What helps to prevent vs Corona virus

About  95% of all people who contract Coronavirus would only go through regular flu symptoms and would not be affected beyond that.
But, lets not ignore the other 5% by being prudent.
Be in sunlight. UV rays kill it,
Drink water often and make sure the mouth is not dry.
Water or fluids wash the virus into the digestive system where naturally produced acids kill it,
Heat kills it.
Garlic has natural and healthy radiation that kills many viruses and boosts immune system.
Raw is the best but if can’t, then, take garlic gels.
Onions help.
Lemon, plenty of it, preferably with natural honey.
Simple but super-effective remedy vs. any foreign agents:
Gargle your throat with hot water with iodized salt (from stores – no need t buy special solutions/nixes) till feel all your glands are massaged.
Choose non-burning –just comfortably hot temperature.
Use a neti pot to flash both nostrils with hot water with salt too.
Particularly together; throat and nose flush are washing away most viruses, bacteria, and allergens.
It is simple but amazing, natural remedy.
I do it as a routine in the morning and at night and what a difference.
Get a blender and do your own juicing at home. Commercial juices have anything but juice left in them.
Tomatoes juice has unique healing and immune system properties. It is hard to find but the one from Bulgaria is pure.
There are a few, natural shamanic remedies form the South America that may help vs. viruses, including Corona, simple and safe’ yet, the Facebook in the US is not best platform for such discussions.
If feel that in high risk category, contact me privately, but, if would follow the few steps outlined above, you should be in a safer category.



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