Coronavirus in the Bible!
+++ follow the link + + watch on the u-tube! !!!!!!!!!!!НА РУССКОМ СТАТЬЮ СМ, НА МОЕЙ АВТОРСКОЙ СТР.!!!!!!!!
Attention! Article translated by internet translator! (robot!) especially! See the text of the Bible in the Orthodox original !!! Coronavirus in the Bible!
ch. 9 BIBLE (APOKALIPSIS) "7 In appearance, the locust was like horses prepared for war; and on its heads it was as if crowns like gold, her faces were like human faces;
8 and her hair was like the hair of women, and her teeth were like those of lions.
9 She wore armor, like iron armor, and the noise from her wings was like the sound of chariots when many horses flee to war;
10 she had tails, like scorpions, and had stings in her tails; but her power was to harm people for five months. "
In appearance, it looks like a coronovirus !!! (see image of the virus on the Internet) it is quite possible that the coronovirus is that locust! Her reservation is to torment people for disbelief in God! (iron armor!)
Perhaps (I'm not saying that is for sure) the Apocalypse has begun!
Why are the Chinese punished ???? !!! So they have not yet accepted Orthodoxy properly !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!
It is necessary to defeat astrological and other stupidity with developed Christian thinking. There are mental demons and you need to break them in yourself on the stone of Christ's wisdom. The devil can send you bad thoughts into your head, a bad mood in your chest, etc., etc. It is necessary to stay awake and filter out the mental inside yourself: throw the bad out of you, and develop the good and strengthen!
Recently, many, very many public events have been canceled (FIRST FOOTBALL AND TENNIS MATCHES) due to CORONOVIRUS !!!
What is this ?!
Here is what I wrote about this recently!
Chapter 9 Apocalypse Bible
"15 And four angels were set free, prepared for an hour and a day, and a month and a year, in order to kill a third of the people.
16 The number of cavalry troops was two of darkness; and I heard his number.
17 So I saw in a vision of horses and riders on them, who had fiery, hyacinth and sulfur armor on them; the heads of horses are like the heads of lions, and fire, smoke, and sulfur came out of their mouths.
18 From these three ulcers, from fire, smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouth, a third of the people died;
19 For the strength of the horses was in their mouth and in their tails; and their tails were like snakes, and had heads, and they harmed them. "
It is very likely that here we are talking about some kind of nuclear conflict (the top of the nuclear explosion looks like a mane of a lion!).
And after what events will this happen? Yes, with a high degree of probability, after the coronavirus epidemic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, if after a very long period of time! Read chapter 9 of the Apocalypse!
******** GOD links ***
Roman Roger (read a short lecture on Christianity - the basic thing you need to know!)
Roger Edwin Rum (article and lecture)
How do we manage our own time?! ***
(article and lecture on Christianity. Very briefly, only the most basic thing you should know!) You are also invited to distribute all this (this article and lecture) where possible! I give permission for reprinting and copying. Since it is impossible to publish the same thing here and this is correct, do it the way I do: publish your next work, and then in links or just publish my lecture on Orthodoxy for enlightenment and the opportunity to appeal to God to any modern person.
How do we manage our own time ?!
Nowadays, in our time, mainly "entertainment" prevails. Only computer games that mean. If the work is, basically, either something exhausting, or a monotonous "flow", or something interesting, but far from the perception and understanding of God. And what could be more important than the Creator? Many do not believe in him, or maybe they do not want to believe ?! How can a normal "adequate" person understand that there is a God ?!
It is possible! I have collected the necessary information for you. On the u-tube, enter the words “Barnaul miracle” into the search engine and watch a series (certainly several, not one!) Of videos that with almost documentary accuracy indicate that God definitely exists! This story is so strongly documented so that a person can accurately and clearly make sure !!! There are a number of other (very many!) Similar stories, but they are not so clearly and strongly documented, witnessed by many people! I also gave a lecture on Orthodox Christianity (basically, copied from the Orthodox site the alphabet of ru and from other Orthodox sites). The minimum of what you need to know about this. I also recommend the lectures of Professor Osipov A. And, the sermons of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev. On the u-tube, enter these names in the search engine and get a lot of useful videos! And I ask you also to disseminate this information about Orthodoxy, which I gave here (a small lecture). Since it’s impossible to publish the same thing here and it’s right, do it the way I do: publish your next work, and then in links or just publish my lecture on Orthodoxy for enlightenment and the opportunity to appeal to God to any modern person. Spread it wherever possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why is this needed ?! Here is an explanation!
