Rumi I and You

The master hearing knocks then doorward wend
Who are you? – asked. – “I am your close friend!”

Your answer is not right, so go away,
There no two “I” here I should say.

Do roam about along the earthly sorrow track,
And purify yourself then you come back,

When learnt your sacred paths and sacred claims,
Where “I” is burnt in very deep love flames.

Inspired thus by love away he went,
On his friend’s words he deeply was intent.

He suffered lots of sorrow, bitter grief
For many years before he got relief.

Thus after roaming he could once more walk
To the same door and once more loudly knock.

“Who are you?- asked the voice he so knew,
The answer was – “Well, open, it is You!”

The sacred Friend opened wide his home door,
And said in the pilgrim’s heart something more.

 “You now learnt the mystery divine,
Your essence’s merged with the one of Mine.

You are thus I. This can to you impute
That flowers are one with their root”.
