You say: «I feel your pain».
«I hear heavy rain».
So, do… you feel the same?
How much?! How much mistrust?
The hatred burns inside.
In front of me is sort
of madness. F*ckin' god!
But I'm alive — or not?
Behold. My sin is pride!
I hate the light. Now see?
My pride is just my sin.
And soul. I need to win
to broke the cage within.
We all is born be free!
Now see? Bad dreams come true.
Now see!? You stupid c*nt!
To live, to bear the brunt,
to lead the gory hunt!
But you are broken too…
I want you to kill me!
Deadgod's corrupting gold.
I wanna hurt this world.
I want you to be cold
(and never disagree).
Гончаров А.С.
Свидетельство о публикации №120051306062
"Всё проходит. Пройдёт и это." (с)
Всего самого доброго, Айзек! :)
Егорова Ольга 3 27.05.2021 08:12 Заявить о нарушении