. For us., the Russians, the role of the shtreimel was played by a beard, and, therefore, the cheerful “blasphemer” Peter I, chopping off the .beards and taxing them, insulted the very spiritual depth of the national consciousness, and .our priests still have to wear beards - they remained today, "real Russians", ethnically diverse tribes, for, according to them, the Savior himself wore a beard, and He, they subconsciously know, was definitely Russian.
In response to religious and ethnic fundamentalism coming from the Middle East, right-wing forces in the EU stand up to oppose them guided by relatively healthy ethnic instincts that react to the biological outburst of foreign fundamentalism, trying to correct the balance of natural forces and preserve Europe as a form of life; that which yesterday would have made us shudder bringing back the memory of the brown plague of the twentieth century today it is perceived almost like salvation from the surging superolague of the Arab-Islamic “project”. .I will not be surprised if, in a few years, the Aryan knight Breivik leaves his three-room apartment ahead of schedule and leads some intolerant European structure.
When arms speak, muses are silent. This saying appeared in cozy times when there were the front and the rear, where the muses could take refuge in silence. But there are times when there is no longer any rear or refuge. Moreover, a war has been declared to the very existence of the muses, the bottom is rising and wants to oust the top, the tribal ethnomass strangles the human individual. In a situation of globalism, more false than genuine, the uprising of the masses, about which European philosophers began to speak in the nineteenth century, passes to the most aggressive phase, finally transforming the metaphor of the "new Dark Ages" into reality.
The religious being of man, or, more precisely, the social existence of the religiosity of mankind is somehow capped 0ff. (The second divina commedia is now possible, summing up not the ancient Roman Catholic senses of Western culture, but the whole world’s religious and cultural diversity. So to say, the new Dark Ages have brought in the new Dante. Victor Pelevin has made some attempts in this direction, replacing, however, respectably pretentious and almost primish Dante's happy-end by something rather Neo-Rablesian, immersing us in a refreshing soul of cheerful, obscene laughter.) Social - external, heteronomic, natural, tribal, pro-pagan, etc. God died, this haf been stated long before by the thinkers of the New Time. It also means that religion goes from the surface of the soul and life into the depths, increasingly becoming the heart of the human man, as Jesus desired. Today, the practical positivism of secular civilization based on science (a host of muses led by Urania) inherits the declared negativism of the church religion, solving the problem of overcoming the imperfections of the world not by some kind of escape from it into a “transcendental” connection with the imaginary transcendent Father-Lord, but by permanent work on eliminating this imperfection here on earth.
Nature is our enemy, said Russian religious thinker Nikolai Fyodorov. But, he did not specify what he meant by "our." He understood "our" as relating to humanity. In general, I agree with him, but such a broad concept of "our" in the transition to a practical struggle for a person is inevitably divided into "our individual-human" and "our social-collective," and the second "our" is a continuation of the same hostile nature, the bearer of death, vigorously opposed by the thinker. The XIX century, in which he lived, was still all basking in sociality, and even outstanding minds were not personally elevated enough to perceive themselves entirely as a person. The identity of man and society seemed taken for granted and obvious. For example, the mighty mask tearer Leo Tolstoy somehow kept respecting the phenomena and people whose masks he tore off taking those to be something like the metaphysical basis of sociality (as if inseparable from humanity), from which he could easily tear off and throw away, say, aristocracy and bureaucracy but the peasants for him were off-limits and for the sake of the latter the society remained potentially holy.
Berdyaev advancrd further, but he also seemed unable to understand clearly that dividing the society into “bad” and “good” was fruitless, he still seems to have illusions about the possibility of a Christian society, and he did not put a decisive sign of equality between objectification, of which he spoke a lot, and socialization. nd for a person as a human being, not a socio-atom, it’s the same thing, to be itself, it must reject everything socially, uncompromisingly and not bargaining, because the object-socium belongs to the elements of nature, though secondary. And for a person as a human being, not a socio-atom, it’s the same thing, to be himself, he must reject everything social, uncompromisingly and not bargaining, because the object-socium belongs to the elements of nature, although secondary. Socium inexorably and fatally objectifies any human content, like a tsunami washes away any construction. Therefore, there is only one way out for a human being - not to build a dwelling of the soul in a social ocean, not to trust it with your life. In this I see the continuation of N. Fedorov’s thoughts about the struggle with the universal enemy, nature. The kingdom of God, according to Christ, is “within you,” and the emphasis should be placed on “within” and not on “you”, this is a state of the individual spirit, not public, for the “social spirit” is only a weak, distorted, and crude copy of the spirit of the individual, always serving collective purposes, that can be whatever but not spiritual in the literal and true sense. In the hands of socium, everything individual and spiritual, as in the retort of an alchemist, becomes collectively impersonal. This is confirmed by two thousand years of the history of social Christianity, all the original divine intuitions of which have been imprisoned in the Sunday matins of social services. But we remember the words of Jesus, that "not a man for the Sabbath, but a Sabbath for a man". The Sabbath is only a social establishment, it is not a spirit, but an infrastructure for the spirit. Alas, in the New Testament church everything was repeated, against which Jesus had fought in the Old Testament church, for both obey the fatal, rooted in biology, law of social construction, which means that any building strives to become self-sufficient and sooner or later begins to enslave the builder. The word of Christ in general and the Sabbath in particular are opposed to this law, and from the depth of centuries Protagorian “man is the measure of all things” echoes him and we see that the Christian spirit has merged with the Hellenic into something humanly powerful and life-affirming, into that historical Revelation about Man, which still awaits its clearing up and embodiment in the next centuries.
In our highest, conscious and cognizing nature, we all, whatever we do, must be astronomers and poets in love with stars, for we ourselves are derived from the stars and their infinity. We can bring maximum meaning to our existence only by looking and delving into what has produced us, that is, into this very visible infinity.
Since the very first day of his emergence, the man has made attempts to look deeper and to think deeper. Evolutionally, he has developed two ways to compensate of the very horror of being, individual and collective, which may have merged simultaneously in his then half-dreaming conscience while the second way as the simpler and childishly direct, had been on the foreground for along historic period. This is religion as a continuation of the family where we are born into infinity, and likening this infinity of the world to a universal child's cradle, which the distant invisible Father lovingly sways. This is the time of Uranus, Brahma, Tengri, the time of primary natural monotheism. It was a collective, ethno-human, social request and response to the meaning of existence. But mankind has never consisted only of society, on the contrary, society itself arose only because there were individuals. It is not difficult to imagine that with time individuals became senseless and dull in the desert space of primitive monotheism, and the human mind mastering the universe created and sent into the world ten thousand pagan gods. This was the second step of anthropomorphism as making the world human, a way out of the limitations of primary monotheism, its abstractness, cold and inhumanity, all that, to our misfortune as an awesome archaic appendix, survived to this day in the Islamic concept of deity.
Nature - Society - Man. Three levels of the state of life from the veiwpoint of psyche and ratio The evolutionary vector is from Nature through Society to the Man. Historically, the exit from Nature has generated the Society and created religions. The transition to the Man was already germinating in religions but the Society in the form of the church has been absorbing all energy of this possible transition.íî. At the same time, the self-identity of humanity was distorted, confusing Society and Man, taking the first for the second, taking the transitional stage for the ultimate goal. We are still at the Society stage. From the minus of Nature, we have come to the zero of the Society and only dream about the plus of Man. We are in the zero phase. The spiritual crisis of the mankind, which has been talked about for a hundred or two hundred years, means that the Society is no longer identified with spirituality, it loses the authority and confidence of an individual who consciously or unconsciously seeks to free himself from social captivity and to get closer to the Man. First, God left (“died”) Nature, now, before our eyes, he is leaving the Society. He goes to Man, but people still do not understand this and, in fear of the “decline of morals” and “disintegration of mankind”, begin to panic, as if struck by the “trichines” of Dostoevsky, to attack each other, for the Society, losing God, is inclined to blame the loss on other groups of specific people. The socially oriented West, as the most dynamic part of the planet, was the first to “become godless” and therefore the first to unleash the hatred of the slower and more static regions of the Earth who had to confront the rapid change in the world, inevitably sweeping away the traditional millennial lifestyle. This way of life is inseparable from the church-confessional cultural shells, therefore in the crisis battle of the new and old, modern and archaic socio-religious cover of the Earth, all collectively organized creeds objectively and inevitably act on the side of the dying past. The world religious environment emanates the poison of the decaying archaic that is absorbed most quickly and easily, concentrated and accumulated into fanatical energy in the followers of the youngest and most intellectually simplified of world religions, in Islam, the modern passionary rise of which carries out the shadow order of time (arising from the democratic will of the "catching up" peoples to the ethno-cultural, turning into political sovereignty) and nakedly, directly and quickly exerts that is more slowly and secretly burdened by the legacy of more complex connections with the history of civilization, is ripening and busting outward also in remaining religious denominations: the complete seizure of our living space with religious fundamentalism as a way of existence adequately superimposed on the world parade of ethnic tribal sovereignties. Thus the ideas of democracy and equality of the last two hundred years reanimated the elementary spirit of primitive ethnic self-assertion with all its simplest cave-like technology for cutting heads.
