
Let’s feel the core of procrastination.
The subject has surfaced for a few days.
Every fruit has a seed.

The seed contains the essence of it and blueprint.
So is every concept.

Therefore, lets dive into the seed.
Procrastination is a combination of

1. self-sabotage,
2. laziness, and
3. inability to realize the outcome.
(super-dangerous situation.)

Proportion of the 3 above may vary.

1. Self-sabotage

Someone who was put down and didn’t receive enough encouragement and assurance he/she would make it in this world, may turn out to be determined and strong but more often than not – would become procrastinator, sabotaging own efforts to achieve what actually can.

Therefore, important to realize

Must give up resentment to the parents who provoked that self-sabotage.
Must realize that you have a duty and obligation to take care of yourself by doing what must and not ignoring it.

Ignorance leads to disasters.

Solving problems leads to solutions.

2. Laziness

It takes a will to accomplish.

Laziness is a derivative of lack of will.

Lack of will arises from being emotionally abused as a child or not receiving enough encouragement.

When a child is told that he/she is stupid, bad, will not make it because a parent is frustrated resorting to release of frustration by pouring negative words on the child, the latter may give up trying, as what’s the point?

Laziness can be, thus, triggered as self-protection mechanism vs. failure.
Words have power as can affect for life, particularly perceptive children.
In Mathematics to negate a value, we need to provide a value with the opposite sign.

The same with life.

In order to negate laziness in us, we MUST realize that this is a pattern from deep childhood.

So we must go back to that moment/s when were put down by the closest to us people.

Observe that scene as if watching a movie to see all the details.
It is time to realize that the parent/s released his/her frustrations on us not because of us but because of their, own circumstances’, while we are caught in-between.

We can give up our, artificially installed laziness once realize it is artificial and not us!

It is a host – an emotional virus that we must cure.
By knowing that we can accomplish anything once do the right steps, there is no need to self blame ourselves and/or parents but, only, to concentrate on finding out the right steps.

Our mind and brain can process anything.

Laziness and certain stupidity we notice on ourselves after encountering complex situations are only patterns which we can change once know that can observe them, become aware of them, and start taking steps to doing needed work.
Not result, but right steps and progress count.

Substitute laziness with doing what have to because you owe it to your body, mind, and soul.

They deserve better than swimming in laziness or any negative quality installed in you, as if a virus by those who were not aware of what did to you.
Taking steps in awareness and working on progress whatever it may be, as long as progress.

Always believe that can overcome anything as long as doing the right thing.
Right energies then would help you because you open up to them.
How can they help if you are closed to them?

Those energies translate into meeting right people, getting to right places, and all those subtle things that seem just happening.
But you open up to them.

To open up to right doors, you must close the wrong doors.
Don’t enter that which don’t need.

That simple verity shows us that, while, we may not see the right doors and opportunities yet, we, definitely, know which are wrong for us and must not enter them.

Then, we shall see the right doors.

Once do, we should not procrastinate as not all doors are opened forever.
Taking steps requires work.

Laziness must be replaced with right steps and so many good changes will come as fruits of that work and not a chance.

You decide which one is better?

3. Inability to realize the outcome:

It takes a certain discipline of mind and will to act accordingly to a situation.
When someone was consistently ridiculed as a child and developed laziness as a result of that or even by being spoiled, that breeds inability to foresee the results of actions or lack of actions.

When one doesn’t calculate the outcome and just hopes that a situation resolves itself, the chances for success are low.

Some people don’t foresee outcomes by being naive but, again, how long can one remain na;ve without learning?

Deep, negative childhood imprints can affect for life and, seemingly, intelligent person may act naively.

One must start valuing him/herself and realize that, not only deserves to lead a non-destructive life and spirit has the obligation to set the life in the right direction no matter what obstacles are.
That goes back to self-sabotage.

Stop sabotaging your life by becoming aware that something in you does so.
Yet, it is the negative imprint from the past which cases a foreign virus, replicating other negative experiences as a virus.

Must overcome laziness and see a solution in working towards bettering yourself.
Must give up resentment for the negative past, so can live in the present.
Must discipline yourself by connecting your Will with Intelligence to calculate the outcomes of stops take in life or even words say, as words lead to others acting upon them.

When you play a chess game, would you move figures randomly, hoping to win?
The same in life!

Learn to discipline yourself to calculate every word and move and right results would follow even if with a delay.

Otherwise, only problems after problems would be delayed but not for too long.
Doing the right steps for yourself is something that you deserve to say the least!
