
The white stork's flying on
over white forest land flying on
Belorussian tune
song of heather and brittle's song
All that Land's taken in
all the trouble, caress and the fire
as it burned over land
in the dawn like a white-crimson banner

my eternal youth, Belarus
partisans' song, mist and pinyons
partisans' song, in the crimson dawn
my eternal youth, Belarus

our memory walks
in the deep forest partisans' path
those paths gained no moss
in the memory of people's fate
pain of those old times
in each heart's living on even now
ever house of ours
little children of Katyn are crying

the white stork's flying on
over forest land and quiet stubble
somewhere in mud of bogs
thunder's buried, quieting down
the white stork's flying on
flying over the dear quiet fields
land of our great love
blessing with every stroke of big wings

my eternal youth, Belarus
partisans' song, mist and pinyons
partisans' song, in the crimson dawn
my eternal youth, Belarus