Greek antiquity gave us a harmonious mixture of materialism and idealism, reflecting not the notorious class struggle, but our two-fold nature. But it is not only two-fold but dual, and in the understanding of this dual nature, for the time being, the forced "opposites" generated by the extremes of the Middle Eastern religious dualism, which has migrated to Christianity and Western philosophical culture, will come to an end. Here is the root and source of any religious and secular, sectarian and party, black and white vision of the world that encourages us to take the line of least resistance: after all, in solving the problem of life when it is hitting back it is always easier to balame somebody else than to cope on your own. Here is also the beginning of any expulsion of evil from oneself outside, exorcism, which with centuries has become a very convenient mechanism for society for controlling an individual. After all, no religion has ever criticized society; the tablets were not written for society; only a person who is “mired in sin”, “full of evil” and so on has always been subject to scourging; society always - in the form of the church – has been the representative of "good," As a result of such relationships, expulsion of evil was not a creative process, but a mechanical one; it did not improve a person, but rather subordinated and adapted him to the society. Human development is opposed to exorcism as shifting evil onto another ti overcoming evil in oneself, which is creative work, accessible to individuality and, by definition, inaccessible to socium. There is no existential center in the socium, similar to the center each biped seems to haves, in which we find the feeling of consciousness, the spark of God, the conscience. What has mistakenly been called, and perhaps is still called “public consciousness,” is nothing more than a metaphor, like “Moscow's doing,” This is all but nothing, as long as this metaphor is hanging in the air, torpedoed by real, individual consciousnesses that do not allow it to get stuck. But the trouble is, when this metaphor is taken for reality, then society turns completely deaf to the person and sinks into cottonwool suffocation of totalitarian “well-being,” Since society has no proper organs, needs and the nature of a single person in general, the reality of evil, inseparable from human nature, is unknown to the socium. Therefore, in order to cope with evil, society constructs a “different or deep society”, seeks conspiracy and enemies outside itself and “finds” them without fail generating the indomitable deduction of Initoritoris and Vyshinsky, the smooth operation of which requires just a trifle: throwing in its stove unwanted or suspicioous little people which are always available because they are imperfect…
The ancients have long used such a black-and-white method rendering their existence relatively easy and they have not abandoned it for centuries, but, on the contrary, resorted to it more and more: in the Old Testament we definitely find a scapegoat and, it seems, the devil; in the New Testament, except for the devil and demons, we meet Satan (the tempter) in full growth, and - the main thing! - Christ, who is the Universal Scapegoat. After all, what unites Him with the host of opponents? That he, like them, is an outcast. The tribes recognized him only to as a castaway on the cross, when, like the four-legged in the desert, he was to"bear the sins upon himself", no longer of one, but of all the tribes.
In the Gospels, we observe the starting transition from the ethnic to individual exorcism – at any rate, this is indicated by the scene in chapter 8 of Matthew, where Jesus in the region of the Gadarenes casts out demons, sending them into the herd of pigs. Attention should be pid to the following: here the expilsion of the evil reaches some maximum, becoming multi-layered, three-dimensional: Jesus, with his crucifixion looming in the near futuremat the deathdoor, he is already trying up his back for the burden of the aggregated human negatives, preparing for the major battle with the evil on the inner level; a swarm of demons outcast from the possessed at his command, is the second level of evil, more external, here, a person is freed from the blow of nature, partly recoverable by outside interference; and, finally, a herd of pigs takes demons and collapses into the abyss - this is the third level of purification from evil, the most external and most traditional-ethnic, this is the Jewish-Old Testament rudiment of primitive acquisition of a clear conscience based on the will of primitive people to cut the world into white and black thus launching the simplest mechanism of the machine of good and evil, which, however, demanded unjust violence against some of the creatures of God, and this violence survived to evangelical times, for a herd of innocent pigs in chapter 8 of Mt is also doomed and dies sharing the tearly doom of the equally innocent goat. (The fact that Jesus was “involved” in this shows us how the myth of the new church religion was born: elements of the former, javist religion overlapped with the biography of the central historical person, turning it into a mythical person. Details of the most ancient legends, which, for example, at the times of Abraham or Moses, could be living features of everyday life, in the Gospels acquired a mythical meaning. Thus the proverbial scapegoat, which once used to be a completely "historical character," is transformed into pigs here, clearly mythical - along with a bunch of demons.)
Today we are confronted with the planetary exorcism,= when one of the world religions took the liberty to cast out the demons of all other religions.
Today, in addition to all crises, we are experiencing a global crisis of the empire. On the agenda of the next centuries is the creation of the last global empire and of the first one on space scale. The potential winner of this role is evident … The crisis began a hundred years ago after the collapse of the traditional empires. And hardly had they collapsed as the construction of new mechanized monsters immediately began: the Hitler, Japanese, Soviet, Euro-Atlantic empires. In this neo-archaic battle, two out of four giants lost, and two won. According to the biological laws of imperial existence, they immediately, like the biblical legion of demons, were divided into two super-empires. (The laws of the empire existence, the self-sufficient market, the criminal world and dehumanized politics are the same, all this is biology, the same power held over us by the untamed nature.) George Orwell, who in his youth served in the colonial administration and observed these processes, like Jonah inside the British Leviathan, prophetically predicted that the Euroatlantists (Oceania) and the Russian steppe (Eurasia) - the third the force that for the time had been dozing under the name of the Third World is Ostasia. What image this Ostasia has assumed, we can observe today. Formally, the writer put it vaguely, simply extending the traditional fears filling Europeans of the nineteenth century about the threat of population growth (China) and the activity of the yellow race (Japan), a threat that was then romantically called “pan-mongolism”. More precisely, this third force should be called "Zyudasiya-Nordafrika". However, he turned out essentially to be right, a subtle instinct of an extraordinary thinker-artist having caught the latent powerful planetary shift, leading if not to the imminent military catastrophe of the globe, nevertheless, it seems, to the destructive rebirth of all the fabric of Western civilization, the one we used to favorably call Westernization – the object of the planet-scale desire. A huge part of the Third World was set in motion, in passionary riot but instead of the “creativity” rightly expected in the 3-millennium, at least such as the Meiji modernization or the industrialization of F. Stalin's five-year plans, an absolutely blind force rises here that can only militarize all continents in several hours ..
We in Russia, parting from the imperial veil, romantically dreamed of the appearance of the Man. The hopes of 195 for socialism with a human face were replaced by the hopes of 1991 for the human face of democracy – as if there had been no face no face to be expected but but human. But a new ethnic face appeared - it appeared everywhere!.. The defeat of man, which began in 1914, continued in 1939, is reaching its apogee today. The Man has not been crushed yet but is on losing side everywhere. But who is this man? The man on the losing side is he who still associates himself with some particular form of socium , the one who would like to look beautifully humanistic according to the prescriptions of the classical literature but at the same time to be free to commit all felonies and follies made available to him by the time and the socium. Besides, thais is what a crisis is fo, we are again confronted with a tough choice, this time: either you remain an ethnos-society with all the catastrophic consequences, or you become a person …
So far, we clearly observe the persistent departure from a person io the ethnosocium, provoked by the entire ethno-imperial political psychology of the owners of the world,. Vladimir Putin, reflexively submitting to it, set the country afresh on imperial legs. This is the psychology of the past but the blame for its restoration in the 21st century lies with those who mixed democratization and democratization into one, turning this mixture into a detonator of the smoldering world war. And therefore the first great war of the third millennium, which began on September 30, 2015 with the military actions of Russian aviation in Syria, is formally, that is, by “international rules”, the war of Oceania in alliance with Eurasia against Ostasia (“world terrorism”); in fact, by the underground right of power and treachery, this is the war of Oceania in a shadow alliance with Ostasia (a partner in the criminal business) against Eurasia as an imperial rival. We are again trapped in the Fatum, that is, we continue to live as if we were never endowed with the consciousness and the name of homo sapiens, but just swam and continued to sail along the river of being, like listless dirt. This alleged war with the political islam it intermittently and sparingly wages creates the situation of uncertainty and the triumph of the purely momentary, “tactical”, selfish interest of all its world participants. Here all cats are gray, there are no criteria, there is no law, everything is decided by the moment and treachery. Any gangbanger dreams of such an eternal "order" because everything is there, the whole globe becomes a scene of under-the rug battle - smothering choke, wheezing, growling, squelching of the bloody rivers - everything is in darkness, nobody's faces or eyes are visible, cannibalism is modest rather than conspicuous. And on the surface - “the world community”, “international relations”, “civilization of progress” - everything indifferently continues its existence, sits, decides, judges, builds, and rescues, as if unwilling and unable to notice …
And, nevertheless, despite the fact that Oceania and Ostasia began to play the mercenary "gotcha" games a long time ago, before the fall of the New York towers, it's not accidental that I named the date of September 30, 2015 the starting day of the first great war of the third millennium began: it is the military involvement of Russia that outlined the subject of the war, transferring it from the phase of the Brownian movement to the mutually destroying interests of the players into meaningful lines of power tensions that clearly indicate the universal goal of the war: the destruction of political Islam along with the world religious terrorism unleashed by it Protecting the secular nature of civilization. This is a global war of the old church-religious and new secular faces of the planet, which is just beginning, and all the authorities of the Earth, nations and societies have yet to make a final and decisive choice - which side to be: the past, defending traditional values and getting involved into eligious conflicts, or the future, opposing to any religious war the value of secular life as a new level of human unity.
One hundredth. Revolution and religion. Man has two natures: material and nature of consciousness, ideal. Material nature is rooted in matter, ideal - is formed on the basis of consciousness. They merge and separate on the border between thought and substance. Both natures are imperfect, for they are set by the Unknown-Boundless as the rudiments and germs. On this double imperfection of man all revolutions are broken. All revolutions have foundered on this double imperfection of man. “Russian revolt, senseless and merciless” is not a property of Russian character only, it is the universal imperfection of the human nature. The clash of idealism and materialism in the history of the world consciousness is a catastrophic break of the man's dual nature. None of these halves of consciousness is able to address the human problem, which can only be solved jointly by both natures together. That is why the efficiency of all material revolutions is so low and does not exceed 1%. The rest is absorbed by the split human nature. The same fate befell all conscious revolutions, from Christ to Mahomet and Luther. The spirit (consciousness) proclaimed to be the master and detached from the body (matter), the dominant one-sided spirit, cannot but drive the body, it is doomed to pursue it, because the body is not only imperfect, it is different, it will never be a copy of the spirit, besides, all material nature stands behind the body, at least independent of the spirit. Therefore, idealistic monism and monotheism are doomed to fight with the body and disfigure the dual nature of the man. The spirit must not subjugate the body, the spirit and the body must come to agreement. There is neither equality nor tolerance inside each of us - how are we going to master them outside, in a crowd ?! The spirit and the body are interdependent, “inseparable,” but also different, “unstretched,” the hypostases of the man, and only their harmony will make each of us, as it should be, a God, i.e. the proper man as such. Their mutual duty is as follows: the spirit will make the body immortal and it will reward the spirit with eternal joy. The gap between idealism and materialism is a consequence of our innate craving for the "Absolute", i.e. to some first principle, on which the unity of life and meaning would be based, giving us the highest guarantee of the meaningfulness of our emergence in the world. In other words, human nature has been tragically broken in two when he set out to seek for God.
