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Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Rays from a Binary Neutron Star Merger: GW170817 and GRB 170817A
B. P. Abbott3, R. Abbott3, T. D. Abbott4, F. Acernese5,6, K. Ackley7,8, C. Adams9, T. Adams10, P. Addesso11, R. X. Adhikari3, V. B. Adya12Show full author list
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4. Implications for Fundamental Physics
Little or no arrival delay between photons and GWs over cosmological distances is expected as the intrinsic emission times are similar and the propagation speeds of EM and GWs are thought to be identical. In this Section we discuss the implications on fundamental physics of the temporal offset of  $(+1.74\pm 0.05)\,{\rm{s}}$ measured between GW170817 and GRB 170817A.

Standard EM theory minimally coupled to general relativity predicts that GWs and light propagate with identical speeds. The refractive index of vacuum is expected to be unity, and both waves are expected to be affected by background gravitational potentials in the same way. The arrival delay of only a few seconds across a distance greater than one hundred million light years places stringent constraints on deviations from fundamental principles. We use the observed temporal offset, the distance to the source, and the expected emission-time difference to place constraints on the deviation of the speed of gravity from the speed of light, and on violations of Lorentz invariance and the equivalence principle.
