The Hillier lake

Is this a miracle I see?
The green of trees... the sky-blue sea...
But also maybe... a mistake?
I can't believe my eyes: a lake
Which colour's very hard to think
That it'd be true: this one is PINK!
Looks like I reached another world
'Cause I can't find some better word
When trying to describe this gift:
From usual to magic shift
Of colour nature gives to lakes.
This sort of natural "mistakes"
We hardly find on planet Earth:
This magic lake was given birth
By the Australian Wonderland,
Where we begin to understand
All its environment that's full
Of real miracles which rule
This unbelievable and small
But (truly saying!) best of all,
Full of enigmas, continent,
That gives us dreams without end.
The Hillier lake is one of them
We failed to ask: where could it stem?
This strange pink colour water lake?
From bird's-eye view it's like a cake
With powdered sugar looking good!
Who wouldn't eat it all? I would!
Although I'm not a giant man
Like Gulliver... it's bigger than
His breakfast or another meal...
I'll dream about this, until
I visit this Australian lake
For being sure it's not fake!