From the Nativity of Christ 2000 years.
Remembering now the time when in the USSR we students spent our free time playing cards, chess, table tennis, going to barbecue, going to discos watching Western videos, I understand that this was not something sinful irreparable. We also had bonfire romance, hiking (I have mountain climbing, and skydiving), songs to the guitar. It would seem all right ... But all around are mat-maths and rather strange types of relationships between people (a solid "clumsy" in personal life and in many ways life. "Go through life. How?).
The main trouble was that we did not even understand what God was. Any business or rest: all that we do should be with the presence of God.
Remembering now my childhood in the Soviet Union, I clearly remember how we were October and stars with Lenin on his chest. Pioneer ties, "native" Ilyich, campaigns in the mausoleum of Lenin.
In fact, the “native” V. I. Lenin does not even have one drop of Russian blood in him! The Russian shirt and native Orthodox icons are completely alien to him, and in his affairs (the fight against the Orthodox faith in Russia and terrorism - executions and much more), he is a real antichrist, but rather his forerunner.
Here is a link to a video on y-tube that tells about his affairs.
So, now is 2018 and Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago (tentatively) was 18 years old. 17-18 is a turning point and it coincides with a turning point in Russian life now. We need to massively turn to the Christian life: to preach Christ to each other and to profess Him EVERYONE! So we can overcome that godless time that was in Russia of the 20th century and save our souls !!!
*** A small lecture on Christianity for you (the main thing you need to know!)
Today is Sunday! What does this mean?
The resurrection of our God Jesus Christ! On this day, it is advisable to leave all affairs and go to church (prayer in the temple, communion once a week is necessary), or at least it is necessary to listen to the service virtually. In the Middle Ages, if a person missed service three Sundays in a row, then they could excommunicate him from the church!
Also, what does it mean if today is SATURDAY?
In Orthodoxy on Saturday, the remembrance of the departed is of great importance. It can be said. that the Sabbath serves a lot for this, like a memorial day.
If you enter the words “Barnaul miracle” into the search engine, you can familiarize yourself with the story of Claudia Ustyuzhanina.
A brief description of this story.
The woman did not undergo a major operation and died. This was not a clinical death for 5-7 or 10-11 minutes. They didn’t even sew it up, but sent it to the morgue, making another cuts on the hands. There she lay dead for 3 days. At this time, in heaven, she had a conversation with God and our heavenly Queen Mary. She asked God and Her: "Do you have a paradise here somewhere?" To which the Virgin told her the following. Your paradise is on your Earth, but here is what. And she showed her hell, in which people who had deviated from church life, from God burned in a terrible stench (it was in the 60s under the Soviet godless social order), as well as those who committed unrepentant sins. Then this woman, three days after the moment of death, was resurrected (this is like the resurrection of Lazarus four-day, not a clinical temporary death) and then lived for 14 years and raised her son by an Orthodox priest. Such mercy was given to her through the prayer of a holy man.
Remembering people in the church (especially on Saturday) you facilitate their posthumous fate and give some kind of forgiveness. They, having no other hope, expect this from YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY WAITING FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, often give the alms of Christ for the sake of (namely, only Christ for the sake !!! Only that way !!!) and, as a result, people in hell will get the opportunity to get drunk and nourish and their difficult fate will be alleviated!
The minimum of what we need to know about Christianity.
*** In the future, man must become a god in God (sit at His right hand, with Him. Become a king, reign with Him, although we are His servants, serve Him).
We are created by Him, but through Holy Communion (Holy Communion is the basis of Orthodox Christian life. Only this gives the right to Eternal Life, Resurrection from the dead. It comes to him mainly through confession. Some Christians do not know that baptism itself it’s still not enough to be saved. You need to KIND regularly (Eucharist). Without this Christian life and salvation, there’s no candle lighting and praying! Learn about the Eucharist (Communion) at .html enter into the search engine sl in: COMMUNION) gradually becomes uncreated and closer to Eternal Life in Him !!!
