Lyngby, люнгбю, лонгю, лингю, лонгбю, люнгблю
LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Лунгбу, Лингбай
LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Люнгблю
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
1:28:58 / 1:43:54 - 1:32:16 / 1:43:54
Шоссе дорога на Лонгю ,
время 23:25 (11-25pm) (5 утра или где то 45 минут до полуночи)
LYNGBU , 28 km
(дорога шоссе на Лонгю, 28 км)
Смотрела фильмы и эпизоды с участием Амалии Мордвиновой,
открыла ряд новый фильмов, ранее не видела.
В фильме "Дорога в Рай" (1993) (ставили и россияне и немцы),
очень интересный фильм и работа.
В моменте 1:28:58 фильма
мелькает дорога на Лонгю (так слышит ухо), на
LYNGBU - так видит надпись на табличке глаз,
и ещё: "28 km" ("28 километров")
И время. В кадре. Ночь. И где-то 23:25
И потом взрыв. Они только выехали, и - взрыв, взрыв топливного бака в машине.
Мне это ассоциативно вдруг перехлестнулось с гибелью украинского самолёта
в Иране: они только взлетели с Тегерана: и: вдруг: взрыв и самолёт горит
и летит по небу, обтекаемой огромной горящей каплей, падая вниз.
Как то полностью совпало, ассоциативно. Там-и-там - взрыв и пламя. Там-и-там погибли люди.
Ещё совпало и с другим: с пересечением: на букву L (Л)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610
ПРИВЕДУ ЗДЕСЬ, что я там написала, и потом продолжу
Lindfield Линдфилд - Lindberg Линдберг - Lion Air
Ukrainian plane in Iran and Lion Air with Aliens touch 2018-2020
Украинский самолёт в Иране, Lion Air, и инопланетяне 2018-2020
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield - Lindberg - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Линдфилд - Линдберг - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield (Линдфилд)
- город в Англии, 2 мили (7-8 минут езды на машине) от городка, где жил отец жертвы крушения украинского самолёта PS 752 - место 6c - погиб в Иране 8-1-2020
- a town in England, UK , not far away from a south coast of England from Brighton when lived a victim (Briton, place 6c in an Ukrainian plane PS752) and just 2 miles (7-8 minutes of driving by a car) from Haywards Heath, where the father of victimis is living
Lindberg (Линдберг)
- семья Lindberg (Линдберг) из 4х человек, из Швеции, погибли в катастрофе украиснкого самолёта
рейс PS752 в Иране у Тегерана на 2ой минуте полета, начавшегося
8 января 2020 года
в 6:12 утра по местному времени Ирана
2.42-2.44 UTC
2.42-2.44 утра было в Лондоне (GMT time zone = UTC)
4.42 - 4.44 утра было в Киеве
* 6.12 am local time (IRST time zone = UTC+3:30 hours)
* Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran is 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of London, UK
* Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran is 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of Kyiv, Kyiv city
- the family of 4, Lindberg (Линдберг), from Sweden, died in the air catastropha on 2nd minute of flight from Tehran to Kyew, they were on a board of
Ukrainian plane Flight PS752, 3yo plane Boeng 737-800,
starting his last time flight
on 8 January 2020 at 6:12 a.m. local time from Tehran.
flight PS752 ,
crashed 8th January 2020
at 6.12 am local time (IRST time zone = UTC+3:30 hours)
at 2.42-2.44 UTC
at 2.42-2.44 am London time (GMT time zone = UTC)
at 4.42 - 4.44 am Kyev
* 6.12 am local time (IRST time zone = UTC+3:30 hours)
* Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran is 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead of London, UK
* Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran is 1 hour and 30 minutes ahead of Kyiv, Kyiv city
Lion Air Flight 610, PK-LQP (the crash 29-10-2018)
- самолёт Lion Air Flight 610, крушение 29 октября 2018, упал в океан на 13-ой минуте полёта, 189 жертвы катастрофы
- the plane Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018), the Boeing 737 MAX 8, crashed into the Java Sea on 13 minute after takeoff, killing all 189 passengers and crew.
The aircraft took off from Jakarta
on 29 October 2018 at 6:20 a.m. local time
(28 October 2018, 11:20 p.m. UTC)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield - Lindberg - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Линдфилд - Линдберг - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield - Lindberg - Lion
Линдфилд - Линдберг - Lion
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion
Lindfield - Lindberg - Lion
I would be added
Lee *American Presiden Kennedy had been killed by Mr Lee
Russian sound
"ли"[li, lee] = "may be",
a famous sense of Teresa May, British PM?
another "highly likely"
Линдфилд - Линдберг - Lion
я бы ещё сюда добавила, ассоциативно,
Ли (фамилия Lee) (Американский Президент Кеннеди был убит американцем Ли)
ли (частица)
= may be (может быть) *Любимое выражений Терезы Мей (Teresa May), Британского Премьер-Министра смещённое на Бориса Джлнсона в 2019,
другое её популярное выражение
"highly likely" [хайли лайкли] ( "с высокой степенью вероятности", "несомненно")
Lindfield Линдфилд - Lindberg Линдберг - Lion Air
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
12.02.2020. Великобритания, Нотингемшире
Ukrainian plane in Iran and Lion Air with Aliens touch 2018-2020
Украинский самолёт в Иране, Lion Air, и инопланетяне 2018-2020
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield (Линдфилд) - Lindberg (Линдберг) - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Lindfield - Lindberg - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Линдфилд - Линдберг - Lion Air Flight 610 (the crash 29-10-2018)
Сюда Просится ассоциативно
ещё слова на букву Л
Латвия , Люблю, Лондон, Ливерпуль (Битлз),
Ленинград (Петербург)
Ласкать, Ласково, Ласковый
Латвия (Курляндия и Семигалия были в Латвии - потом ниже найду покажу пересечение с прошлым в Латвии - Курляндией, Герцегство Курляндии.
И, пересечение с Люнгбю (Lyngby) Данией,
Бондом, Бурже, с Датскими Королями и слухами о них,
биографии кратко людей, которые жили (Книга Пэров Англии), судьбы оттуда.
Заодно, если присмотритесь: потомок датских королей и курляндских герцегов
называется проституткой (британского посла, австрийского посла), датского короля.
И, её дом в этой деревне датской Лонгю, точнее Люнгбю, или бы Люнгблю порой,
с новым уже именем Бондевелле *ну или как то так, слышится "Бонд",
а фамильные и семейные генеологические связи тех, кто там когда то жили,
занимают территории Европы и острова Англия.
Печальные судьбы, часть.
Отчего это всё, кто любит историю. Смешение фактов и событий калейдоскопа,
где и прошлое и настоящее и мистическое.
20.02.2020. Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Люнгблю! Lyngby,...
И жизнь и слёзы и любовь,
Отчаянье и боль и гордость,
Где смерти сыпятся порой,
И так всё больно, так всё больно.
Порой смешно, живоё всё ж.
Живёт, растёт, крапивой ль, розой,
Или зелёною травой, - ступай смело!
Тут так привольно!
Тут живы все, кто вдруг ушли.
И голоса их, так живые
До слуха только не пробить!
Живым же жить! "Они "глухие!"
И продираяся сквозь гроздь,
Как винограда, что навешен,
В беседке, где увито всё,
Но и зачем тебе всё это?
И надо ль память теребить?
Ушли и спят, от нас живые.
А мы дочитывает всё,
До дыр, как жили и любили.
А не слабо тебе и быть?
А не слабо любить и жить?
А не слабо себя любить?
И никогда не хоронить?
Люблю. Люблю. Люнгблю.
Лонгю. Лингю. Лингую потихоньку.
И всё переворошу сейчас:
Ища иголку - в стог запала!
- Не надо так!, - кричат мужи,
Умом Высокие и Крепким:
- Магнитом сердца своего,
Включа: ищи в стогу иголку!
И я смеюсь: - Как насмешил!
Чтоб, что ли в сердце прямо,
Как намагниченным, и штырь,
Иголки бы взлетел когда-то?
- Ей, нет! Не надо ум тут мне:
Есть Мудрость, тихо, не спеша всё.
Перевороша стог один, а там - другой!
Потом туда мы!
Аккуратненько, рукой, я пальцами возьму
На нитку я потом воткну:
Чтобы вышить кружева
Заштопать чтобы,
Дыр окно,
И снова натянуть,
Носочки тёплые,
Да память!
Так ещё поносим!
Вот сшит, заштапан, сарафан,
И юбка, брюки, и рубашка,
Вот пуговицы все в пальто.
- Ой! Больно! Уколола палец!
И Андерсен тут прибежит,
Утешит сказкой он за сказкой.
Как спит Принцесса, а её
Всё где-то Принц, всё ищет,
На белоснежном он коне,
В забралах Рыцаря, с пажами:
- Так сердце мается моё!
Любовь! Как отыскать мне!
И только девочка одна,
Жгёт спички, греет хладны пальцы.
На Рождество, закоченев, умрёт:
Закончилися спички,
И не согреть холодный дом,
Когда кругом холоды лица,
Когда сердца глухи, иль спят,
И все идут... Зима всё длиться...
И утром фонари гася,
Фонарщик тельцо то увидит:
Поднимет на руки дитя:
И в Морг неся, прощенья просит.
Пока живые на земле,
Любить и жить, пока живые.
Уйдём, забудут нас, перелистнёт,
Страницы память,
Всё как счистит.
Зачем пузатый Депутат
Пузат? И Пухо набивает?
