z jet

Im a jet setter
Im a go getter
Im the wave flatter
Im a love letter
Yes I am what I am
See you there later
Make my race greater
And my face on one
billboard with Kelly Slater
With the orca tail on our background
How it makes me sound
Well, I’ll go around
It’s a good bound
And the harder I fall
The higher I bounce
Let me tell you once
And repeat later
Make my world greater
Make wild word greater
And if I just disappeared
Then just see you later
Elsewhere whenever
We are mates and comrades forever
For each other, kind or evil brother
I am here without my father
And I’d name another rather
It’s another story
Of my family’s glory
Golden ashes
And my long wet eyelashes
And the grace of tear
And the face of fear
And profound wisdom of the endless summer experience beneath
Just breathe
Never forget to breathe
Take it to the ease
Fuck the war, let’s make peace
Я отсюда с волшебный горы
Спускаюсь вниз
На землю
Обетованную моими шагами
Мы сложили карту мира в оригами
И пустили этот бумажный кораблик в путь
Чтобы он мог немного от себя отдохнуть .

Australia Margaret river 2019