The rite of Communion itself. At the morning liturgy, the priest takes out the chalice with the Communion and from the spoon nourishes the believers. Communion needs to be swallowed - this is bread and wine - spiritual food, which is the body and blood of Christ of the New Testament.
This is your meeting with God. Moreover, He personally enters into you and restores order in your heart and in your soul. Protects you from sinfulness.
It is considered to be a great sin to accept this without reasoning within oneself that it is God Himself who created everything and people enters into you and makes God into God (adores you) and makes a partaker in the creation of the World and people! What is the Body of Christ and Blood in the sacrament of the Eucharist, read more in Christian literature!
Prepare for this rite by fasting and appropriate prayers. Find out more about this on the Internet and in the Orthodox Church! (Be sure to find out, there is nothing more important than this !!!)
Roger Edwin Rum
It’s a big trouble for a person when he acts like a doll under the influence of “circumstances”, “duty”, internal demons, a demon, and not according to his own convictions worked out by internal concentration, thoughts, pondering of actions and faith in God. Some people, unfortunately, even go to suicide. If this happens at a young age, it looks very strange and menacing! Be careful and careful, because suicide is only the extreme degree of what is happening now to people!
The devil is now affecting people very strongly. We don’t notice him !!! And you pay attention to your internal state. An unclean spirit imperceptibly inserts bitterness, selfishness in the heart, bad thoughts, etc., etc. into the mind. But it seems to a person that thoughts and bitterness and lust are his, but this is not so! His it becomes only when he agrees to this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can’t agree with that in yourself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go to church for prayer more often !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you need to know about Orthodox Christianity? Here is the minimum ...
The wisdom of a Christian.
All our lives we have been fighting with people, not understanding that we need to fight with the devil, who partially ruined these people. It is necessary to constantly pray that the part in them that is not spoiled by Satan will win and correct the spoiled one. But the most important thing is that we, fighting with seemingly spoiled people, do not notice our own corruption, which constantly needs to be fixed! So: with whom do you really need to fight? The answer is simple: with the spirit of darkness constantly tempting us! He may even inspire us with some thoughts, and a person will think that these are his thoughts, and in hell they will laugh at him.
What to do?
Is there a way out into a healthy, good life, not burdened with egocentrism and complacency or infringement?
If you look closely: switch the TV to the channel "Spas", go to the website Orthodoxy ru, the alphabet ru, finally go to church, then with surprise you can notice the return of the Middle Ages to modern life. What is it?
The restoration of Orthodox churches gives hope that modern man will understand what God is !!! Neither perfect robotics, nor artificial intelligence will allow a person to come out of his egoistic and even egocentric dullness, but only Jesus Christ himself! Yes, God is and He is with us !!! But when I come to prayer in church, how many people do I see at this prayer? NOT!!! And this is terrible! One priest said in a sermon that most modern people go to hell !!! IN HELL!!!!!!! And where else can they get? I wrote something very important here for you ... read ...
ORTHODOXY about the afterlife of man and how not to get the soul into torment
Mytha; rastva - (“customs posts”) - 1) places of the posthumous testing of the soul, on each of which certain types of sins are exacted by special demons, tax collectors; 2) a post-mortem test of the soul, revealing its moral state, performed in front of the eye of an Impartial Judge, with the direct participation of angels and demons, affecting the definition of the Private Court.
Ordeals is a figurative, symbolic representation of a private court: the recognition of the results of earthly life through the fallen spirits, with which God allows us to act as the instruments of his justice.
Following the Orthodox teaching, after the death of the human body, the Christian soul led by angels goes back to God. On this path, the human soul is met by fallen spirits, the ancestors of all sins and vices. They impede her ascent by their accusations. The process of this charge is called tribulation or torture.
Torturers (tax collectors) on it are fallen spirits. They convict the human soul of the sins it has committed, seeking to discover the passions nesting in it. By exposing the sinful passions of the human soul, they “try to find in it an affinity for themselves, their sinfulness, their fall and bring it to hell” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov). At ordeals, human sins "are recognized by smoothed out opposite good deeds or corresponding repentance" (St. Theophan the Recluse).
