Forward overcoming falls where we have never been
Вперёд, преодолевая падения, где мы ещё никогда не были!
Muy Tranquilo (Live in Paris)
Исполнители: Gramatik, Adam Stehr, Anomalie
2019 лаундж
Sky pyramids, Sun pyramids in the sky
Sun pyramids in the Galaxy sky
Galactic Clock with the Sun and Earth Moon on Earth
How many falls! And yet we never reached the Morning
Galactic Night Phase, Kali Yuga Phase
When you wait or endure hard times
Time lasts longer feels so long
What is called a “very long phase” in Kali Yuga myths
And yet we are together, caring for everyone and families - Zoroastrianism
And yet we are together, we are going towards the light, we are going towards the Morning!
Пирамиды неба, пирамиды Солнца в небе
Пирамиды Солнца в небе Галактики
Галактические часы с Солнцем и земной Луной на Земле
Сколько падений! И ещё ни разу мы не достигали утра
Фаза галактической ночи, фаза Кали-юги
Когда ждёшь или терпишь тяжёлые времена
Время длится дольше по ощущениям, настолько долго
Что в мифах Кали-Юга названа "очень длинной фазой"
И всё-таки мы вместе, забота о каждом и семьях - зороастризм
И всё-таки мы вместе, идём навстречу свету, идём навстречу утру!
Zoroastrianism - knowledge about space global world picture with galactic nature of the influence and interaction on star systems, including our Solar star system. including cosmos influence on planet Earth in Solar system, knowledge belonging to highly developed civilization level, therefore, such key Zoroastrianism characteristics as the “oldest religion”, “doctrine basis is a free moral choice by a person of good thoughts, good words and good deeds” , "Truth, cosmic order, vitality, all good without evil in the visible material space and the invisible spiritual and mental space".
Зороастризм - знания о глобальной картине мира с галактической природой влияния и взаимодействия на звёздные системы, включая нашу Солнечную звёздную систему. в том числе и влияние космоса на планету Земля в Солнечной системе, знания, принадлежащие уровню высокоразвитой цивилизации, поэтому сохранились такие ключевые характеристики зороастризма как "древнейшая религия", "в основе учения — свободный нравственный выбор человеком благих мыслей, благих слов и благих деяний", "Истина, космический порядок, жизненная сила, все блага без зла в видимой материальной области и невидимой духовной и ментальной области".
The Day After Tomorrow, 2004
An impeccable film about a sensitive careful state, and even more so politicians, care for their citizens, every citizen and civilization as a whole.
Special attention should be paid to the careful preparation and conditions for the society mobilization for geo-climatic changes, and they are not only in the film, but also in reality-outside the window, in the yard, among the territories where 7 billion our civilization people live in one way or another.
On the film climate change cause is the freshwater glaciers melting of Greenland that a little bit completely wrong, the Greenhouse Effect only smooths and separates the manifestations of the Glacial period that has occurred, the cause of which in 2012 is a periodic change in the space environment density that affects our Solar system and reduction of solar heat for the planet Earth climate including that of the Mayan Calendar, which shows the Galactic Phase (Kali-Yuga onset) with reference to the visible from Sun and moon Earth phases.
The challenge for New York math Olympiad: imagine being sent to Alpha Centauri or even further into the star worlds-provide local natives with culturally and religiously embedded information about their galactic geo-planetary change in accordance with their Sun and their Moons, facultative.
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