The first unity that he could see was the unity of nature as a rhythmic alternation of its creative and destructive forces. Therefore, nature in all forms has become a source of religion and gods. The man, under the veil of paganism, tended to adopt materialism. Nature, both in its diversity and in unity, has become an aggregate Deity. Therefore, although the Indian and Chinese religions outside are formally not monotheistic, in fact, under their pantheistic covers we find the same materialistic monism, expressed in the omnipresent universal power of nature, as opposed to idealistic monism of Abrahamic religions.
The Jews, in order to feel that they are good, once a year drove the goat into the desert, the Christians replaced the goat with a cross, on which they crucified our bodily imperfections (“the sins of the world”), Mohammedans are periodically stone to death their Shaitan, - all of this comes from the ancient church-religious struggle with the second, physical, natural essence-nature of man. The goat, the cross, abd the stones are symbols of war declared by the spirit-idealism to the matter-body. In the Bible, this war was started by Abraham who for the sake of his union with God, going to kill Isaac, from which it follows that for him his beloved son was still just a piece of flesh, something tangible, a mere substance, which - for the sake of higher, ideal, meaning of life - could be neglected; moreover, the service to which, that is, bringing up children, taking care of the family, etc., means nothing before the service to the Divine. The maximalism of death, which deprives us of one man after another and generation after generation, is opposed to the maximalism of the human will, which chose God to be the answer, and to the man himself, to be chosen by the highest power that guarantees him against death. This is the mutual choice made by the man and the God, resulting in. the evolution of primate from a monkey goes to the man proper…
Today we are already entitled and able to ask: does that god mean that much that for the sake of loyalty to him a man can kill his son? There is only half-step from killing the son of your own blood to a suicide. But the possibility of suicide is not included in the nature of the Deity and, accordingly, in God's plans for us, although Christian sacrifice is close to this. od cannot kill himself, as light cannot cease to be light. Only the man can kill himself and thereby invaribly the God in himself and vice versa but even he is unable to kill the God "outside himself" (the quotes here imply that this external objective God existing in the matter or beyond its limits, the so-called "otherworldly" creator whom the church zealously serves, is only a centuries-old pagan-materialistic, ethnic, childish aberration and the illusion of consciousness), he can only be eclipsed by God and light; that is why, by the way, the entire pathos of Nietzsche and his Zarathustra about “you killed the God” loses ground and meaning if it is addressed to the man, and is even less meaningful if it is addressed to a socium, which, when liberated from one illusion, is unable to transfer to real consciousness, which is only possible in individuals, and seeks for its replacement by another illusion ...
Unlike Western, Eastern idealism does not displace the body, but, merging with it, loses its distinctiveness, independence, “non-fusion” turning from equal-sized forces - spirit and matter - into a mode of nature, which eventually becomes the Absolute, absorbing the man as its elementary particle. This is the subtle, enveloping denial of the man dampening his consciousness.
Temple of Satanists, February 17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona, chants in honor of Satan. An Israeli reporter who called my attention to this, mentally ironically threw up his hands: what a world, get an eyeful! But Americans, who are usually inclined to bluff and verbosely oversell themselves to us., cannot be reproached in this case even with hypocrisy. Here óñóêíåïøèï ãû above board – Democracy, ladies and gentlemen! You do not like the temple in the name of the devil, leave it alone as it does not trespass on your territory. No, problem as they say there…
However, there IS a problem. Democracy provides the right to obscurantism but it cannot protect the right of an enlightened person not to breathe the air of obscurantism. As a rule, it takes decades for the voice of an insulted mind to reach the ear of the authorities while the scream of ecclesiastical ignoramuses is heard instantly (Isn't it because the scream — at least in Russia–,is supposed to come from the majority”, His Majesty the People, and behind the voice of reason there is only the traditionally despised "egghead"?) The law on the protection of the feelings of believers was adopted in Russia without delay, but who and when will adopt the law on the protection of the feelings of an enlightened society from the moral miasms emanating from whited sepulchers proclaimed the temples such as the "state" and "culture-forming" religion? … On the contrary, the media carefully broadcast these miasms, showing me on the television screen the frozen faces of an unhappy flock participating in a particular service and evenly transformed by all the ritualistic paraphernalia into a homogeneous mass of the “servants of God.”.
God's slaves or Satan's slaves - what's the difference ?! For me as an individual- there is none. For me, it is important NOT to be a slave that is It is important for me not to be a slave, that is, in the highest sense, to belong only to myself.
But for socium, there is a difference: for the state, for example, “the servant of God” is an uncomplaining, easily manipulated and handled creature, and the “slave of Satan” is also capable of competing with it in the form of an opposition and, unlike the “slave of God” can resist being eaten …
Now that I am writing I think that twenty years ago, even in a nightmare, it could not have occurred to me that in the 21st century Iwould have to seriously figure out what the “servant of God” was, etc. It seemed so obvious that the seriousness of the near-the- church talk was a matter of the distant past. At least two hundred years of change from Robespierre to Yeltsin could not have passed in vain! It seemed that the secular era that came to the world together with democracy forever determined the fate of the church, leaving it to hold out its ghostly existence on the sidelines of life. However, politics, after pushing the church out of one half of the globe, helped it in the other half, using religion as its tool. The fall of communism has injected some forces into the world church, and triggered the starting era of rewhitening of coffins, which is also called a return to cultural, ethnic and other tribal roots. Democratic freedom of speech and self-determination stimulates this return to the archaic, “to the roots,” and so on, for each collective-democratic subject to re-affirm his identity on an ancient and sacred basis. Small wonder that these processes not only excite respectable world religions, but also, if possible, drag all ten thousand pagan idols to the top. All these New Age-followers, Satanists, Goths, etc. - all these are only bubbles that boil on the surface of the ocean of the “collective”or according to Jung's clever definition, "unconscious”.
But democratic freedoms are stimulated not only by the restoration of the world church-religious palette but also by its social shadow consisting of thousands of large and small sects, in which others, such as Scientologists, Mormons, Munists or Jehovists, consist of millions of people. The official churches are nervous when looking at their shadow competitors but from the viewpoint of the law they are equal, and in democratic days the church has less and less reason to publicly fight sectarians as “heretics”: in principle, now “God” and “idols” have equal rights. Besodes, from the viewpoint of pragmatics and economics, Scientology, for example, Godly Dollar manages its flock no worse, and sometimes even more successfully, the Protestant Godly President. In general, this peaceful democratic contest of official, "light" and unofficial, "shadow" soul catchers is increasingly blurring the lines between the two, the fundamental sociofunctional difference between some venerable historical church and its young rival, social organization that has adopted is disappearing All this in fact finally desacralises the spiritual authority of the church, utterly exposing its conditional social nature.
Everything that I have just said mostly applies to the West. In Russia, traditionally, the family-like state is inclined to interfere in the “spiritual life” of churches, supporting several major official denominations as the reference points of power and giving them an advantage over non-clerical public organizations suspected of a “shadow cult” ...
Further to the East, and more precisely to the South, the religious situation is sharply deteriorating – it is an aggressive Islamic cosmos, torn into hundreds and hundreds (doesn’t it psychologically explain the amazing phenomenon of joining a truce in Syria, which has already reached almost a thousand and a half of "joined" settlements and seems doomed to bad infinity?) fanatical sects (which, by the way, was cleverly described byTariq Ali telling the story about his native Pakistan in the early 1950s when there, in the quarrelsome mess of dark imams and ulamas, the ideological serpent of all future Taliban, alkaids, ISISes and All-Nusras was swelling, breeding and multiplying) and before our eyes, bringing down its resentment and malice on the entire globe. Islamism, with which we have been fighting for two years, is nothing more than a total religious-military-political super-sect designed to complete the fundamental revival of the most primitive clericalism on a planet purified from secular civilization.
The most undesirable thing for the global secular civilization is the opposition to Islamism
under the banner of "ethno-civilizations" according to a biopolitical scheme, like Huntington's eight civilizations (in fact, cultures) of which (West, Orthodox, Japan, China, India, Islam, Africa, Latin America), even if they are dragged down into four (West, China, India, Islam), will constitute the legalization of the fatal forces of history and the "rights" of nations to traditionally destroy each other "in the name of" resources. In such conditions, the fight against Islam as a super-clerical "civilization" will provoke the rise of neoclericalism in all non-Islamic cultures, and the planet will plunge into the abyss of the general religious massacre of the Middle Ages .
To prevent this from happening, mankind should not look at itself through the eyes of similar political scientists perpetuating the religious and cultural identity of large ethnic groups as an isolated and self-sufficient "civilization." If peoples and states want to have a future, they should know that, despite all the diversity of cultures, there is and is possible only one single civilization on the globe, for which we must fight against all fundamentalisms. For historically, civilization grows out of cultures, and religion itself takes an evolutionary step, moving from tribes to man..
A note to the meeting of the pontiff and the Moscow Patriarch in 2016. What is the "ousting" of "Christians" from the Middle East? A Man –IS BEING OUSTED–FROM THE GLOBE!- and together with him. Your Holiness, the "God", relatively inseparable serving whom only justified the historical existence of the churches.