Ordeals are the lot of Christian souls who find loyalty or betrayal on them to their Savior and Redeemer - the God-man Jesus Christ. “But those who do not believe in Christ, and in general all who do not know the true God, do not ascend this way, because during earthly life they are only alive in the body, and they are already buried in the soul in hell. And when they die, demons without any test take their souls and bring down into hell and the abyss. " (The story of blessed Theodora about the ordeal)
St. Theophan the Recluse: "No matter how wild it seems to clever people, the thought of ordeals, but they cannot be avoided."
In the story of Blessed Theodora, the following ordeals are indicated (Life of the Monk Father of Our Basil the New):
1. The ordeal of idleness 2. The ordeal of lies 3. The ordeal of condemnation and slander
4. The ordeal of gluttony 5. The ordeal of laziness 6. The ordeal of theft 7. The ordeal of love of money and avarice 8. The ordeal of extortion (unjust acquisitions)
9. The ordeal of unrighteousness (wrong court, deceit in deeds) 10. The ordeal of envy
11. The Ordeal of Pride 12. The Ordeal of Anger and Fury Brotherly Hate
13. The ordeal of malice 14. The ordeal of murder
15. The ordeal of sorcery, charm, invocation of demons (magic, astrology, witchcraft)
16. The ordeal of fornication 17. The ordeal of adultery 18. The Ordeal of Sodom Sins
19. The ordeal of heresies 20. The ordeal of mercy and cruelty
Harmony (swearing obscenities, etc.). Rebellion Eating Drunkenness
Ordeals, according to St. Cyril of Alexandria
(“Word about the outcome of the soul and the Last Judgment”):
1. The ordeal of spirits of exposement and celiac fury: lies, slander, curses, oath-crimes, idle talk, slander, idle talk, blasphemy, curses; fornication, drunkenness, immense laughter, unclean and obscene kisses, fornication songs
2. The ordeal of spirits of flattery and charms - to the vision of the eyes: obscene gaze, indecent curiosity; unbridled view
3. The ordeal of the spirit-whisperers - to the sense of hearing: the delight of all that flattering irritates our hearing, addiction to everything sinful that we accept through hearing
4. Trial of guards over the charm of smell: passionate delight in the sense of smell, for example, addiction to fragrant extracts from plants and flowers, the so-called "perfume", suits commonly used for the seduction of prodigal women
5. The ordeal of spirits - to the sense of touch: lawlessness and vile deeds done through hands
6. Other ordeals: anger, envy and jealousy, vanity and pride, irritability and anger, wit and anger, fornication, adultery and masturbation; murder, sorcerers, and other deeds godless and nasty, about which the saint does not speak in detail (according to his teaching, all spiritual passion and all sin has its representatives and torturers).
Read on the Internet links in Orthodoxy: ordeal, soul, spiritual life is the alphabet of ru. Lives of saints in the Orthodox calendar for Orthodoxy ru
The ordeal of fornication is not only masturbation, debauchery in thoughts and deeds (striptease, eroticism, and so-called sex), but also tattoos, talking in jargon (buzz, cool), etc. Such all kinds of seemingly nonsense too requires repentance for confession and correction (a person, a tattoo, if it is impossible to reduce, then what can you do, a person should be corrected)
About the torment of sinners in hell, according to the testimony of people to whom God has given this to testify before people, so that they fear and protect themselves from eternal torment.
It’s almost impossible to breathe there, it’s so worth the stench and stench, you can’t talk to each other, they burn with fire, torture is worse than in the Gestapo, but the human body is restored and everything happens again and again! People are shocked by the impossibility of what is happening! You would not have been able to withstand it for several seconds internally, but the soul cannot die from this !!!
God provides an opportunity to improve before death. Think and stop yourself !!!
Prayer in the morning, prayer in the evening!
