After the ball

January came. A hangover follows.
 Olivier's basin is finished.
 Because of yesterday's fun
 Today I am doubly sad.
 Akin to the effect of & quot; after the ball" -
 Decline of strength, going to the bottom.
 I'm tired of resting now.
 At least for work - all the same.
 No, I don't shed stingy tears,
 And I didn't have to work hard,
 Me, contrary to any predictions,
 Well ate and drank.
 I danced until I fell,
 Champagne on all sides.
 And I've seen all my friends
 For an eight-day marathon.
 I was having fun with all my heart,
 I had as much fun as I could,
 And the negative did not happen,
 But still sadness found me!
 No, I didn't gain an ounce,
 Their envious out of spite.
 But infuriate colors instagram!
 Because of the miracle -
