 Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasov. Old pine
 He took the censer then, and filled                the Fire from the altar, and knocked -                And the air rang with voices, thunders,                & zipper rose, and shook                From the earth; seven angels of the same pipe                Uplifted, prepared themselves to sound. Apollon Maikov 1868 From Apokalipsisa
 Where are they, the harsh thunders of the Golden Tuscan plain, the Insatiable passion of Sodom, and the insatiable passion of Sodom;              and Ugolino's hungry cry? Nikolai Gumilev From the collection "Quiver" 1916 PISA
 She doesn't care about buoys, ferries, or buildings on a high Bank.& nbsp; she listens to thunder in the spring, & nbsp; and in the summer sees the rainbow arc. Naum Basovsky "Friendship of Peoples" 2007, No. 9 & nbsp; & nbsp; River
 And he said to me, " Soar!  & nbsp; You are their singer. They're yours.-    And burst into a strange laugh.& nbsp; & nbsp; Like the roar of thunder,    That laughter thundered among the houses   & nbsp; and echoed in the Windows. Alexander timofeevsky From the book "SONG of the MOURNFUL SOUL" 2000      & nbsp; SONGS of the EASTERN SLAVS        LD 1973-1984
 Rode over the world and the city               & nbsp; thunder light-fun.                Dragged over the wet beard                the head of the storm on the ground. Konstantin Rupasov & nbsp; Autumn songs
 And the Lord thundered with blazing azure, the most high voice issued, and arrows, lightning rain sent, firestorms enveloped the sinful, the Impiety of obstinate children Drove, burned the scorching hail. . Wilhelm Kuchelbecker 1829 Davidepic poem taken from the Holy writ book & quot;REIGN"
 When the thunder last died down,    as the echo of the shot shuts,    windings unwound, the elements   & nbsp; will be buried in the dry hay. Natalia Gorbanevskaya From the book "the Last poems of that century" 2001   & nbsp;Paris, Jan. 2001 where horizon for horizon
 the light comes from the black frames, and the thunder does not speak.& nbsp; Instant posted screen, & nbsp; it is phosphorus burning. Michael Eisenberg Banner, 2006 N8 cycle-Scattered mass.& nbsp; So the night is pale with lightning,