* Communion (Holy Communion is the basis of Orthodox Christian life. Only this gives the right to Eternal Life, Resurrection from the dead. It is received mainly through confession. Some Christians do not know that baptism itself is not enough to be saved It is necessary to regularly KIND (Eucharist). Without this Christian life and salvation, there is simply no candle to put and pray! Learn about Eucharist (Communion) in enter the word in the search engine : PARTICIPLE)
They also repent at confession: selfishness, resentment against someone (yes this is a sin!), Hypocrisy, I do not put God and church life in the first place in my life, I think that someone sins more than me! Little love the people around me !!! Very self-centered!
The sin of condemnation is one of the worst sins! Nowadays, it is customary to scold the church and its clergy in every possible way. But the Orthodox Church is holy and has come to us from God and his apostles. If even a priest sins before God, then he will answer personally, and grace from God will reach you anyway. You go to the church to God, as to the house of God. Which you should get used to, as to your home, so that you can enter the Kingdom as if you were in your home! Otherwise, how do you get in? !!! According to the vision of the Last Judgment of St. Gregory, student of St. Vasily the New, those sinners who cannot enter the kingdom of God will look at how worthy come in and will tear their hair out because they cannot enter. They will remain on terrible torment in the fire. Do you like terrible torment, mental and physical pain? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is easiest for a modern Russian to perceive any Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, Judaic, Protestant or other religious movements or paganism at all, but not Orthodoxy. . It’s easiest for a modern Russian to say: “Yes, I have God in my soul and (maybe) in my heart, but I don’t have to go to church!” The easiest thing for a modern Russian is to go to church, put a candle and leave immediately or after standing in prayer to leave. And why is there a priest from the spoon communes during the morning liturgy, the person may not be aware, or, much worse, avoid it!
You need to know everything about everything. There are ru sites on the Internet (almost everything on this site can be found out about Orthodoxy) Orthodoxy ru (news and the church calendar) of the lives of saints in the church calendar must always be read!
After the birth of Jesus Christ, Buddhism, as a way of personal salvation, is outdated!
If a representative of any other religion strictly complies with the requirements of his religion, then by the Goodness of God he can be saved, but by His Goodness, and not because he professes a true religion !!!
If a person is baptized Orthodox, how can he be saved by professing, for example, Buddhism? You cannot go anywhere from Orthodoxy! They do not leave Truth. This is the only completely true teaching !!!
The devil just does not do so that a person does not go to his Orthodox church. Need to work - not before. Want to sleep - it’s impossible to get enough sleep. Something begins with the head - trouble and just do not want to, and it knocks you out of the head and it is impossible to concentrate on business, and confuses thoughts, and confuses everything, and the stumbler and hands are not from there and get confused too, and the thoughts are not in the head, etc. d. etc.
One day a week you need to go to church and take communion there !!!
See also this video on the u-tube
The Last Judgment of God. A vision of Gregory, a disciple of the holy and God-bearing father of our Vasily the New.
From this holy vision you will learn that those who did not listen to the Word of Christ and did not live according to Him, maybe did not believe Jesus and Christ, or for some other reason did not follow him, by their faith and deeds did not confirm loyalty to him , they will tear their hair out, looking at those who will enter eternal residence in the Heavenly City of Jerusalem, and then fall into eternal fire, into torment! Horrible vision! Be careful and reasonable in your life, because it ends here for our body and our affairs very quickly. Many years to you! God save you!
LINKS: ABC RU (Orthodox literature about this. Read more there) extract
A; ngel-Keeper - an angel appointed by God to a person at baptism to protect him from evil and help in good deeds.
This is evidenced by the words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament: “Look, do not despise any of these little ones, for I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:10).
To whom and when does God give the Guardian Angel?
A guardian angel is given by God to a person in the Sacrament of Baptism: “Those who have been baptized and are exalted to the highest virtues are given Angels from God who take care of them and assist them. The Lord assures us of this when he says that there are guardian angels in everyone who believes in him ”(St. Anastasius of Sinai).
An unbaptized person is ruled by fallen spirits - demons. The Guardian Angel is next to a believing Christian, unless we drive him away by sinful deeds, because "as smoke drives away the bees, so sin drives away the Guardian Angel from us" (St. Basil the Great).
I must also add to my lecture on Orthodoxy a very important (most important, most important !!!) addition. If you have become an Orthodox believer, then it is very important for you to think about the following: !!!!!!!
