Morning Russia. Chapter two

 History in verse
 Chapter two
 Constantine The Great. Christianization of the world.
 Symphony of Church and state. Return
 paganisms. Prince Oleg. The murder of Askold and dir.
 Creation Of Kievan Rus. Preparation for the campaign to Tsargrad.
 Failed assault. Peace treaty. Death Of Oleg.
 When & nbsp; power took Constantine,
 He was called the Great by the people,
 The world of Christianity, an angel visited,
 Majestic, menacing, clear-faced.
 Over God's world wings spread,
 Like an angel's heavenly song,
 In all the Holy power, in all the space
 Eastern, Asian, European.
 The people were either clever or kind,
 But the General picture was everywhere —
 No one wanted to face off
 With the victorious sword of Constantine.
 And only Maxentius, the pretender to power,
 The path of war irreconcilable chose,
 But the poor man was destined to fall
 And drown in the noisy waters of the Tiber.
 And Constantine is a Christian in everything,
 Life in Rome and Constantinople so arranged,
 That in the realm of strife the world reigned alone
 And hunger didn't bother anyone.
 The slave became free. Master in the shower
 Became a good man. Prayer to God is strong.
 Looking at Rome, and people around already
 Humanized little by little.
 It is known that the Slavic regiments,
 Glorified in the valour and strength,
 With a supplicating, kind, divine hand,
 They carried their sonorous harps with them.
 And foreign and their merchants
 Rusichi was accompanied on the road
 Detachments of considerable fighters,
 To the tribes of the steppe are not attacked.
 But time is fleeting. Konstantin
 Left with a smile in the unearthly realm,
 And polytheism, rage, malice, spleen
 Again conquered States.
 And Russia internecine noise and DIN
 They were filled with damp, as in the pre-winter.
 And on the river and other banks
 The baptisms of the saints ceased.
 And Rurik was gone. Son power
 He couldn't pass it on as a child.
 Oleg, a relative, passed on
 It is not to the joy of the Slavs, but to the misery.
 Less than a year ago.
 Oleg started the squad for the campaign,
 To cities in is full forever take,
 That will fall to the host in the course.
 Smolensk was one of the first to fall in battle,
 Later Lubech. The waterway of the Dnieper,
 Surrounding meadows, fields and forest
 To Oleg in hands, that is in slavery simply,
 Hit the Christian enemy.
 But here is Kiev on the high hills
 It stands on a picturesque shore.
 With security, in delblanc, the sedge
 Oleg swam to Kiev. Runner's
 To Askold with diem sends. Like, waiting for a date
 With both, since from the person
 I am their secret messenger...
 Oh, the rapidity of a broken string!
 You are the image of lightning in autumn clouds.
 Born in thunder, fire-light,
 Your words are a living stream sparkling,
 Half the sky mercilessly tearing,
 They sink inexorably into the ground,
 In the mountains, in the woods, in the free sea of herbs.
 And I, the sound of distant heeding,
 I look at the laptop screen,
 On the manifestation of life in the corner.
 And there's an autumn blue mist.
 And lightning torn lines...
 Askold and dir came with the guard.
 "Who is the Ambassador here? Why the rush?»
 Oleg bowed to the ground.
 "We're passing through. And there is no hurry, koneshno."
 He brings Igor in his arms.
 "Here is the true ruler of all Russia.
 You are Gentiles in Kiev places.
 And I am the gods you have forgotten, avenger."
 He grabbed a well-worn battle sword,
 Only only the scabbard thinly rang,
 And the heads of the princes fell from their shoulders,
 The guards didn't even have time to yell.
 An uninvited guest is always out of court,
 The acolytes tightened like a spring.
 But because of the Cape all over the Dnieper
 Already Oleg's rooks were approaching.
 Without a fight, Christian Kiev surrendered.
 The heir's all-powerful command.
 But how many Christians have appeared
 And in the cities of Slavic, and in the villages.
 What foolish Magi
 In the donkey's ears they whispered,
 What-nothing worse than rumor! —
 Perun and Velez lost their power?
 And that some demigod Christ
 God-like, Father's, command
 On our earth sinful brought
 Repentance and eternal salvation.
 O Gods! No, not to be and not to be
 Blasphemous faith in the land of the Slavs!
 A sacred fire will burn out
 Sassy dark Chimera akansoy".
 With the squad he goes to the height,
 And it breathes easily and majestically.
 And he is not going to the Cross,
 And to the place where his glory begins.
 And what a view from above
 To the whole district from the cross of Andrew!
 "I've never seen such beauty anywhere, —
 Said the Lord, - without wine getting drunk. —
 From now on, Kiev, I swear it,
 You will become the best city that
 For many centuries will glorify Russia
 In a chain of other pagan stories.
