Гимн святой конопле
Есть много у тебя имён!
Для тех же, кто в тебя влюблён,
ты - рекреационный лён,
гашиш канабис анаша!
Ликует и поет душа!
Несёшь ты людям мир и свет!
Ты избавляешь их от от бед!
Клянёмся жить, тебя любя,
святая наша конопля!
Настоящему индейцу на заметку:
The First Church of Cannabis is a cannabis-based registered church in the U.S. state of Indiana founded in March 2015 by Bill Levin.
Свидетельство о публикации №120032704426
1. Treat everyone with love as an equal.
2.The day starts with your smile every morning. When you get up, wear it first.
3.Help others when you can. Not for money, but because it's needed.
4.Treat your body as a temple. Do not poison it with poor quality foods and sodas.
5. Do not take advantage of people. Do not intentionally hurt anything.
6. Never start a fight… only finish them.
7. Grow food, raise animals, get nature into your daily routine.
8. Do not be a "troll" on the internet, respect others without name calling and being vulgarly aggressive.
9. Spend at least 10 mins a day just contemplating life in a quiet space.
10. Protect those who can not protect themselves.
11. Laugh often, share humor. Have fun in life, be positive.
12. Cannabis, "the Healing Plant" is our sacrament. It brings us closer to ourselves and others. It is our fountain of health, our love, curing us from illness and depression. We embrace it with our whole heart and spirit, individually and as a group.
Надежда Еленина 27.03.2020 13:02 Заявить о нарушении
Ма-гу, дева конопли у китайцев - символ бессмертия.
Надежда Еленина 27.03.2020 13:08 Заявить о нарушении