The Water s Thunder
Everybody feels the wonder.
The Seneca peaceful tribe
Named miracle -“The Water’s Thunder”.
Diamond splashes play rainbow,
Wild flood falls down massive,
Steam swirls up like white veil-gowns,
Which are rough, solemn and festive.
From Lake Erie to Ontario
Water starts like a slow river
Niagara does not deviate
Until it becomes like the devil.
Only among its islands,
River mangles snags and boulders
As anticipating freedom
Future wild and awful torments.
Ice Age’s glacier made upheaval,
Underground was rebuilt,
Rock’s displacement had been given
By a fault that one was guilty
That the river fell in a jiffy,
Struck to screen and in hysterics
Hid among sharp teeth of reefs,
Ran away in a deadly derby.
Forces of the wild water
Overthrown before unused.
As a guffaw reflects and knots
Whirlpools horrific fluid.
May you see instead of beauty
Heaps of dollars raining down
In an endless torrent spooky
Gluttonous wild phantom.
It’s a very good idea
Nature’s forces use by tame.
It will be a perfect deal
Then a muddle water’s game.
Wild logs explode like bows
Under muddled strings of streams.
Waterfall groans and howls,
Echo foils from foggy reams.
This atrocity of water
Winter’s snowstorm will quiet
Giant icicles – to bottom
Frost will hang and they will bide.
When spring Sun melts ice to water,
And turns over new quick leaves,
It again will fall and bother,
Gambol noisily among cliffs!
Whimsical cascades of falls
Give birth to some wild actions:
Reckless tide of deep joy hold,
Causeless laugh or glum depression.
It is drat! Niagara’s leverage
Has dual sides of its depletion:
First is an extension being age,
Second - a being age completion.
Rambler on a fence was climbing,
Life exchanges ecstasy instinct.
Tally-ho! He wants to jump in,
Roughly measures mortal distance.
Why did he think life so tested?
A deadly stunt! A frightful risk!
What is the reason for selection?
Why does he solve a fence’s cornice?
In spite of his talents and kindness,
In spite of future best efforts,
He was a very lonely child.
And never more, and never more!
Except all his great dull injustices
Which pour like grains through a sieve,
He has a changeable character
Which (in this time) has been like a stick.
Misapprehension of his freedom
Imperious invites ahead,
He doesn’t have a drop of wisdom
To break his way to grave wood crate!
A drowning man grabs at a straw.
But who decided to cut his age
In wild spite without law?
Don’t see an exit – he’s deranged.
Two minutes and it is too late.
Young boy - he’s only a boy..
The wild accident has happened.
His cry was muffled by water's noise.
Will he soon die? Who cares for him?
His parents? Maid? Relatives? Friends?
Shall rambler’s body disappear?
What is a tragic awful end?!
A clammy wind of water basement
From time to time provokes mad tides.
Whose mind will get the next “derailment”,
That knows only the Most High!
Niagara keeps on its dark bottom
And doesn’t reveal all its secrets -
Who was killed by the wild water
And never more remembered quickly.
Sam Patch had been the first daredevil
Who jumped the Falls and had survived.
He gave a start for deadly derby-
That tragic list has not a trait !
French acrobat high-wire walker
Jean Gravelt (who was named “Blondin”)
For dance on wire named as “Mozart”.
The next was his good friend Farini.
The wire walkers weren’t obliged
To fall in water, but their fans
Were waiting, waiting at the gate
A tragic case - paid in advance.
Instead of dancing on a wire
New twentieth – century stunters
;Reborn a jump to Falls - it's so defiant,
More sharp, and dangerous effects.
It is incredible! The next was a woman-
Anita Taylor who was crammed
Into a barrel which was ruled
By nine strong iron solid belts.
She lived in a time when the society
Divided into had - had not,
There was no Social Security
And other public’s programs hopes.
But her attempt had been successful,
Thanks, to the barrel “Queen of Mists”,
No women took such wild and awful,
And very dangerous cruise.
The next daredevil – Bobby Leach
Plunged in a steel and heavy barrel.
He broke his jaw and both his knees.
Take off your hats in front of daring!
Charles Stephens, Soucek, Lussier,
Boya and other twenty people
Who plunged the Falls and crossed a barrier
Where life and death occur in a mixture.
Trotter Steve and John Munday
Managed happy got a double!
All these names forgot today.
Falls compassionate this couple!
Why they did it, I don’t know.
Why did they go on risk and death?
Questions haven't finished now.
And wrong answer- they were mad.
Graham liked the publicity,
Anita Taylor wanted money,
Bob Latch dreamed about business,
Karel wished to make life charming.
I think, daredevils didn’t know
Why they invented their thrill rides.
The God decides to send trials: aloft
Or life in the end of bide.
The people’s names Niagara passed
Time’s wind more quickly carried out,
The names of those - who surfaced
And happily worried their fall down.
There is a rumor - savage falls
Are condescending to young children,
Whom water bounced like an easy ball,
Came back without any detriments.
The Horseshoe Fall showed its compassion
To Roger Woodward – a pretty boy
Who was cascaded like a heavy axe,
And popped up like a river’s buoy!
Bubbles of an easy glory
With Niagara’s white foam
Soon replaced by violent torrents
Like indeed unwanted spam.
It is so hard for me abstain
From annual and constant meeting
With the Falls non-formal atmosphere.
Niagara’s waiting for a greeting.
Tourists, tourists – men and women
From every corner of our Earth.
Over a hundred years, humans
Have looked at the Falls from the river’s banks.