А сиратинушки бедны?
И пожилым никак не рады?
Ведь мы родилися, чтоб жить?
Мать каждая ребёнка любит:
целует пальчики и в лоб
и верит: Бог Дитя полюбит,
И верит в счастье на земле,
Благополучно будет всё тут,
Сын, дочь её поблагодарят:
- Спасибо, мама! Жив я! Нужен!
И слёзы вдруг: мечты разбив,
Слетает хрупкое, что нежно,
Что беззащитное совсем,
Как снег, что тает на ладошке.
Но как каптель, звеня, ушла,
Как нежны лепесточки белы,
Уйдя, всё душу теребят,
Оставшись живы, бесконечно.
- Люнгблю! Люнгблю!, - стучит капель:
- Всё разговоры разговорам!
Пух тополиный за окном!
Смешной! Летящий! Жить охота!
И корочку, одну, и две, и три, -
И вот уже печенье.
Ручей водичку из ручья
Хрустальный блёск, течёт куда?
И мы в юга! И мы в тепло!
Как перелётны птицы, хором!
И мы птенцы! Все молодцы!
- Люнгблю! Люнгблю! тебя!
It was a day, it was a night.
- All dreams are a true!
- All right, all right.
I kiss your lips, I take your dreams
I'll build the boots -
for your small feet.
For you to walk,
and when you'll step
It will start a dream
as a fairy tale.
All land has a grass,
Just no a glass,
just soft green land,
for your small legs.
I 'll grow flowers, a lot,
For you to smile:
- I love this all!
For you to smile,
For you to love
This land, these hills,
And this soft grass.
LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Лунгбу, Лингбай
LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Люнгблю
Lindegaarden (Linden Farm),
built between 1841–1883.
Hostvej nr. 4,
Gyrithe Lemche's
ancestral home.
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Lyngby (Denmark, Europe)
Люнгбю (Дания, Европа)
LYNGBY (Denmark, Europe)
Lyngby village = Bondebyen
Lyngby =====> Bondebyen
Lyngby (Люнгбю, Люнгю, Лонгбю, Лонгю)
Lyngby village = Bondebyen
place of living
of Kurland und Semgallen
** Kurland und Semgallen are areas in Latvia now **
Friedrich II Kasimir Kettler von Kurland,
Herzog zu Kurland und Semgallen
and his wife
Sophie Amalie von Kurland
(Friedrich Casimir Kettler Herzog von Kurland
and Sophie Amalie Grafin zu Nassau-Siegen)
Lyngby village = Bondebyen
** Kurland und Semgallen are areas in Latvia now **
From Wikipedia
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
The original
Lyngby village
is now known as
Kongens Lyngby was also the site of a watermill, Lyngby Watermill,
which is first mentioned in 1492
but is probably several hundred years older.
A royal road, Lyngby Kongevej,
was created in 1584
to provide an easy link
Frederick's new Frederiksborg Castle
Люнгбю-Торбек (коммуна)
Lyngby-Taarbaek , Lyngby-Taarbae Kommune Town
Страна Дания
Входит в Ховедстаден
Адм. центр Конгенс Люнгбю
Bondebyen <=== the old village Lyngby in Denmark
the old village Lyngby in Denmark ===> Bondebyen
Bonde - by -en
From Wikipedia
Bondebyen is a historical neighbourhood of Kongens Lyngby.
It is considered the best-preserved country town of the Copenhagen area,
albeit it is now in the middle of the heavily urbanized Lyngby-Taarb;k municipality.
(Pesants' Town in Danish)
is a historical neighbourhood of
Kongens Lyngby.
It is considered the best-preserved country town of
the Copenhagen area,
albeit it is now in the middle of the heavily urbanized
Lyngby-Taarb;k municipality.
Among the notable buildings is
the house of
"Anne Cathrine Benthagen,
known in history by her nickname Stovlet-Cathrine
(b. Copenhagen, 1745 – d. Plon, Holstein, 1805),
was a Danish prostitute,
one of the best known courtesans in Copenhagen in the 1760s
the official royal mistress of King Christian VII of Denmark."
is believed to have been
the illegitimate child
of her godfather,
Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern
Anna Marie Schroder
(d. 1771).
She was raised in the home of an officer of her father the prince as a foster child,
with an allowance given to her by the prince for her upkeep.
The allowance left to her by her father eventually dried out, and she returned to her mother, in 1753.
Her mother was married
to the soldier Johan Ernst Benthagen,
and Cathrine took his last name.
Her mother manufactured boots,
which earned the girl the nickname
(literally "Boots-Catherine").
(Boots = Buts == But)
(*Viktor But, Виктор Бут, in American prison, a trader of weapons and a pilot, the owner of his company, owed and hided planes
Бут - BUT -?- BUTS -?-- BOOTS
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ King Christian VII of Denmark )
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (= a child of Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern (1721–1747) and Anna Marie Schroder (d. 1771)
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ the British ambassador)
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ the Austrian ambassador)
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ King Christian VII of Denmark )
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ .... ?...... )
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ lawyer Conrad Ditlev Maуs, (1748–1813), m. 1770, divorced)
----?--> Stovlet-Cathrine (~ musician Hans Hinrich Schweder, (1760–1813), m. in 1785)
She was described as a beautiful, tall woman
with a feminine figure and a dark complexion:
her mother was believed to have been of African origin.
As a person, she was described as confident, strong-willed and witty.
Cathrine employed herself with prostitution early in life.
Initially, having a good voice and a fine figure,
she enlisted at the theater as a dancer and actress,
and continued to be officially listed as such.
In reality, however,
she hardly started her stage career
before she left it to be kept as
a mistress by the British ambassador,
during which she was called "Mylady".
the British diplomat left Denmark,
she was kept by the Austrian ambassador.
Relationship with the king
In 1767,
Stovlet-Cathrine became the mistress of King Christian VII.
That same year, there had been plans at court to introduce the king with Birgitte Sofie Gabel as an official mistress, but it had not succeeded.
Stovlet-Cathrine, however, appeared with him at the masked balls of the court theatre, visited the brothels with him and his companions, and was seen playing cards with him at court.
She is believed to have influenced him in the dismissal of the cabinet secretary Reverdil.
Their relationship was soon seen as a security risk, and
Dowager Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel
disliked her influence over the king.
It was considered scandalous that the king took her to court.
He seemed to be in love with her, and called her the "Mistress of the Universe".
Later life
In early January 1768, she was arrested and taken to prison in Hamburg until she was moved to prison in Neumunster in Holstein, where she was treated better.
She was under observation in her exile, as there was a fear that she would find a way to reunite with the king.
During Christian's European trip in 1768–69, he tried unsuccessfully to see her.
In 1769, there were unsuccessful plans at court to replace her with Birgitte Sofie Gabel.
In 1770, she was given a pension of 500 Rigsdaler a year.
It is known that she sent the king a letter after the fall of Struensee in 1772, in which she wished him the best and explained that she had written several times before, but assumed that Struensee had intercepted her letters.
Cathrine married
Conrad Ditlev Maуs,
(1748–1813) in 1770,
then divorced him
and married
Hans Hinrich Schweder
in 1785." (Wikipedia)
Stovlet-Cathrine ' house
Stovlet-Katrine's house,
Gammel Lundtoftevej 31.
Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern › people › Prince-Georg-Ludwig-of-Brunswick-Bevern
Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern (1721 - 1747) - Genealogy
Dec 6, 2016 - Genealogy for Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern (1721 - 1747) family tree on Geni ... Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern's Geni Profile.
Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern (1721 - 1747)
- Genealogy
Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern
Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern
Gender: Male
Birth: 1721
Death: 1747 (25-26)
Immediate Family:
Ernst Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Luneburg,
Herzog zu Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern
Eleonore Charlotte von Kurland und Semgallen,
Herzogin zu Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern
** Kurland und Semgallen are areas in Latvia now
Stovlet-Cathrine /
Anne Cathrine Benthagen
Gender: Female
Birth: 1745
Death: 1805 (59-60)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern and Anna Marie Schr;der
Added by: Doug Robinson on July 23, 2013
Managed by: Doug Robinson
* 33 matches for Anne Cathrine "Stovlet-Cathrine" Benthagen in My Heritage in My Heritage Family Tree
Anne (Stovlet-cathrine) Oldenburg (born Benthagen)
MyHeritage Family Trees
Scots Royalty in Cooper family tree Web Site, managed by Brian Cooper (Contact)
Birth: Aug 12 1745 - Garnisons sogn, Sokkelund herred, Kobenhavn
Death: Aug 25 1805 - Plon i Holsten
Husband: Christian Vii Oldenburg
Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern
Gender: Male
Birth: 1721
Death: 1747 (25-26)
Immediate Family:
Son of
Ernst Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Luneburg,
Herzog zu Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern
Eleonore Charlotte von Kurland und Semgallen,
Herzogin zu Braunschweig-Wolfenb;ttel-Bevern
** Kurland und Semgallen are areas in Latvia now
Anna Marie Schroder
Gender: Female
Birth: estimated between 1685 and 1745
Death: 1771
Immediate Family:
Wife of
Johan Ernst Benthagen (b. Birth: estimated between 1641 and 1761 - d. ?)
