
The rain is in love
With the wind
The wind is in love
With the rain
The earth is in love
With both

Little prince dreams
About the travel
Little rose dreams
About the garden
The wind is thinking:
- Whom to choose?

The thoughts about
The Past
Bring to the root
Of Eternity dream

La nuit pense
A matin
Parce que le pain
Pense au jour

Sunny day
Is born
In the smile
Of the cat
For the autumn leaf

Que cherche tu
Pour ta vie?
Que cherche tu
Pour ton amour?
Qui cherche toi
Pour son reve?

Tu me demande:
- Ou est le soleil?
Je te dis:
- En face de la lune

The story and history
Look one at another
Like man and woman
In mirror

Fevrier attends Mars
Mais le temps donne
Un jour plus

The rainbow is shining
The colors are thinking:
- Who is the first?
The last is thinking:
- Why Am I?

The star in eternity
Is flying
Looking for the husband
Or the wife

If the fear
Takes your soul
And enjoy it

Light wind
And wet snow
Make the masque
For loneliness

Wasting the time
You are wasting  the love
Wasting the love
You are wasting the time

The groundhog
Is sleeping and
Watching the dreams
Thinks what to say
When he is awoken

Singing like a rain
You’re wasting the time
In vain
Because love
Is above

Le paraplui pence
Du vent
Parce que lt vent
Panse d’amour

The paper
Is waiting for
The pen
The pen is waiting
For an idea
Because of
The evening