They want to see the torrential cliffs,
To breathe the damp dust of pure water,
Aboard the vessel “Maid of the Mist”
Swing, wave up-down, take a photo.
I’m glad that I’m here.
Wild Niagara gives new forces.
Will you let me, oh, my dear,
Every year see your tosses!
I’ll thank you for your deep attention,
But, let me tell the unpleasant truth.
Listen to my wild contention
My geological review.
Water washes away hard stones.
The Falls are constantly retreating
Inch by inch and they are going
To their mother Erie meeting.
Twenty thousand full years
Are needed for erosion’s way.
Erie banks - they will be here,
But lake’s water passed away.
It’s very sad that my proposal
In case the Falls had really run
In future the river’s way to poise -
St. Clair, Huron and Michigan.
At the miracle’s crossroad
Crowds of people had stagnated,
Then had gone. You’re now crowned.
Look at the falls and pass the gate!
November 2009 – May 2011 (Niagara, Cleveland)
wonder - изумление
Seneca – название племени индейцев
Tribe - племя
miracle - чудо
splashes - брызги
floodgate – водосброс
massive – огромный, массивный
swirl up - клубится
veil-gown – фата
rough - бурный
solemn - торжественный
festive – праздничный, веселый
trivial - незначительный
deviate - отклонять от нормы
mangle – корежить
snag – коряга, помеха
boulder – каменная глыба
anticipate – предчувствовать, предвидеть
anticipation– предчувствие
torment – мучение
upheaval – переворот, смещение пластов, сдвиг
fault - разлом, нарушение пород
guilty - виновный
jiffy – миг, момент
struck (past of strike) – ударять, бить, натолкнуться
screen – экран, заслон, перегородка
hysterics – истерика
deadly - смертельный
overthrow – низвергать
guffaw - хохот
reflect -отражать
knot –запутывать, завязывать узлом
whirlpool - водоворот
horrific - ужасный
heap - куча, груда
endless -бесконечный
torrent – стремительный поток, сель
spooky –призрачный ( spook - приведение, призрак, наркоман)
gluttonous - обжорливый
tame – укрощенный, прирученный
deal – сделка, дело
muddle – зря тратить, путать, сбивать с толку
log – бревно
explode – взмывать, взлетать
bow – смычек для скрипки
muddled – спутанные, перемешанные, запутанные
string -струна
stream –струи воды
groan – рычать, стонать
howl - выть
reams –клочья, кучи
atrocity -зверство
icicles -сосульки
bide – дождаться своего времени
tern over new leaves – давать новые литья
bother -беспокоить
gambol – играть, рисковать
whimsical –причудливый, капризный
give birth to - порождать
rash -безрассудный
reckless – бесшабашный
tide - прилив-отлив
causeless -беспричинный
glum -угрюмый
It is drat! – Это досадно!
leverage – влияние
dual - двойственный
depletion – опустошение, исчерпание, кровопускание
extension - продление
completion – завершение
rambler- турист
instinct- инстинкт
Tally-ho! – Ату его!
roughly -грубо
measure –оценивать, измерять, мера, масштаб
mortal distance – смертельное расстояние
horrific funnels – ужасные воронки
stunt - трюк
frightful - страшный
solve - решать
wobbly - шаткий
cornice – карниз
effort - усилие, борьба
lonely – одинокий, томящийся одиночеством
injustice - несправедливость
pour - сыпать
sieve – решето
changeable - изменчивый, непостоянный
misapprehension – ложное представление
Imperious - властный
droplet - капелька
wisdom - мудрость
grave – могила, могильный
wood crate – деревянный ящик
drowning - утопающий
grab – хватать
straw – соломинка
spite – злость, досада
deranged –психически расстроенный
muffle – заглушать. глушить
clammy –влажный, неприветливый
provoke –провоцировать, возбуждать
mad –сумасбродный, сумасшедший
tide – прилив и отлив
derailment –сход с рельсов
the Most High - Всевышний
reveal – обнаруживать
compassion – жалость, сострадание
daredevil – смельчак, сорвиголова
survive - выжить, выживать
trait - черта
high-wire walker - канатоходец
obliged - обязанный
advance – платить аванс
wire – проволока, трос
stunter – трюкач, акробат
stunt – трюк, фокус
defiant – вызывающий, дерзкий
it is incredible – это – невероятно
cram - впихивать и выталкивать
firmness - прочный, надежный
mist - туман, мгла
awful - ужасный
plunged - нырять
jaw - челюсть
daring –смелый, отважный
compassionate –сострадательный, жалостливый
thrill - вызывать
trial – испытание, опыт, проба; подвергнуть испытанию
aloft – наверх (в смысле – на небо)
bide – ждать, выжидать благополучного случая
worry - переживать
there is a rumor – идет молва, толки, слухи
savage – дикий, свирепый
condescending - снисходительный
bounced –отскакивать, выталкивать, выскакивать
compassion – жалость, сострадание
popped up – внезапно появившийся на поверхности
buoy - буй
violent –сильный, неистовый, бешенный
indifferent - равнодушный
torrent - поток
abstain – воздержаться, воздерживаться
torrential - проливной
approach – подходить, приближаться
wave – toss- покачаться на волнах, - подкидывать, подбрасывать
breathe – вдохнуть, дышать
damp – сырость, dampen – смачивать
contention - утверждение
sharpen –точить, разрушать
retreat –отступать, отступление
stagnate – замирать
crown – короновать; вершина, макушка
charity -милосердие
transcendental - скоротечный, мимолетный
replace - перемещать
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