Санкции Sanctions
Лариса Изергина
Санкции – месть нам,
на Родине живущим,
её хранящим,
как сокровище своё –
и в радости, и в горе.
9, 26 марта 2020 г.
Abstract: Pol. Educ.: “Non-commissioned officers Prishibeyevs” of the troubled times. (An invective. A tanka. From the “Time crystals”, “Dogberry“, “Chronicles of the troubled times” cycles. The author’s translation from Russian.)
by Larissa Izergina
Sanctions as a riot against
us living in our Motherland,
and its lawful keepers,
it being our legitimate
treasure, in joy and sorrow.
Mar 9, 26, 2020
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