What feel intuitively after meditating on CoronaV

Why and why now and globally?
Nothing happens randomly.
Cause and Effect rule.

Too many people expect instant gratification and have no respect beyond what want.
That breeds ignorance, unacceptability, and provokes wrong forces to strengthen.
Eventfully a disaster or war follows.

The Providence doesn’t want thee Humanity to perish, as a war with today’s technology and means would end our civilization as we know it.

Therefore, the Providence spit back what people created by looking away, by ignorance, and caring only of self-gratification regardless of what others go through.

Must add that torture and slavery that a big part of the so called humans is subjecting highly evolved animals exploiting them so inhumanely can’t go unnoticed by Nature and Providence too.
A cancer is a wrong mutation.

Nature is only harmony and balance and can take only so much before getting rid of cancer to protect its existence.

When humans pillage the Earth as if there is no tomorrow and exploit animals in cruelty and even killing not just for food keeping them in horrific conditions and slaughtering while they are aware of it, but also killing for fun as trophies – the Forces look at that as cancer.

How to wake up people, how to make them think and feel pain before they bring pain to others?

A Global virus is that calamity that catches everyone’s attention as can affect everyone.
Many have to endure the consequences of what epidemic brings.

Once people feel it and not just watch entertainment movies, they have no choice but re-think and re-value many aspects of life and how treat others and themselves.

This pain and suffering becomes awakening, as pain awakens faster than words, when words fail.
Now people would realize what any war can bring to anyone, anywhere instead of screaming, “we are going to kick ass!”

This virus may help to avoid a war in the future!