 But it would be good to mother Russia
 More and Byzantium sit down next,
 Let them know what carp is
 The Krivichi, and Drevlyane bears".
 Oleg is a little more than two decades old
 Preparing for the great campaign.
 And all the Slavic many-sided light
 Managed to win himself to please.
 First he warlike Drevlyane
 To pay the dues & nbsp; in his Treasury forced.
 And a little later submissive northerners
 From the shackles of the Khazars easily freed.
 He said to them: "You pay the rent
 Khazars?— Yes, Lord, we pay a lot."
 "Their God is not our God at all-a hostile God.
 Pay me. Gorado the smaller, by the way."
 And the northerners their tribe
 To Oleg's Commonwealth joined.
 In those years a powerful compression steel
 Laws of the world forces deployed.
 Russia was growing stronger externally, growing stronger from the inside.
 Already osobie formed.
 By their princely power they —
 Both Kiev and Central were managed.
 And where the recalcitrant people,
 Where there were disputes and unrest,
 Oleg of their own reliable Governor
 Seated for a long reign.
 Churches didn't know then. Instead of them
 At the altars, in the place of honor,
 Slavs terrible idols of their
 Arranged. And sacrifice honor for the honor
 They brought it there. And incense smoke
 He gave them both pride and strength.
 And this is also a steel compression
 For a nation born was.
 But what led to centralization,
 And that for a long time in Russia remained,
 So this is what's most important
 On the army collected affected.
 Varangians, Novgorodians, Meri, Chud,
 Glade, Krivichi and northerners,
 Recently run up mercury,
 Now Oleg was going to the camp.
 In two thousand warships
 To the long-calling walls of Tsargrad
 Across the expanse of boiling fields
 The pagan Armada moved.
 When the Patriarch saw her,
 Said, about expressions not caring:
 "Here we are, children, and Oh, and Ah,
 God's punishment for meanness."
 Recently a Byzantine Saloon
 The Arabs were besieged, and the neighbors —
 Truly Judah's kiss —
 Like statues of gold and copper,
 For the brothers in the Lord Christ,
 Their struggle was watched helplessly,
 And at least someone got involved in the battle.,
 And after all, probably, impulses were.
 Oleg flew like a storm
 On the fortress of the proud glory of the Byzantine.
 A RAID of thousands is mad,
 But also all-powerful onslaught of Asia.
 Try to stop the wave,
 When she of the mountains above the coastal,
 A moment and you went down
 And then he went to the throne of Poseidon.
 Rattling rams at the gate,
 And clouds tend to the city arrows,
 And the stairs are nothing to them. —
 Soar to the celestial limits.
 And warriors have frequent figures
 Do not know rest-shoot, cut,
 In battle they are not allowed a smoke break,
 But God protects them, and the mother loves them.
 And voi are not familiar spiritual fear,
 Because the children of God are Christians.
 And his Holiness the Patriarch prays
 And along with it ordinary citizens
 And in rare breaks between fights
 Zashitniki come to pray.
 And they pray, and everyone is ready again
 And day, and two, and how many need to, beat.
 Oleg is furious. Oleg gives the order:
 "Burn out all the suburbs and plunder them.
 Exterminate them all. And the sea. The hour struck.
 Only in this way will we be able to weaken their spirit."
 And the sacrilege is done.
 And how in the annals of our ancients
 Madly it is sung
 In the words of majestic and melodious!
 And how can the Chronicles wait for others,
 When in even phases life is like this;
 When Oleg mercilessly ruled them,
 Paganism boastfully glorifying.
 And after a lot of princes,
 Christ not recognizing and not knowing,
 All ruled, as much as you can not tell,
 Praising untruth instead of truth.
 But to finish our story truthfully
 Without the sweet charm of Vitya,
 We won't have much left —
 Put an end to the Byzantine battle.
 After a long siege, the Patriarch
 Said at the state Council:
 "Buy off the Scythians. Money is dust.
 Wealth is God's spirit in the world.
 Skiff likes money. Let him go home,
 In the pockets of sweet gold rattling.
 And we will rebuild the suburb empty,
 And again we will live, without knowing cares".
 And Prince Oleg sent the way home,
 And with him his great Armada.
 And to emphasize his victory,
 He nailed his shield on the gates of Tsargrad,
 Not even slightly open.
 Well, they didn't open, and they shouldn't.
 And it does not matter that only a wonderful fleet
 Gone in the Strait in a haze of blue,
 Oleg's shield was immediately knocked off the gate
 And thrown into the city dump.
 But there was a glorious Treaty left,
 Mutually beneficial and long-term.
 And plucked from specific burrows
 Mother Russia - from primitive gossip.
 There is a tradition, and everyone has read it
 In their God-given time,
 That horse Duke of death have taken.
 I believe that. Velek prophets.
 4.08.16 g.,
 Equal To The Apostles Mary Magdalene.