Mother of Stovlet-Cathrine (1745 - 1805) *Daughter of Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern and Anna Marie Schroder
** Kurland und Semgallen are areas in Latvia now
Eleonore Charlotte von Kurland und Semgallen
Gender: Female
Birth: June 11, 1686, Mitau, Kurland, Deutschland (HRR)
Death: July 28, 1748 (62), Bevern, Braunschweig, Deutschland (HRR)
Immediate Family:
Daughter of
Friedrich II Kasimir Kettler von Kurland,
Herzog zu Kurland und Semgallen
Sophie Amalie von Kurland
Wife of
Ernst Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Luneburg,
Herzog zu Braunschweig-Wolfenb;ttel-Bevern
Mother of
Christine Sophie von Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern, Markgrafin von Brandenburg-Bayreuth ;
August Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern, Herzog ;
Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern ;
Friedrich Karl Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Luneburg, Furst zu Braunschweig-Wolfenbuttel-Bevern
Sister of
Marie Dorothea von Kurland und Semgallen, Prinzessin von Preuzen, Markgrafin zu Brandenburg-Schwedt ;
Amalie Luise Kettler von Kurland-Semgallen, Furstin zu Nassau-Siegen
Half sister of
Friedrich III Wilhelm Kettler von Kurland und Semgallen, Herzog ;
Leopold Karl Kettler von Kurland und Semgallen, Herzog
The Peerage
Added by: G;nther Kipp on January 28, 2010
Managed by: G;nther Kipp
Eleonore Charlotte von Kurland und Semgallen
The Peerage
Eleanoe Charlotte von Kurland
F, #7523, b. 11 June 1686, d. 28 July 1748
Eleanoe Charlotte von Kurland was born on 11 June 1686.
She was the daughter of Friedrich Casimir Kettler Herzog von Kurland
and Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen.
She married Ernst Ferdinand Herzog von Braunschweig-Bevern,
son of Ferdinand Albrecht I Herzog von Braunschweig-Wolfenb;ttel
and Christine von Hessen-Eschewege, on 5 August 1714.
She died on 28 July 1748 at age 62.
Children of
Eleanoe Charlotte von Kurland
Ernst Ferdinand Herzog von Braunschweig-Bevern
1. August Wilhelm Herzog von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 10 Oct 1715, d. 2 Aug 1781
2. Christiane Sophie von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 22 Jan 1717, d. 26 Mar 1779
3. Friederile Alberta von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 21 Aug 1719, d. 5 Aug 1772
4. Georg Ludwig von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 2 Jan 1721, d. 6 Sep 1747
5. Friedrich Georg von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 24 Mar 1723, d. 16 Jul 1766
6. Amelia Christine von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 2 Jun 1724, d. 23 Jun 1726
7. Karl Wilhelm von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 27 Jun 1725, d. 10 Sep 1725
8. Friedrich August von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 3 Aug 1726, d. 30 Mar 1729
9. Marie von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 3 Apr 1728, d. 27 Oct 1754
10. Friedrich Karl Ferdinand Herzog von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 5 Apr 1729, d. 27 Apr 1809
11. Johann Anton von Braunschweig-Bevern b. 16 Feb 1731, d. 16 Jun 1732
The Peerage
Leonor Carlota Kettler, princess of Courland
Leonor Carlota Kettler, Prinzessin von Kurland
Birth - Mitau, Curlandia, 11.06.1686
Death - Bevern, 28.07.1748
Titles and Landlords
Princesses of Curlandia
Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen
Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen
F, #7524, b. 10 January 1650, d. 25 December 1688
Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen was born on 10 January 1650.
She was the daughter of Heinrich Prinz von Nassau-Siegen and Elizabeth von Limburg-Styrum.
She married Friedrich Casimir Kettler Herzog von Kurland, son of Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland and Luise Charlotte von Hohenzollern, on 5 October 1675.
She died on 25 December 1688 at age 38.
Children of Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen and Friedrich Casimir Kettler Herzog von Kurland
1. Marie Dorothea Prinzessin von Kurland+ b. 1684, d. 1743
2. Eleanoe Charlotte von Kurland+ b. 11 Jun 1686, d. 28 Jul 1748
3. Amalie Luise Prinzessin von Kurland+1 b. 23 Jul 1687, d. 18 Jan 1750
[S213] Unknown author, "unknown article title," European Royal History Journal: issue XLV, pages 33-37.
[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Heinrich Prinz von Nassau-Siegen
Heinrich Prinz von Nassau-Siegen
M, #7525, b. 9 August 1611
Heinrich Prinz von Nassau-Siegen was born on 9 August 1611 at Siegen, Germany.
He was the son of Johann II Graf von Nassau-Siegen and Margarete Prinzessin von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg.
He married Elizabeth von Limburg-Styrum on 19 April 1646.
He gained the title of Prinz von Nassau-Siegen.
Children of Heinrich Prinz von Nassau-Siegen and Elizabeth von Limburg-Styrum
1. Wilhelm Moritz F;rst zu Nassau-Siegen+1 b. 18 Jan 1649, d. 23 Jan 1691
2. Sophie Amalie Gr;fin zu Nassau-Siegen+ b. 10 Jan 1650, d. 25 Dec 1688
[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland
Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland
M, #343, b. 1610, d. 1681
Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland was born in 1610.
He was the son of
Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland and
Sofie von Hohenzollern.
He married
Luise Charlotte von Hohenzollern,
daughter of Georg Wilhelm Kurf;rst von Brandenburg
and Elisabeth Charlotte von der Pfalz,
on 9 October 1645.
He died in 1681.
He gained the title of Herzog von Kurland.
Children of Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland and Luise Charlotte von Hohenzollern
1. Luise Elisabeth Prinzessin von Kurland+1 b. 12 Aug 1646, d. 16 Dec 1690
2. Friedrich Casimir Kettler Herzog von Kurland+1 b. 6 Jul 1650, d. 22 Jan 1698
3. Marie Amalie Prinzessin von Kurland+ b. 12 Jun 1653, d. 16 Jun 1711
4. Ferdinand Kettler Herzog von Kurland1 b. 1 Nov 1655, d. 4 May 1737
[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 92. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S102] Roglo Geneweb Website, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Roglo Geneweb Website.
Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
M, #40620, b. 20 July 1574, d. 17 April 1640
Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland was born on 20 July 1574.
He was the son of
Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland and
Anna von Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
He married Sofie von Hohenzollern,
daughter of
Albrecht Friedrich Herzog in Preu;en and
Marie Eleonore von der Mark-Kleve,
on 22 October 1609.
He died on 17 April 1640 at age 65.
He gained the title of Herzog von Kurland.
Child of Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland and Sofie von Hohenzollern
1. Jakob Kettler Herzog von Kurland b. 1610, d. 1681
[S102] Roglo Geneweb Website, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Roglo Geneweb Website
Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
M, #111200, b. 1517, d. 27 April 1587
Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland was born in 1517.
He married
Anna von Mecklenburg-Schwerin,
daughter of Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Anne von Hohenzollern,
on 24 February 1566.
He died on 27 April 1587.
Children of Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland and Anna von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
1. Anna von Kettler b. 1567, d. 1617
2. Wilhelm von Kettler Herzog von Kurland b. 20 Jul 1574, d. 17 Apr 1640
[S102] Roglo Geneweb Website, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Roglo Geneweb Website.
[S1710] Juan Carlos Marino y Montero, "re: Sapieha-Potocki Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 4 May 2006. Hereinafter cited as "re: Sapieha-Potocki Family."
Gotthard Herzog von Kettler Herzog von Kurland
Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
M, #111367, b. 25 July 1486, d. 5 January 1547
Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin was born on 25 July 1486.
He was the son of
Magnus II Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and
Sophie von Pommern-Wolgast.
He married Anne von Hohenzollern,
daughter of
Joachim I Nestor Kurf;rst von Brandenburg
and Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark,
on 17 January 1524.
He died on 5 January 1547 at age 60.
He gained the title of Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Children of Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Anne von Hohenzollern
1. Ulrich III Nestor Herzog von Mecklenburg-G;strow + b. 21 Apr 1527, d. 14 Mar 1603
2. Anna von Mecklenburg-Schwerin+3 b. 14 Oct 1533, d. 4 Jul 1602
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 92. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
[S102] Roglo Geneweb Website, online <>. Hereinafter cited as Roglo Geneweb Website.
Albrecht VII Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark was born circa 1485 at Nyborg.
She was the daughter of
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Christina von Sachsen.
She married
Joachim I Nestor Kurf;rst von Brandenburg,
son of
Johann Cicero Kurf;rst von Brandenburg and
Margarete von Sachsen,
on 10 April 1502 at Stendal, Germany.
She died on 10 June 1555.
She gained the title of Princess Elizabeth of Denmark.
Children of
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark and
Joachim I Nestor Kurf;rst von Brandenburg
1. Joachim II Hector Kurf;rst von Brandenburg b. 9 Jan 1505, d. 3 Jan 1571
2. Anne von Hohenzollern b. 1507, d. 19 Jun 1567
3. Elisabeth von Hohenzollern b. 24 Aug 1510, d. 25 May 1558
4. Margarete Prinzessin von Brandenburg b. 29 Sep 1511, d. 3 Dec 1577
4. Johann I Markgraf von Brandenburg-K;strin b. 3 Aug 1515, d. 13 Jan 1571
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 92. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway1
M, #102110, b. 2 February 1455, d. 20 February 1513
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
was born on 2 February 1455 at Aalborg, Denmark.
He was the son of
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway and
Dorothea von Hohenzollern.
He married Christina von Sachsen,
daughter of Ernst Kurf;rst von Sachsen and
Elisabeth von Oberbayern-M;nchen,
on 6 September 1478 at Copenhagen, Denmark.
He died on 20 February 1513
at age 58 at Aalborg, Denmark.
