Spelling words beginning with HALF and HALF
In order to accurately write such words, it is necessary to remember that the gender (Y) - is written 1) TOGETHER, 2) HYPHENATED or 3) SEPARATELY
HALF-written together, if followed by a consonant letter (half-quarter)
Mother asks: "Wash the FLOOR,
My daughter,
Do you AGREE?" We are with you
Close-knit family?»
Mom needs help –
If there are any!
And the morpheme "GENDER" write
Before the consonant we will-together!
The FLOOR – always written together with the next word (short fur coat)
What else is unknown to us?
Here is another example, not superfluous:
But what if it does? –
Together or not write?
There is no other law here:
On the Board, whether on a piece of paper…
All words with a morpheme.
Together written and to the point!
GENDER-is written with a hyphen:
1) if the word is followed by a vowel letter (half-lesson), or the letter L (half-lecture)
2) if the GENDER was before the proper name, and therefore before the capital letter (half-Europe)
If there is a vowel letter,
Or L suddenly after the FLOOR,
How to keep them from sticking together
And prevent a split?
Don't let us connect!
We will not allow them to split!
A word with a hyphen
We'll put it on the FLOOR for fun!
Or their names, countries…
Along with the GENDER written?
To the important letter of their capital
We'll hyphen the FLOOR!
GENDER is written separately, unless it refers to the following word: divided with it (half of the school year)
And another joke
(Sometimes it happens),
When the word-with this FLOOR –
Something shared.
Be careful,
Logic including itself:
Are divided in essence –
Divide and on the letter!
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