"Brothers of faith"? Yes, it is clear, evident, it goes without saying … However, when will we grow up and evolve the understanding-recognition that we are also brothers in consciousness-reason, that is, according to the main innate trait that distinguishes us from pure biology? (Reason has always been considered by the mass-peoples to be something obvious and taken for granted - after all, no one considers himself a fool - in general, something useful in everyday life, like food and drink, something auxiliary, but, by and large, in a spiritual sense, not having a high rank, not serious - but faith, yes, faith, it gathers all, mobilizes, keeps a tribe or a group of tribes together and does not allow them to disintegrate, in general, faith for the ethnic group is the core, is of paramount importance for it and higher protective sense. Faith is a sword, a shield and a helmet, it is a fortress, a loophole and a dome. All this is true, but ... do you feel the irony of my words? All these lyrics associated with faith are already too archaic, it was long ago for them to be shelves in archives. This is no laughing matter: while “humanity” continues to thunder with a sword, a shield and a helmet ir is unable to get to the Man.) Why do we still –actually! ignore that what is really common to us – our reason? Because, historically, faith was fragmented, and faith fragmented into confessions, if only due to its partial nature, is unable to recognize the unity of reason:as a part cannot grasp the whole. (If you still insist that you, a small part of the mighty nature and the universe, are capable of presenting in your minds some kind of integral picture of them, then I will tell you what I see here are two versions of your state arising from the dual nature of man. The first of you is a small physical part of a great physical whole, and the physical picture of the whole in your mind, no matter how beautiful and great it is, it is by all means cobditional and relative, that is, limited. This restriction is given by your objective physical relationship with the whole. Option two: you have grasped the infinity with your mind, like Mohammed, who soared to heaven, or Dostoevsky, who rose to Christ, you really grasped the whole, in the form of Truth, which flashed like a lightning. But then you are by no means a part of this whole, you yourself are a whole, for the action is taken over by your second, ideal nature.) Fragmented, partial, tribal faith and reason become self-similar reducing it to the fragmentation of reason. Faith as such, the integrated faith of the Man (!), not of society, only it corresponds to a single, integral reason. Faith and Reason as such are two sides of the higher, ideal, human nature and belong to the existential depth of individuality.
Numerous peoples and their territories belonged to numerous gods, the united globe will belong to man and his God. Judging by the way the ubiquitous return to the roots, inseparable from democratic vanity, flared up, the pagan gods, that is, the gods of nature, are not completely dead - rather, they are not dead at all. When Lucian began to belittle them, they retreated, but were not going to die. They left the official scene and went to everyday life ... In our era, every pagan god and godling regains immense pride, already on a democratic basis. He demands independence again, he will certainly become a subject of the federation, even better - a confederation, and best of all - the head of his own, even tiny, empire with its attributes, flag and ax. The pagan gods love history, it is their element, they do not think of life except historically. Moreover, history is an obligatory dump of nations, a massacre, rolling in a vicious circle of ring time a tangle of mutual devouring. Perhaps, speaking of the end of history, Fukuyama also dreamed about the termination of precisely this insane nature-like intertribal relationship. In any case, even if this social philosopher was “tactically”, that is, in the short term wribg, we are grateful to him for the fact that “strategically” his “mistake” continues to feed our humanistic hopes. The real mistake of Fukuyama's, like that we all make was the unconscious identification of democracy with humanism. That's where lies a great catch …
No one denies the existence of conscience, even an inveterate villain: he just does not listen to it and knows about it but why should he deny God? After all, these are entities, if not identical but still very close.
We'll try to answer this question. The first thing that comes to mind is that, the name of “God” implies once-popular ideas about the divine that have been undermined by weakening of the church, that is, the god of the church is denied, the social god, which has become somewhat paganuzed, materialized and objectivized. In short, this is the fabulously-childish grandfather Sbaoth with a beard on a cloud, about which the philosophers said: "God is dead." Yes, this god has died as once Pan did. Thus, the villain now denies God as well as non-villain - in contrast to the times of Dostoevsky, when in the prison the writer and ruthless murderers unconsciously called pricks of conscience the "God." There was no dialectic in this, there was a simple pattern of the same deceased heteronomic Lord, who, by inertia, was given some presumption. So in vain would our great dreamer about the People imagine some special relations of his fellow tribesmen with the Deity. As usual, everything was prosaic, as in that song about the robber who, at the end of his career, sang “Let us pray to the Lord God ...”: he murdered people, although he knew that he should not, no matter how you call that force that told you that "thou shall not": god, duty, memory, conscience, reason, whatever! The external, ecclesiastical, God, of course, will forgive while internal God you happily ignore or not aware of - will not forgive, and therefore you can carelessly light candles, repent, and if you get rich, then at the end of life you can even sign away your loot to priests for the sake of your soul salvation going over to the great majority not just peaceful but almost holy. This is one of the well-known scenarios of the classical church of our recent ancestors, which now can not raise anything in us but a sour smile: what a sad comedy!
Salvation and creativity. Who is more important - the Savior or the Creator? For a thousand years, salvation hampered creativity because almost from the very beginning of the Church’s existence it became hostage to politics. The Savior, clad in church armor, ceases to be a savior. At the same time,, the Creator is by definition also a savior, the creation of the world is the salvation of salvation, for the creation of life in emptiness is the universal way of salvation.
Depraved popes of the 15th - 16th centuries who made the Church a special legion of Caesar (about whose divisions Stalin would have received a completely satisfactory answer), these popes, who were mediocre priests of the dogmatic Savior, built and decorated the Vatican, grandly and luxuriously continuing the creative work of the Lord in arranging the universe in the place accessible to a human. The time of merging the efforts of the papal court and the largest European artists of the second millennium was not accidentally called the epoch Renaissance and Humanism. Yes, there was a revival of attention to the individual person and his work, which was technically expressed in the partial return of the ancient "sciences and arts", in the refreshing influence of high ancient paganism, reviving the memory of the second nature of man, driven into the church underground for centuries ... …
The salvation is joined by humility, which like the first initially was an idea of a child – or church; its transformation in the adult state of mind is self-management and self-control, subordinating the lower to the higher, but not suppressing it. The submission of the spiritual, to non-spiritual but ecclesiastical — that is pseudo-humility. The lie of the church lies in misrepresenting its collective mentality, actually inseparable from the atmosphere of the ceremony, as spirituality, into which, like a font, every naive person who comes to make peace must plunge; and then he is instilled that, immersed, he finds this common spirituality, and in him it becomes his personal spirituality, his inner world, his individuality. This is the same replacement of individual consciousness by a socially adulterated substitute of quasi-individuality, which occurs in any political party, but what is happening in the church, in its inhumanity, is comparable only with the totalitarian extremes of the political spectrum. At the same time, an appeal to the church myth, even with a noble symbol in its core, does not in the least make this “churchly” society less dangerous than any other nationally, socially or ethnically oriented. All collectivist-oriented sociums, religious and secular, are united by the fact that man, as an objective, falls out of them; worse, everywhere he becomes a means of social self-affirmation. The socium again and again indoctrinates him with its heteronomy, promising the fulfillment of all his aspirations for loyalty and submission. And the person who is under this spell and the seduction of socio-illusion again and again forgets and overlooks that he, and not the collective, is the center and source of life, that the spiritual man to whom he must subordinate the inner person is not outside, not in meetings and gatherings, not outside of him, but in himself. And because of that genuine humility, that is, knowledge of one's place in life, royal and limited at the same time, is inseparable from education and enlightenment, that is, from mental development.
Clericalism as a religious component of democracy in a bizarre way also colors, it would seem, an exemplary "secular and godless" Americanism. Here the flock has long been on friendly footing with the deity. American Protestants, in general, make from the Saviora a rescuer, financier, commando, and dance teacher. The god of their dancing anthill serves as a universal social activist. This is probably part of the secret behind American success. The paradox of America is that it has successfully blusting humanity, holding in its market fist the concentrated Western scientific and technological progress, remaining at the same time, as foreign observers have noted more than once in two hundred years, wild in the humanitarian sense (apparently because this sense is intangible and, therefore, uninteresting). This savagery is really indifference to the inner world of a person (psychological sessions and trainings have nothing to do with it, they are medical and technical procedures that improve the body, like a tire, bandage, or tablet; in simple terms, a tablet can cope with a headache but will not bring the meaning to life and will not bring back deceased people you used to love), that is why it easily puts everything that is not converted into a dollar beyond the brackets of moral consciousness, therefore being democratically “tolerant” in the field of “spiritual values”, leveling them ak equal in dignity market items. So the Church of Satan in Phoenix, about which I have already spoken, fundamentally receives equal opportunity with great religious denominations to influence society. The same applies to the "spiritual" business of the rest of the church-shadow, religious-sectarian world. The dominance of these relations invisibly and evenly reduces the degree of humanity, distorting and replacing potential humanism with down-to-earth market “humanism”. If we put different levels of evolution on equal footing and push them into a competitive battle, then how remarkably the sculptor E. Neizvestnyi once once rightly remarked, a “rat” will certainly “defeat a man, and a louse will take over the rat”. Therefore, today, in the atmosphere of freedom of conscience and assembly, out of hundreds and thousands of existing sects, the spiritual and moral winners who are able to chang our social atmosphere are the wildest. The henchmen of planetary Caesar thousands of times prostitute the name, word and symbolism of Christ, creating a world procession of religious Simulacre, at least parodying the historic mission of Catholicism, and at the most giving rise to retaliatory convulsions of dead historical churches in the attempt to protect spiritual values. It is not surprising that the most primitive of these dead churches, the Muslim one, was the first to rise up against Western globalism as “world godlessness” Objectively, Islamism fights for all other faiths against secular humanity, just as Russia objectively fights for all other secular states against the potential religiously restored "theocratic humanity." Islamism and Russia directly and innocently accepted the challenges of the century, before which the masters of the globe are still stomping, tricking and cowarding. Americanism would like the global war of clergy and peace to remain its private business, but it seems that even it understands that the matter is too serious.
Any public is decentralized in the human sense: there is no human senssation, consciousness or heart; it is dominated by mechanics and quantity. Capitalism with a churchly face is just as untenable as socialism with Communist party one: both there and we observe the triumphs of quantity over quality. Without violating human rights and conscientiously keeping one at the minimum soldering, you can at the same time humiliate and insult his dignity with the whole course of competitive life, throwing a person to the sidelines. It is necessary not to build new forms of the public, but to create a real atmosphere of attention to the highest values, because only they, these values, point to the path to man - the Man within whom God is hidden ... The outer church must give way (that is, not to get into the soul of a person and, moreover, not to try to influence him politically) of the inner church, which has developed in the depths of our culture and is present in each of us as a free perception of this depth. Only genuine trust in this depth can soften the hostility between different groups, strata, classes and classes and eliminate the barriers between countries, peoples and cultures. Culturology, or secular theology, must seek common ground in different beliefs, emphasizing the content of the initial insights, which are universal and eternal and belong to all earthlings, and not to their historical, therefore transient, forms, which, as a part of ethnobiology, feeds self-isolation and the arrogance of an individual nations and ethnicities, or even a group of peoples, but has no prospect for a universal, earthly, being. Culturology should not be a pointless aesthetic “phenomenology” of general admiration for the past, fraught with blind imitation of this past, but an objective theology of the human spirit. The base here could be, from the humanists I know (talking about a new movement to a person requires abandoning the battered words “humanist”, “humanities”, etc.), for example, the thinking of such excellent spontaneous natural cultural scientists as Ernest Renan, Nikolay Berdyaev, Mircea Eliade, Alexander Men, Karen Armstrong. I know that at best my words will be called untimely, etc. But what and when was timely in the field of punching the human spirit from the womb of bio-existence ?! Isn't this “untimeliness” the reverse side and the sign of true relevance? Does not the relevance of the Gospel speech, but also of any of the prophets tell us about this? And is it not because of this that we still see dreams not only of Gioacchino da Fiore but also of almost any of the Christian and many of the non-Christian mystics? And is it not because of the fatal blindness of the prevailing time to any genuine relevance of the spirit that catastrophe and oblivion tragically meet it, so that again and again any scream to heaven would sound "untimely"? .. That is why humanity still is not only unable to solve the problem of hunger, but cannot make sure that the biological growth of the population does not outstrip its moral and intellectual growth.
