You paid me more attention
Than any other person,
You are my inspiration!
Probably, that's God's purpose?
For me to study English,
Play with the English language,
To make me rich and witty,
I inhale your words' fragrance!
Probably when I'm sleeping
I see angelic visions
Based on your comments reading,
That is so high a mission!
And as a honey meadow
I see American people!
Grace stands as the Light column.
Your Continent is solemn,
Blessed by your language, blissful!
I feel communed connection
And your great sunny impulse
Leads me to love's perfection.
Вы уделили мне больше внимания,
Чем любой другой человек,
Вы все время меня вдохновляете!
И в этом, может быть, Божья цель?
Мне чтобы дальше учить английский,
И с языком продолжать играть,
Чтоб остроумием обогатиться,
И Ваших слов аромат вдыхать!
И потому, может, я видения
В снах вижу ангельские иногда.
От комментариев ваших чтения.
Что ж, эта миссия высока!
И как в медовых долинах лета
Американских я вижу людей.
И Благодать - как Колонна Света,
В ней так возвышен Ваш континент,
Благословен языком английским!
Как причащенье - общенья дни,
И Ваш великий солнечный импульс
Нас приведёт к совершенству любви.
Оригинал на английском.
Your "thanksgiving poem" is so uplifting! The last words - "love's perfection" - will resonate in my mind because it encourages hope and perseverance. What a blessed journey your poem
takes us on: from our friendship in the first quatrain, in which you thank me sincerely, to the second stanza in which you present a much bigger relationship, that the individual and the language they speak.
In the third stanza you effortlessly change the scene: it is night and sleep, and the visitation of angels who mysteriously add their influence. In the fourth stanza you bring us back to daylight reality, and
say beautiful things about Americans. Your reference evokes biblical garden language "honey meadows" (I love that image!) and grace shining over us in a "Light Column." You poem conveys so much
appreciation and brightness of mood. // This exchange of poems shows how easily we can spread joy if we have joy within us. I mean the genuine joy you display in your poem. This joy is connected to
a divine source, and brings with it the "superforce" of grace.
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