He succeeded as the King Hans of Denmark in 1481.
He succeeded as the King Hans of Norway in 1481.
He succeeded as the King Hans II of Sweden in 1483.
He was deposed as King of Sweden in 1501.
Children of
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway and
Christina von Sachsen
1. Ernst Oldenburg
2. Christian II Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway+ b. 2 Jul 1481, d. 25 Jan 1559
3. Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark+ b. c 1485, d. 10 Jun 1555
4. Francis Oldenburg b. 15 Jul 1497, d. 1 Apr 1511
5. Johann Oldenburg b. b 1513
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 92. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 28.
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
His father:
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
His mother:
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway1
M, #102469, b. circa February 1426, d. 21 May 1481
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
was born circa February 1426 at Oldenburg, Germany.
He was the son of
Dietrich Oldenburg, Count of Oldenburg and Hedwig Herzogin von Schleswig-Holstein.
He married
Dorothea von Hohenzollern,
daughter of
Johann Markgraf von Brandenburg-Kulmbach and
Barbara von Sachsen-Wittenberg,
on 26 October 1449
at Copenhagen, Denmark.
He died on 21 May 1481 at Copenhagen, Denmark.
He gained the title of Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Denmark in 1448.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Norway in 1448.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Sweden in 1457.
He was deposed as King of Sweden in 1464.
Children of
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
and Dorothea von Hohenzollern
1. Olaf Oldenburg b. 29 Sep 1450, d. c 1451
2. Canute Oldenburg b. 1451, d. c 1455
3. Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway+ b. 2 Feb 1455, d. 20 Feb 1513
4. Margaret Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark+ b. 23 Jun 1456, d. 14 Jul 1486
5. Frederik I Oldenburg, King of Denmark+ b. 7 Oct 1471, d. 10 Apr 1533
[S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 151. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
b. circa February 1426, d. 21 May 1481
b. February 1426 at Oldenburg, Germany
d. on 21 May 1481 died at Copenhagen, Denmark.
He gained the title of Herzog von Schleswig-Holstein.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Denmark in 1448.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Norway in 1448.
He succeeded as the King Christian I of Sweden in 1457.
He was deposed as King of Sweden in 1464
his wife was
Dorothea von Hohenzollern
Dorothea von Hohenzollern
Dorothea von Hohenzollern
F, #102470, b. 1430, d. 10 November 1495
Dorothea von Hohenzollern was born in 1430.
She was the daughter of
Johann Markgraf von Brandenburg-Kulmbach
Barbara von Sachsen-Wittenberg.
She married, firstly,
Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark,
son of Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt and
Katherine of Pomerania, in 1445.
She married, secondly,
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway, son of Dietrich Oldenburg, Count of Oldenburg and Hedwig Herzogin von Schleswig-Holstein,
on 26 October 1449 at Copenhagen, Denmark.
She died on 10 November 1495 at Roskilde.
She was also known as Dorothy Achillies.
Children of
Dorothea von Hohenzollern and Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
1. Olaf Oldenburg b. 29 Sep 1450, d. c 1451
2. Canute Oldenburg b. 1451, d. c 1455
3. Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway+ b. 2 Feb 1455, d. 20 Feb 1513
4. Margaret Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark+ b. 23 Jun 1456, d. 14 Jul 1486
5. Frederik I Oldenburg, King of Denmark+ b. 7 Oct 1471, d. 10 Apr 1533
Dorothea von Hohenzollern and Christian // Dorothy Achillies
Dorothea von Hohenzollern / Dorothy Achillies
b. 1430, d. 10 November 1495
d. 10 November 1495 at Roskilde.
1st husband - Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark,
son of Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt and
Katherine of Pomerania,
married in 1445. [widowed since 5 January 1448]
[Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark died on 5 January 1448]
2nd husband - Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway,
married on 26 October 1449 at Copenhagen, Denmark.
Children of
Dorothea von Hohenzollern and Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
1. Olaf Oldenburg b. 29 Sep 1450, d. c 1451
2. Canute Oldenburg b. 1451, d. c 1455
3. Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway+ b. 2 Feb 1455, d. 20 Feb 1513
4. Margaret Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark+ b. 23 Jun 1456, d. 14 Jul 1486
5. Frederik I Oldenburg, King of Denmark+ b. 7 Oct 1471, d. 10 Apr 1533
The information from The Peerage
Dorothea von Hohenzollern and Christian // Dorothy Achillies
Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark
Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark
M, #103502, b. 1416, d. 5 January 1448
Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark was born in 1416.
He was the son of Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt and Katherine of Pomerania.
He married Dorothea von Hohenzollern, daughter of Johann Markgraf von Brandenburg-Kulmbach and Barbara von Sachsen-Wittenberg, in 1445.
He died on 5 January 1448.
He gained the title of King Christopher III of Sweden in 1440.
He succeeded as the King Christopher III of Denmark in 1440.
He gained the title of King Christopher III of Norway in 1442.
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark
his father:
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
M, #112904, b. 1383, d. 1443
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
was born in 1383.
He was the son of
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor.
He married, firstly,
Katherine of Pomerania,
daughter of Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania and
Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania,
in 1407.
He married, secondly,
Beatrice von Bayern,
daughter of Ernst Herzog von Bayern,
in 1428.
He died in 1443.
He gained the title of Count Palatine of Neumarkt.
Child of Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt and Katherine of Pomerania
1. Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark1 b. 1416, d. 5 Jan 1448
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 18.
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
His father
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor:
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor
M, #112905, d. 1410
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor died in 1410.
He succeeded as
the Emperor Rupprecht of the Holy Roman Empire
in 1400.
Child of Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor
1. Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt+1 b. 1383, d. 1443
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989). Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor
Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania
M, #112902, b. circa 1362, d. 1394/95
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania
Wartislav VII of Pomerania ,
Duke of Pomerania
was born circa 1362.
He married
Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania,
daughter of Heinrich I Herzog von Mecklenburg-Schwerin and
Ingeborg Valdemarsdottir, Princess of Denmark,
in 1380.
He died in 1394/95.
He gained the title of Duke of Pomerania.
Children of
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania and
Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania
1. Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark+1 b. 1382, d. c 1459
2. Katherine of Pomerania+1 b. 1390, d. 1426
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania
Katherine of Pomerania
F, #112903, b. 1390, d. 1426
Katherine of Pomerania
Katherine of Pomerania was born in 1390.1 She was the daughter of Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania and Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania.1 She married Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt, son of Rupprecht von Neumarkt, Holy Roman Emperor, in 1407.1 She died in 1426.
Child of Katherine of Pomerania and Johann von Neumarkt, Count Palatine of Neumarkt
1. Christopher III von Neumarkt, King of Denmark b. 1416, d. 5 Jan 1448
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
Katherine of Pomerania
her father
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania
his son / her brother
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
M, #102242, b. 1382, d. circa 1459
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark was born in 1382.
He was the son of
Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania and
Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania.
He married
Philippa Plantagenet,
daughter of
Henry IV, King of England
Lady Mary de Bohun,
on 26 October 1406
at Lund, Skane, Sweden.
He died circa 1459 at Regenwalde Castle.
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
He succeeded as the King Erik III of Norway in 1389.
He succeeded as the King Erik VII of Denmark in 1397.
He succeeded as the King Eric XIII of Sweden in 1397.
He abdicated as King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1439.
Child of Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark and Philippa Plantagenet
1. child1 of Pomerania b. 1429, d. 1429
{ child1 of Pomerania, the son, died in 1429, stillborn }
{ }
[S38] John Morby, Dynasties of the World: a chronological and genealogical handbook (Oxford, Oxfordshire, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1989), page 149. Hereinafter cited as Dynasties of the World.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 126. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S16] Jir; Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 17. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 127.
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
child1 of Pomerania1
M, #107524, b. 1429, d. 1429
child1 of Pomerania
was born in 1429.
He was the son of
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
and Philippa Plantagenet.
He died in 1429, stillborn.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 127. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
his wife Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet
F, #101870, b. before 4 July 1394, d. 5 January 1430
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet was born before 4 July 1394 at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England.
She was the daughter of Henry IV, King of England and Lady Mary de Bohun.
She married Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark, son of Wartislav VII of Pomerania , Duke of Pomerania and Marie von Mecklenburg, Duchess of Pomerania, on 26 October 1406 at Lund, Skane, Sweden.
She died on 5 January 1430 at Convent of Valdstena, Linkoping, Sweden.
She was buried at Convent of Valdstena, Link;ping, Sweden.
After her marriage, Philippa Plantagenet was styled as Queen Consort Philippa of Denmark on 1 November 1406.
She was appointed Lady Companion, Order of the Garter (L.G.) in 1408.
Child of Philippa Plantagenet and Erik VII of Pomerania, King of Denmark
child1 of Pomerania2 b. 1429, d. 1429, the son, died stillborn in 1429.
She died on 5 January 1430 at Convent of Valdstena, Linkoping, Sweden.
She was buried at Convent of Valdstena, Linkoping, Sweden.
She was buried at Convent of Valdstena, Link;ping, Sweden.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 126. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 127.
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet,
the daughter of Henry IV, King of England and Lady Mary de Bohun.
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa Plantagenet,
the daughter of Henry IV, King of England and Lady Mary de Bohun.
Henry IV, King of England
Lady Mary de Bohun
Philippa Plantagenet
Henry IV, King of England
Lady Mary de Bohun
Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
M, #101863, b. 3 April 1366, d. 20 March 1413
King Henry IV of England
Henry IV, King of England
was born on 3 April 1366 at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England.