What happened in the gospel days internally? He gave us a chance to believe in ourselves and surrender to co-creation with Him, therefore He saved us by turning us off the path of a purely animal-collective existence (Yahweh is the god of an ethnosocial bios, although the path to man was already looming in him).. Salvation outside of knowledge, and creativity can and should be forgotten, it is a long-past. The Old .Adam was still too collective-ethnic-biological, still few-faced, under-individualized. Salvation and redemption are the essence of expression from the biological depths, from the motherly embrace of nature ... Only the strengthening of the inner church, that is, the growth is not humanitarian only, but humane (I make a fundamental difference between them: humanitarian is a heterogeneous view of a person on himself through the eyes of society, the community and the cathedral, the social formula of the person, this is the pseudo-and quasi-self-awareness of the individual, the notorious totality of social relations ”, the false self of eastern understanding; the humane is the person’s self-legitimate, autonomous look at himself with his own eyes, from within his own experience, this is my true self-consciousness, a vital self.) humanity, can and should defeat and supplant the work of the devil, personally blind, and anti-christ, socially blind.
By the way, what is the Antichrist? Antichrist is the primacy of society over the person. Any collective faith, party, church, sectarian, corporate, leads to the Antichrist. The Antichrist smiles kindly in any audience, he loves to be in sight, he is in love with himself amid people, he adores himself as a star, he knows that the crowd will die for him, that he is the embodiment of its ideal, dream and semse. But all this is not the main thing for him, it is only the rear, the alcove, the repose. The main thing is his special striving for the future. The Antichrist wants an eternal war, he dreams of building a super-technological army of universal soldiers, into whom the entire population of the planet, which has become physically militarily immortal, must be transformed and set off to conquer the entire infinite universe, with all theoretically possible and practically desired aliens. The infinity of the material world for him is not a reason for transformation and its conversion, which is saving from decay, not for apocatastasis, but for an expanding intergalactic massacre, for the anthropogenic and technological likeness of the Big Bang. Antichrist is a materialist and pessimist to the highest degree - he believes only in matter and interaction with it. Unlike the mass suckers, who vainly consume fashionable IT products that they dump off the market and imagine themselves in social networks as free citizens of global society, he knows that the whole “virtual world” is the same Mendeleev's periodic table, a continuation of sand and dirt, because it represents only mathematical permutations and combinations of dust particles combined with electrical signals. In relation to matter, any super-technological favorite of the antichrist Zuckerbrin is the same advanced cabinetry: a 3D printer replaces an ax, that's all. Antichrist is the foreman of materialism, the consumer of the universe, the builder of the star empire. Once I wrote poetry that he is here. Yes, he is here, and today he enjoys global near-Islamic games as an opportunity to test in practice some of the latest war techniques.
The outer church is clearly obstructing life. I have a dream: the Last Pope is - in his person the Church removes vestments, thereby knocking out the ground from under clericalism and hierocratic condemnation of civilization masquerading as a religious court (ISIS, etc.). Following the example of the world's most authoritative cleric, other faiths take off their cassocks and hoods and put on civilian clothes, turning temples into museums and educational centers. People of different religions cease to scare each other with their appearance and begin to discover human similarities between themselves. The destructive dualism of the sacred / profane (secular) in external life vanishes and secularity as the polarity of churchness disappears as well. The field of reasons for the outbreak of war is sharply narrowing.
After the image and likeness of God, the man was created, not a tribe, nor an ethnic group, nor a nation. Individuality, not collective. Therefore, the herd, in order not to lose touch with the image and likeness, is still forced to periodically dance around it, to fuss, make magical gestures and figures, supporting the memory with a rite amd ritual, clicking on the myth again and again pretending that this myth is alive. But even at the time of John Milton, that is, in the 17th century, the war of demons and angels, for example, was already only metaphysical, battles took place on philosophical fields, but not on the street; if today it, having descended from the metaphorical sky of myth to earth, becomes real, the result will not be another “returned paradise”, but a global ECCLESIASTICALLY GENERATED CATASTROPHE and the final end of our world.
Apollo, muses, Eros, Prometheus, etc. - the natural base of Culture, once mythically designed, and now perceived by us aesthetically and symbolically. Jesus is the human base of Culture, which the Church, likening to the cults of antiquity, mythically designed as Christ; now the church-mythical Christ prevents us from perceiving the living Jesus as we should, that is, primarily intellectually-ethically, comprehending him as a moral statement of individual consciousness.
Comparing consciousness and the world, we can say that the deification of nature is polytheism, deification of the man is monotheism. While polytheism, paganism, one way or another, still exists, true and developed monotheism, strictly speaking, has not yet begun. That what is called monotheism is merelt three attempts to decipher Abraham.
Deification is the endowment with absolute meaning, the inevitable anthropogenic process of giving meaning to the world, consciousness requires it already at the very early stages of evolution. The inhabitants of the tropical jungle, who have not heard about the Bible, today know that there is a Kaykai that has to be obeyed: He can do everything, everything depends on Him, He cannot be seen, but iHe is everywhere, knows everything and sees us and hears us every second. This is pure intellectual anthropomorphism, at the level of the embryonic logic of all things; here, in the unpretentious timid savage's looking over his shoulder at the thickets surrounding him, the foundations of all the higher representations of man about himself and all religions are laid as the initial removal-projection of these representations of himself from outside. We begin with Fiction, which covers the original physical reality, turning it into the reality of myth. A myth is a fictional world of the second order, which, in cults intersecting with the original world, gives it meaning.
For us, the dwellers of the global city of the 21st century, the old millennium-old religious myth is no longer a reality. This ancient Fiction was had been embodied in our historical existence and died. The genetic memory of him lives in the core of our Culture, continuing to nourish us creatively. Hence, sprouts of new fictions and super fictions are possible in the future, but these will be fictions already about Man, and not about clan and tribe; moreover, these will not be childish inventions for the sake of blindly placid adherence to them, but adult creative inventions, projects inseparable from our ability to search for forms of being; these fictions will be human experiments on themselves in the name of Man. There will be no traditional deification by the collective of any person or meaning; here, each individual experiment will have divine dignity.
If we rip away mythical covers from religions, then under each myth and rite we will find one or another reality, which is a genuine object of worship. Thus, Greek myths implivitly imply nature and man as its tragic part; Judaism - an ethnos and ethnic, that is, tribal-collective, person; Christianity - a person as such, a superethnic and cosmic personality, which, alas, the East Christian church historically reduced to the level of Judaism, giving rise, for example, to neo-Jewish ethnicity in Russia; Western, at best, practically reduced the same personality to a socio-historical person, replacing individuality by society. Indochinese systems either presented various combinations of the cult of nature and social regulation, as in Hinduism and Confucianism, or the cult of nature and various ways of dissolving human consciousness in it, as in Buddhism and Tao.
Finally, in Islam we find a pure cult of an ancient society, belatedly coming from the time of Uranus and Brahma, a cult of unparalleled sociality and collectivism, inscribed in a still monolithic nature. The god of Islam who does not have a name is the abstract spirit of the collective, the principle of its unity, inseparable from the unity of nature The nameless god of Islam is the abstract spirit of the collective, the principle of its unity, inseparable from the unity of nature. There is nothing but a united mass of God's slaves, prostrated before this principle of unity. Since it is impossible to interact with an abstract god, he can only be formally real, therefore, in Islam, the passions of actual living life were transferred to the person of the Prophet, his environment, the events of the original days, etc. This was the special intrasocial situation of Islam where everyone was “by definition” loyal to one god, but from the very first days they began to split into warring groups accusing each other of infidelity on the basis of differences in relation to the Prophet and his affairs, here the military the political origin of Mohammedanism as a monotheocratic state was multiplied by the cult of its founder, which actually replaced the cult of the deity.
Parallel could be drawn with Christianity, but in this case it is very interesting and relevant to compare historical Islam (here I would say: “Islamism”, where we can separate the socio-ethnic phenomena that we question from the indisputable values of Islam as an eternal hope any individual character). this religious culture has nothing to do with the “Christianity” of ethno-political confrontations among themselves) with the recent epidemic of communism that was blazing on the expanses of Eurasia. Marx was the abstract “Allah” of this quasireligion, Lenin was a prophet, a jihangir who declared war on the entire planet and the creator of a world caliphate. Party factions-sects tore apart Leninist "Islam", weakening it internally, hardening and reducing the half-planetary caliphate to "quasi-Shiite" communism "in one national apartment", almost immediately after his death, turning Lenin into an ayatollah of the utopian island ruling the phalanx
Party factions-sects tore apart Leninist "Islam", weakening it internally, hardening and reducing the half-planetary caliphate to "quasi-Shiite" communism "in one national apartment", almost immediately after his death, turning Lenin into an ayatollah of the utopian island ruling the phalanx from the mausoleum.
