New year s thoughts...

 New year's thoughts...
 They don't blow out,
 - nothing...
 Nor wind snow,
 With a light snowstorm...
 No cold and prickly Blizzard...
 District per night,
 At all..
 After all, in front, beckoning...
 Waiting For Christmas...
 With a possible performance,
 And eternal Hope,
 - in the magic...
 From the nursery,
 In something ghostly,
 A life-giving dream,
 And then,
 - Christmas time!..
 - Mischievous!...
 Yes, Christmas Carols!...
 With festivities and fun!...
 As I remember,
 In the morning,
 "and until Morning."..
 And fleeting,
 Unexpected dates...
 What is warmed in the winter,
 "Hearts and souls!...
 And ahead!?...
 What's ahead?...
 A little more...
 - January and February...
 Behind them, March, April,
 - Welcome Spring!...
