Behold, I am creating new things!

Thought clothed in verbal form
 from the tongue flows through the earthly field
 someone keeps a certain rate
 Iamb, Horus, dactyl, etc., I'm looking for something else!
 The spirit breathes where it wants and its Voice
 you hear it, but you don't know where it's Coming from
 comes and where it goes..........
 The soul finds a new vestment of thought!
 The word became flesh full of Grace
 and Strength? Where did the Joy come from?
 From Paradise!
 A blue winged bird with sapphire eyes
 sometimes when she arrived she kissed me on the mouth
 Maidens in colorful clothes with lyres
 In a vision they praised the Lord at the cross
 If I fall silent in life, forget me
 My right hand and let me have no part
 in the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ!
 How long does the Generator fill the Receiver
 there is a transfer of energy from spirit to spirit!
 huge Acts of the apostles multi volume
 Hidden in the depths of the bowels is open to hearing!
 "I'm creating something new!" and creates a truly
 Bright eyes with pure hearts!