Therefore, it is logical that aggressive Islamism, looming today over the globe, came as an heir to the leftist movements of the twentieth century after their collapse. Perhaps, only the Sufi attempt to move through mysticism to man and nature was a humane gleam in the darkness of Islam, but it was almost marginal and did not have enough influence to humanize this harsh religion of mutual soldierial cover-up and war
Our orthodox priests keep mumbling that religion in the West is just a hobby. They believe that in this way they condemned the religious position of the West. However, this id not so. On the contrary, they compliment the West. A hobby is freedom, it is a favorite pursuit, and maybe creativity. What could be better than having the God as my hovvy? Not to mention that a hobby is clearly better than barracks.
Judging by these words, our unfortunate priests are characterized by either unconscious simplicity, or unconscious inborn servility. After all, calling religion “a hobby”, they involuntarily implied the main thing: religion has come closer to the men, getting human, became a personal affair, entered a person, inside him, as Jesus wanted, speaking of the “kingdom of God”. If God is my hobby, then he found his cell in me, so we can play and create together! A hobby is not a myth, but the reality of my joyful, real communion with God.
You can’t play with “God” in the church battacks; here, “God” is not only outside me, but also the premises, here he is a mythical, transcendental commander senfing orders from somewhere, over the horizon, and not directly, but through these \'holy fathers". Now this is not a matter of hobbies, games or creativity, here one must snap a slute and mop the deck while continuing to serve a militant myth designed to protect the integrity, identity and other values of the tribe. The dead myth of the current church is a much more militant myth than its ancient, once living, ancestor myth. A living myth created life from the inside, but a dead one, without any creative power, can assert itself only as a supervisor of the behavior and morality of an ethnos, as an auxiliary near-state police of morals.
Alas, as you see, two hundred and fifty years after Voltaire, we are again forced to learn to separate the religion and faith of an enlightened person from the blind mythical church religion and faith and, following Ken Wilber (A Brief History of Everything), repeat as a discovery: “We should not think about God as a mythical figure who is outside the world, controlling the fate of people.
Not to mention the fact that the church and the state (or the transnational corporations that are replacing it) are still vitally interested in such a myth-figure as the power lever, the otherworldly authority of “GOD” located outside and above our lives today clearly reveals itself as the most dangerous source of mortal strife between human communities, for any of the "passionary" groups, protesting the ugliness of life and intending to fix this world, instantly finds in this mythical instance justification for their excitemtnt and the sanction to "control the fate of" the other. One does not need to study Kant’s moral imperative or his theory of heteronomy in order to understand that the “right” to beat one’s neighbor always rests on what lies outside a person and is originally a longed-for invention of society, technology, a principle elevated to the highest value as an eternal instrument of the state, church, parties aimed at human freedom.
The time has come when the spiritual authority of the church has lost its gist, the sacred institution no longer has a fruitful force that helps, not to say growth, but at least to maintain the human spirit; on the contrary, the external structures comprising this institute became an obstacle to the further life of the spirit, its “spiritual power” became just one of the forms of political power, stubbornly continuing the state by itself, even if formally separated from it.
Conclusion from the twentieth century: the myth should no longer invade social reality. It has lost this right along with other ethnoparty utopias that have brought about the world social catastrophe, Tota-ideology are the same myths, only instantly (on historical scale) tested by experience. Myth is an unshakable foundation of the church, and therefore clericalism is doomed: the development of our spirit is contrary to its nature. Encountering naked clericalism stifles the life as the action of Islamism in the world confirms this.
You, may have paid attention to the British film of 2010 “Clash of the Titans”? There, at the end, the dark forces of the past, archaic gods, put forward against the main character, Perseus, a colossal monster, Kraken, who, as it were, summed up all the material power of primitive Chaos. The man won, the Kraken petrified under the Gorgon's cold laser, but did not disappear anywhere, but turned into rocks, that is, he remained right there, in the balance of nature, and at the “right” moment it can always manifest itself in a different form. Thus, in the twentieth century, it was embodied in several socio-demonic monsters, rushing to tear each other to pieces in two world wars and in the confrontation of systems. Here, the most ancient gods, in accordance with the self-consciousness of modern mankind, did not act as individuals (because individual gods belong to a myth whose credit of trust has long been exhausted), but as social systems, the faith in which is still high today, although it is already becoming dubious: the poisonous smell of a cave ethno-tribal massacre of bygone days stubbornly seeps through outwardly decent, modern and progressive, social structures, it corrodes and casts off our minds, which are meaningless and rotting before our eyes The ideological principles of socialism, communism, and democracy that were venerable in the 20th century.
By now, the largest social structure of the planet, the American military-political monster, have combined the missionary spirit of the Soviet monster (with the replacement of the ideocracy of communism by the ideocracy of "democracy", conquering the world with its simplicity, because ultimately it comes down to the same laissez-faire and panem et circenses) and the ruthlessness of Hitler’s ethnic expansion in the form of global neo-superatnism, inheriting the strength and madness of both totalitarianisms and melting their aggression into a single hammer.. Today, America is the Kraken of the ethno-archaic era (100,000 years), the ultima ratio of cave-tribal self-determination, based on all the achievements of social and technological progress. Will there be human forces within mankind capable of creating the new Perseus wet him to oppose this super-monster thus opening the era of pure humanity, free from the curse of the innate biologism of human nature forcing us to assert ourselves again and again as aggressive rather than those children of the stars for whom gospels and other wise insights into our higher nature were written? Our fate, on earth, depends on how we answer this question.
We are at the beginning of the end. But not the one causing apocalyptic screams such as a "doomsday" and appreciated by applauding
church myth. It's not about Ragnarok and the black hole. Before our eyes, the biological prehistory, or human ethnohistory, ends. This end will occur for more than one generation, but it is undeniable. The end of the end will be preceded, and is already preceded, by the ethnic agony that will raise, and is already raising, the wave, moreover, the pan-global tsunami of the last surge of sovereignty-patriotism, the direct impetus of which, after the fall of empires and decolonization, was the collapse of the Soviet and the aggression of American globalisms. We are already vaguly guessing that the Garibaldian ideals today carry poison that prevents one group of people from identifying themselves with other groups, we know that patriotism has completely blackened since Hitler’s time, and that the beautiful word “sovereignty”, if one begins to think about it, certainly swells with weapons and blood.
Miracle, mystery, authority. Three whales of church power. The former triad: the fabulously mythical Miracle - a crying icon, resurrection, etc., the transformation of the material into the non-material and vice versa; the fabulously mythical Mystery of God (the otherworldlyness of the Father and the Son, the first-mindedness of the first, the immaculate conception of the second, etc.), the mystery is frightening, comforting, stupid; mytho-social authority, external, heteronomic, compulsory, menacing, dictate of the God-society: socio-religion, ecclesiocracy, church authority. Behind the triad, God ("God") is seen - the otherworldly, through the church rendered ocio-physical, overseeing, and commanding.
In 1917 in Russia, this triad was transformed into a miracle of revolution (“we were born to make a fairy tale come true”), the secret of the revolution (the brain of Grandfather Lenin) and the authority of the revolution (the party that unravels the grandfather’s brain).
The new triad that must be understood by all of humanity: the miracle of consciousnessò the mystery of external and internal infinities, which nourishes consciousness with the joy of being (a finite world would not only be absurd, but it would be impossible for our consciousness because such a finiteness would be absolute non-existence, invincible death, which is much worse than even “bad infinity”); Man as a promise of consciousness to become God.. This is the new, internal, autonomous authority as the power of self-consciousness, which affirms: you are a potentially and infinitely evolving human God transforming the cosmos with your development.
A new word is needed - about the Autonomous Man, which is actually a miracle as his consciousness is a look of the spirit into the depths of infinite matter, another name of which is mystery, which is also a universal source of knowledge-creativity. There is no enmity between the material and the ideal, one complements the other and both principles serve the one joy of the Man-God. Hence the internally free authority, blessing the independent, devoid of fear, movement of man in the universe. The initial tragedy of mortality is present for the time being, but along the way it is overcome by the courage of our active faith in the coming victory of immortality.created by the Man
We must see a real miracle, the Man who is seen behind the new triad.
I recall significant words from the same “Clash of the Titans” I had told, in particular, about the generation of ancient gods changing for the generation of heroes. There, before the decisive battle with archaic monsters, the demigod Perseus, refusing the help of his heavenly father, Zeus, says: "I want to do everything as a man."
These words pierced me, for I feel that all of us earthlings are at least demigods. One hals of our being is rooted in the archaic of biological origin, which convinces us that all the strength in it and no longer need anything, just hold on to it, while remaining faithful to it; and the other half calls to grow and make our way from the organic womb of nature to the realization, ignition, burning of that divine spark of light, the seed of which we are endowed. With.
Learning from Perseus, we must defeat the Kraken of America, the hecatonheirs of Islam and the whole world church religiosity on new, non-ethnic, foundations and principles, and not according to the rules of their traditional game, which they are going to play for the next thousand years. They want to fight and kill us, but we must stop the war and do everything "as a Man", and not as slaves of the Fatum, drifting towards decay and vanishing.
