Darling Harbor Sydney Coast

Oh, Darling Harbor Sydney Coast
I'd like forever to get lost
In this fantastic paradise
Where everything is very nice
I feel like being in a dream
No fear it's melting like ice-cream
On burning rays of Aussie sun
Looks like a prize I have just won
From God himself and from my fate
When I could open Heaven's gate
Called Darling Harbor Sydney Coast
Australia... I've truly lost
Or maybe given you my heart
Since now we cannot be apart
I'm sure hundreds of percent
I love this magic continent
Its climate, beaches, ocean waves
Long time ago, like ancient slaves,
State convicts only worked in there
Now happy people everywhere
Across these streets have daily walks
Enjoying life in noisy talks.
Among these citizens I am!
Got lucky to be one of them.
Australia! How I love you!
No kind of happiness I knew
Can match the one I've just received
Whom shall I thank for this best gift
That most of us can't conjure up?
Delicious wine in golden cup
Was given me in paradise
The smallest continent by size
The best of countries in the world
Australia, you're like a pearl!
You're shining like the brightest star!
That's really close, though seems so far...
But you are closest to my heart
Where you became the dearest part!!!
