The reason to stay forever in the hotel
Was your scent on my pillow which started to
Invisibly cover my skin and became a tattoo
Spreading to all my senses and each body cell

Bloody hell, will it hurt?
I can’t tell
If it was the right time when I fell
Thoughtlessly asleep
Thoughtfully for you
Instead of staying alert

It gets scary when the pounding heart at once
Changes its rhythm from techno to
More like the kiss-me-all-night-through
Deafening beat
Shall we dance
To it
Not letting it quit?
And I wonder whether
It is only heard in this room
Or it’s now the part of the weather
Penetrating the air
In the street
Dimly lit
(Which is still brighter than my mind)

But some things go so well together:

Your lips on my lips
Your hand in my hair
Your unfinished coffee and my unanswered questions

Don’t you find?..