The mankind lives switching from fashion to fasion, which is also true of spiritual matters. Nowadays, under the influence of science, technological progress (the Internet!), and Indian religious teachings, a fashion has developed anew for the faith in the world mind, to which the god of any creed or denomination is reduced at the everyday mental level. Fashion is the wind of time that averages the spiritual sense of smell of living and encourages them to believe in a single phantom, giving them a sense of truth and involvement in a common cause. In this sense, there are no unbelievers at all. A priest and an atheist do their work and argue during the day, because everyone defends the honor of his uniform and corporation, and in the evening, over a cup of tea, they don’t need to fight for social conventions, and they can unanimously surrender to the praise of world reason and love, spread throughout the universe. What about the Trinity? The Father? – Certainly, it's reason! The Son? – it is the reason and love! Holy spirit? – All the more so! After all, he is the very infinity of mind-love, where we will fly! .. All the hypostases of the Trinity here become modes of an infinite mind, which the biologist is amazed at by observing the behavior of our prokaryotic brothers, and the astrophysicist by our parental black holes, red dwarfs, and stellar emission spectrum. In India, the love and reason of the universe flow along the Ganges, mixing with human ashes turning into oily river silt, to which the Chinese Tao respomds, as the oldest dialectic of nature. Ten thousand Buddhas are sleeping over all this, offering us to doze in a hug with “sky-mind”, turning the worship of the cosmic phantom into a phantom-humanity, almost not distinguishing itself from nature ... Modern man does not realize that he smells the air of fashion, he confidently says that inside the universe and behind it, behind the facade of matter, there is a god called the Supermind, Superintelligence, penetrating every tiny particle of the world, moreover, each of us is merely a just a tiny thinking atom (“modification” of the spark of God), the cell of the body of the infinite Superum ... This is the sense of humanity that pours on us from all levels of the modern logos. TV summarizes and enhances this auto-perception. Individuals who broafcast this attitude through themselves do not inquire where it comes from and what its price is - no, everyone believes that it is his personal thoughts, personal development, his acquired, well-deserved faith; he does not realize that his mind, breathing in the air of the era, made a leap and at once, free and effortlessly, ziooed down there - “to God”, to the “kingdom of freedom” - where historical mankind is before him, suffering and fighting, covering the way with sweat and blood crawled for thousands of years. This mass individual will not understand your objections: after all, he is “himself”, he is “a creator and a genius,” he is not up to worry about the millennial torment of mankind! But it is precisely the leap made by him that proves that he is not at all himself, and even less so - a creator-genius. (In this light-minded and arrogant self-confidence of the mass individual, it seems, lies the eternal source of the emergence of new “new gurus” and leaders of sects: the pride of one here each time meets with the ignorant credulity of many.) He is stereotypically unoriginal and hides behind this unconscious nonoriginality from the terrible fundamental issues of life, reducing it to a relatively easy glide on the surface of phenomena and thereby choosing the destiny to seem human rather than be him. The Nature, which we alternately consider the foe and opponent or partnet and friend. is quite satisfied with this behavior of the mass individual because the religiosity of a modern human spontaneously unified by fashion ultimately declares that the seamy side of the nature grasped by reason is actually a deity: nature is the world, driven by its own, worldly, reason. And we, his billionth submental cells, insignificant elementary particles, pinall our hopes on it ... without too much effort, to tell the truth. Everything moves, so to speak, by itself and you don’t need to strain, it’s enough to be loyal to the “logic” of things and events. On the peak of our progress, does this massive belief in Cosmic Intelligence remind you of something very familiar and very familiar and uncomplicated? Can it be that the circle of the hass religious quest is closing and exactly at this point on a spiral rather than on a plain plane we find ourselves we find ourselves where, having cast aside the logic, we are again met by the simple Kaykai of animism, dwelling in things and events?.. The significant difference is that Kaykai was an insight and a step forward, now he is close to sabotage, even merging with scientific reason and trying to gain a foothold in heave.n Faith in Heaven, and nature in general is heaven, today does not even stand up to a metaphorical meaning - and this has become hopelessly dilapidated. The outside world cannot be sacred any longer.But transforming the heaven we transform ourselves . ...
I have always loved and love to read the gospels, and was always perplexed was the revelation of St. John. The most true thing about the apocalypse was, in my opinion, Nikolai Fedorov, proposing to understand it as a conditional warning: if you behave wrong, you get iy… …
The church and dark social forces alike find confirmation of their expectations in the upcoming worldwide slaughterhouse dump, called Armageddon. For the dark forces, this is a natural ending, the logical peak of any fight, and it is a matter of honor for any mobster to get the most out of this situation.. For the church, this is also the natural ending of being in this world before the final transition to another world, and you can continue a carefree moral dream, because everything is scheduled, that is, it is predetermined. The evil of the destructive forces and the “good” of the opposing church forces can calmly sail along the stream of fatum to the finish, destined by the fatalism that unites them. Secular positive humanity, that is, the most modern and active part of civilization, which has its own idea of good, from the point of view of the church remains the legitimate prey of evil and the object of application of church charity Secular positive humanity, that is, the most modern and active part of civilization, which has its own idea of good, from the point of view of the church remains the legitimate prey of evil and the object of application of church charity. The logic of the priests here is sleepy and simple: you do not want to be with the church? Then do not be offended by the crocodiles devouring you! And we, priests, will nobly bind the wounds of those who survived. And then calmly swim along the waters of fatum, there, to the last battle and trial.
Certainly, this church stoicism is a dull and weak-willed pessimism, by and large indifferent to a person and his future. Evil in this perspective has long been recognized not as a quenching of light, which must be fought as a second-by-minute denial of the possibility of human dignity, but simply by life itself as a given "gnostically equal" player in the endless chess game "good - evil", where modern educated priests playing in the team of "good", if any result seems to be in the end, then it’s not the mythical mat of Kozlu with his final dumping into hell, but a very real foul-smelling stalemate that suits both sides, moreover, hints at the game could be continued.
When you delve into the details of what happened two thousand years ago in Eleusis, and what is happening in Mecca to this day, you get a feeling of the deep archaic of both: primitive magic speaks in them, the purpose of which is to establish a connection with the deity.. This is the primary, collectivist level of religion, from where the tragedy comes “from the spirit of music”, that is, from orgiastic dances, from where the armed jihad of all “Iskander and Omars, Templars and Timurs” comes from, where all the “passionate” hurricanes and epidemics of homopopulations that so fiercely grabbed Leo Gumilev's imagination. The temple as the house of a collective spirit welded together by a deity, was a place of ethnic energy, which, accumulating, required an external discharge, expansion aimed at the outside world in order to "improve", "save", it in compliance with the common "moral sense" Here is the natural source of pre-bourgeois, ancient, religious imperialism: a god or gods only of my tribe always had to defeat the whole world in order to eradicate evil from it and create a single peaceful humanity. Other gods were not worthy of this great work, for by definition they were false. And since these other gods from the inside of other tribes looked, of course, also the only true ones and calling for a struggle for their triumph, the world was inevitable - even millennia before any Hobbes and his industrially developed leviathan - sank and sank into the permanent "war of all against all" continuing biology at the social level.. Religion here was, if not ahead, in all cases at least not behind, but worked together and on a par with the economy situation and was to no extent less of a “basis” and “business” By the way, the stubborn desire of modern churches to participate in life rests on the historical memory of this long-held significance of religions ... Sometimes, as historians report, oases of religious tolerance arose, but these rare exceptions do not cancel the general law of the mutual devouring of gods and peoples.. However, it would be useful to look at these oases as flickering glimpses of the human principle against a common ethnic background.. “Theoretically” such glimpses we already find in the Old Testament: thus David’s psalms can already be read as a solitary song of a person before God, as an attempt at a dialogue between the God and the man. The New Testament goes even further: the Four Gospels, the story of the Nazarene - this is not just a theory, but a huge practical step towards the man. But the weight of this step turned out to be so overwhelming for the followers of Christ that they immediately (by historical standards) started to measure it with the measure of a decrepit myth and wrapped its meaning in worn out old temple clothes. Exactly what Jesus warned against happened: new wine was poured into old wineskins. Naturally, a rotten priestly bag broke. But even those few drops of Jesus wine that survived in a torn church rag lasted for one and a half thousand years. The ancient magic in the Judeo-Christian area of monotheism was minimized, and the blood-sacrificing genealogy associated with it after the fall of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 disappeared for more than five hundred years, revived in the latest Islamic version of monotheism, which cast off the human spirit two thousand years cast aside the human spirit two thousand years back to the time of the Minotaur.
The idols of Ethnos and the State will torment mankind for a relatively long time. We cannot by an external will effort discard ethnic psychology, not yet able to remove the borders between countries - this will happen as a result of the person’s internal growth. But to abandon the external expressions of religion, from the social organization of religiosity in the form of a temple, a ceremony and vestments, from this outdated source of additional power of society over a person - this is now quite possible. The possible objection to my words may be that the life of religion is inseparable from its ecclesiastical flesh, ritual and rite — well, all the worse for religion if it can only hold on by pedaling the wrappers of the archaic!.
Two hundred years ago, freedom of conscience was proclaimed. Itsr first step was the separation of the church from the state, but it was only a half measure, moreover, fraught with a schism. And when split, the church becomes status in statu, continuing to hold the man's conscience or dissecting it in a painful conflict with society as a whole - the war of the church religion and its antipode, atheism, only makes this pathological condition last for infinity. And only the final closure of the external church would heal us forever, stopping the replication of blind faith and burying the concomitant atheism, finally turning freedom of conscience from a dream into a reality. In the language of myth, this would mean that God and his Opponent would forever be expelled from society and in each of us would start their eternal chess game, fighting for the concrete soul of a person without the participation of society as an arbiter, as it has been for thousands of years. In the language of reason, this would mean the liberation of religion from the captivity of society and its return to where it came from: into the orugun of the individual human spirit, where by nature it is one of its most important modes ...
That what I have just said is not a theory, plan or project, by any means! This is already! the most urgent necessity, for it is not reflection, but a cry on the edge of the abyss. Another century of thoughtless and frivolous gliding along the stream in which we are now, and all the words will lose their meaning - we will vanish ...
Today, radical Islam bluntly and brutally exposes the negativity in the attitude towards this world common to all religions, towards its fatal imperfection, and makes us all, the rest, not belonging to Islam, responsible for the imperfection of the world, guilty of the fact that it remains the same intractable constantly failing in chaos, in the originally natural denial of divine hopes, once expressed by religions.. Being aware of such a world around us us, we, according to the most ancient religious intuition, which has become the moral and psychological law of the life of all churches, are responsible for the permanent disintegration of the world, and are three times guilty of this disintegration if we do not adjoin the deity. And since the deity itself is divided into many denominations, into different faces of the gods (monotheism itself is paradoxically not free from this fragmentation!), it is not surprising that the whole history, mainly in the West, in the field of Abrahamic cults, is a history of mutual denials of man by man on the “foundation” that is free from accusations of the collapse of the world (and that’s only relative, because no one’s purity can stand the fanatical eye of an enthusiast of faith, in recent decades this has been especially observed in the life of Muslim religious teachers, where Sometimes party disagreements sometimes arise almost out of the blue and, in order to be fixed, require a microscope, witnessed by the above- mentioned Tariq Ali) can only be a person who adjoins the same deity as me. Hence is the origin of the entire struggle against hereticism, foreignness, dissimilarity, all the sources of xenophobia, seeming rooted already not directly in nature, but in culture, which, however, itself goes back to the ethnic darkness of archaic ...