I just go to church regularly. I pray in it, confess, take communion. I also constantly study the Bible, church services, Orthodoxy, as such. And it's all? Am I a believer? If you are a believer, then you will certainly establish a personal connection with God himself! This is best obtained immediately after the baptismal rite. Then it is possible to establish it with God the Father. But it is especially necessary to get this connection with Jesus Christ through Holy Communion (PARTICIPATION !!!). And vital and necessary connection with God the Holy Spirit !!! How to look for this connection ?! Very simple and absolutely reliable way. Pray about it until you get inside yourself and in your life !!!!!!!
What is the purpose of the Christian life?
Seraphim of Sarov said the following about this. It is necessary to acquire a treasure imperishable, true, that which will be with you in eternal life. It is necessary to acquire the Holy Spirit, His grace by doing good deeds, creating prayers, communion and all life for the sake of Christ. If you do good deeds for the sake of good deeds, then this will not be the acquisition of the Holy Spirit and will not give a truly good result! Only life and works for Christ’s sake gives the true wealth that is needed for eternal imperishable life in God!
What is the fear of God? Afraid of God ?! Why and how
God is love, mercy. Why is it necessary to be afraid of Him ?!
The thing is that if we are not afraid, or at least not afraid, we fall into serious sins. A person goes to hell, to torment, not because God punished him, but because he cannot be with Him because of his corruption by sin. And the devil does not miss a chance to punish a person, for Satan is a misanthrope. God is a man-lover, and you need to be afraid of Him, as the Father whom you do not want to upset with anything sinful! Exactly so, and in no other way is it necessary for man to be afraid, so as not to sin strongly and seriously, but to constantly repent of confession and in every way make amends. For if a person says that I am not sinful, he does not understand anything in righteousness and God, and he needs to seriously and deeply study Orthodoxy! If such impeccable saints as Seraphim of Sarov, or John of Kronstadt repented at confession, then what sinners to say about us. About what???
Mark of the devil!
In the Orthodox environment, a contradiction arose in the concept of the label of Satan. Three sixes on a hand, on a brow: what does this mean?
Since God does not tell me directly about this yet (in some cases, He warns me, I have the opportunity to communicate with Him, I have it), that means He wants me to have independent discussions about it (I always pray this way: Will Yours, and my will is in Yours! It saves from serious mistakes, because He directs and can tell something, save something from something).
So, among the Orthodox two opposing ideas about the mark of the devil have arisen!
These are the views.
The first one. A biometric passport is already a label. You can’t take it! In Sberbank, biometrics also may not be possible. A person who does this in the kingdom of God does not inherit. He died!
The second one. Even a chip on the arm or forehead does not mean anything, since the will of the person is not affected. In order to inherit the kingdom of God, a person should not go into a consumer society, where there will be no Holy Spirit for him, and the place of God will gradually be replaced by antichrist. This will be the mark of the devil, and not some kind of microchip there! That is, a person will not go to the real Orthodox Church, which is now, and will not receive the Holy Spirit in him, donating money, praying, partaking of God Himself, receiving the whole Holy Trinity, as a life path !!!
What do I think about this ?!
I think both of these points of view lead to salvation. Why? They are the
opposite !!!
Here is a paradox! The fact is that a biometric passport and further chipization are a violation of your constitutional rights! (why so - sort it out yourself!) This leads to the restriction of your rights and freedoms, as well as a direct path to entering a spiritless and consumer society, moving away from church life, losing the Holy Spirit, Christ and God the Father !!! (why so - sort it out yourself, especially there is a lot of useful video on the u-tube)
According to the predictions of the Nile of the Myrrh-streaming Athos, the biblical mark of the beast (three sixes) will be imposed already in the last days of the reign of the Antichrist, when there will be hunger and you can get bread for this mark, within six months before the End of the World and the Last Judgment!
Since Neil the Myrrh-streaming Athos gave this prediction after his death from the Kingdom of God of Heaven, being another monk who recorded this, it is absolutely clear that only this prediction is true! Biometric passport and chips - this is not the mark of the beast three sixes!
But we are talking about the violation of your constitutional rights and bringing you closer to this mark, and the enslavement of your spiritual life by material interests.
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