translation by Yanna Ram
translation by Yanna Ram
Ladder of days
The staircase of days I ;m walking on
is catching me
Prayer candle
lights up evening
Creaky sun
shining first snow
The blue moisture of the ravine by the stream
Meadows will remind you of love
veiled by golden swell of branches
and petals
The watch exudes moments
they definitely are talking to you:
by silent explosion of secrets
a clear night illuminates
B;lyj de;...
White day by swan wing
White day
attacked the black time mirror
by swan wing
The stone will grow
The tree is petrified
Mountain wakes up
by water lilies
in a quiet river
God will find himself -
in crying baby
Blue horn of the Unicorn
in the sky
screwed by horizon
Let your shadow
with depths into us
the wildness of your face
Our icon
melting in fire of your heart
and in the heart of fire
Reki gorja;;aja...
Burning string of the river
Autumn. Despair of the gardens
is rooting
And the shadows of hieroglyphs and signs
everything is darker
Through the sky - pigeon
Rivers will catch you
burning string
will scatter you
to the hills and mountains-
distant stars
herds of sheep
Herds wander
from heaven to heaven through hell
Fire in the mountains like a heaven ;s heart
of the sky
Your heartbeat
like the sound of rain
Dawn, child in arms
wrapped in fragrant hay of light
translation by Yanna Ram
Свидетельство о публикации №120031409127
Лебединым крылом
В черном зеркале времени
Отражен белый день,
И волшебною ночью
Темный ствол каменеет,
А камень растет.
Сон подарит уснувшей горе
Ароматный венок
Белых лилий,
Что свивает речная вода.
В тихой заводи грез,
Как дитя в колыбели,
Отраженье луны
Укачает волна в свете звезд.
Тамара Лагунова 20.03.2020 11:43 Заявить о нарушении