He was also reported to have been born on 1 April 1367 at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England.
{Henry IV, King of England
was born at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England
on 3 April 1366 or
on 1 April 1367 }
{{Henry IV, King of England
was born at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England
on April, 1366 or 1367, on 1st April 1366, or on 3rd April 1367 }
{*probably, there were two birthdays of two different children ? both on April ? in 1366+1367}
Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
was born on 3 April 1366 at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England.
He was also reported to have been born on 1 April 1367 at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England.
He was the son of
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and
Blanche of Lancaster, Countess of Derby.
{His marriages}
He married
Lady Mary de Bohun,
daughter of
Humphrey de Bohun,
7th Earl of Hereford and
Lady Joan FitzAlan,
on 27 July 1380 at Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, EnglandG.
He married
Jeanne d'Evreux, Princesse de Navarre, daughter of Carlos II, Rey de Navarre and Jeanne de France,
on 7 February 1403 at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England.
He married Jeanne d'Evreux, Princesse de Navarre, daughter of Carlos II, Rey de Navarre and Jeanne de France, on 3 April 1402 in a proxy marriage.
{Henry IV, King of England
Jeanne d'Evreux, Princesse de Navarre, daughter of Carlos II, Rey de Navarre and Jeanne de France}
{ on 7 February 1403 at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England. }
{ on 3 April 1402 in a proxy marriage }
{ Henry IV, King of England
Jeanne d'Evreux, Princesse de Navarre, daughter of Carlos II, Rey de Navarre and Jeanne de France
on 3 April 1402 in a proxy marriage
on 7 February 1403 at Winchester Cathedral, Winchester, Hampshire, England }
Henry IV, King of England
He died on 20 March 1413 at age 46 from a disease resembling leprosy.
He was buried at Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury, Kent, England.
Henry IV, King of England
He was a member of the House of Plantagenet.
He was appointed Knight, Order of the Garter (K.G.) on 23 April 1377.
He gained the title of Earl of Derby on 16 July 1377.
After his marriage, Henry IV, King of England was styled as Earl of Northampton
on 22 December 1384.
After his marriage, Henry IV, King of England was styled as Earl of Hereford
on 22 December 1384.
He gained the title of Duke of Hereford
on 29 September 1397.
He succeeded as the Duke of Lancaster
on 3 February 1399.
He succeeded as the Earl of Leicester
on 3 February 1399.
He succeeded as the Earl of Lincoln
on 3 February 1399.
He gained the title of King Henry IV of England
on 30 September 1399.
He was crowned King of England
on 13 October 1399
at Westminster Abbey, Westminster, London, England,
and styled
'Rex Angliae et Franciae et Dominus Hiberniae.'
His claim to the throne had been most tenuous and his succession took place in dubious circumstances following the deposing and subsequent murder of Richard II.
Before this event Henry had had most of the noble qualities, handsome, an active knight, a musician, pious and an accomplished linguist.
Subsequently he seemed to have dwelt on the great wrong done to Richard
and he declined into a sick man at an early age.
It is true that he had many difficulties,
he was for the first time for any English King,
closely controlled by Parliament
especially in financial affairs.
He had many uprisings to deal with notably from the Welsh under their educated leader Owen Glendower.
At one stage, the French sent troops to aid the Welsh but matters eased when Harlech Castle was taken following a siege. Henry also faced insurrections from English barons, including an encounter with the Earl of Northumberland and his son Hotspur at Shrewsbury in 1403 when Hotspur was slain.
To add to his troubles, the Scots harried his forces virtually throughout his reign.
It is to Henry's credit that the Kingdom survived intact.
As Henry's health failed his son the Prince of Wales was drawn more into affairs of state.
He has an extensive biographical entry in the Dictionary of National Biography.
Children of Henry IV, King of England and Lady Mary de Bohun
1. Edward Plantagenet b. Apr 1382, d. Apr 1382
2. Henry V Plantagenet, King of England+ b. 9 Aug 1387, d. 31 Aug 1422
3. Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence+8 b. 29 Sep 1388, d. 22 Mar 1420/21
4. John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford+1 b. 20 Jun 1389, d. 14 Sep 1435
5. Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester+ b. 3 Oct 1390, d. 23 Feb 1447
6. Blanche Plantagenet+ b. 1392, d. 22 May 1409
7. Philippa Plantagenet+ b. b 4 Jul 1394, d. 5 Jan 1430
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 70. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S3409] Caroline Maubois, "re: Penancoet Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 2 December 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Penancoet Family."
[S130] Wikipedia, online http;// Hereinafter cited as Wikipedia.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 122. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 127.
[S4] C.F.J. Hankinson, editor, DeBretts Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage, 147th year (London, U.K.: Odhams Press, 1949), page 20 . Hereinafter cited as DeBretts Peerage, 1949.
[S18] Matthew H.C.G., editor, Dictionary of National Biography on CD-ROM (Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, 1995). Hereinafter cited as Dictionary of National Biography.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume III, page 258.
Lady Mary de Bohun1
F, #101864, b. circa 1369, d. 4 July 1394
Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
his wife Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
F, #101864, b. circa 1369, d. 4 July 1394
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun was born circa 1369.
She was the daughter of
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford and
Lady Joan FitzAlan.
She married Henry IV, King of England,
son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Blanche of Lancaster, Countess of Derby,
on 27 July 1380 at Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, England.
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
{ She was buried at Leicester, Leicestershire, England,
at Trinity Hospital , at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England }
{1394 ?}
{She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth - may be she buried at Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England ?}
{Henry IV, King of England
was born at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England
on 3 April 1366 or
on 1 April 1367 }
{{Henry IV, King of England
was born at Bolingbroke Castle, Lincolnshire, England
on April, 1366 or 1367, on 1st April 1366, or on 3rd April 1367 }
{*probably, there were two birthdays of two different children ? both on April ? in 1366+1367}
She married
Henry IV, King of England,
son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster and Blanche of Lancaster, Countess of Derby,
on 27 July 1380
at Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, England.
She was appointed Lady Companion, Order of the Garter (L.G.)
in 1388.
She married
Henry IV, King of England
on 27 July 1380
at Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, England.
She was appointed Lady Companion, Order of the Garter (L.G.)
in 1388.
Children of Lady Mary de Bohun and Henry IV, King of England
1. Edward Plantagenet b. Apr 1382, d. Apr 1382
2. Henry V Plantagenet, King of England+ b. 9 Aug 1387, d. 31 Aug 1422
3. Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence+3 b. 29 Sep 1388, d. 22 Mar 1420/21
4. John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford+1 b. 20 Jun 1389, d. 14 Sep 1435
5. Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester+ b. 3 Oct 1390, d. 23 Feb 1447
6. Blanche Plantagenet+ b. 1392, d. 22 May 1409
7. Philippa Plantagenet+ b. b 4 Jul 1394, d. 5 Jan 1430
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
{Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.}
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
{ Lady Mary de Bohun was buried at Leicester, Leicestershire, England,
at Trinity Hospital , at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England }
{1394 ?}
{ Lady Mary de Bohun died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth - may be she buried at Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England ?}
{Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.}
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 70. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 122. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume III, page 258.
Edward Plantagenet
M, #101865, b. April 1382, d. April 1382
Last Edited=22 Jan 2011
Consanguinity Index=2.7%
Edward Plantagenet was born in April 1382. He was the son of Henry IV, King of England and Lady Mary de Bohun. He died in April 1382 aged 4 days.1 He was buried at Monmouth Castle Chapel, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, WalesG.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 123. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
his wife Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.
Lady Mary de Bohun
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
(cirka 1369 - d. 4 july 1394, Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England)
Lady Mary de Bohun was born circa 1369.
Lady Mary de Bohun died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth
Lady Mary de Bohun
was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
(cirka 1369 - d. 4 july 1394, Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England)
burried at (Trinity Hospital, Leicester ; St. Mary's Church, Leicester), Leicester, Leicestershire, England
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Children of Lady Mary de Bohun and Henry IV, King of England
1. Edward Plantagenet b. Apr 1382, d. Apr 1382
2. Henry V Plantagenet, King of England+ b. 9 Aug 1387, d. 31 Aug 1422
3. Thomas of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Clarence+3 b. 29 Sep 1388, d. 22 Mar 1420/21
4. John of Lancaster, Duke of Bedford+1 b. 20 Jun 1389, d. 14 Sep 1435
5. Humphrey Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester+ b. 3 Oct 1390, d. 23 Feb 1447
6. Blanche Plantagenet+ b. 1392, d. 22 May 1409
7. Philippa Plantagenet+ b. b 4 Jul 1394, d. 5 Jan 1430
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394 (24-25 yo)
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
his wife Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun,
a wife of Henry IV, King of England
Henry IV, King of England
Lady Mary de Bohun
Lady Mary de Bohun was 12-13 yo girl, giving a birth of her 1st child in abr 1382.
Lady Mary de Bohun died at age 24-25yo, giving a birth of her 7th child, Philippa Plantagenet,
on 4 Jul 1394.
Lady Mary de Bohun
She died on 4 July 1394
at Peterborough Castle, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England,
in childbirth.
She was buried at Trinity Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
She was buried at St. Mary's Church, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
Lady Mary de Bohun
Her Parents
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
M, #106900, b. 24 March 1341, d. 16 January 1373
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
was born on 24 March 1341.
He was born was born on 24 March 1341.
He was also reported to have been born on 25 March 1342.
