A Flower

(after A.S.Pushkin)

Dried out flower in its brittle bloom
between the pages of my book I've found ...
And now my soul is full of strange daydreams
about the feelings, lost and found ...

Where did it blossom ? When ? What year in early spring
had its first shoots appeared ?
For how long it was in bloom ? Who picked it up
with hand unknown to me ...
Or was that someone very dear ?

Why was it put into my own book ?
Was that the token of love ?
The talisman meant for the future ?
Or was it sealing off the past ? -
The sign of lone silent walks
amid the rocks, along the fields,
beneath the canopy of fading trees ?

Is He alive ? And is She still in love ?
Maybe they happily do dwell together ?
Or both of them have withered off,
their blossoms all dried up
just like these poor flower's petals ?

(c) 2014-15, 2019 G.N.Boiko-Slastion, a.k.a.
    Сластён Геннадий Николаевич = Геша Питерский
