3-010 581 ingl. art of decoding. фестский a disk t
As it is not strange will seem but having seen(overlooked) the tables of the Egyptian hieroglyphs I have found also in tens sometimes Absolutely identical hieroglyphs. It is important for knowing! Just as the modern letters Have settled, same was and with a Kind of hieroglyphs. In spite of and certain differences, nevertheless Basis, Sense, the Kind of a hieroglyph went that Were cut in temples, гробницах_a tomb__ and other places, and they Were constant, that them could Everyone understand! A small the explanatory any hieroglyph, even if it(him) to not cut in a stone plate has Many Faltering lines! I not the connoisseur we shall tell of the Chinese hieroglyph they more __Confusing_ with Egyptian, that Are more realistic, and it is strong to us understanding text. Easier at the First stage it is necessary To compare and number(line) to write and to draw the Egyptian hieroglyph, and if you in it Are sure analogue with фестского of a disk. As you understand sometimes of variants of a perusal " the applicants one, two " sometimes, when it is Plants, or trees, you receive up to 5 syllables or letters. On going for times 4000 years you will not understand, that the bush with Колючками, it can be everything, everything from a Gooseberry up to a dogrose. And here Main help on half, or More similar figures of hieroglyphs! THE LATTICE of the Chinese hieroglyph to us is much more difficult for understanding. Having thumbed through the table of hieroglyphs up to the end on book author Бадж_ Badge "Mummy"tosurprise on percents(interests) 80-90 % HAVE FOUND ALL MARKS From a DISK, and part were simply slightly changed, but on the Egyptian analogue from such mark on Фестском a disk WAS CLEAR!
I always remember expression египтолога __saientist__Струве "FROM"............................. ANYTHING!
Remember it! In the beginning you have vague performance, that it on a disk! Then т allocate Groups, and it and is first attribute of the Egyptian hieroglyph. For now Last Egyptian hieroglyphs, that almost Абсролютно are similar to prints on a disk! And it already Логияеское a beginning of decoding. That is not looking on Multialternativeness of some marks has developed Картинка, and I in, and AT the GIVEN STAGE I CAN AGAINST a PRINT ON ФЕСТСКОМ a DISK SIMPLY PUT the LETTER. And still it is necessary to remember, чо in a Basis of the parties дискпа the Drawing and Different and on lines Can, as variant to be read Фестский a disk. That is NOT ON a SPIRAL, And ON ALL LINES of the DRAWING, And besides DRAWING, it I have made Having imposed a tracing-paper that has understood, that Coils of a spiral and the Division into Sectors Is identical to Both parties.
these symbols will fill The table of marks on a disk! simplify decoding one property of the Egyptian letter.
If All hieroglyphs to draw and not having the System approach, you Will get confused, and actually it just and is Simplicity! Business that as a matter of fact? Write no more than 100, it I накинул the majority of the texts погребального_ a tomb_ of property and 50- 100 in other variants of the letter, for example in Business correspondence of the officials. The quantity(amount) of hieroglyphs in Egypt has grown up up to Thousand for the simple reason. At us - Area, at them None-Номы. That is is Ном -Мемфиса, that is Мемфисская губерния = Memphis area_. Draw "lattice" is and there is a hieroglyph a settlement, city the simply Any occupied item, though and capital! And Everyone ном had Божка_ a Goodness_, that was Variant for example: Ра, Chorus, Хатхор or Сехмет, and from the Standard hieroglyph of Mountains, for example, what or settlement on 50 houses Could _To differ
__ by one пером_ Element kroun _ in a headgear. In the Directories of such Local gods the number spreaded: 500, 1000, 2000 only one Ра, Хатхор. On this and it was the Revolutionary decision, Аменхотеп 4 and has resulted in One god Egypt, and at this time Roughly? A disk, though археологи they, such children also is made! And them(him,it) 500 years there here, not a hook, how well? Not to a clever dog to the boy, and --------------------------------------------@@----- 13-011/ 581---------------------------------------
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