He was
the son of
William de Bohun,
1st Earl of Northampton
Elizabeth de Badlesmere.
He was born was born on 24 March 1341.
He was also reported to have been born on 25 March 1342.
He married
Lady Joan FitzAlan,
daughter of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel and Lady Eleanor Plantagenet,
circa 1359.
He died on 16 January 1373 at age 31.
He was styled as 7th Earl of Hereford in 1361.
He gained the title of 6th Earl of Essex.
He gained the title of 2nd Earl of Northampton.
Children of Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford and Lady Joan FitzAlan
1. Lady Eleanor de Bohun+ b. c 1366, d. 3 Oct 1399
2. Lady Mary de Bohun+2 b. c 1369, d. 4 Jul 1394
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 78. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume II, page 70. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
He was born was born on 24 March 1341.
He was also reported to have been born on 25 March 1342.
He was
the son of
William de Bohun,
1st Earl of Northampton
Elizabeth de Badlesmere
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton
Elizabeth de Badlesmere
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Lady Joan FitzAlan,
daughter of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel and Lady Eleanor Plantagenet
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Lady Joan FitzAlan,
daughter of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel
+ and
Lady Eleanor Plantagenet
Elizabeth de Badlesmere (Maiden name)
Elizabeth de Mortimer (from before 1332
Elizabeth de Bohun
Elizabeth de Badlesmere
F, #102711, b. circa 1313, d. 8 June 1356
Elizabeth de Badlesmere was born circa 1313.
She was the daughter of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Lord Badlesmere
and Margaret de Clare.
She married,
Sir Edmund de Mortimer,
son of
Roger de Mortimer, 1st Earl of March
Joan de Geneville, Baroness Geneville,
before 1332.
From before 1332,
her married name became
de Mortimer.
She married,
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton, son of Humphrey de Bohun, 4th Earl of Hereford
Lady Elizabeth Plantagenet.
Her married name became
de Bohun.
She died on 8 June 1356.
From before 1332, her married name became de Mortimer.
Her married name became de Bohun.
Child of Elizabeth de Mortimer (Elizabeth de Badlesmere) and Sir Edmund de Mortimer
1. Roger de Mortimer, 2nd Earl of March+1 b. c 1330, d. 1360
Roger de Mortimer, 2nd Earl of March
Children of Elizabeth de Bohum (Elizabeth de Badlesmere) and William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton
1. Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford + b. 24 Mar 1341, d. 16 Jan 1373
2. Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
1. Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford + b. 24 Mar 1341, d. 16 Jan 1373
Humphrey de Bohun, 7th Earl of Hereford
2. Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume I, page 373. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 84. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 244.
Elizabeth de Badlesmere (Elizabeth de Mortimer) (Elizabeth de Bohus)
her daughter:
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
F, #106899, b. circa 1350, d. 3 April 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun was born circa 1350.
She was the daughter of
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton and
Elizabeth de Badlesmere.
She married
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel,
son of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel
Lady Eleanor Plantagenet,
in September 1359,
by Papal dispensation.
{1359-1350 = 9 8-9 years old girl Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
had been married
1359-1346 = 13, 12-13 years old boy Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel }
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel, 12-13 yo boy,
son of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel
Lady Eleanor Plantagenet,
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun, 8-9 yo girl,
the daughter of
William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton and
Elizabeth de Badlesmere.
in September 1359,
by Papal dispensation.
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel, 12-13 yo boy,
son of
Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun, 8-9 yo girl,
in September 1359,
by Papal dispensation.
{Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel ,M, #101974, b. 1346, d. 21 September 1397}
{Lady Elizabeth de Bohun, F, #106899, b. circa 1350, d. 3 April 1385}
A contract for the marriage of
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun {8yo} and
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel {12-13yo}
was signed
on 28 September 1359.
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
She died on 3 April 1385. {34-35 yo}
She was buried at Lewes, Sussex, England.
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
From 28 September 1359, her married name became FitzAlan.
Lady Elizabeth FitzAlan (maiden name Lady Elizabeth de Bohun )
After her marriage,
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun was styled as
Countess of Arundel on 24 January 1375/76.
{Countess of Arundel
(maiden name
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun (1350 -28 September 1359) ;
Elizabeth FitzAlan (28 September 1359 - 24 January 1375/76 );
Countess of Arundel (24 January 1375/76 - d. 3 April 1385. {34-35 yo} )}
She died on 3 April 1385. {34-35 yo}
She was buried at Lewes, Sussex, England
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Children of
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
1. Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +5 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
2. Lady Joan FitzAlan +6 b. 1375, d. 14 Nov 1435
Lady Joan FitzAlan
3. Lady Margaret FitzAlan 5 b. a 1375
Lady Margaret FitzAlan
4. Thomas Fitzalan, 5th/12th Earl of Arundel 4 b. 13 Oct 1381, d. 13 Oct 1415
Thomas Fitzalan, 5th/12th Earl of Arundel
5. Lady Alice FitzAlan +7 b. b 1382, d. b 1415
Lady Alice FitzAlan
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 78. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
[S125] Richard Glanville-Brown, online <e-mail address>, Richard Glanville-Brown (RR 2, Milton, Ontario, Canada), downloaded 17 August 2005.
[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume I, page 244. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 245.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 246.
[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume I, page 24.
[S2] Peter W. Hammond, editor, The Complete Peerage or a History of the House of Lords and All its Members From the Earliest Times, Volume XIV: Addenda & Corrigenda (Stroud, Gloucestershire, U.K.: Sutton Publishing, 1998), page 39. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage, Volume XIV.
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun +3 b. c 1350, d. 3 Apr 1385
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
M, #101974, b. 1346, d. 21 September 1397
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel was born in 1346 at Arundel Castle, Arundel, Sussex, England.
He was the son of Richard FitzAlan, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel and Lady Eleanor Plantagenet.
He married,
firstly, {as 12-13yo boy}
{Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
M, #101974, b. 1346, d. 21 September 1397}
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun, {8-9 yo girl},
daughter of William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton and Elizabeth de Badlesmere,
in September 1359, by Papal dispensation.
{Его поженили 12-13 летним мальчишкой на девочек 8-9 лет, родители детей выпросили и получили на это специальное Папское Разрешение (близкородственные браки требовали специальное разрешение Римского Папы)}
{Второй раз он женился зрелым 43-44 летним мужчиной в нарушение английских законов: без получения Королевской Лицензии на брак,
его невесте было 34 года, точнее, 1 день до её для рождения 16 августа 1355 года. Подарок любимой женщине, - подарить ей замужество и себя, и назвать её своей женой официально.}
He married,
secondly, {as 43-44 yo man}
Philippa Plantagenet, Countess of Ulster1 (Philippa de Mortimer)
F, #101990, b. 16 August 1355, d. 5 January 1381/82
Philippa de Mortimer,
{ 34 yo, 1 day left to her 35 yo birthday on a day of marriage 15 August 1390 }
daughter of Edmund de Mortimer,
3rd Earl of March and Philippa Plantagenet, Countess of Ulster,
{a marriage ]
on 15 August 1390,
without Royal license
(for which he was fined 500 marks).
A contract for the marriage of Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel and Lady Elizabeth de Bohun was signed on 28 September 1359.
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
He died on 21 September 1397 at Cheapside, London, England, beheaded.
He was buried at Church of the Augustin Friars, Bread Street, London, England.
{Он умер 21 сентября 1397 в Чипсайд, Лондон, Англия, - отрубили голову. 50-51 год. 12 век. Лондон. Англия.}
{Он был похоронен в церкви Августинских монахов, Хлебная улица, Лондон, Англия - Church of the Augustin Friars, Bread Street, London, England . }
{Titles. The Activities.}
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
He succeeded as the 10th Earl of Surrey on 24 January 1375/76.
He succeeded as the 4th Earl of Arundel [E., 1289] on 24 January 1375/76.
He succeeded as the 11th Earl of Arundel [E., c. 1138] on 24 January 1375/76.
He held the office of Admiral of the West and South in 1377.
He was appointed Knight, Order of the Garter (K.G.) in 1386.
He held the office of Admiral of England in 1386.
He fought in the Battle off Margate on 24 March 1387,
where he achieved a brilliant naval victor
over the allied French, Spanish and Flemish fleets.
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
In 1388 he took an active part against the King, along with the Duke of Gloucester,
who had the King in his power.
He held the office of Governor of Brest in 1388.
In 1394 he obtained a pardon for all political offenses.
On 12 July 1397 he was treacherously seized, and tried at Westminster.
He was attainted, and all of his honours forfeited
He died on 21 September 1397 at Cheapside, London, England, beheaded.
He was buried at Church of the Augustin Friars, Bread Street, London, England.
{Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
M, #101974, b. 1346, d. 21 September 1397}
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
Children of
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel and
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
1. Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
2. Lady Joan FitzAlan +7 b. 1375, d. 14 Nov 1435
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Lady Joan FitzAlan / Baroness Bergavenny
3. Lady Margaret FitzAlan 6 b. a 1375
Lady Margaret FitzAlan
F, #11716, b. after 1375
Lady Margaret FitzAlan / Lady Margaret Lenthal
4. Thomas Fitzalan, 5th/12th Earl of Arundel7 b. 13 Oct 1381, d. 13 Oct 1415 {34yo}
Thomas Fitzalan
5. Lady Alice FitzAlan +8 b. b 1382, d. b 1415 {33 yo}
Lady Alice FitzAlan
Child of
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel and
Philippa de Mortimer
1. John FitzAlan 9 b. c 1394, d. a 1397 {2-3yo}
John FitzAlan
"John FitzAlan1
M, #102925, b. circa 1394, d. after 1397
John FitzAlan was born circa 1394. He was the son of Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel and Philippa de Mortimer. He died after 1397, young.
