Mr. Nobody
This story is not about love or friendship. I’m not going to tell you what you have already heard. People are used to hearing what they want to hear. Sometimes they unconsciously look for someone who is ready to flatter their ears. But this story is absolutely different. You will find here only the truth about life, fears, dreams and courage.
Chapter 1. Inception / occurrence/ onset
It was a beautiful morning 1997. A girl named Kathy Gordon woke up, before turning on the light, she examined her body. Kathy tried to find out why she felt such terrible pain in her body.
But unfortunately, she failed to find out the cause of her pain. The girl felt that her head was splitting, and she also had a stomach ache and an annoying back pain. Then, Katie got up and turned on the lamp on the small table. Abundant lighting filled the small room. Katie put on her slippers and found herself thinking about the pills Katie had bought not so long ago. By the next moment, Kathy had already found a few pills and eaten all of them.
“Well, what am I going to do about it?” - she was thinking and her thoughts were like million atoms that were gathering in a ball deep inside her head.
Kathy looked around the room, there were so many useless things. But that didn’t bother her. Anyway, she’s leaving the day after tomorrow. She was deeply confident that everything would be fine, and she promised herself that the day after tomorrow her life would change a lot. She wanted to drive home and when she arrived there would be so many wonderful things. The whole her family lived in New York and they were waiting for her.
And everything was great that morning. Before she started looking for new clothes, she took a cold shower and had breakfast with very hot coffee and delicious pancakes with jam. She also decided to eat some boiled eggs.
Then, putting on her new clothes, Katie heard her cell phone ring. It was her friend Markus. But she didn’t answer him, because Kathy had a fight with him.
Katie put on her hat and suddenly realized that she couldn't find it. She tried to find it, but then Katie decided it wasn't necessary.
Finally, she finished. Kathy opened the door and saw someone standing in front of her. A man in black stood near the door. It was a tall man. His hair was brown and long. Katie saw that he had a sharp nose, a round mouth with red lips, and eyes that twinkled in the dark.
The stranger was like an animal, making the strange sounds like a snake. Katie saw, and suddenly realized, that the man had no shadow, even though there was a small lamp in the hallway.
She stared at him for a minute. And a thousand thoughts were in her head:
“Who is he?”- she thought at first.
“Why is he standing here?”
“What’s on his mind?”
“What is he going to do?”
These thoughts, like burning arrows, attacked her head for a moment. Finally, she decided to ask him for an answer. At first, she wanted to ask what the hell he was doing here, but she realized that she had to be polite to this stranger.
“Excuse me sir” - she began, “What can I do for you?” - and her voice like an echoed in the entryway. But the stranger refused to answer, just turned his head slightly, and Katie saw a terrible smile on his face.
“Hey! Did you hear what I just said?
“Yes, I heard” - aid a terrible voice in the darkness.
“But I don’t want to talk to you”
“Well, what’s your name?” - The girl whispered.
“My name is Mr. Nobody” - the stranger replied and continued standing in the darkness of the entrance.
Kathy didn’t say anything. She just took the keys to the apartment and closed the door. As she started down the stairs, the strange man stared at the old, unfashionable wall at the entrance. She went out.
“Who is he? He doesn’t look like a nice person! Something strange... She thought about it.
“He has no shadow! And he was making very strange snake sounds!
“I must call the police, because he is really weird!”
At that moment, Katie was in a hurry to get to work, so she glanced at her watch and was about to run when she saw the bus.
So she got on the bus. It was small, and there were a lot of people there.
"Is this seat available?" Katie asked.
"Yes, please sit down," the old woman replied.
“Thank you”.
“You’re welcome!”
The bus started moving.
” Well, I'm here, I'm alive, so everything's fine! "
The girl tried to think about home, it was the best way to relax.
Chapter 2. Reminiscences / Recollection
Kathy thought about her childhood. She tried to remember the happiest moments that had happened to her when she was a little girl. On the one hand, it wasn't easy, because she could only recall some memories. Those memories that were associated only with the strongest feelings.
This is a bit of a strange phenomenon. We clearly remember only those moments of our life that are accompanied by strong feelings. Honestly, that makes sense. People often don't brag about how much money they've earned or how many hours they've spent playing computer games. We usually talk about where we spent the weekend or vacation. We talk about beautiful places where we go with friends or family to relax, recharge our emotional batteries, etc. The fact is that these moments are so expensive that you can't buy them or earn them. All you have to do is be ready to go somewhere with someone, with people you know or love, and just relax. In addition, you can find unforgettable moments in rock climbing, skiing, diving, skydiving, etc.
That was the reason why Kathy remembered the first vacation in Sydney in 1980. She was 8 years old at the time. Her parents, who worked for a very large pharmaceutical company, could afford such a vacation.
By the way, a few words about parents. Mr. William Gordon was one of his father's fifth children. His story began in 1950, when his father Richard met a beautiful girl named Lily. It was at a party, and the two of them had been dancing all night. Maybe someone calls it love at first sight. But this was not the case. Something might have happened between Mr. and Mrs. Gordon that night, but it certainly wasn't love at first sight.
For unknown reasons, Lily, who danced with Richard that night, did not want to see him the next day.
In short, I don’t need to tell their whole story, the point is that Richard couldn’t convince Lily to date him for 1 year.
Then they hit it off and got married.
They were a wonderful couple. And in 1951, Lily was already pregnant. In 1952, their first son, William, was born.
So now I want you to turn your attention back to the life of Katie's father.
When William was 15, he was arrested for stealing the car. When he was 20, a girl with whom William had sex once, brought an accusation against him for raping her. I don’t want to blame William. We are all people and we have the same needs. We are all human beings, and we have the same needs. We don't want to be abandoned, we need love, friendship, the opportunity to make money, etc. But William was not a brilliant person in his family, and later you will understand why.
For a long time, William had a huge problem with alcohol. There were times when he would come home and have long conversations with his parents, who did not encourage his son's passion for idleness. One day, Richard and Lily refused to open the door when a drunken William knocked on the porch. They decided not to let their son live with them unless he could solve his problems on his own. For William, the act of his parents was an unexpected blow to the jaw. He wasn't used to this attitude. For as long as he could remember, Richard and Lily had been willing to do anything for every whim he had, from the moment he was born until that night.
William knocked again and again, and finally Richard came out and began a long conversation with his son.
"William," Richard said, taking a deep breath, " you are my son, and you know how much your mother and I love you.”
"Dad! William shouted, " don't even start!"”
"No, shut up and listen to me, William! “
"I would never wish you any harm, and you know it, you always knew it”
“We have always loved you and tried to give you everything you need and want, and sometimes more”
"But maybe we were wrong, now I realize that I needed to punish you more to let you know that the world is not a place where everything is simple”
William didn't look at his father and just wanted him to stop this stupid and awkward conversation.
“You have to understand, William, that your attitude shapes your reality, the way you react to what's going on around you, all these things they say, who you are”
"Do you know who you are?" What do you want to get out of life, what is your dream, desire, and what about passion?!”
“I don't blame you for drinking too much, for smoking too much, for wasting your time”
“I'm really disappointed that you're doing everything in your life unconsciously”
"Here's my advice, William: cheer up! Stop for a moment and realize that you are so pathetic”
Richard kept talking, but William couldn't stand on his feet. So he just turned around and started going down. Richard took a deep breath and closed the door.
William realized that his life had changed that night and would never be the same again. Despite their decision, he knew that his parents loved him and always wanted him to be happy.
Chapter 3. Accident.
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