It so happened that in the summer of 2015 (and you, of course, remember this), a spontaneous stream of southern refugees broke into Western Europe and surged; in the same days or a little earlier, in the spring, we heard about ISIS entering the military-political surface with its claiming for the caliphate, and then on the Internet I came across the texts of a rather famous Russian political scientist (who died the next year), an ardent fanatic of Islamism. His fundamentalist justification of the global Islamic revolution merged in my imagination into a big picture with photographs of heads cutting and smashed ancient monuments, which then came to us from the video published in the internet by the moslem mobsters. The world rolled diwn into the abyss - (that was then my general impression if ut all) - and I faced the guru of this abyss, sending it his blessing, prancing on the steed of the latest communication technology, oozing the poison of hatred to the websites. Opening one of the volumes of this hellish ideologist, I was amazed to find that he had been online for six years. I was shocked and, turning over the pages soaked with poison, muttered stunned from somewhere flown over: “Such talent is not in jail yet!” Compared to his discourse, even Mein Kampf looked modest, more humane, less ardent. It seemed that the eruption of this propaganda was supposed to raise not only the security services, but, above all, he was sure to be sued based on a heap of articles of the criminal code against extremism, incitement to hatred, and so on. However, everything was quiet, no noise was raised, the respected preacher, as if nothing had happened year after year, walked around the capital quite respectably and shook hands with respected people, until the end of his days he was invited by journalists as an expert in political shows, presented by them as some mysterious, religious or political "committee". The impression of the absurdity was so strong that, trying to imagine something like this in history, I could only come up with a fantastic picture: V.I. Lenin didn’t leave anywhere after Shushenskoye, and all seventeen years before October he lived quietly in St. Petersburg, legally publishing the newspaper Pravda, and, taking the laurels from the Cadets and the Black Hundreds, he successfully smashes the Tsar Father and his family and ministers in the Duma. All in all, I was so amazed that I still can’t solve the riddle, what is more in the air of our public time today: freedom of speech or cowardly stupidity mixed with obscurantism? Or just a tolerant political meanness? However, I immediately ask myself: why are you amazed? Vasily Aksyonov, who lived near the fallen towers, in New York, then, in 2001, definitely and clearly spoke about the historical predetermination of the Islamist threat and called not to lie, calling it “terrorism”, but to look directly into the face of this global nibster; Oriana Fallaci screamed about it loudly in 2002 - who heard them ?! These and other voices of truth, as always, were inconvenient for the world masters, because they were “intolerant”. Their two-story political “tolerance” from above and outside took care of “how not to offend” the respectable Muslims of the planet, and from the inside and from the bottom turned into a malignant tolerance for evil, allowing world businessmen, like deadly microbes, to do their black business in those decaying gangrenous members of a global organism, where cauterization of fragmented police raids by the red-hot iron was already clearly belated - a general planetary medical-medical operation is required to cut off rot from the body of mankind. And I wanted someone in this situation to take seriously the propagandist of the Islamic revolution, who had not left the TV screen for the last fifteen years, where he was useful as a bright and ardent exponent. Anti-Americanism and poorly hidden thereunder anti-Europeanism, anti-Christianity and anti-humanism.The hateful spirit in the plastic eyes of this figure, who once toured with his insights all the way to Sudan (apparently, was preparing the shots of “Muslim brothers” who almost dumped Egypt in our eyes), was read as radical anti-Westernism and RELIGIOUS RACISM (where the hallmark of the race is the faithfulness of God, Pride) - the newest phenomenon, which speaks of the invasion of blind ethnic energy in the degenerate branch of Abrahamic monotheism and their merger, generating an explosive mixture of biological expansion, is gone and devastating form of homo sapiens..
Your Holiness! The fanatics of tolerance from Washington to Berlin, who head the West and are eager to –extend their power to entire planet, are either blind or intentionally, politically and ideologically, villaineous, for they are doing everything to strengthen Islamism. A fresh leader has appeared across the ocean, but whether he will manage to steer regardless of the general western trend is another question ... If the secular elite is deaf to the challenge of history, become the mouthpiece of the true West - moreover, the entire Earth - wake the human conscience. Call the people of the planet to save not just their wards in the narrow sense, “Christians of the East” - call to save the wards of Christ! And they are all the people of the planet, except those thirsting for the blood of their neighbor, who themselves cross themselves out from common life. But ., Your Holiness, do not harbor delusions about. broad masses of the people!. They applaud you, but they also applaud a dictator, soccer player and pop star! Moreover, the latter two, whose activities are related to entertainment and money, have a much stronger influence on the masses than you. Their missionary work is more successful than yours - and not because your talent isinferior, no, you may be even brilliant, but the masses are captured by talents, mostly of a completely different kind ... So forget about the masses! Remember about the Man! About the Human being! The broad masses are biology, even if you bless them as a missionary, these waves come and go, what do we care about them?
This is cesarean, not divine. Our teacher and savior, Jesus, was not a politician and, entering the capital on a donkey, he foresaw that there was only there was only a step from enthusiastic palm branches in the air to indignant spits in the face and thorns on his head, …
You have made a career, many others canúúúâùùù that. Do what many proplr cannot do! Make a move! Become the great Last Pontiff, change the course of history, change the world, breathe oxygen into it ! The Vatican, the papacy is one of the most important nerve nodes of the West. It's time to dare to make changes in the humanity… The Savior was a young man who believed in Man (the Son) - prove that the old man can also believe in him, show the world that the life we lived does not make us lifelong slaves of social necessity, especially if this “necessity” has long merged with the dilapidated veils on it!
The absolute truth of Christianity today is possible only on the ways of recognizing the relative truth of all religions and their confessional equality. Clarification of which of the religions is closer to the truth is possible only in the love of religions and the freedom of their communication resulting therefromt. Without love, there is no freedom, love is primary, freedom is only its consequence. Love and freedom, growing out of individuality, and not from society, exclude political struggle and such particulars as the struggle against dissent, heresies and so on. Therefore, freedom, which has its origin in love, cannot be brought from one place on Earth to another, either on bayonets or on gadgets.. The pen equated with a bayonet becomes a metaphysical bayonet that kills us from the inside .. Clericalism in these processes of love can only interfere, because it historically has assumed a fatal political likeness to state systems. Caesar here, in the outer ceremonial vestments of the spirit, has forever replaced the God. Different uniforms of different faiths lead to the strengthening of different armies. The imminent threat of all-planetary religious wars speaks for itself.
I urge you to assume church "atheism" - cast aside the god of the church! Tell humanity that the time has come for a genuine, universal, God, God who is not socially chosen, God chosen by nature! Close the church of Peter and Paul, bring religion back from a social prison to the free catacombs of life! Grab at least this trump card from the deck of darkness
There have been a lot of theodore of the church god, the justifications of Judah and even Satan - all this is no lomger interesting! Stop the ritual, close the ceremony, present the Vatican to humanity as the most authoritative museum of myth! And tell people about a man named Jesus of Nazareth, justify the historical Christ by cleansing his name from church patina! And you will do the great work of renewing life.
What are you losing? Reputation? Position? Name? Mobey? We are at that age — you are a little older, I am a little younger — when all such losses are almost ridiculously relative and only confirm the insignificance of most socially recognized landmarks ...
Not only hatred, but love is imitative. If you take off your cassock and tiara, then others will remove the cassock and hood, the purdah and yamaka, and people will become less afraid of each other
All my life I have been wary of bosses ar all levels and disliked them. You are the only one of this kind whom I can not fear and am able to love. And it’s not at all because I don’t depend on you or that I don’t need anything from you – material, I mean. Considering the West as a whole as a force and as a certain threat hanging over mankind and your figure as a noticeable part of it, then here, you must admit, it is quite possible to find reasons not to love you and be afraid of you ... I have always tried and try to reduce my dependence on “bosses, forces and hierarchies” to the extreme minimum, but still at home I am unselfishly afraid of the authorities because here I reverently sense their anti-human essence. . From afar, I can afford the innocent self-interest of an idealist - and romantically presume your humanity brought up in me by culture…
However, it may also happen that you simply laugh at my naivety, which does not suspect that the machine of your two-thousand-year-old organization is set up in such a way that it does not leave even the person on its top even a bit of a gap, no tiniest hope for interference in its work of personal choice and personal will. But then I would say that the gray-haired Vatican is not the greatest monument of human will and genius, but an unfortunate example of fooling people with their mother nature, mockingly transforming the fruits of colossal human efforts into fatal semblances of its blind elements …
And still I want to hope for a miracle, even in the worst performance.
Worst of all, when everything is hushed up, put under the cloth, ridiculed, muffled, driven out ... again and again I remember Dostoevsky's Great Inquisitor. After all, the only thing he did was trying for the herd, to ensure the illusory well-being of many. In our time of general elections and the criterion of “majority of votes” do we not understand the zeal of the Grand Inquisitor?
Of course, I will be reproached not only with vanity, but also with all mortal sins! I declare in advance that I take all reproaches and spit for granted - such is the world.. You don’t have to be a Marxist to suspect self-interest in everything that you wanted and thought about. Alas, even the two-thousand-year-old hope of Christian humanity for the Lord - is it not tinted with self-interest? And to me, a small and insignificant of earthlings, nothing human is alien, not only light but also dark, not only godly, but also Satan's. The latter, by the way, is fully controllable – that is for which I am given the reason and will – to subjugate the devilish to the celestial center in me.
Of course, this attempt of a message from a person not recognized by the today's reference group of social and literary establishment who therefore can be assumed socially insignificant even in his own country, not to mention a big world - to a person who has been lifted up by fate to one of the social history of the Mont Blanc planet, to the height where it becomes significant, pushing its specific personal qualities into the background, only honed to abstract purity functional properties - such an attempt looks at least strange, because it clearly violates the invisible and unwritten laws of public life, which suggest that each of us gets the right to vote and communicate at a higher level of society to the extent that it is recognized by society. And I am aware that by stepping over these laws, I risk being ruthlessly discarded like any other human phenomenon that has not passed through the objective necessary social filters and is classified as a misunderstanding generated by the Internet temptation for these little ones. But I am an idealist and optimist, and firmly believe in that one really possible miracle, which is the probable metaphysical Meeting of Man with Man.
Konstantin Ivanov
February 8, 2017
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