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
F, #1959, b. circa 1374, d. 8 July 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425 {50-51yo}
{4 times married}
(1) William de Montacute, son of William de Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury and Elizabeth de Mohun
(2) Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, son of John de Mowbray, 4th Lord Mowbray and Elizabeth de Segrave, Baroness Segrave
(3) Sir Robert Goushill *He lived at Hoveringham, Nottinghamshire, England
(4) Sir Gerard Usflete
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
/ Countess of Nottingham in July 1384 /
/ Duchess of Norfolk on 29 September 1397
/ Lady Elizabeth Goushill
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425 {50-51yo}
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
F, #1959, b. circa 1374, d. 8 July 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425 {50-51yo}
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan was born circa 1374.
She married, firstly, William de Montacute, son of William de Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury and Elizabeth de Mohun, before August 1383.2 She married, secondly, Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk, son of John de Mowbray, 4th Lord Mowbray and Elizabeth de Segrave, Baroness Segrave, in July 1384.3 She married, thirdly, Sir Robert Goushill before 18 August 1401.3 She married, fourthly, Sir Gerard Usflete before 3 July 1414.3 She died on 8 July 1425.
After her marriage, Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan was styled as Countess of Nottingham in July 1384. After her marriage, Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan was styled as Duchess of Norfolk on 29 September 1397.1 Her married name became Goushill.
Children of Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan and Sir Robert Goushill
1. Joan Goushill +4
2. Elizabeth Goushill +3
Children of Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan and Thomas de Mowbray, 1st Duke of Norfolk
1. Lady Margaret de Mowbray+5 d. a 1437
2. Thomas de Mowbray, 4th Earl of Norfolk5 b. 17 Sep 1385, d. 8 Jun 1405
3. John de Mowbray, 2nd Duke of Norfolk+ b. 1392, d. 19 Oct 1432
4. Lady Isabel de Mowbray+5 b. a 1400, d. 27 Sep 1452
5. Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
F, #1959, b. circa 1374, d. 8 July 1425
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan +6 b. c 1374, d. 8 Jul 1425 {50-51yo}
Lady Elizabeth Fitzalan
Lady Joan FitzAlan +7 b. 1375, d. 14 Nov 1435
Lady Joan FitzAlan
Baroness Bergavenny on 23 July 1392, a wife of William Beauchamp, 1st Lord Bergavenny, son of Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick and Katherine Mortimer
Lady Joan FitzAlan +7 b. 1375, d. 14 Nov 1435 {59-60 yo}
Lady Joan FitzAlan / Baroness Bergavenny
Lady Margaret FitzAlan 6 b. a 1375
Lady Margaret FitzAlan
F, #11716, b. after 1375
"Lady Margaret FitzAlan was born after 1375. She was the daughter of Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel and Lady Elizabeth de Bohun.
She married Sir Rowland Lenthal.
Her married name became Lenthal."
Lady Margaret FitzAlan / Lady Margaret Lenthal
Sir Rowland Lenthal "He lived at Hampton Court, Herefordshire, England."
Philippa de Mortimer
Philippa de Mortimer
Philippa de Mortimer ( Philippa Plantagenet )
Philippa Plantagenet
Philippa de Mortimer
b. 16 August 1355, d. 5 January 1381/82
Philippa Plantagenet, Countess of Ulster1 (Philippa de Mortimer)
F, #101990, b. 16 August 1355, d. 5 January 1381/82 {26yo}
Philippa Plantagenet, Countess of Ulster
was born on 16 August 1355
at Eltham Palace, Kent, England.
She was the daughter of
Lionel of Antwerp, 1st Duke of Clarence and
Lady Elizabeth de Burgh.
She married
Edmund de Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March, son of Roger de Mortimer, 2nd Earl of March,
circa May 1368
at Reading Abbey, Queen's Chapel, Reading, Berkshire, England.
She died on 5 January 1381/82 at age 26.
She was buried at Wigmore, Herefordshire, England.
Her will was proven (by probate) on 6 December 1379.
She gained the title of Countess of Ulster.
She succeeded as the 13th Lady of Clare [feudal baron] in 1363.
From circa May 1368, her married name became de Mortimer.
Children of
Philippa Plantagenet, Countess of Ulster
Edmund de Mortimer, 3rd Earl of March
1. Elizabeth de Mortimer+ b. 12 Feb 1371, d. 20 Apr 1417
2. Roger de Mortimer, 4th Earl of March+6 b. 11 Apr 1374, d. 20 Jul 1398
3. Philippa de Mortimer+3 b. 21 Nov 1375, d. 24 Sep 1401
4. Sir Edmund de Mortimer+ b. 9 Nov 1376, d. b 13 May 1411
Philippa Plantagenet
/Philippa de Mortimer / Countess of Ulster / the 13th Lady of Clare [feudal baron]
Richard FitzAlan, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel
+1 wife
Lady Elizabeth de Bohun
+2 wife
Philippa de Mortimer
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark (b.cirka 1485 0 d.10 June 1555)
and her father
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway (b, 2 Februaru 1455 - 20 February 1513)
and his his father
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
were being ancestors of
Stovlet-Cathrine ' house
Stovlet-Katrine's house,
Gammel Lundtoftevej 31.
Stovlet-Cathrine ' house
Stovlet-Katrine's house,
Gammel Lundtoftevej 31.
was a decendent of
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark (b.cirka 1485 0 d.10 June 1555)
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
via her biological father geneology
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark
Elizabeth Oldenburg, Princess of Denmark - a daugther of
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
Hans Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway
was born on 2 February 1455 at Aalborg, Denmark.
He was the son of
Christian I Oldenburg, King of Denmark and Norway and
Dorothea von Hohenzollern.
He died on 20 February 1513 at age 58 at Aalborg, Denmark
was the official royal mistress of King Christian VII of Denmark
by Wikipedia
as well as
Lindegaarden (Linden Farm)
Lindegaarden (Linden Farm),
built between 1841–1883.
Hostvej nr. 4,
Gyrithe Lemche's
ancestral home.
The known jurist
Janus Kolderup-Rosenvinge
lived in
Hostvej nr. 6,
the merchant
J. Fr. Tutein
lived in Asylgade nr. 7.
The association
has worked since 1970
to preserve, improve and restore the area;
its president,
Niels Friderichsen,
is generally recognized to have saved Bondebyen
from destruction by the buldozer-happy Lyngby-Taarb;k municipality.
Most of the buildings in Bondebyen are now listed.
From Wikipedia
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
Амалия Мордвинова в роли певица
9:52 / 1:43:54 - 12:20 / 1:43:54
24:45 / 1:43:54 - 27:53 / 1:43:54
34:42 / 1:43:54 - 36:48 / 1:43:54 *
1:02:24 / 1:43:54 - 1:04:32 / 1:43:54
1:19:13 / 1:43:54 - 1:19:49 / 1:43:54
1:20:03 / 1:43:54 - 1:23:41 / 1:43:54
1:23:52 / 1:43:54 - 1:24:23 / 1:43:54
1:28:58 / 1:43:54 - 1:32:16 / 1:43:54
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
1:28:58 / 1:43:54 - 1:32:16 / 1:43:54
Шоссе дорога на Лонгю ,
время 23:25 (11-25pm) (5 утра или где то 45 минут до полуночи)
LYNGBU , 28 km
(дорога шоссе на Лонгю, 28 км)
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kongens Lyngby
Kongens Lyngby
Kongens Lyngby
Kongens Lyngby - Danish for "the King's Heather Town"; short form
Lyngby is the seat and commercial centre of Lyngby-Taarb;k Municipality
in the northern suburbs of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Lyngby Hovedgade is a busy shopping street and the site of a branch of Magasin du Nord as well as Lyngby Storcenter. Lyngby Church.
The name Kongens Lyngby is first recorded in 1893.
At that time large parts of North Zealand belonged to the Catholic Church
(represented by Roskilde Cathedral and the name
Lyngby was associated with several places.
Store Lyngby belonged to Arreso church.
"Our" Lyngby, on the other hand, was crown land.
It may therefore have been to distinguish it from these other places that the name emerged.
The original
Lyngby village
is now known as
Kongens Lyngby was also the site of a watermill, Lyngby Watermill,
which is first mentioned in 1492
but is probably several hundred years older.
A royal road, Lyngby Kongevej,
was created in 1584
to provide an easy link
Frederick's new Frederiksborg Castle
from where it was later extended to
Fredensborg and Helsingor.
It was the first of a number of royal roads
created by Frederick II
and his successor Christian IV
Из Википедии
Люнгбю-Торбек (коммуна)
Lyngby-Taarbaek , Lyngby-Taarbae Kommune Town
Страна Дания
Входит в Ховедстаден
Адм. центр Конгенс Люнгбю
Бургомистр Рольф Огор-Свеннсен (Rolf Aagaard-Svendsen)
История и география
Площадь 38,88 км;, Население 51 449 чел. (2008)
Люнгбю-Торбек (дат. Lyngby-Taarb;k Kommune) — датская коммуна в составе области Ховедстаден. Площадь — 38,88 км;, что составляет 0,09 % от площади Дании без Гренландии и Фарерских островов.
Численность населения на 1 января 2008 года
— 51449 чел. (мужчины — 24657, женщины — 26792; иностранные граждане — 3516).
В состав коммуны входят
Конгенс Люнгбю (Kongens Lyngby), Ульриккенборг (Ulrikkenborg), Торбек (Taarb;k), Вирум (Virum), Соргенфри (Sorgenfri), Лунттофте (Lundtofte), Йортекер (Hjortek;r).
Железнодорожные станции
Бреде (Brede)
Фуглевад (Fuglevad)
Люнгбю Локаль (Lyngby Lokal)
Люнгбю (Lyngby)
Нёргорсвай (Norgaardsvej)
Эрхольм (Orholm)
Раунхольм (Ravnholm)
Соргенфри (Sorgenfri)
Вирум (Virum)
Конгенс ЛюнгбюЛюнгбю-Торбек_(коммуна)
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
1:28:58 / 1:43:54 - 1:32:16 / 1:43:54
Шоссе дорога на Лонгю ,
время 23:25 (11-25pm) (5 утра или где то 45 минут до полуночи)
LYNGBU , 28 km
(дорога шоссе на Лонгю, 28 км)
Kongens Lyngby
Конгенс ЛюнгбюЛюнгбю-Торбек_(коммуна)
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
Режиссер: Виталий Москаленко
*** Дмитрий Москаленко мой генетический кузен
В ролях: Иван Волков, Наталья Петрова, Богдан Ступка
Производство: Германия, Россия
Качество: VHS-Rip
Москва, 1957 год, Всемирный Фестиваль Молодежи и Студентов. «Всеобщая дружба» осуществляется под бдительным надзором всесильного КГБ. Игорь Синицкий, студент МГУ и талантливый джазмен, живет у дяди, академика Лернера, в «режимном» доме. Работой академика очень интересуется иностранная разведка.//
«Сны» (1993) МОСФИЛЬМ
Dreams (HD) with subtitles СНЫ
* фильм 1993 года связывает время и судьбы
* включая и предвосхищение многих вещей и явлений
* отчего очень интересно посмотреть в 2020 фильм из 1993 года
* в плане сравнения к теме выше поднятых пророчеств в фильме "Симпсоны" (США)
«Охота на Золушку» (2000)
Amalia Mordvinova
Амалия Мордвинова
Мордвинова, Амалия Руслановна
(Беляева, Мордвинова и Парыгин)
Имя при рождении Людмила Руслановна Парыгина
Личная жизнь
Первый муж (1993—1999) — Игорь Зорин, звукорежиссёр.
Второй муж (2000 — 2004) — Александр Гольданский, бизнесмен и экономист, руководитель с 1993 года фирмы «Зелёный лес», производящей двери и окна из ценных пород дерева. Руководил предприятием «Театральное дело Гольданскихъ», продюсер.
Дочь — Диана Гольданская (род. 30 апреля 2001 года)
Третий муж (2005 — 2009) — Вадим Беляев, бизнесмен. Разведена с 27 октября 2009 года.
Сын — Герман Беляев (род. 28 ноября 2005 года)
Дочь — Евангелина Беляева (род. 31 марта 2007 года)
Дочь — Серафима Беляева (род. 18 марта 2009 года)
Амалия Мордвинова
Мордвинова, Амалия РуслановнаМордвинова,_Амалия_Руслановна
Film Dreams (фильм "СНЫ")
Between Russia pre-revolutionary and post-Soviet Russia is established a mysterious connection. A young countess and a dishwasher from the public canteen see the same nightmare: they dream an incredible, absurd country in which the viewer, of course, learns his homeland. It seems that it is impossible to get rid of this delirium.
But the characters of the film find an unexpected simple solution ...
- Prize "Green apple - gold leaf" for the best work of the artist (L.Svintsitsky) (1994)
20.02.2020. Великобритания, Ноттингемшире
Люнгблю! Lyngby,...
И жизнь и слёзы и любовь,
Отчаянье и боль и гордость,
Где смерти сыпятся порой,
И так всё больно, так всё больно.
Порой смешно, живоё всё ж.
Живёт, растёт, крапивой ль, розой,
Или зелёною травой, - ступай смело!
Тут так привольно!
Тут живы все, кто вдруг ушли.
И голоса их, так живые
До слуха только не пробить!
Живым же жить! "Они "глухие!"
И продираяся сквозь гроздь,
Как винограда, что навешен,
В беседке, где увито всё,
Но и зачем тебе всё это?
И надо ль память теребить?
Ушли и спят, от нас живые.
А мы дочитывает всё,
До дыр, как жили и любили.
А не слабо тебе и быть?
А не слабо любить и жить?
А не слабо себя любить?
И никогда не хоронить?
Люблю. Люблю. Люнгблю.
Лонгю. Лингю. Лингую потихоньку.
И всё переворошу сейчас:
Ища иголку - в стог запала!
- Не надо так!, - кричат мужи,
Умом Высокие и Крепким:
- Магнитом сердца своего,
Включа: ищи в стогу иголку!
И я смеюсь: - Как насмешил!
Чтоб, что ли в сердце прямо,
Как намагниченным, и штырь,
Иголки бы взлетел когда-то?
- Ей, нет! Не надо ум тут мне:
Есть Мудрость, тихо, не спеша всё.
Перевороша стог один, а там - другой!
Потом туда мы!
Аккуратненько, рукой, я пальцами возьму
На нитку я потом воткну:
Чтобы вышить кружева
Заштопать чтобы,
Дыр окно,
И снова натянуть,
Носочки тёплые,
Да память!
Так ещё поносим!
Вот сшит, заштапан, сарафан,
И юбка, брюки, и рубашка,
Вот пуговицы все в пальто.
- Ой! Больно! Уколола палец!
И Андерсен тут прибежит,
Утешит сказкой он за сказкой.
Как спит Принцесса, а её
Всё где-то Принц, всё ищет,
На белоснежном он коне,
В забралах Рыцаря, с пажами:
- Так сердце мается моё!
Любовь! Как отыскать мне!
И только девочка одна,
Жгёт спички, греет хладны пальцы.
На Рождество, закоченев, умрёт:
Закончилися спички,
И не согреть холодный дом,
Когда кругом холоды лица,
Когда сердца глухи, иль спят,
И все идут... Зима всё длиться...
И утром фонари гася,
Фонарщик тельцо то увидит:
Поднимет на руки дитя:
И в Морг неся, прощенья просит.
Пока живые на земле,
Любить и жить, пока живые.
Уйдём, забудут нас, перелистнёт,
Страницы память,
Всё как счистит.
Зачем пузатый Депутат
Пузат? И Пухо набивает?
А сиратинушки бедны?
И пожилым никак не рады?
Ведь мы родилися, чтоб жить?
Мать каждая ребёнка любит:
целует пальчики и в лоб
и верит: Бог Дитя полюбит,
И верит в счастье на земле,
Благополучно будет всё тут,
Сын, дочь её поблагодарят:
- Спасибо, мама! Жив я! Нужен!
И слёзы вдруг: мечты разбив,
Слетает хрупкое, что нежно,
Что беззащитное совсем,
Как снег, что тает на ладошке.
Но как каптель, звеня, ушла,
Как нежны лепесточки белы,
Уйдя, всё душу теребят,
Оставшись живы, бесконечно.
- Люнгблю! Люнгблю!, - стучит капель:
- Всё разговоры разговорам!
Пух тополиный за окном!
Смешной! Летящий! Жить охота!
И корочку, одну, и две, и три, -
И вот уже печенье.
Ручей водичку из ручья
Хрустальный блёск, течёт куда?
И мы в юга! И мы в тепло!
Как перелётны птицы, хором!
И мы птенцы! Все молодцы!
- Люнгблю! Люнгблю! тебя!
It was a day, it was a night.
- All dreams are a true!
- All right, all right.
I kiss your lips, I take your dreams
I'll build the boots -
for your small feet.
For you to walk,
and when you'll step
It will start a dream
as a fairy tale.
All land has a grass,
Just no a glass,
just soft green land,
for your small legs.
I 'll grow flowers, a lot,
For you to smile:
- I love this all!
For you to smile,
For you to love
This land, these hills,
And this soft grass.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
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Украинский самолёт в Иране, Lion Air и инопланетян 2018-2020
"К Единственной Маме На Свете", рассказ
«Дорога в рай» (1993)
«Сны» (1993) МОСФИЛЬМ
Dreams (HD) with subtitles СНЫ
«Охота на Золушку» (2000)
Amalia Mordvinova
Амалия Мордвинова
"Lyngby, Люнгблю!", стихи, Poem
"Люнгблю! Lyngby,...", стихи, poem
The Peeratage
Anne Cathrine Benthagen
Birth: 1745
Death: 1805 (59-60)
Daughter of Prince Georg Ludwig of Brunswick-Bevern and Anna Marie Schreder
Anne Cathrine Benthagen, known in history by her nickname Stovlet-Cathrine (b. Copenhagen, 1745 – d. Pl;n, Holstein, 1805), was a Danish prostitute, one of the best known courtesans in Copenhagen in the 1760s and the official royal mistress of King Christian VII of Denmark.
Anne Cathrine Benthagen
Stovlet-Cathrine "Boots-Catherine"
Предки - Датские короли, Герцеги Курляндии, домик в Люнгбю (Lyngby)
"LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Люнгблю", рассказ-справочный материал
"LYNGBY, Люнгбю, Лонгю, Лингю, Лонгбю, Люнгблю", рассказ
Урождённая Инна Александровна Бальзина ,
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin (Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин)
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